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WORKOUTS i»,***S* Jr***146195 3r** Data a* left of hone* mmmm Is taat workout. Letters following time — tfmtat a, hraieina; d, driving; e easily; a, handily; e, aJJ out; a, miked; 0, eased a* Fastest Time at tmdk Dletaene Shown In Black Faee Type I n,"" ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.■■,■. a; J ■■■■■■..,.;■■ SUNDAY, r — JULY 22 — • - - . . ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Bobbys Son. 55%h 7-20 Ld Autumn :39%b 7-19 Bibs Choice :35%b 7-18 Mr. James.. :35%b 719Cnt Tetrch :36 h 7 9 My Blonde.. :36%b 7-20 Dust Girl... :38 b 7-19 Our Chance. :38%b 7-17Earlv Dawn. :36%b 7-16 Prince Pest. :39%b 7.20 Frisco • :36 b 7 18 Race Craft.. :35%h 7-20 Gnd Prince. :39%b 7-14 Scme Queen :35%d 7-20 Giggling ... :«4d 7 20 Wedidit .... :35%d One-Half Mile. 7 20Advg Anna. :50%b 7-19 Jester B.... r47%h 7 18 Blue Hour.. :49%d 7 20 Knight Man. :48%b 7 20 Colonist ... :50%b 7-19 Pess Camia :48 b 7-19 Chirac :48 b 7-19 Ronardo ... :49%d 7 20 Ebony Lady. :50%b 7 19 Snobeedo .. :47%d 7-20 Fair Perdita. ?48 d 7-19 Wiko ...... :47"£h 7-19 Impel :47%d Five-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Aut. Nymphl:04%h 7 20 Perdition ..1.04 h 7-19 Bay Sister. .l:02%b 7 16 Reel Away. .1:01 d 7-20Beginr» BaitlKM b 7 20 Softly Come. 1:04 b 7-16 Born Happy. l:02%b 7 20 Sun Chance. l:02%h 7-18 David S.. ..l:08%b 7 16 Single Stripel:02%b 7 18 Gimlet 1:02 b 7 13 Tea rout ....Ida- h 7-18 Grey Pal ... 1 :04%b • 7-19 White Legs . 1 01%b 7-16 Lulu Lite...l:01%h Three-OiMrters Mile. ■ 7-18Alins Dreaml:17%b 7-16 Good Gmblel:19 b 7-19 Black Helen. Id8%b 7-15 Nellie Flag..l:18%b 7-18Bubng Matel:16 b 7 17 Our Sammy. l:14%h 7-20 Charleigh ..1:15 b 7-15 St. Bernard. 1:»1%h 7-20 Dignitary . .I:16%b 7 19 Sun Boy. . . .l:13%d 7 15 Edward D..118 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-M Biography ..134 b 7-19 Essie Wessiel:34%b One Mile. 6 20 Strait Jacketl:47%b One and One-Eighth Miles. 7-17 Try Fair....l:57%b. . St. Bernard did a phenomenal trial for the Futurity. ARLINGTON PARK, Training Track. Weather clear; track fist— Three-Eighths Mile. • -*" 7-17 Bunty Ann.. :37%h 7 9 Militia :38 b 7-3 Claimant ... :37 h 7 20 Red Ensign . . :37 h 7-18Conqueress.. :37 h 7 19 Stricken .... :40%b 7-16 Divide ..... :36%h 7 20 Smoky Mtn :37%h 7-18 Dble Sweep. :36%h 7-17 Sage Girl. . . . :36%h 7-19 Flyg Justice. :38 b 7 16 Sister Zoe... :39 b 7-19 Gallaclay ... :38%b 7 20 Steppin High :34%d 7-19 Hope to Do.. :34%d One-Half Mile. 7 20 Bridgeport . . :54%b 7-18 Official .... :48%h 7-16 Band Wagon :53 b 7-19 Que Gato. . .. :48%h 7 20 Chief Pilot... 54%b 642 Scrap :48 h 7 20 Malolo :52 b 7-17 Tahira :50 h 7-16 Newell :47 d 7-19Teernahilla. . :48%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Broadstep . .l:02%h 6 19 Rickey Roo. .1:05 b Escobilla . . . 