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HAMILTON Ont The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Third Races at Hamilton Wednesday Paid 32030 for 2 HAMILTON ONT WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 1934 Hamilton 1 116 miles 68 feet Second day Hamil ¬ ton Jockey Club First summer meeting of 7 days Starts from barrier Weather clear Steward representing the Canadian Racing Associations D S Gillies Stewards of Meeting Col Gordon J Henderson and J P Turner Judges J A Thompson P L Ciceri and D Boyle Starter T Rowss Racing Secretary J P Turner Racing starts at 30 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds IT RACE 6 12 Furlongs out of chute Khorasan June 30 1932 117 4 June2734Ham flT ru 113 Purse S700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Kot A XV t l1St 83081 PROVEN WB 4 111 7 8 4i 3i 21 F MannF Mrs W C Weant J470100 97002 UPPITY WB 8 110 11 2 3h 2k lk 2k RemilrdP Mrs J Badame 1350100 1350100578762UPSET 578762UPSET LAD w 8 103 3 6 55 5l 3s 3 Murray J G Fair 750100 97794 YOUR FLAG w 6 1091 2 5 lk 11 4 41 Watson R Mrs H Neville 1220400 97447 EVEN STEPHEN w 4 118 810 8k 61 51 51 MadelcyF Erindale Stable 280100 97794 TIMON w 7 115 5 3 91 71 71 61 SnidcrA A Brent 555100 97721 POT AU MINT w 3 106 1 9 7 91 91 T BarnesE H Warner t 98012 ALTSHEB WB 6 115 91 61 81 81 8lThomasJ J Sullivan 790100 97873 FASCINATOR w 3 110 67 11 10 1010s 10s 9 ObertW G B Foley 3300100 97654 WACKET WB 7 110 4 4 21 4k 65 10 FisherRJ R R Leslie 950100 97790PHOTOGRAPH 95010097790PHOTOGRAPH w 8 103 10 11 10 11 11 11 McLarenJ C S Mitchell 1720100 fMutuel 1720100fMutuel field Time 23 479 113 119 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFIC1AI BOOKING ODDS 100UPPITY PROVEN Field 1140 810 600 470 100 305 100 200 100 UPPITY 100UPSET 1580 1030 690 100 415 100 UPSET 100Winner LAD 630 215 100 MrM Winner Ch g by High Time Triangle by Omar Khayyam trained by W C Weant bred by Mr M L Schwartz Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slew Won easily second and third driving PROVEN began in a tangle but moved up gamely on the turn and easily drew clear UPPITY used up racing ALTSHEB into early defeat held on xvell UPSET LAD well back at the start improved his hisposition position and finished resolutely YOUR FLAG showed speed for fiveeighths EVEN STEPHEN lacked early speed Scratched 976532Toano 100 97791 Sue Jones 108 97873 Sass 102 102Overweight Overweight Proven 1 pound Your Flag 1A Pot au Mint 2 QQQ SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs Mary Scribe June 19 1912 54 2 110 Bronte i Vof Purse Purse 700 2yearolds Maidens Foaled in Canada Special weights Net June2734Ham vaue to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horse EqtA WtllSt t Str Fjn Jockev K Miiv Odds Sltt 97158rCALICO MISS will 53 T 11 I MannF R S McLaughlin 55100 97158 LINESMAN WB 109 32 2J 21 2J1 FisherRJ Mrs W Russell 1630100 96921 FITZ U WB 109 64 41 31 3 WatsonR Mrs R E Webster 365100 365100BOOM BOOM fll20100PRINCESS DAYS WB 109 75 51 51 4k VercherT W H Wright fll20100 PRINCESS STAR w 109 98 34 5 RemilrdP A R Freeman 6450100 94252 FAINE w 109 86 73 61 6 BarnesE D Raymond 2490100 2490100ROSE ROSE BRANCH w 109 29 82 7 7J1 McLarenJ Mrs H M Stewart 5630100 5630100DIAMOND