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FAIRMOUNT PARK NOTES A carload of horses left Tuesday for De ¬ troit In the shipment was The Trainer Tumbler Philwex The Judge Click Civol lag Popo Goodestone and Sun Worship for Vic Gailo J Chesney with Jimmy N Our Justice and Rishi and P O Anderson with Grand Champion and Commandman com ¬ pleted the car carApprentice Apprentice F A Smith was suspended for five days when he displayed a fit of tem ¬ per after the running of the fifth race when he was defeated in a close finish while rid ¬ ing Gulfelano which finished second to Whitharral WhitharralE E B Shipp who holds the contract on the clever apprentice Henry Manifold has re ¬ ceived several offers for the 100pound rider Manifold is the leading rider here having ridden thirtyseven winners in twentysix days His apprentice allowance does not ex ¬ pire until October 21 21The The veteran rider John Leyland had his first mount of the meeting Tuesday TuesdayA A special train consisting of five or more cars is scheduled to leave here Sunday for Syracuse N Y