1:§2%h 7-19 Ray Cart. . . .l:02%h 7 18 Indian Salutel:05 b 6 30 Woodlander .l:03%h 7-14 Mt. Hood...l:02%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7 20 Ding Bin.... 1:16 h 7-16 Glynson . . . .1:15%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17 Royal Leon.. l:30%h 7-1S Uncon 6old.1:2»h One Mile. 7 18 Cloud DOr.. 1:46 h 7-14 Spicson l:46%b 7-15 Frank D 1:45 h Hope to Do and Steppin High showed speed together. DETROIT. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 14 Black Babble :36 h 7-17 Kalola :36%h 716Chifally .... :37 h 7-19 Lee Gold.... :35%h 7-19Chatterdoo... :37%h 7-1 Miss Premier. :39 b 7-18 Copley Sqre :36%h 7-19 Old Reb.... :35%h 7-3 Contrary ... :36%h 7 9 Prince Torch :36 h 7-1 Civollag .... :42 b 7-18 Pokeaway .. :39%b 7-17 Disaster . . . . :40 b 7-19 Respect .... :39 h 7-16 Drombo .... :37%h 7-18 Sad Knight.. :36%h 7-18 Figuriste ... :38%h 7 20 Station Belle :37 h 6 28 Grey Hip.... :38 h 7-18 Volo :36%h 6 29 Hasty Lady.. :36%h One-Half Mile. 715 Alpenstock.. :51%h 7-15 Injustice .... :50 b 6-20 Aunt Flor... :57 b 7-1 Jane Hastgs.:4*%h 7-18 Black Song. . :49%h 7 20 Lady Flindrs :50%h 7-19 Beckoned ... :53 b 7-18 Our Justice.. :52 h 5 -20 Cnelia Powl :56 b 7-9 Tom Jack Jr. 53 h 7-18 Cour land ... :52%h 7-17 Thistle Ace. . :54 b 7-19 Dark Feathr :50%h 7 20 Ten Law. . . . :49%h 7 21 Footwork . . :50 h 7 2 Timorous ... :54 b 7 21 Hymarque . . :48%h "Five-Eighths Mile. 7 17 Blue Emperrl :05%b 7-18 Lenawee ... 1 02%h 717Dokas l:02%h 6-30 Millefiore ..l:06%h 7 17 Double B....l:02%h 7-17 Morsel 1:02 h 7-18 Debs Delight.l:03%b 7-14 On Leave. . ..l:03%h 7-19 Expedition .l:02%h 7-18 Pacific Coastl:05 h 7-17Foxiana ....1:01%b 7 15 Proposing ..l:03%h 7-11 Gertrude L..1KJ2 h 7-13 Prefer l:05%b Ikard 1.05 h 7 19 Saunter ....l:02%h 7 17 Julia Grant.. 1KB b 7 21 Stroll Along. 1 M b 7-15 Keen lK»%h 7-19 Thistle Guv.. 1:05 h 6 22 Little Joyce.. 1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 717Constt Wife.l:17%h 7-6 Santander ..l:18/ih 7-20 Cherokee Sal.l:18%h 7-21 Some Good. .1:18 h 718GayJoe 1:16 h 7-18 Screen 1:16 h 7-21 Golden Ruth.l:19%h 7-19 Standout ...1:20 b 7-15 Goodestone .1:18 h 7-8 Tumbler ... .l:16%h 7-16 Justa Sheik.. 1:16 h 7-14 Thrgh 0md.1:15%h 7 10Meloy 1:21 h 7-19 Wild Cress. .1:16 h One Mile. 7 21 Bea M l:43%h 7-21 Safe a. Soundl:45 d 7-19 Pre War.... 1:42andh 7-20 War Pledge.. 1:44 h Debs Delight and Proposing breezed together. Blue Emperor ran out in his work. Gay Joe, Wild Cress and Justa Sheik worked together. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mil*. 7 19 Alcove .... .-43 b . 7-16 Celanir* ... :37%h 7-19 Auf Wsehn. :37%b 7 2 Dtor Happy :37%b 7-13 Col. Cloister. :37%b 7-18 Ebonv Torch :38%h — — - r • - . . 7 15 Espeau :37 b 7 18 My Charlotte :37%h 6 10 First Regimt :41 h 6 27 Peachtree ..:37 b 7-15 Flageolet .. :40%h 7 15 Roll Home.. :42%b 7 16 Hey Pat.... :37%b 7-12 Roval See... :38%l 6 1lKanal -37 d 6 19 Stabilizer .. :41%b 7-19 Le Flore.... M h Saxonne ... J7%b 7-16 Minnie Belle :48%b 5-17 Ski :42%b 7 19 Miss Gee... :38%h 7-16 Tombereau . :39 h 7-17 Myraplay . :■. tS8 h • One-Half Mile. 7-15 Beige ...... :51%b 7-19 Mentality .. :52%b 7-18 Convert ... :53%b 7-17 