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RACING FORM CHARTS DETROIT The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Second Races at Detroit Wednesday Paid 6400 for 2 DETROIT MICH WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 1934 Fair Grounds 1 mile Tliirtysixth day Detroit Racing Association Summer meeting of 120 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission J S Young Presiding Steward J A Murphy As ¬ sociate Steward H P Conkling Judges S S Brown J Carey and C F Henry Starter G Palmer Racing Secretary J A Murphy Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QftOfil FIRST RACE 58 Mile Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2 CFOvrvJJL yearolds Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2734Det fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 31 2i P P WoolfG Dixiana 400100 1 P 2 iLutherT F Alger Jr 5290100 41 41 3l 31 RoseG C V Whitney 250100 97277HANNAH ANNE w 104 53 2k 3l 4 41 PetrellaP B J Thuring Thuring97832WILDERNESS 590100 97832WILDERNESS WAY w 104 810 6 71 6l 5 RobertsP Kccneland Stud Stable iSlOlOO 97763 TARBUCKET w wl2 112 3 32 2 71 9 5 6 JacobsJ Grcentree Stable StableVB 1040100 97623 GOLD SWEEP WB VB 112 11 8 84102 71 7k CallahanH Bomar Stable Stablew09 860100 97277 STATION BELLE w w09 109 4 9 9CHERO 10J 61 84 8 McCuneD F A Wehle Wehlew CHERO w 112 112 11297922JIMPERIAL IP IP 91 91 JudyJ Tranquility Farm Stable Stablew04 97922JIMPERIAL BUNTY w w04 104 7 76 6 697763ROSEWATER 51 5 101 10s MauroF Imperial Farms Stable Stablew 460100 97763ROSEWATER w 104 2 25 5 91 8 IP IP SmithJJ W E Charles 13230100 1323010097277NORTHVILLE 97277NORTHVILLE MAID v 104 6 11 12 12 12 12 CampbellF L Blankc 13900100 13900100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 jnjTUELS PAID iOFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MARV 1000 640 400 400 100 220 100 100 100 100SUN SUN LURE 3960 2000 1880 100 900 100 100FINIKIN FINIKIN 340 70 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Mars Mary V by High Time trained by C Van Duscn bred by Mr C T Fisher Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 230J AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMARV MARV away well and a strong factor from the start took command in the stretch and won easily SUN LURE outsprintcd the others from the start drew into a long lead but failed to hold the winner FINIKIN pinched back on the far turn was much the best of the others HANNAH ANNE tired in the drive WILDER ¬ NESS WAY had a rough race TARBUCKET was shuffled back after leaving the back stretch IMPERIAL BUNTY quit quitOverweight Overweight Marv 2 pounds QQffcfi SECOND RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse 50June2734Det JJOVfvf w 800 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 June2734Det fourth 25 Claiming price 1500 IndfX Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 Sstr Flu jockfvs Owner Equiv Odds Strt 97404 BETTY WEE WB 107 43 23 2 P Pk HooperC Nix Hunter 310100 31010097760BLACK 97760BLACK SONG WB 107 61 HP 24 22 WintcrsM Starmount Stable 510100 97985 CHATTERDOO w 112 3 4 3l 34 3l 3 RoseG H R Dickens 490100 490100979233SCOTCH 979233SCOTCH PEPPER WB 114 i 1 6 61 52 4l 44 WoolfG Bomar Stable 150100 97561 LENA WEE w 112 2 7 77 54 51 McCuneD F A Wehle 770100 98896 NIGHT BRIGADE WB 112 72 41 41 63 6 MauroF Langlois Verheyden 1920100 94825 ASZULIKIT w 107 55 5 6l 7 7 JacobsJ J F Adams 5780100 5780100Time Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFF1CIA BOOKING ODDB BETTY WEE 820 420 340 310 100 110 100 70 100 100BLACK BLACK SONG 460 300 130 100 50 100 100CHATTERDOO CHATTERDOO 440 120 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Crusader Dorothy Kendlc by Wildair trained by B Yates bred by Mr R H Anderson Winner entered to be chimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 258 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBETTY BETTY WEE fractious and starting from outside the stalls was closest