DIAMOND DIGGER w 109 10 7 61 910 81 MadelcyF W H Wright 97651 ROSESILLA w 110 11 9s 8a 930 MozerR Mrs G McDermid 4570100 4570100RUSTIC RUSTIC QUESTION w 109 4 10 10 10 10 ArnoIdW E F Seagram 1880100 iCoupled as W H Wright entry entryTime Time 2W5 47 54 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 CALICO MISS 310 265 230 55 100 321 100 15 100 100LINESMAN LINESMAN 100FITZ 630 335 215 100 67J 100 FITZ U 285 42 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Nocturnal Aivos by Light Brigade trained by H Giddings bred by Mr R S McLaughlin WENT TO POST 305 AT POST 2 minutes Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCALICO CALICO MISS took command at once bnt was inclined to race greenly and was doing her best to A LINESMAN safe The latter forced the pace and was slowly wearing down the winner FITZ U ay in ina a tangle came through on the inside in the stretch and closed fastest BOOM DAYS closed a gap RUSTIC RUSTICQUESTION QUESTION had no chance with the tart Scratched 97651 Rock Jug 109 Overweight Rosesilla 1 pound Calico Miss 2 QQAQ THIRD RACE 6 12 Furlongs out of chute Khorasan June 30 1932 117 4 CanadaJune 7OV F 113 Willingdon Plate Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada June SSHam Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 imlcx Horse EdtA WfPPSt Str Ki 97717rCANDY POT w 5 115 4 3 1 11 P 1 WatsonH R R Leslie 12571100 12571100WB6115 97793ROCHE DOR WB6115 92 61 51 51 2 MannF Mrs G Hogarth 340100 340100w 96923 SWEEPTRAP w 3 109 5 4 32 21 2J 31 FodenN Mrs L L Charlton 390100 390100w 97586 TRICKYS SON w 4 115 12 7 81 81 41 4l BarnesE W C Hanna f 1380100 1380100WB 96455ZKINGS BOUNTY WB 4 110 8 1 4k 31 31 5k VercherT W H Wright 445100 445100w 89016 HEAP GOOD w 4 108 11 5 5 4 71 61 MadeleyF Mrs H Diemler 345 100 100v 97657 PEPPER PRINCE v 4 115 1 11 2 71 61 71 McLarenJ Mrs W Russell 1225 100 100v 97789 EARTHEN JAR v 6 1021 3 9 711010tl 8k PruchkiG Mrs T Murphy f fv 97872TAXIMAN v 4 110 76 II1 9l 81 9 SnidcrA G W Browo 1920100 1920100v 97872 CHASTE MORN v 5 108 6 8 12 12 9 101 Murray W F Monteith 1780 100 100v 97657 BY THE SEA v 4 108 10 12 103 II3 11s II4 MireaultB Thorncliffe Stable 3300100 97793 CROWLAND BESS w 4 108 2 10 91 61 12 12 McTagucC C E Furry t tMutuel field Time 24 4E9 114 121 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CANDY POT 2715 1075 610 1257 100 437 100 205 100 ROCHE 100ROCHE DOR 4S5 325 147i 100 62i 100 100SWEEPTRAP SWEEPTRAP 100VinnerB 395 97J 100 VinnerB g by Candy Kid Gallipot by Galstine trained by J A Smith bred by Seagram Stable Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 337 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCANDY CANDY POT set the pace and held on well to outlast ROCHE DOR The latter began slowly was forced to go wide into the stretch but closed with a rush SWEEPTRAP close up all the way forccd the pace but tired TRICKYS SON lucky to miss the trouble in the stretch closed a gap CROWLAND BESS broke down and was eased up upScratched Scratched 97087 Tabson 105 97789 Princely Pal 110 110Overweight Overweight Sweeptrap 4 pounds Earthen Jar 4 QOAOQ FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Clotho Aug 7 1933 144 J 4 113 Purse 600 3 f VK yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 