Maximum . :49%h 7 19 Clinton :50%h Patsy Laura. :53%b 7-13 Clamp :49%h 7 18 Rosv Dreams :51%h 5 11 Cherry Key. :51%h Thurnbergia. :50%h 7-18 Diving Bty. :52%b 7-18 Too Late. .. . :51%b 7l2Elanbee .... :49%d 7 15 The Choctaw :50%h 7-20 Jere :54%b 7 18 The Kin?. . . :50 h 717Lle Marcelle :53 b 7 15 Wsical Miss :51%h 718Moiras Boy. :53%h 7 17 Whirry . . ! .: :5l%h 719Maelo ..... :52%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Betty Shinn.l:03%d 7 12 Lugen LVgelA3 h 7 20 Blithe l:08%h 7 17 Movg Cloudslfl6%h 7 19 Broadmoor .lil%b 7 18 Red Eva. . . .l:03%h GIming Starlj01%d 7 13 Sun Way. ...l:ll%b 7 18 Little Duke.lK2%d 6 29 Tom Mar. . .1:03%". Three-Quarters Mile. 7-15 Eter Herald.1:15%d 7 12 On Trial. . . .l:17%d 7-20 Nay Nay...l:19%d One Mile. 7 15 LancUver . .l:46%h 7-21 Night Edition1:45h Broadmoor was under a hard drive?. -Gleaming Star tired badly. Lugen Luggage had early speed. Night Edition went a handy mile. THISTLE DOWN. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 6-20Araline :40 b 5 22 Nutting .. .. :4l%b 6-17 Cameo Kirby tXJ h WilKam T... :39%b 57 Maxie Binder :40 b ... One Half Mile. 6 30 Crash :53%b 6 5 Nick D :49%h 6 2 Quicket .... :53 b 5-21 Rn or Shine :46%h 7-7 Merry Irene. :49%h 5 20 Shghai Lad! :52%b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-22 Budget .....1:18 h Prince Rt n6.1:19%h 7 21 Fair Sara... 1:19 h 6 20 Sweet Joe.. 1.21 b 7 4 Just Bud.... l:16%h 5 21 Sr Purrhasel:16%h 5 30 Miss Adeie..l:19 b One Mile. 6 17 Mad A l:49%b ROCKINGHABI PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mil*. 7 20 Active Svice :37 h 6 15 Monks Star. :37%h 6 27 At Bav..... :38%h 7-15 Postscript .. -J5%h 7-14 Blast Face. :37%h 7 19 Sisko :39 h 7 20 March Step. :38%h 6 27 Tredhaven. . 7%h 719Mrie Marie. :39 h One-Half Mile. 7-19 Bving DVr :50 h 7-17 Mting Place :50%h 7 19 Crazy Jane. :48%h 6 27 Orifice .... : :50 h 717Chlie Dawn :52%h 7 13 Old Depots :51%h 7-11 Coming Back :52 h 7-20 Petee Blue. . :51%h 7 20 Character .. :48%h 7-20 Red Cap II. . :53%h 6 13 Flying Don. :52 h 7 19 Reba :52%h 7 12 High Socks. :51%h Sonnelli ... :50%h 7-21 Hard Chase. :50 I 7-10 Vacillate . . . :53 h 716Hogans Fox. :50%h 7 19 Yonkel .... :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-14 Blackbirder 1:0»?£h 7-19 Joe Gee. . . .l:04%h 7 20Che Empssl:01%h 7 8 Marys May.l:04%h 7-13Jubal l:03%h 6-30 Only Foolin.l:97 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-19 Sun Cloisterl:16%h Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17Aymond ...l:28%h One Mile. 7-13Khorasan ..l:42%h 7 15 Shoo l:50%h 7-20 Pennywise .1:41 h KINGS PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 7 Dictatorial . :37 b 7 20 Punishment. :39 b 7-19 Hidden City. :41 b 7-12 Silent Don.. :37 h 6 13 Julius J. R. 37 h 7-15 Three M b 7 5 Kitty Lee... :39 b 7 19 Zode :37 b One-Half Mile. 7 19 Black Anna. :50 h 7-9 Irfaneh .... :51 b 7-19 Betty Far rell :49 b 7-13 Jolly Gal. ... :49%h 6 26 Errant Lady. :50 h "7 -17 King OConr 51 b 7-20 Go Easy :49%h 7 20 Pen sweep ..:53 b 6 24 Hollandaise . :53 b 6 23 Union :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 7-2t Auburndale .1:02%h 7 20 Sophron ...103%h 7 11 By Herself . .IM% Three-Quarters Mile. 7-11 Jug of Gold. 1:17 h 6-10 Major Accidtl:18 h 7 20 Masque Mar. 1:17 d 7-19 Sweet Jean. 119 h One and One-Eighth Miles. 