to the pace for half a mile bore out entering the stretch but moved up fast thereafter and held BLACK SONG safe The latter first away held command under strong urging but gave way to the winner midway of the stretch CHATTER ¬ DOO outlasted SCOTCH PEPPER The latter saved ground when moving up and was wearing down CHAT ¬ TERDOO LENAWEE closed a gap NIGHT BRIGADE came over sharply on the far turn but tired in the last quarter ASZULIKIT was pinched back when NIGHT BRIGADE came over overScratched Scratched 97762 Ragtown Belle 102 97833 Spring Drive 102 102Overweight Overweight Scotch Pepper 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Betty Wee 107 QOf O THIRD RACE 58 Mile Try Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2 25June2734Det CfOVHJO yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 June2734Det Claiming price 1200 EUt A Wt IISt 97763DARK DIANNE w 104 2 2 51 24 I1 14 AtkinsG C Smythe 530100 5301002k 97832IMPERIAL JACK WB107 1 1 2k 3l 3 2l MauroF Imperial Farm Stable 290100 97832 PISH TUSH WB 112 10 6 44 44 4 3 JacobsJ Grecntrcc Stable Continued on fourteenth tfiige DETROIT DETROITContinued Continued from third page 97763 DOKAS w 112 77 9l 91 72 42 CallahanH J D Weil 290100 290100w 97208HIDDEN DUST DUSTADAMS w 105 5 3 I1 I1 25 54 DronctL H W W J Young 1880100 1880100w ADAMS EVE w 109 4 9 71 61 51 6l LutherT J F Adams 6520100 6520100w 96638 POSITIVE PEARL w 109 6 8 6 75 62 74 CritchfldC Tliree Ds Stock Farm Sta 2200100 2200100w 974E4 KEEN w 112 95 85 8l 8l 8 JudyJ Tranquility Farm Stable 380100 97E63SISTER VINIE w 104 3 10 10 10 9 92 WintcrsM Starmounl StabU 11810100 97277 VIGNOLAS BUD w 109 8 4 3l 55 10 10 RoscG C Garrigan 21570100 21570100Time Time 23 47 100 Track fast 2 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB DARK DIANNE 1260 520 320 530 100 160 100 60 100 100IMPERIAL IMPERIAL JACK 460 340 130 100 70 100 100PISH PISH TUSH 400 100 100 100Winner Winner Blk f by Display Annarella by Derides trained by E Davis bred by Mereworth Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 330 AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDARK DARK DIANNE dose up from the start disposed of HIDDEN DUST in the stretch and won handily IMPERIAL JACK first away and hard urged forcing the early pace lost ground entering the stretch but closed with a rush PISH TUSH had no mishaps DOKAS slow to start and outrun for threeeighths closed a big gap ADAMS EVE showed good form KEEN was outrun Scratched 97832 Lucky Bill 112 Overweight Hidden Dust 1 pound QQffefzl FOURTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse 100June2734Det JJOvFOrt 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 June2734Det third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 974S5BURGOO wn 6 109 12 3 397762TWO lk I1 P I1 MauroF Mrs A Manale t80100 97762TWO TRICKS wn 4 104 1 5 5978332PRINCETON 45 4l 35 21 CochraneR A J Halliwell Halliwell2r 840100 978332PRINCETON w 8 109 7 2 2r 25 24 35 DronetL H Sherman Sherman3l 200100 97058 HASTIPAST w 4 109 3 6 3l 3l 44 41 LutherT F A Carrcaud 510100 977G2ROYAL PURCHASE WB 4 104 8 10 1096977BR1GHT 95 64 55 55 PetrcllaP B J Thuring 510100t t 96977BR1GHT KNOT WB 5 109 4 4 497762SUN 65 55 65 6l BurnsE E Drillon 1320100 97762SUN B WB 6 104 2 7 5 8 84 74 WintcrsM C E Graham Grahamgi 2500100 97833 VOLWOOD w 4 114 5 8 gi l 71 8s DayW LGaines 540100 97764 COGAIR WB vB8114 8 114 911 91197410THISTLE 11511512 9l HoopcrC Nix Hunter 2160100 97410THISTLE WISE w 4 110J11 12 12 12 115 105 DanielsA G Collins 2160100t t 90101 STOCK MARKET WB 7 114 10 9 102 105 9 II5 CritchfldC Oak Tree Stable 2490100 94150HALFDAY WB 6 114 61 75 95 101 12 JudyJ Mrs C Howard 1140100 1140100fMutuel fMutuel Held Time 23 47 114 Track fast fastr r 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB BURGOO Field 1760 640 320 780 100 220 100 60 100 100TWO TWO TRICKS 920 500 360 100 150 100 100PRINCETON PRINCETON 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Ch h by North Star III