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AQUEDUCT NEW YORK N Y WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 1934 Aqueduct 1 14 miles 51 feet Fifteenth day Queens County Jockey Club Autumn meeting of 21 days Wait Stall Gate used 90 books Weather clear Steward representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association H W Maxwell Stewards of Meet ¬ ing H W Maxwell and A H Morris Steward representing New York State Racing Commission M Cas idy Judges E C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter G Cassidy Racing Secretary J J Kane Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds 9QA4A FIRST RACE58 Mile Miss Star Sept 25 1922 57 2 107 Purse 1000 2 fourthJune2734Aqu oV yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 fourth June2734Aqu 525 Claiming price 2000 if for 1500 allowed 4 Ibs Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P EASY FLIGHT w 105 55 I1 I1 P LitzbgerEMrs P Corning 55485 45 459670S 9670S COMMUNIST WB 109 4 1 34 2s 25 KsingerC J P Jones 21 135 21 1 25 97665 FIRST ROUNDUP WB 107 8 6 71 4lk 34 CoucciS Maemcre F Sta 8 10 10 4 ° 97740RIVER ROSE w 108 3 2 4l 3 44 HunterJ Brandon Stable 21 3 3 1 97665 MASKED REVUE WB 105 7 8 64 6 5l StoutJ J S Anderson 12 15 12 5 2 297666FOGGY 97666FOGGY DAWN w 105 2 3 5k 5l 6l JonesR Miss E M Cyford 6883 85 94289 GAY LADY w 106 9 7 9 71 7 RenickS M Shea 30 60 50 20 10 97541 NAJORT wsl09 6 9 8k 9 8 WrightWDMrs E A Burke 20 40 40 15 8 94394 SIR HAROLD w 110 14 2 8l 9 HornF C H Trotter 8 10 8 3 85 85Time Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Dunlin Exalted Riiler by Superman trained by M Hirsch bred by Mr K N Gilpin Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 234 AT POST 4J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third easily easilyEASY EASY FLIGHT moved into command at once showed speed and held COMMUNIST safe to the finish The httec on the outside on the olbow moved up fast and finished gamely on the inside FIRST ROUNDUP closed a gap RIVER ROSE had no mishaps FOGGY DAWN could not keep up upOverweight Overweight Gay Lady 4 pounds Sir Harold 1 QftffcJ 1 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles Banner Day Sept 23 1930 400 3 132 Purse V 750June2734Aqu VV 1000 4yearolds and upward Selling Steeplechase Net value to winner 750 June2734Aqu second 150 third 75 fourth 25 Selling price 2000 if for 1800 allowed 3 3Ibs Ibs Index Horses K rt A Wt PPSt 4 8 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners 97892 HOLE HIGH ws 4 137 4 3 2l 3U 21 Pk P SmootC Mrs F A Clark 21 185 3 1 25 2597811IDEPART 97811IDEPART w5138 3 2 3l 2 2k ° k P 2 2M Brown N J P Jones 75751 2515 251597811SWANSEA 97811SWANSEA w8135 5 5 P P 3 3U 310 LittleH J Bosley Jr 365 8535 97964 LAVISBY ws 6 144 2 1 5 4 4 4 4 CassonW C T Wood Jr 30 50 50 15 6 696408SOME 96408SOME HERO ws 5 135 6 6 4k Lost rider CksMrWB Mrs S K Legare 10 20 15 6 21 971 10GHOST DANCER WB 5 140 1 4 Lost rider HamnMrR Mrs W Wear 56 6 2 710 710Time Time 409 Track fast Winner Br g by Macaw Drive by Johren trained by J Hcaly bred by Sage Stable Winner en ¬ tered to be claimed for 1800 1800WENT WENT TO POST 304 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily secondhand third the same sameHOLE HOLE HIGH jumped well overcame interference from the riderless GHOST DANCER and responding to pressure drew away from DEPART at the end The latter was also bothered by GHOST DANCER but chal ¬ lenged