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1st Aqueduct Purse 1200 2 YearOlds Maidens Special Weights Mile Miss Star SePt 25 1922 57 2 107 BestatDistanceN Wt Claim Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price OverstimuIateAqu 116 59 116 Galon Boy Aqu 116 100 116 116Collector Collector Al Aqu 116 100 116 Finance 116 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 96175 Credulous 116 116Corinne Corinne Dailey 113 96421 Satrapal 116 97464 Swindler Aqu 115 104 116 Best times shown above are from Jan 1 1933 cFair mud runner XGood mud runner Superior mud runner runnerBrackets Brackets won last start figures or 8 2nd or 3rd last start apprentice allowance allowanceScratches Scratches are shown In Past Performances but In all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered In this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year OverstillUllate 1 1 fi B 2 M by Stimulus Debonaire by McGee McGeeJune June 26 Jam 38 37ft lL J Trainer D Bentham Owner D Bentham BenthamDate Date Trk JJis Tinio Con Odds Wt St Str FlnJorkey PP ClPce Sts Rest Compnny Jun2234Aqu CompnnyJun2234Aqu 59 ft 165 116 3 1 lk 1MWkmanR1 Maid 10 Nubs 116GalonBoy 116ColIectorAl 116 116Disqualified Disqualified DisqualifiedJual834Aqu Jual834Aqu 101 ft 15 115 9 11 735 75 GarnerM12 Maid 14 SirLamorack 1150maha 115 Nubs 115 Mar28342Trp i 48 ft 3 115 4 3 445 52J BurkeJH7 Maid 7 CdyPrcell5Cmanchita 112Spccs 112 Mar21344Trp i 47 ft 5 115 5 4 4 5 375CoucciS2 Maid 9 TSpathyll5BegBaitll5MySeltnll5 Starts 1st Cnd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1934 record 4 0 0 5G Galon Boy 1 1 fi Ch c 2 M by Gonfalon Gnome Girl by Gnome GnomeJune June 26 Aqu 12 52ft LJ J Trainer G Kelley Owner W W Vaughan Jua2234Aqu 59 ft 7 116 1 3 32 S GilbcrtJ5 Maid 10 Overstimurell6Nubs 116ColtorAl 116 iPlaccd 116iPlaccd second through disqualification disqualificationJual834Aqu Jual834Aqu 1 101 ft 12 115 7 2 631 10 RichardsH Maid 14 SirLamorack 1150maha 115 Nubs 115 Junl234Aqu 1 100 ft 50 116 1 3 35 45 CoucciS3 Maid 12 BrBannerll6BeMine 116Cterboy 116 1934 record 3 0 1 0 175 Collector Al C B c 2 M by Justice F Tuscaloosa by Chuctanunda ChuctanundaJune June 27 Jam 38 36ft 1 1 u Trainer H C Riddle Owner J J Robinson RobinsonJua22341Aqu Jua22341Aqu 1 59 ft 12 116 5 4 545 4JtPascumaA2 Maid 10 Overstimell6Nubs 116GalonBoy 116 116fPlaccd fPlaccd third through disqualification disqualificationJunl8341Aqu Junl8341Aqu 101 ft 20 115 10 7 965 85 PascumaA8 Maid 14 SirLamorack 1150maha 115 Nubs 115 MaylSSWam 59 ft 6 118 8 10 65 6 PascumaA1 Maid 10 OurReighll8Jobakhctall8 Igraine 115 IaylO34JJam g 1KX ft 6 118 1 6 8 9 PascumaA1 Maid 9 VaCruzllSAIIAflamelieOurRcigh 118 1934 record 4 0 0 1 75 Finance I I B c 2 M by Bull Dog Bourse by Broomstick JJU Trainer M Hirsch Owner Coldstream Stud Stable First start Sound TrompJune Advice 1 1 fi B c 2 Mr b w Counsellor Wise Mother by Von Tromp June 26 Bel 58102ft A x Trainer M Brady Owner Catawba Stable Am 934Bel 1 we 59 ft 115 SCRATCHED Maid 10 Vermthll2ChnceSunll5Tophorn 112 112Corinne Corinne Dailey 1 1 3 B f 2 M by Swift and Sure Headdress by Mad Hatter HatterJune 1 June 25 Bel 12 49ft 110 Trainer J Loftus Owner S R Rosoff May2634Bel RosoffMay2634Bel 4jwc 53 m 114 SCRATCHED Maid 11 NrChangell4MTurtle 1141grame 114 114Credulous Credulous 1 1 fi Ch 9 2 M by Omar Khayyam Better Believe by Helmet HelmetJune June 27 Bel 12 48ft U Trainer J P Jones Owner Mrs L Viau Viau3034LBel ViauM M 3034LBel 4Jwc 52 ft 30 114 15 6 61 41 MallcyT4 Maid 18 ClnOutlllBoShadelllSBeware 114 114Apc2434HdG Apc2434HdG 4 f 54 ft llf 110 4 9 91 6Ji McTagtJ1 Maid 13 LSablel07BarbarianllOMcPrince 110 1934 record 2 0 0 0 25 25Satrapal Satrapal 1 1 Gr c 2 M by The Satrap Pink Lily by Sea Sick SickJune June 26Aau 58 l02ft Trainer R E Handlen Owner Foxcatcher Farms Stable StableJun234sBcl Jun234sBcl wc 59 ft 25 114 8 5 6 81 RenickS Maid 11 Todayll4PysPillarll4rPestuous 114 1934 record 1 1Swindler Swindler 1 1 fJ Ch c 2 M by Infinite Big Gyp by Captain Alcock AlcockJune June 24 Bel 58 l06ft u Trainer J P Smith Owner G H Bostwick BostwickJunlS34lAqu JunlS34lAqu f 101 ft 60 115 12 1212 13 HunterJ5 Maid 14 SirLamorack 1150maha 115 Nubs 115 1934 record 1