7 3 Kaffa 1:58 h EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 19 Below Zero. :38 b 7 16 Pnce Regret 38 b 7 20 Communist . :37 d 7 19 Pcess Haste :36%b 7 14 Evasive .... :38%b 7-15 Syriac :37%d 7-12 Flamg Light :36!£d 7 21 Sun Alley... M h 7 16 Hard Play.. :37 d 7 12 Village Vmp :38 b 7 19 Mt Paragon :41 b 7 20 Wged Flight 37 d One-Half Mile. 7 20 Bck Falcon. :52 b 7-19 Pomponius . :49 d 7 12 Garlic :53 d Rav. Princs :52 b 7-19 Goron 52 b 7 20 Towson .... :49%d 7 19 Identify . . . . :50 h Shalasa .... :54 b 717Lon Meg.... :52 h 7-14 The Rock... :52 b 7-17 Miss Snow.. :50 h 7 14 Volomile ... :49 d Five-Eighths Mile. 7 -19 Bird Lore.. 1:03 d 7 18 Hilise 103 d 7-19 Brillfalon ..1:04 d 7-18 Judge Blakel:03%h 7-10 Big Show...l:03%d 7 21Ltle Wackiel03 d 7 19 Gen. Farley. 103 d 7 17 Little Argo. .Ifl3%b 7-15 Guy Falcon. 1:06 b Mint Fallon. 1.05 b 7 -19 Hh Hand II.l:04%d 7-17 Singg Heart1:»2d Three-Quarters Mile. 716 Bk Patricia. 122 b 7-20 Maj. GenVl.121 b 7 19 Balios l:16%h 7-15 Our Sallie. . .l:18%h 7-20 Broadsword 1:19 b 7-19 Robn Crusel:18 d 7 20Eng. Knightl:19 b 7 14 Sc*h Soldier 1:l5%d " 7 17 Galon Boy.. 1:17 d - • Seven-Eighths Milt. 7-14 Instigator ..l:33%h One Mile. 7-18Hedric 1:46 « 7-20 Propagndist l:57%h 7-3 Mat Fak n..l:49 b SARATOGA. Weather clear; track fast— One-Half Mile. Snap Back.. :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-10 Cheshire ....104 h 4 2 Maskd Jestrl:05 h 6-2 Cubist 1:05 h 7-3 Nice Talk.. .1:04 h 7-3 Hows Chncsl:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. • 24 Black Grouse1:1C h 7 13 Discovery ..1:22 b One Mile. 61 Omayya ....1:48 h 7-S Sun Apollo. .1:47 h 5 25 Poppy man ..1:49 h MONDAY, JULY 23 ARLINGTON PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 21 City Girl .... :35%b 7-18 Ross :37%h 5 31 Celebrant .. :37 h 7 22 Race Craft . . :35%h 7 21Cloudet .... :35%d 7 21 Sky Lad.... :38 b 7 20 Cnt Adrian :37 h 7-21 Synod :37%b 7 13 Commandant :36%h 7-16 Sula :36%b 7-19 Fair Cntess. :35%d 7 8 Sundot :36%b 7 21Lo :36%b 7 21Trahison ... :35%b 7 17 Panic Blues. :38%b 7 21 Tartan Betsy :36%h 7-21 Quasimodo . :35 h 6 25 Wild Reigh.. :35%d One-Half Mile. 7-21 Bien Fait... :47h 7 18 Nectarine ..:48 b 71 Bedo 54 b 7 2lPornella ... :48%h 7 20 Cedo :48%b 7 20 Playmore . . . :51 b 7 20 Entwine ... :50%b 7 20 Quintal .... :52 b 7 20 Howard .... :48 b 7 20 Red John... :49%b 7-10 Happy Dawn :49 b 7 20 Shan :51%b 7-16 Irish Cleen. :49 b 7-15 Saint :49%b 7-20Jawapa .... :50%b 7-14 Triple Star.. :49 b 7-15 Joybird .... :48%h 7 21 Wingate .... :49 h 7 21 Late Date... :47%h Five-Eighths Mile. 716Byrdine ....102%b 7 16 Minna 102%b 7 20 Clean Sport. 