75 third S50 June2734Ham fourth 25 fcxiuiv iiiirte titrt 972402DARKLING WB 4 11 767 61 41 2 1 FodenN E Craigie 197110U 97517CONFLAGRATION 197110U97517CONFLAGRATION WB 3 107 3 7 61 51 11 11 2l WallN E F Seagram 230100 97794 TOP HATTIE w 7 111 1 1 4 2 3 5s 31 McTagueC J Salem 2260100 97085 FIELD GOAL WB 4 115 4 3 5l 4 5l 41 4l MadeleyF Erindale Stable 415100 97086 BRANDON PRINCE WB 5 117 2 2 11 11 2 31 5 FisherRJ W Waterman 500100 97240 HA YFIRE WB 5 113 5 4 2k 3 64 64 64 MannF B A Langmuir 1120100 96567 COMPANION 5280100Time WB 7 113 6 5 3 7 7 7 7 BarnesE A W Mackay 5280100 Time 24 49 114 141 148 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100CONFLAGRATION DARKLING 595 300 240 1971 100 50 100 20 100 100TOP CONFLAGRATION 330 235 65 100 174 100 TOP HATTIE 435 117 100 Winner 100Winner Br f by Macaw Beaming by Whisk Broom II trained by J Hammerschmitt bred by estate of H P Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 410J AT POST H minutes minutesStart drivingDARKLING Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving DARKLING saved off the pace for three quarters went around on the outside entering the stretch and wealing down the leader drew away CONFLAGRATION took the lead with a rush midway of the far turn but tired thereafter TOP HATTIE moved up in the stretch BRANDON PRINCE was much used making the pace FIELD GOAL was in close quarters most of the way Scratched wayScratched 91367 Depression 113 113Corrected Corrected weight Hayfire 113 June2734Ham Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Ml rm loktV Ownors HniiT I 1 strt 97516WAR PLANE WB 5 108 2 1 2 = 121 21 21 11 EricksonH A Hullcoat 755100 971 62SPEY CREST WB 5 104 5 4 I2 Ill1 11 21 VercherT W H Wright 1500100 97008JFALL APPLE w 5 107 6 5 51 5 4 31 3ik BarnesE H Dirks 375 100 969252FRIEND CHARLEY w 4 109 1 3 3h 6 51 S1 43 SniderA J B Jewell 65100 96137 SUN ABBOT w 3 102 4 6 6 4l 6 6 5s WallN E F Seagram 845100 97792EASTER 84510097792EASTER HATTER 100Time WB 5 1071 3 2 4k 3 32 4k 6 McLarenJ M Keeling 1990 1990100 100 Time 23 48 113 139 146 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAm OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100SPEY WAR PLANE 1710 855 480 755 100 3274 100 140 100 SPEY 100FALL CREST 1380 605 590 100 2024 100 FALL APPLE 355 7 100 Winner 100Winner Ch g by American Flag Milky Way by Star Shoot trained by A Hullcoat bred by Mr S D Riddle RiddleWENT WENT TO POST 440J AT POST 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same WAR sameWAR PLANE moved up on the inside when the leader bore out and won going away under urging SPEY CREST rushed into the lead on the first turn bore out in the stretch FALL APPLE moved up with a rish after three quarters FRIEND CHARLEY was pinched back SUN ABBOT and EASTER HATTER quit Ovprwoifiht quitOvprwoifiht War Plane 1 pound Easter Hatter 2 Continued on nineteenth page HAMILTON Ont OntContinued Continued from fifteenth page SIXTH RACE 1 116 Miles Clotho Aug 7 1933 144 4 113 Beamsville Purse inotu Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 600 second June2734Ham 125 third 50 fourth 25 EqtAWMPSt Str Kin Joekeys Eqlilv Odds Btrl 977922AYMOND vs7 109 6 5 2r 21 ltk I1 P RcmilrdP Mrs J Badame Badamew 1495100 97585 