Breakfast Bell by Black Toney trained by J Manale bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 359 AT POST 61 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBURGOO BURGOO began well and took command under hustling tactics reached a clear lead after a half mile and finished under pressure TWO TRICKS fractious and slow to begin followed the pace under good urging and finished with a rush PRINCETON closest to the pace offered a strong bid after reaching the stretch but tired HASTIPAST was a strong factor throughout ROYAL PURCHASE closed a gap BRIGHT KNOT had no excuses SUN B quit VOLWOOD was outrun HALF DAY quit Overweight quitOverweight poundsCorrected Thistle Wise lj pounds Corrected weight Half Day 114 O f fer er FIFTH RACE 34 Mile out of chute Clotho May 17 1934 110 5 109 Purse iT Tr 5SOO 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 June2734Det third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 i llniKft E ltA WtPPSt l4 1A Str Kin Joikeys Ownc 97689MORSUN WSB 8 109 4 4 25 I1 14 Il DronetL Lone Star Stable 210100 977e6MUSLET 210100977e6MUSLET w 4 104 51 51 31 2l 22 MauroF Odessa Farms Stable 480100 48010097764TIMOROUS 97764TIMOROUS 53010097S24SUGAR w 4 104 26 4b 4k 31 3s PetrellaP Mrs H Howard 530100 339010097562MORE 97S24SUGAR JAR w 4 107 6 5 6 54 54 4k CampbellF C M Wilkerson 3390100 97562MORE ANON WB 4 109 3 2 I1 2 4 52 WintcrsM C A Marone 760100 97764STYLE 76010097764STYLE CORNER WB 4 111 1 3 35 6 6 6 CochraneR A J Halliwell 200100 200100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100MUSLET MORSUN 620 400 280 210 100 100 100 40 100 100TIMOROUS MUSLET 460 340 130 100 70 100 TIMOROUS 380 90 100 Winner 100Winner Ch h by Morvidi Sun Caris by Sun Briar trained tiy J B Theall bred by Mr W J Burke Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 431 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start drivingM01ISUN good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving M01ISUN took command when ready and drawing away was shaken up in the final stages MUSLET dropped back after being first away but came again and was wearing down the winner TIMOROUS in close quarters for a quarter went to the outside saved ground entering the stretch and was much the best of the others SUGAR JAR lost ground throughout MORE ANON quit STYLE CORNER was weakly ridden and allowed to drop back after a quarter June2734Det second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 97765 MISS PURRAY WB 4 101 22 I1 3l I1 15 lat JacobsJ Tranquility Farm Stable 75010Q 975G2MIDSHIPMAN w 4 110 3 5 55 6 6 21 25 LutherT R R Grccnlee 190100 96726 UNENCUMBERED WB 5 106 1 1 41 52 55 53 3 CritchfldC Bomar Stable 97625LADYKIN w 4 95 6 6 6 44 2l 45 42 RobcrtsP Elmtrce Stable 670100 67010097924DON 97924DON VERN WB 5 100 5 4 34 21 35 3 54 CochraneR A J Halliwell 700100 70010097764MANNERS 97764MANNERS WB 5 100 4 3 2 15 44 6 6 WintersM C E Smith 290100 Time 25 49 11314 140 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100MIDSHIPMAN MISS FURRAY 1700 840 440 750 100 320 100 120 100 MIDSHIPMAN 100UNENCUMBERED 540 420 170 100 110 100 UNENCUMBERED 420 110 100 100Winner Winner Br f by Purchase Auray by North Star III trained by C Irby bred by Mr H F Sinclair Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 4591 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMISS MISS PURRAY took command at once was saved when outrun then took the lead again and bore out entering the stretch but held MIDSHIPMAN safe The latter outrun for threequarters saved ground on the last turn and was wearing down the winner UNENCUMBERED closed a big gap LADYKIN moved up with a rush but was carried out by the winner DON VERN was also forced to the outside and tired MAN ¬ NERS showed early speed speedScratched Scratched 97765 Impeach 105 105Corrected Corrected weight 19 ss Purray 101 QOfhfCrr SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Thomasville May 17 1934 144 3 107 Purse 100June2734Det i oH 