1:02 h 7-4 Panic Stkenl02 h 7 20 Dandy Jay. .102%b 7-21 Preeminent .100%h 7 22 Early Dawn.lOl d 7-19 Peppier ....101%h 7-17 Fairsickle ..lO0%h 7-16 Royal Dhessl:03%b 7 22 Flying Jtice.l02%b 7 21 Spanh Babel01%h 7 21 Grenadine . .103%h 7-14 Star Banner. 102%b 7 20Htling Timel02«4d 7 21 Tee Totum..l03%b 7 20 Lilac Day. . .103%b 7 17 White Gingerl.02%b 718Lovito 102%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7 21Brt Shadowl:13%d 7 20 Gov. Laffoonl:19 h 7 20Bridgie ....l:18%h 6-11 Hug Again. .l:19%b 7 22 Chief Pilot .1:15 b 7-20 Hagerman ..l:18%h 7-16 Clientelle ...1:15 h 7 17 Play Hooky. l:14b 613Coldwater ..1:20 b 7-21 Today 1:1 2%b 7-17 Glittering ..l:14%d Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17 My Cnsellorl:32%b One Mile. 7-17 Hermie Roy.1:41%h 7-19 Happy Lad. .l:42%b Today had good early speed. ARLINGTON PARK. Training Track. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Aliens :37%h 7-19 Knowlton .. :36h 7-12 Chief Egrn :35Hh 7-19 Lady Louella :38%b 7 20 Dusky Devil :38%b 7 21 Merrily On. :38%b 7-16 Dr. Sullivan :40 b 7-21 Miney Mson :38%b 7-13 Go Son :38 b 4-1 Resisting .. :39%b 7-21 Galahad ... :39%h 7-16 Some Kight :38%b 7-14 Isaiah :38%b 7-9 Uluniu :41%b 7 20 Impunity .. :35%h One-Half Mile. 7-16 Brilt Queen :49%h 6-17 Kwamudi . . :53%b 7-1 Bwn Fthers :47%h 7-15Mintogee ... :5U£b 7-20 Balancer ... :50%h 7-14 Patch Eye.. :49 b 7-18 Durga :48%h 7 21 Sweet Peach :50%b 7-21 Happy Flag. :50V£h Five-Eighths Mile. 7-16 Brilt Duke.l:04%d 7-19 Kissie l.-03%h 7-3 Bert John ...1:05 b My Toots ... 1 :02%h 7-20 Chief Chkeel:02%b 7 19 Prince Doo.l05%b 7-17 Chief O*eolal02%h 7 20 Polvos Pridel09%b 7-17 In Chancery . 1 04%b 6-12 Sleek 1 05%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7 20Bnie Martini :16%d 7-21 Pompoleon .l:19%b 7-19Cooley l:17%h 7-15 South Glantl:16%b 7-12 Just Buck..l:17%h 7-19 Supe Sweetl:19%b 7-19 Little Lad..l:21%b 7-17 Where Awayl:16%h 7-2tPancoast ..1:14%b 7-20 Well Heeled. l:18%b Durga showed speed. Brownie Martin had early speed. Pancoast was breezing. DETROIT. rVeather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Avail :37%h 7-21 Mira :37 h 7-10 Abstain .... :38%h 7-15 Moonsan ... :36%h 7-17Almac :36%h 7 15 Midshipman. :36%h 7-20B*ney Allis.. :36%h 7 9 Mple Hussy :36%h 6-23 Cruising . . . :41 b 7-16 Marooned . . :36 h 7-11 Cross Ruff.. :35%h 7 17 Oddesa Mav. :37 h 6-19 Divert :38%h 7-17 Oddesa Star. :38%h 7-19 Dark Hazard :36%h 7-17 Oddesa Clark :37 h 6-21 Emery :36%h 7-17 Savenay ... :38%h 7 20 Glint :37 h 7-11 Theron . . . . :38 h 7-21 Gd Politian. :39 h 7-20 Whgdoodle. :38%h 7-19 Lanier :36%h One-Half Mile. 6 25 Bright Knot :50%h 7-16 Master Lad. :49%b 7 20 Burnside . . . :56 b 7 21 Marmosa . . . :54 b 7-18 Capitalist ..:52 b 7-16 Modesto ... :53%d 7-15 Dignified . . . :49 b 7 20 Ramrod .... :51%h 7-18 Genteel Lady :54 b 7 20 Swt Memies :49%h 7-21 Herendeth . :49%h 7-20 Sassenach . . :48%h 7-4 Idle Along.. :49%h 7-19 Silent Shot. . :49%b 7 20 Lanedon . . . :48%h 7-19 Stock Markt :50 h 7-4 Le Bruyere. :52%h 7-10 Traitor .... :49 h 7-21 More Pep .. :51 h 7-16 Treasre Ship :53%h 7 8 Mint Bird.. :49 h 7-17 The Trainer. :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. Amillian ...1.08 b 7-18 In Motion. . .105 b 7 20Amern Bellel:02h 4 29 Lucille B...105%h 7 20 Ariel Cross.. 