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WORKOUTS Date t left f heneti ma ta tact workout Letter feDowiac time Indicate Indicatek k braeclnjE d drivinc e wdly h handily all out Miked B eased op opFurtert Furtert Time at Kaoh Dlateao Shown In Black Face Type FRIDAY JUNE 22 WASHINGTON PARK Weather partly cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 615 Arthur Mctz 36 h 528 Lady Louella36 d 615 Aga Ray 37 b 614 Minton 36b 619 Born Happy 37 b 620 My Muriel 37 d 616 Domnl Miss 39b 65 Miss Spiteful 37 h 619 Dancg Doll 35 d 619 Ms Corinne 36h 616DustjGirl 36b 619 Oscillation 36h 617 Eveline F 38 b 617 Smoky Mtn 36h 619 Flyg Justice 39b 616 Secret Tryst 38 b 619FHt of Gold 35d 616 Sir Richard 38b 614 Frisco 38 b 619 Sister Zoe 38 b 615 Jacobs Ladr 36 h 619Show Boy 35d 618 Jewelry 36h 620 Sula 35h 617 Little Joyce 37h 619 Spanish Babe 38b 63 Le Ministre 37h 37hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Bnie Marita 51 b 618 Delven 51h 615 Brn Feaths 49b 615 Orlatta 51 b b620Chrysostom 620Chrysostom 52b 620 Spanish Lad 50b 529 Croon 50b 617 Sportg Pearl 53b 66 Cotton Club 50b 53 Slim Rosie 49h 617 Dojo 50b 67 Unkie Tom 54b 618 Deceive 49h 530 Whizz James 50b 50bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 619 Boiling Pointl02 h 620 Mly Grnockl06b 617 Black Helenl02b 619 Mary Cultonl04h 617 Bay Servantl04b 620 Rubio 105 b 619 Bitter Barkl02h 619 Sergeant Dl02h 619 Civil War l05b 611 Siskin 101 b 617 Cloudet 109 b 620 Sun Chance l03h 619 Flo Raffles l05b 617 Snobeedo l04b 617 Gay Polka l04d 620 Slapped 103 b 616 Hasty Giancel03b 613 Westko l04b 619 Hilena 109 b 619 Wise Player l02b 619 Ima Grriockl05b 612 Western Ladl04b 620 Knight ManlK3b ManlK3bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 616 Albuquerquel18 b 620 Lle America 14d 618 Brit Shaddw1l3 d 620 Lady Va Val15b 617 Cp Douglasl18b 620 Royal Leon l15h 617 Gift of Rosesl17b 66 Spicson il b 6 20Hathy l14h l14hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 620 Mighty Atoml32b One Mile 621 Lkte Date 139 d 619 Seths Ballotl52b 619 Ryl BIunderl40d BIunderl40dOne One and OneEighth Miles 620 White Legs l55h l55hLate Late Date is in good form Hathy showed a good effort effortBright Bright Shadow and Little America were together ARLINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 616 Early Dawn 39b 617 Lisa Belle 37 b 614 Fr Countess 38h 619 Miss Boss 37b 619 Holster 39 b 614 Panorama 39 b 618 High Man 37hOneHalf 37h OneHalf Mile 616 Bally Wise 52 b FiveEighths Mile 614 All Bays l05b 613 My Myerson102 h 619 Fort SpringslK4b 619 Sand Cloud l04h 619 Fraidy Cat 1 K2b 613 Vance 1 03h 03hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 619 Carbon l18b 617 Red Whisk l18b 614 Dustina 123 b 619 Shuffle Off l18b l18b617Mucia 617Mucia 123 b 614 Thataway 116b 617 Mr James l18b l18bSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile v 618 Red Johhl29b 615 Wild Reigh 132 h 619 Saint l29b l29bOne One Mile 614 Thomasville l44b Thomasville worked easily Red John and Saint were both going easily LINCOLN FIELDS FIELDSWeather Weather cloudy track fast Three Eighths Mile 616 Doris B 39h 620 Last Attempt 40 b 620 Haple Hussy 38bOneHalf 38b OneHalf Mile 425 Maple Dream 54b 613 Tar Water 51b 51bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 620 Shackelford 109 b ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Radio Servicel18 h DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 519 Capitalist 35 h 619 Myturn 35h 616 Good Dame 37 h 63 Pass 37 h 619 Mr Presidnt 36h 63 Scircle Trail 39 h 620Myman 35h 620 Shoeless Jo 39 h 616 Mny Getter 36h 620 T Sympathy 35h 