5800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 June2734Det third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1200 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs linlf Hurt Kill A WtlIM v V SI I1 in lorheTF nwnep Eqnlv OddK Strt 97839CAPTAIN ED WB 5 108 4 7 5 41 I1 1s 11 MauroF C S Banroft 340100 976263THISTLE 340100976263THISTLE FYRN WB 8 106 6 5 43 55 3b 31 21 DronetL G Collins 160100 16010097566HOMELIKE 97566HOMELIKE WB 8 108 1 2 71 72 72 54 3l CochraneR A J Halliwell 880100 976292BELL 880100976292BELL MAN wn 3 102 33 I1 I2 24 2l 45 RoseG J F Adams 730100 97839 WISE LEE w 6 113 2 1 65 6l 61 41 51 CritchfldC J Driscoll 420100 96391 REGIS PLAY WB 3 100 8 8 8 8 8 6 65 JacobsJ Mrs 0 R Grouse 5770100 96899 LIGHTIN BILL WB 3 103 5 4 21 21 4s 75 75 WagncrJ Mrs J Martin 3870100 97839SPRING 387010097839SPRING FLIGHT WB 4 103 7 6 35 32 5k 8 8 RobertsP R W Pcarcc 1200100 1200100Time Time 245 49 115 141 1484 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CAPTAIN ED 880 400 320 340 100 100 100 60 100 100THISTLE THISTLE 100HOMELIKE FYRN 300 220 50 1CO 10 100 HOMELIKE 360 80 100 Winner 100Winner Ch h by Captain Alcock Lament by Friar Rock trained by C S Bancroft bred by Mr J E Madden Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 525 AT POST H minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCAPTAIN CAPTAIN ED overconfidcntly ridden followed the early pace restrained took command after leaving the back stretch and drew away to a long lead but finished undei pressure THISTLE FYRN allowed to drop back after three eighths came to the inside when called on was taken to the outside for the drive and finished courageously HOMELIKE outrun for threequarters closed a big gap in the stretch BELL MAN set a good pace for a half mile then failed to withstand the winner but held on well WISE LEE made up ground REGIS PLAY had no excuses LIGHTIN BILL showed early speed SPRING FLIGHT quit Overweight Bell Man 2 pounds u QSAfJ71i EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile Elf Lock May 21 1 9341 37 389J Purse 800 4 y yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 625 second 100 third June2734Det 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 Index Horses EvjtA WtlPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquir Oddi Strt 976945MEAN BROWN w 4 105 1 1 35 35 32 32 Il DronetL Lone Star Stable 370100 97283DAWN MIST WSB 5 105 5 3 P 22 2 lk 21 WintersM Oak Tree Stable 160100 97761TRINCESS PYRE WB 4 1025 4 4 25 15 I1 2k 35 PetrcllaP 0 E Speck 2570100 97988STAR BROOK WB 4 110 66 51 52 5s 41 44 MauroF Odessa Farms Stable 250100 97409 HURA WAY WB 5 115 9 9 85 65 64 54 5s WoolfG A J Halliwell 490100 49010097839THISTLE 97839THISTLE COOT WB 8 110 8 7 9 9 9 71 61 CampbellF Mrs W Young 14330100 97833 TRYABIT ws 5 110 2 2 4 4 45 61 75 LongoJ L Blanke 4540100 454010097283KENTUCKY 97283KENTUCKY MOON WB 4 110 3 8 71 85 8k 9 8 SmithJJ Mrs A Manale 4670100 7927 DIXIT WB 4 110 7 5 62 75 75 85 9 McCuneD Langlois Verheyden 14330100 Time 25 49 115 142 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JEAN BROWN 940 440 320 370 100 120 100 60 100 100DAWN DAWN MIST 320 280 60 100 40 100 100PRINCESS PRINCESS PYRE 660 230 100 100Winner Winner B f by Flying Ebony Latonia by Ogden trained by J B Theall bred by Mr T C Mc ¬ Dowell Winner entcml to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 551 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving t tJEAN JEAN BROWN responded to pressure in the final quarter and disposing of DAWN MIST in the last sixteenth drew out The latter set the early pace gave way to PRINCESS PYRE but came again in the stretch The latter forced the early pace STAR BROOK went to the outside for the drive HURAWAY closed a gap in the stretch TRYABIT tired tiredOverweight Overweight Princess Pyre 2 pounds Corrected weight Huraway 115 OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT DETROIT Wednesday 3 Races 14420 5 Races 21300 8 Races 31100