1. -06 h 7 20 Lrel Wreathl03%h 7 20 Adirondack .103%d 7-19 Mah Grant. .103%h 7-19 Beau Govansl05%h 7 21 Motlev 101%h 7-20 Bob Dozer.. 1:03 d 7 20 Nht Flower. 102andh Big Charlie. 105%h 7-1 Onside ....104 h 721 Candescent .102%h 7 18 Poop Deck..l:05%h 7-4 Essential ...104 b 7 20 Pops Betty. .103%h 7-20 Free Trade. .103%h 7 21 Phildia . . . .101%h 7-20 Gallant Missl:05 b 7 15 Red Run... 104 b 7 21Genl Martinl05 h 7 15 Shoeless Joel05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6 24 Angn Bridgel:17%h 7 19 Koneta ....1:19 h 7-16 Br*t Bubble. 1:25 b 7 22 Lee Gold. . . .l:14%h 6 30 Chinatown .l:16%h 7 -17 My Go Rndl:16 d 7-19 Chantesuta .l:14%h 7-21 Mouthpiece .1:14%b 419Chubasco ..l:18%h 7-21 Noelwood ..l:20%h 7 18 Discobolus .1:16 h 722 Our Justice. 1:18 h 7-18 Even Play.. 1:15 h 719 0. Martinez.l:16%d 7-17 Flying Woodl:16%h 7-18 Pertinacious l:17%h 6-28 Gay Bird...l:17%h 7-22 Respect l:17%h 7-7 Jake Bliedenl:16%h 7 5 Rye 1.17%h I 7 21 Scream ....1:16 h 7 21 The Petter..l:16%h 7-13 Swperman .1:19 b 7-17 Unencumd l:19%h 7-21 Terrain ....121 b 7-2 Whiskinf ..1:18 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-20 Bht Melody1:29%h 7 19 Slash 1:38 h One Mile. 7 19 Boys Howdyl:53%h 7 18 Lazi Canter. 1:46 h 7-19 Even Up. . . .l:44%h 7-19 Redivivus . .l:45%h 7-20 Inferno Lad. 1:44 h 7 21 The Crane.. l:47%h 7 20 Kiltamond .1:45 h 7 19 Zenka l:43%h 7-13 Kilmore ...1:43 h Phildia and Mouthpiece were going handily. Lee Gold and Motley did a good work from the barrier. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-15 Cut Out.... :38%h 7-12 Peggy Can.. :37%d 7-19 Hnoras Hat :36%h 6-30 Sergnt Hill. :38 h 7 2 Indn Mesge :38%b 7 19 Sweep Myth. :37 d 7-18 Last Stand. :39b 7 15 Terrazzo ... :37%h 7-13 Leo B :39%h 6-25 Wild Blonde :35%d 7 15 Luck Piece.. :38%b 7 20 White Top.. :38%d 713Lakar :39%h 7 18 Wise Pete. . . :40 h One-Half Mile. 5 20Anadnab ... :53%h 7-3 Morheart ... :48%h 7,13 Bob Up :49%h 7-21 Old Boss.... :51%h 7-20 Crossg Over :50%h 7-16 Rush Along. :51 h 7-18 Cloister Blue :50 b 7-19 Showman . . :50 d 7-18 Cupidity. . . . :49%d 7-19 Stealakiss . . :51%d 7-22D*tor Happy :49%h 4-18 Tuleyrs Wd :56 b 7-10Flyg Amdr :50%h 7-12 Truebuck ... :50 b 7-17 Jk Chevigny :50 b 7-19 Verda ..... :51%d Five-Eighths Mile. 7-19 Blondsure ..105%h 7-18 Kranella ...101%d 7-17 Gay Follies.. l:03%h 7-2B Princs Leda1:01%b 7 17 Lady Patrol. 