gamely when clear SWANSEA jumped well showed good speed but was knocked off stride and forced to take up when struck going to the seventh fence by GHOST DANCER LAVISBY was outrun all the way SOME HERO lost his rider at the eighth fence and GHOST DANCER his at the first jump Overweight Hole High 2 pounds Swansea 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Lavisby 144 QQ O THIRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs Ramoneur June 13 1927 117 3 107 Consolation CPOvrTt CPOvrTtB1 valueJune2734Aqu B1 Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Maidens Special weights Net value June2734Aqu to winner 850 second 200 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 94981 BUSTER BOY w w3113 3 113 4 42 2 3k 3l 24 14 McTagrtJ D B John 10 12 12 5 21 21WB 96019 VOLOMITE WB 3 112 9 8 81 61 3Ik 2 PascumaA J J Robinson 3431 12 12WB3112 94875 ROMAN PUNCH WB WB3112 3 112 3 34 4 489713BRIGHT 64 5k 44 32 JonesR Sage Stable 858511102515 858511102515WB 89713BRIGHT CHANCE WB 3 107 8 7 51 Jl 51 41 RenickS Mrs A Duval 10 20 15 6 3 3WB 97741 WISE REVUE WB 3 1111 2 1 14 14 11 5 GilbertJ J S Anderson 10 12 12 5 21 21WB 97741 FORTIS WB 3 112 5 3 21 21 6l 61 HunterJ D Douglas 10 20 15 6 3 3w3112 97544 UNCHANGING w3112 7 76 6 41 7lk T 7ok LitzbgerEGeneseo Stable 4 8 7 21 65 65WB 97669 CHILLY WB WB3112 3 112 6 5 7l 8 8 8l MarshallT Ascot Stable 20 60 50 20 10 10w 9731 4 SIENNA w w3107 3 107 1 19 9 999 9 CoucciS A C Bostwick 10 15 15 6 3 Time 23 48 114 121 Track fast fastWinner Winner Gr c by Royal Canopy Gypsum by Trap Rock trained by P Morrell bred by Mr H K Benham BenhamWENT WENT TO POST 337 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third easily easilyBUSTER BUSTER BOY forced the pace disposed of WISE REVUE in the stretch and drawing away held VOLO ¬ MITE safe The latter began slowly improved his position steadily and finished fast ROMAN PUNCH awav well was outrun early then went to the outside entering the stretch but tired under pressure BRIGHT CHANCE showed early speed WISE REVUE quit badly FORTIS had no mishaps Overweight mishapsOverweight Buster Boy 1 pound Wise Revue 4a QQfM Q FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Outline June 20 1924 110 3 118 Purse 1000 3 75June2734Aqu oV yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 June2734Aqu fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for 51500 allowed 4 Ibs Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners w3102 5 5 P P P P HunterJ Mrs K Jesberger 1 6511102516 93507 EREBUS WB 3 107 77 3 31 3 2k CoucciS J C Clark 3 4 31 65 12 97468 BALLY BAY WB 4 115 6 6 24 2k 2k 34 RenickJ J V Stewart 6 12 10 3 75 7597261JAPPREHENSIVE 97261JAPPREHENSIVE WB 4 111 11 1 7 61 6 4 GilbertJ Miss E M Cyford 5 7721 SSeoSNIPPED w 3 102 4 4 51 41 5k 5 LitzbgerEMrs P Jglehart 10 10 6 2 45 4593581LANDSMAN 93581LANDSMAN WB 3 100 33 4k 544 6 PernaC J P Donigan 10010010040 20 97743 BABY CHARD w 3 1041 2 2 6s 7 7 7 RenickS j Simonetti 15 20 20 7 3 3Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Master Charlie Catherine Stuart by Helmet trained by W Jesberger bred by Mr T C Piait Winner entered to be claimed for 52000 52000WENT WENT TO POST 406 AT POST 5J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingLAUREL LAUREL MISS showed good speed drew away and won with speed to spare EREBUS improved his position 011 the outside BALLY BAY came over after the start and caused crowding then tired in the