610 Miss Wise 38 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile615Bartg 615Bartg Kate 49h 613 Noelwood 54 b 522 Billy Bee 51h 419 PariMutuel 51 h 611 Carpet 50h 619 Robert S 55 b 620 Gay Monarch 49b 617 Scintilla 50 h 616 Injustice 54h 620 Saunter 51h 619 Jake Blieden 51h 620 Sabula 52b 65 Kowito 51h 620 Sun Apollo 48h 615 Keen 50 h 612 Thistle Wise 52h 616 Lucky Bill 51h 620 Tremolo 50h 618 Midshipman 50h 616 Tamish 50h 619 Millefiore 50h 615 Tee Totum 52b 64 Mint Bird 49 h 619 Vignolas Bud 52 h 619 Noah Grant 53 h hFiveEiflhths FiveEiflhths Mile 528 Ajzulikit l03h 618 Scream l03h 620 Desert Calll00h 614 Sash Cap l03h 620 Incandescent 103 h 620 Sea Fox 106 h 527 Light Wave 105 b 619 Sun Monk 103 h 620 Love Sick l04h 68 Slipper Kingl04h Kingl04h618Mtin 618Mtin Bartonl02 h 618 The Crane l03h 618 Ms EIegancel05 b 619 Terrier l00h 618 Ryl Lineagel05 b 610 The Point l02h l02hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Copley Sqrel19 h 620 Respect 123 b 621 Eddy Lee 115 h 616 Salaam l15h 610 Flo M 122 b 616 Silent Shot l17h 611 Fly Guy l20h 620 Trumpery l15h 614 Good Scout 119 h 510 Tut Tut 119 h h617Primute 617Primute 122 b 618 Tremendous l15h 620 Rehobpth 118 h 620 Zorach 122 b bOne One Mile 613 Cantine Lassl43h 616 Natamemor 148 h 621 Good Politianl44d 621 Safe a Sound143d LATONIA LATONIAWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 617 Aunt Modie 40 b 618 Landover 37 h h619Abdcl 619Abdcl 39h 620 Moa 35d 35d617Byphar 617Byphar 41 b 612 Old Lady 36h 618 Black Nose 35h 620 Prince Han 36h 619Bellona 39h 610 Ramrod 41 h 64 Blond Sure 37h 63 Red Cinders 37 h 610 Bbon Prince 36 h 617 Saginaw 37 h 69 Black Peter 38b 612 Southld Lad 36 h 621 Brzg Along 36h 620 Service Man 36h 820 Dick Star 35d 62 The Singer 39 h 618 Exponent 36 h 66 Thistle Par 36h 611 Forest Avue 38h 620 Van Diego 37 h 68 Judge Trible 38h 620 Visigoth 37 h 617 Jane Rachel 39 b 620 Wapalino 36 h OneHalf Mile Mile619AIpan 619AIpan 55 b 618 Hsiers Pride 51 b 620 Bobs Buddy 49 b 620 Lilac Day 51 h 65 Cpensatory 49h 613 New Deal 49b 521 Genial Joe 51 b 620 Softly Come 52 h 620 Grenadine 49h 619 Thistle Gny 49h 618 Hazel Jay 55 b 619 Thistle Bug 50h 614 Home Rule 49d 49dFiveEighths f I FiveEighths Mile 620 Ballyhoo 103 h 614 Legality 104 h 619 Brn Witchl02h 619 Mr Mack 105 h 415 Flo Along 107 h 612 Miss Machrcel03 h 619 Gyro l02h 616 Our Sammyl02h Sammyl02h620Hiburne 620Hiburne 103 h 620 Raggedy Ptsl06 b 68 Leros l02ysb 620 Stjensund 103 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 620 Budget l20h 620Floorman 118 h 617 Caroline C 118 h 617 Riff 120 h 621 Coptic l20h 619 Stall Man 117 d 621 Foolish Onel20 h 616 Three 118 b b6llFlce 6llFlce LouiselSO h hOne One Mile 618 Candy Van l49b 619 Mary Frcine142d Frcine142dMary Mary Francine went from the gate gateGrenadine Grenadine and Compensatory were to ¬ gether New Deal was only breezing FAIRIUqtJNT PARK Weather cloudy track fast TnreeEighths Mile 69 Altmark i37 b 612 Gay Days 37h 37h619Bobe 619Bobe 38b 614 Moral Miss 38b 38b615Baptiste 615Baptiste 40 b 619 Mere Satin 40b 615 Cut Price 40 b 614 Popo 38b 619 Dark Seeker 37h 65 Pent House 40b 620Dodiodo 37h 526 Tenant 38 b 619 Deep Sally 37h 618 Whper Crer 41 b 619 First General 38b 38bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 616 Abstain 51h 618 Miss Cohort 51h 68 Bcardi Swp 52 b 619 Nepesta 53h 619 Brd Smile 49h 619 Nowski 53 b 619Bayamo 54b 620 Noels First 54b 619 Bulstrode 5b 619 Otterrop 49 h 619Civollag 49 h 617 Race Extra 55 b 618 Captain Joy 51h 616 Royal Rock 48h 620Fette Prince 48h 422 Sun Thorn 52 b 620 Gden Glitter 1 b 620 Salesring 53h 619Huerfano 