104%d 7 21 Water Rose.l04%d Three-Quarters Mile. 7-19 Actuarius ..1:16 h 7-21 Nell McCIey1:15%d 7-18 Brown Gold.l:16%d 7-19 Ptmn Homel :15%d 7-18Ctons Agnesl:15%d 7-13 Snowcloud ..l:18%d 7-15 Mayetta . . . .l:18%d Seven-Eighths Mile. 7-17 0ndale ....l:31%b One Mile. 7-17 Airy Hope..l:47%h Nell McClatchey and Actuarius went from the barrier. Princess Leda had speed under a hard drive. Kranella went evenly. Postman Home and Cliftons Agnes were in company. THISTLE DOWN PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Autm Bloom :38 h 5 21 Odd Blaze . :37%b Bkn Sound :38%h 6-11 Polycron ... :41 b 6 20 Be Fine :37%b 7 4 Rolanda .... :37%b 7 21 Cora T :38 b 5-21 Rock Bruen. :41%b 6 20 Fulfill :39 b 6 21 Rock Abbott :38%b 611Gaymode ... :40%b 6-12 Sanukee .... :39%b Or a Rock... :38 h One-Half Mile. «-22 Babaloo .... :48%h 6 21 Happy Jony :51 h 6 20 Day Letter. . :53%b 5-26 Mgies Doll. :54 h Daymn Lady :51%h 7-3 Pcess Volta. :50%h 6 20Hastelia .... :50 b Rudgar .... :51%h Five-Eighths Mile. 5 8 Bank Shot..l04%b 7 3 Da Barona.l:07 b 1-21 Corties John1:B2 h 6-20 Singleam ...1:08 b Three-Quarters Mile. 610Beckville ...1:16 h 7 21 Ham l:19%h Campville ..1:19 b 5-21 Miss T 1:15%d 6 2 Fair May.... 1:20 b One Mile. 6-16 King Kelly.. l:46%h NIAGARA FALLS. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Big Time.... :39 h 7-20 Pper Prince :38 d 7 19 Fanny :37%h 7 2 Ruskit :38 h 7 21 Mestallup . . :39 b 7-18 Romola .... :37%h 7-11 Meddle . . . . :38 d 6-28 Zangwili . . . :37%h One-Half Mite. 7 21 Branch .... :50%h 7-20 Lady Hilda.. :51 d 7-14 Darkling ... :52 h 6-15 Mish Mash.. :50%h 7-14Eter Hatter :50%h 7-17 Taximan . . . :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 12 Bill Knedy.l:05 h 7 20 Kingswood .109 b 7-17 Confgration 1:04 h 7-16 Sweeptrap ..1:05 h «-25Calchas ....1:02andh 7 19 Wilfred G... 105 h 7-17 Hercuneum 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 7-24 Dble Dare.. 1:19 h 7 13 Zegora 1:23 h One Mile. 7-14 Pan 1:55 b 7-19 Stirred Up.. 1:51 h KINGS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 14 Dick Porter. :41 b 7 19 Len Sweep. . :38 b 7 9 Easter Boy.. :39 b 7-17 Sweepstaff . :37 h 7-19 Fortune Bay :39 b 6-20 Susie Marie. :36 h 7 2 Ferry of Fate :37%h 6 26 Wgton Rose :39 b One-Half Mile. 7 16 Baptism ... :50 h 7 14 Londsun ... :51 h 7 14Bolinty . . . . :53 b 7 20 Nourrice . . . :50 h 7 -20 Eva S • :53 b 7 9 Tomboy .... :50%h 7 20Gden Storm :53 b 7 20 Vandis :50 h 7-19Ltle Possum :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 7 20SouItan Girl. 105 h 7-17 Squeaky ...1:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 7 11 Baggataway .1:18 h 7-19 Pass Christn1:17 h 6 21 Ease In.... 1:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6 12 Fly On 1:35 d ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast — Three Eighths Mile. 7 21 Bank Hiday :38 h 7 21 Migrate . . . . :37 h 7 21CoIorist .... :37%h Natalie Mae. :38 h 7-7 Cnobie Lake :36 h 7-13 Pestle :40 h 7 20 Colonel Jr.. :38 h 7 11 Phyllis C... :38%h 7 17 Deserted ... -.ilVr.h 7 20 Ved Power. :36 h 6 4 Lady Laura. :38%h 7 19 Waterset . . . :39 h One-Half Mile. 7 17 Brown Twig :52%h 7-6 Miss Subtle. :51 h 7 19 Bwn Wdom :49 h 7-16 Morway . . . . :52 h 7 21 Black Hand. :48%h 7-20 My Dandy.. :52%h 6 24 Dark Law... :50 h 7-17 Par Value.. :49 h 7-18 Dark Tyrant :49 h 7-11 River Rose. . :534ih 7 20 Frisky Maid. :51%h 7-21 Starogan . . . :50 h 7-15 Fair Billy.. :52%h 6 27 Sidney Grant :50%h 7-14 Hvey G. O. :50y5h 7-20 Sky Haven. . :51 h 7-20 Jabot :48%h 7-11 The Heathen :51 h 7-11 Mager Bill. :50ysh 7-18 Trumpery .. :48%h 7-19 Merovech . . :50%h Five-Eighths Mile. 6 20 Blind Brook. 