drive APPREHENSIVE was knocked back NIPPED went very wide into the stretch LANDSMAN and BABY CHARD were bothered soon after the start Overweight Apprehensive 2 pounds Baby Chard 4 OQfit1 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile John P Grier June 25 1921 136 4 127 Purse 1000 3 3V V thirdJune2734Aqu VvV yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 5150 third June2734Aqu 75 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 InIex Horses Eqt A WtPPSt V4 Mr Fin Jockey Owners O H 0 979C5PALATINE WB 4 109 5 IP P P P P RaineyC C H Knebcl Knebcl977412MURMURING Knebclkamp 8 10 8 3 85 85WB 977412MURMURING WB 3 102 2 3 6lk 54 5 41 2V HunterJ Ascot Stabl97743SWEET Stable 3 3 115 1 12 12WB 97743SWEET BUD WB 5 113 7 6 31 4 4l 5l 31 StoutJ J Dcnequolo Dcnequolo97743PEACOCK 3 41 41 8545 8545WB 97743PEACOCK ALLEY WB 5 116 97 5 3 2 2k 4k WrightWD R A Oliver 6 7 6 21 65 97905PERNICKETY WB 4 104 1 9 74 7Ek 61 6l 5 PernaC Mrs H D Cox 25 30 25 8 4 97743 LUCKY RACKET w 5 108 8 8 9k 10 71 71 61 RenickJ H Simpson 5 6 6 21 65 97741 PRECIOUS KING w3110 3 4 2k 2k3l 31 71 HornF A M Jacobus 31 4 1858545 96793 CORVINE w 4 100 10 10 10 9 94 9l 84 LHzbgerEW Denning 15 20 15 6 3 96703 GRACIAS w 4 113 4 2 81 81 8lk 81 91 CoucciS R W Randolph 15 15 12 5 21 94292 CANTERET w 4 105 6 5 4lk 6h 10 10 10 RenickS W Denman 100 100 100 40 20 20Time Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Prince Pal My Ctjllecn by Pebbles trained by C H Knebelkamp bred by Mr H P Hanger Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 434 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same samePALATINE PALATINE outran the others from the start drew into a Ion lead and won in hand MURMURING improved her position steadily and finished well on the outside SWEET BUD outlasted PEACOCK ALLEY The latter appeared sore going to the post and tired PERNICKETY went wide all the way LUCKY RACKET lacked early speed PRECIOUS KING quit badly CORVINE had no mishaps GRACIAS quit quitScratched Scratched 96793 Bottled Bourbon 100 Overweight Murmuring 2 pounds Precious King 3 QOCr SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles Peanuts Sept 18 1926 148 4 114 Purse 1flOO 3 75June2734Aqu CFOF lcf yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 75 June2734Aqu fourth 25 Claiming price 2500 Index Horses Eqt A WIPPSt Y4 Vt Sir Fin Joctey Owners o n c P 975431SPANISH WAY WB 4 117 1 3 24 21 2 Pk P JonesR Mrs C Phillips 135185316513 97469UNCLE DONALD WB 4 117 2 4 31 3l 31 34 24 RenickJ P B Codd 21 165 135 1 13 1397603PARITY 97603PARITY WB 4 110 4 1 Pk 14 P 21 3k RaineyC Mrs M Schiml 135 31 3 1 13 1397606TOP 97606TOP HIGH w 3109 5 2 44 44 44 4l 44 HunterJ Mrs F Colletti 2 135 115 710 14 1497608MAJOR 97608MAJOR GENERAL WB 5 110 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 YagerE G Boehle 20 20 20 8 21 21Time Time 23 47J 112 138 151 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Spanish Prince II Miss Marcclla by Sir Martin trained by C Phillips fared by Audley Farm and Mr L A Moseley Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 500 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameSPANISH SPANISH WAY disposed of PARITY when ready and drew away under hard urging UNCLE DONALD improved his position in the stretch but could not menace the winner PARITY showed speed saved ground and had no mishaps TOP HIGH restrained early went wide entering the stretch MAJOR GEN ¬ ERAL was outrun