49h 422 St Mica 50h 65 Joe McCord 50h 613 Shland Toy 54b 617 Kavalry Jack 50 h 619 Tumbler 51b 616 King Today 53 b 620 Tom Marr 49b 49b620Malolo 620Malolo 55h Water Fowl 51h 619 Miss Coq52 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile620Annarita 620Annarita l04b 615 Gold Tip 103 11 615 Barbarossa 103 h 616 i Merilee Z1013 d dClovinia Clovinia 104 h 615 Pigeon Hole 106 b b531Cdit 531Cdit Systeml03 d 620 Sun Matel07b 619 Decline l04h 615 War Dimes 104 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 64 Animator Id6h 618 Ogee l23b 619 Christine Kl19b 619 The Judge l17h 620 Click 11 6h 619 Whisp 120 b 618 Our Justice l17h l17hClick Click and The Judge went from the gate Fayette Prince showed speed ROCKINGHAM PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 619 Appomattox 37h 617 Manya 36h 610 Alcorah 41 h 614 Pana Franka 37 h 619 Black Hand 35h 611 Plumage 39 h 620 Calgary Kay 40 h Rock Spray 37h 527 Chagrin 37h 619 Sarada 37 h h615Calome 615Calome 37 h Sweepogan 39h 617 Dark Tyrant 36h 619 Vted Power 36h 618 Flyg Sailor 35h 615 Universe 36h 620 Happy Helen 39h 62 Victorium 41 h hHogans Hogans Fox 39h 618 Wstys Duke 39h 39h616KaiFmn 616KaiFmn 39 h 618 Yonkel 39h 617 Mrning Mail 35hOneHalf 35h OneHalf Mile 620 Act Service 49h Reigh Rose 50 h h618Bamboula 618Bamboula 2 h 612 Rge Finder 49h 618 Buy Straight 4h 620 Sunador 49b 620 Blue Foam 49 h Sun Antioch 49h 424 Brown Twig 53 h 618 Star Chase 54h 54h619Colorist 619Colorist 52 h 618 Sparklite 50h 50h620Comig 620Comig Back 50h 621 Santerno 51h 310 Clapworth 54 h 619 Stcelhead 51 h 618 Dark Winter 49 h 619 Sun Cloister 53h 620 Ilchester 51 h 59 St Nick 50 h 620 Enthusiasm 49h 620 Slay Boy 50h 620 Front 49h 620 Star Porter 51 h 619 Greyglade 50 h 620 Tter Totter 48 h hGrace Grace Blotter 51h 619 Toy time 50 h 619 Gay Glade 52 h Technocrat 49h 619 High Socks 49h 619 Treadhaven 51 h 620 Love Lost 49h 620 Ukraine 49h 618 Liberty Oak 51h 620 White Bird 49h 619 Lofty Lady 48 h 620 Wise Prince 50h 618 Piety 48h 620 Yancey 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile618Dcing 618Dcing Qunl05h 614 Mousseur lK5h 613Dozana lK5h613Dozana 106 h 619 Newton Bellel02h 66 Fake lK2h 620 Prosecutor 105 h 620 Finnic lK3h 619 Rund Tablel02h 616 Forewarned l02h 619 Springsteel l02h l02h620Kinnear 620Kinnear l06h 63 Sarsita l05h 619 Leonie l04h 619 Teddy Carl l02h l02h610Mayvite 610Mayvite l04h 619 Time Flight l02h l02h619Monel 619Monel l03 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 619 Allenfern 117 h 615 Grand Unionl22 h 619 Cantersine l18h 59 Mting Placel20h 616 Canterchord l20h 620 Mry Chatterl18 h 621 Cbrrymeela 1J9 h 619 Rhodius Tll7b 620 Forage Capl23h 619 Solace 123 h One Mile 120 Flying Gypsy144b 620 Moralist 147 h 621 Lucky Princel45u 621 Pennyvisa l45h CHARLES TOWN TOWNWeather Weather clear track fast TnreeEighths Mile 44 Bcelona Pete 38 h 614 Modn Times 38 h 621 Do Tell 38 h 531 Mazyniata 43 b 529 Fort Youth 38 b 617 Repeal 37h 68 Glisk 39 b 610 Sand Bell 37 h h813Morocen 813Morocen 36 h 68 This Play 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 614Bonsoir 50 b 617 Golden Vein 54 b 613 Claque 50b 616 Hurdy Gurdy 49 h hOne One Mile 621 Pro Bono 144 h CONNAUGHT PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track good threeEighths Mile 617 Captive 40 b Tomboy 8 h 817 Fortune Bay 37hOneHalf 37h OneHalf Mile 619 Blue John 51 h 617 Fleckel 51 h 67 Chortle 53 b 617 Hollandaise 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 66 Black Jacket103 h 65 Ethan Allen 108 h 523 Bty Farrell 105 h 617 Protractor 108 b 531 By Product 112 b 617 Roselys 109 b 618 Disapproved 104 b 