103%h 7-21 Knit of 01dl04%h 7-5 Flyg Cadet. 1:02%h 7 20 Paradisical .1.07 h 716Flyg Sailor. l:03%h 7 21 St. Clare. . . .104%h 7 12 Hickory Lad. 1.06 h Three Quarters Mile. 7 21 Butter Beansl:19%h 7 17 Olamay ....l:17%h 7-1 Grand Acre. 1:18 h 7-4 Retribution l:18%h 7 3 Grandpas Boyl:17 b 7 20 Roustabout l:15%h 7 16 High Glee. . .l:14%h 7-19 Spdy Skippyl:15%h 7-21 Immune ....l:18%h 7-8 Slapdash ...l:15%h 1 7-2 Migratory ..1:22 h 7-5 Sarsita 1:22 h 7-20 Universe ...l*M£a 7-20 Zekiel 1:20 h One Mile. 7-llAlcorah ....1:48 h 7-17 Dash In....1:47%h EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track fast; "dogs" up — Three-Eighths Mile. 7 21 Bt Chance. :37 d 7-22 Pomponius . :38 h 6 22 Brave Girl.. :36%d 7 2 Polytude ... :38 b 7 2lBalapin .... :40 b 7 21 Queens Flag. :37%d 7-18 Bon Mot.... :39 b 7 20 Ste Martin. :36%d 7-16 Curacao .... :37 h 7-6 Scotch Gold. :36 d 6-14Cardamon .. :37 h 7-19 Sock Dologer :37%d 7 21 De Fortne :37 d 7-12 Shilly Shlly :35%d 7-16 Dunbar .... :37 d 7-21 Trading Post :38 b 7 8 Flowery .... :38 b 7 21 Transcendg :38 b 7-18Gnys Trade :36%b 7-19 Torfrida .... :37%d 7-18 Jim John... :38%h 7-17 Uppermost . :36%d 7-21 Little Lie... :37 d 7-19 Uncle Donald :38 h 7-20Mareve . . . . :39 h 7-20 Wedg Ring. :37%b Three-Quarters Mile. 7-21 Cleves 1:14 d 7 -17 Pet Baldy.. .1:18 h 7-19 Flg Mcury.l:18%d 7-18 West Main. .1:18 b 7-2 Pending ....l:17%d Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-21 Larranaga ..1:34 b One Mile. 7 -20 Fg Charger. 1:56 b 7-28 My Boss .... 1 :44 d SARATOGA. Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. 7-1 Gden Septr :38 h 7-1 Sastar :38 h One-Half Mile. 7-21 Black Gift.. :49 h 6-30 New Pin ... :49h 6 4 Cooney :49 h 4 27 Pippa :52 b 6-11 Diablesse ... :49 h 51 Soon Over . :50 h 5-30 Diverting . . :49%h 6 20 Sir HbtBr :49»£h 6-5 Galomar . . . :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-4 Brht Bannerl:06%h 6-1 New Flag... 105 h 6 8 Blor Dinnerl:07 b 6 15 Omaha 1:04 h 7 21 Black Plane. 105%h 6 7 Psychic Bid.l:03%h 7-21 Black Rose.. 105%h 7-2 Porter -Call. .103%h 7-9 Cristate . . . .105%h 7 3 Red Wagon. 1:07 h Dynastic ...103%h 7-13 Try Symphy1:02%h 7 4 Kurdair ...103%h 6 7 Yong Nativel:03%h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-5 Ajaccio ....l:20%b 6 13 Nvcr Changel:17h 56 Best Butter. 1:22 d 64 Peradture .l:17%h 6-30 Black Buddy1:13%d 6 17 Peach Bud.. 1:22 h 7 21 Bed Time...l:17%h 6-8 Plat Eye. . . .l:18%h 6 11 Changeling .1:16 h 6 29 Rose Cross. .l:15%h 6 16 Caloric ....1:17 h 7 3 Sging Woodl:14 h 7 4 Dreel 1:20 b 6 10 Slor Bewarel:18 h 73 Flying Hour. 1:21 b 59 Sylvan Songl:19%h 7-13 Growler ....l:16%h 7 21 Sun Archer. l:18%h Gillies l:18%h 6-30 Sickle Pear.l:14%h 6 8 Insomnia ...l:18%h 6 5 Truepenny .l:18%h 6 13 Jolly Saint.. 1:22 h 7 4 Vicar 1:16 h One Mile. 7-2 Neverfade ..1:44 h 7-1 Smth Csinel:49 b