CANDLE FLY w 3 98 4 8 64 6s 51 35 225 WallN Mrs G McDermid McDermidw5110 865100 97086BOSCOBEL w5110 3 2 I1 I1 21 21 35 WatsonR J E Smallman SmallmanWB4110 115100 9751 6 BARRY WB4110 8 6 5 4 41 55 45 EricksonH A Hullcoat HullcoatWB5110 970100 97720DARK MISSION WB5110 238 8 71 6k 5 McLarenJ M Keeling KeelingWB3105 1420100 96459CHASTITY WB3105 1 1 31 35 3k 45 6k BarnesE Royal Stable Stablew 450100 97720 BUSHMAN w 6 111 5 4 7 71 8 72 73 McTaeucC N j Damato 2915100 97164 SPARTAN LADY w 4 112 7 7 4 55 64 8 8 MannF May fair Stable 625100 625400Time Time 23 W5 113 139 146 Track fast 12 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB AYMOND 100CANDLE 3190 1260 550 1495 100 530 100 175 100 100BOSCOBEL CANDLE FLY 1275 615 5371100 2074 100 BOSCOBEL 310 55100 Winner 55100Winner B g by Roselyon Ablazaby Tony Bonero trained by J Badame bred by Mr J Hcffering Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 515 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ATMOND going in his best form took command after passing the half mile post and easily hold CANDLE FLY safe in the final drive The latter lost much ground while racing wide most of the way and came again in the middle of the track in the final eighth BOSCOBEL the early pacemaker showed good in courage the final drive though weakening BARRY slow to begin was taken to the outside at the far turn then swerved down to the inner rail in the stretch SPARTAN LADY showed a dull effort at all times Overweight timesOverweight Chastity 3 pounds Q3llQR SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile turf course Lunetta June 27 1924 138 7 112 Purse Kssssx PurseKssssx iss sEwiStnft SK Claimin9 Net valu ° to inner itA WtlPSt V4 Sir Fin Jockeys i Etjulr dds Strt 94694 PITCHBLENDE 3 105 4 2 25 2l 2s 2l w 15 BarnesE R W R Cowie 1 25 100 977923KHAKI 100977923KHAKI JOHN WB 4 112 1 4 I2 I2 I3 15 225 McLarenJ Stuart Stable 475100 97657KITLING 47510097657KITLING WB 8 113 2 5 7 6k 51 4l 3 WatsonR H Neville 400100 97717SDOER 40010097717SDOER w 4 109 3 1 25 32 32 32 4J MurrayH W F Monteith 2880100 97657 FLORIA ZEL w 5 108 5 3 61 7 65 52 52 RemilrdP Beach Stable 2300100 97238 STEP OFF wB6110 7 7 51 55 7 63 65 VercherT D Raymond 340100 96923 KINGSWOOD WB 3 1045 6 6 43 43 4l 7 7 MadeleyF Miss M Hcnder cn ° 700100 Time 23 49 114 141 Track fast fastCTTPUPI CTTPUPI PITCHBLENDE runr T MUTcU S PAJ ° OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 465 390 255 1324 100 9s 100 274 100 KITLING dSSKITLING KHAKI 100KHAKI JOHN 470 310 135iSS dSS 260 30 100 Winner Ch c by Sweepster Chrysoberil by Verdun trained by H Giddings bred by Mr R W R Cowie Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 5461 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same PITCHBLENDE samePITCHBLENDE rated behind the pace to the stretch moved up fast when called upon and disposed of the ofthe leader to win going KHAKI JOHN tiled after away being rushed into a long load in the first three quarters KITLING closed a gap DOER tired after racing forwardly in the early racing Scratchcd97586Granite racingScratchcd97586Granite Rock 115 977932Sea Kale 115 97161 Manotacks 109 97718 Dan Me Crimmon 109 97793 Mcstallup 107 97793 Fire Reel 109 Overweight Floria Zel 1 pound Kingswood 2