620 Sorcery l03h 531 Dark Ayr 114 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 613 Chrysmute 121 b 618 Euxin 121 b DAYTON DAYTONWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile MileBabaloo Babaloo 41 h 612 Long John 41h 619 C Earl Pat 40h 611 Moiras Boy 39d 612 Fair Grade 42 h Papillote 39h 39hFavorite Favorite One 40 h 619 Qk Delivery 42h OneHalf Mile MileI 63 Polisher 54h 327 Wild Rosebd 55 h 619 Silverette 54l 620 VVhiskor 53h 53hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 621 Mr De Luxel20d HAMILTON ONT ONTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 611 Betimes 37 h Kittle 36 h 611 Fly Fisher 37 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile MileBandalore Bandalore 50h 613 Worthing 51 b 17 Idle Talk 49h Young Satin 50h 50hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 529 Acajou 1 01h 611 Step Off l02h 67 Lindsay l02h One Mile 65 Stealgaway l44h DUFFERIN PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 619Altsheb 40 b 615 Santa Crest 39 b 620 Fanny 37d 620 Trigling 39 b 621 Kitty C 38 h 620 Yellow Metal 38 h 615 Quickly 40 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile520CIarry 520CIarry 55 h 620 Pan 55 h 620 Master Bbie 53h 619 Vtys Butler 54 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 621 Frigid Frosty 121 h 528 Mr Chink 122 h 619 Milestone 122 h AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTI I Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 615 Dunbar 36 h 615 Morpluck 36 h 611 Ira L 37 h 616 Thundertone 36 h 620 Kungsholm 36 h 612 Torfrida 36 h hOne One Half Mile 614 Brit Pattern 50 h 620 Little Lie 49h 613 Impromptu 51 h 620 Troboy 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 615 Corne Dley102 h 618 Hydras 103 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 614 Occidental 1 17h 620 Speedmore 1 1 6 h 613Pemrate 119 h hSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Economic l36h 620 Nipped 131 h One Mile 616 Fleam i 149 h hBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 63 Antartic 36 h 616 Forever Yng 37h 618 Air Line 36h 620 Line of Fire 37h 618 Buster Boy 36 h 617 Spanish Wy 40 b 620 Bit o Shade 36 h 65 Spme Court 37h 69 Cheshire 7 h 620 Warned Off 36 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 618 Black Falcon 50 h 618 Oral 50 h 620 Hindu Queen 48d 616 Sun Clothing 50 h 519 instigator 51 h 619 Singg Wood 47h 620 New Pin 48h 618 Sound Advice 49 h 620 Ncverfade 50 h 620 Vanished 49 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mite 69 Brave Girl 106 b 620 Middling l04h 620 Ipse Dixitl03h 621 The Potter 103 h 614 Garn Iesgel02h 611 Wilful Missl05 h 615 Lady Reigh 101d 101dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 616 Bonanza l14d 619 Identify l16h 620 Brown Jackl16h 620 Jack Lowl17b 617 Captain Argol16h 616 Romn Punchli6 h h619Drecl 619Drecl 118 h 619 Stepbrother 1J6 h 619 Follow On 118 h 620 Victory Flag1 3 b 621 Flying Hour113 d dSevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 619 Singg Heartl29 d dOne One Mite 617 Debenture l44h 621 Mad Beth l44h 620 Infinitate 144 h 525 Trading Postl48 h hJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 610 Bright Toney 38 b 615 Lady Queene 40 b 430 General A 42 b 520 Sgt Byrne 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 620 Garlic 56 b 619 May ONeil 51b 615 Laura Gal 49 d dFive Five Eighths Mile 619 Fairly Wild 106 b 620 Prince Regret104 b 616Leroline 106 b 618 Veronica Cl06b 618Maenora l06b l06bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 616 Uncle Donaldl18h Donaldl18hOne One Mile 618 Bottled Bbnl55 b 621 Mint Paragon148 b