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QAIUT RACING CHARTS ARLINGTON PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the Second and Third Races at Arlington Park Thursday Paid 27996 for 2 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS ILL THURSDAY JULY 26 1934 Arlington Park 1 mile Twentyeighth day Arlington Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 30 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Steward of Meeting G Brown Jr Honorary Stewards C T Grayson A B Hancock and Major L A Beard Judges C J McLennan F P Dunne and C J FitzGerald Jr Starter R Dickerson Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 220 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds QOrrIQ FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Crowning Glory July 2 1932 104 2 106 Purse 5800 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Claiming Net value to winner 625 second secondJuly2634AP i j July2634AP 5 0 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for foreach each 250 to 1500 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqalr Odds Strt 7 51 4 11 KeesterP N W Church 24 I1 14 2i TaylorD W J Potter Jr Jr4k 99323 EARLY DAWN w 116 10 5 4k 3l 2k 34 SteffenE H P Headley Headleylk 196100 97193 LULU LITE WB 113 8 2 lk 21 3k 4s ArcaroE Calumet Farm Stable 305100 99323 BYRDINE w 115 3 8 9 84 64 5k WorkmanR T Piatt 714100 99323 TABITHA WB 110 43 54 4s 5k 61 RichardA A J Sackett 4761100 98993 TARTAN BETSY WB 110 19 10 9 918 74 HaasL Miss Mary Hirsch 2247100 98993 CONTRAST w 110 54 31 64 8k 81 GarnerM Brookmeade Stable 2305100 99323 BEHEMOTH w 110 710 8 7 71 9to HardyL Miss E Bennett 17157100 1715710098993BUNTY 98993BUNTY ANN wl05 2 6 611010 10 HenryJH E P Baxter 5378100 5378100Time Time 23 48 101 108 Track slow 2 MTJTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS TORO BLUE 1266 616 360 533 100 208 100 80 100 100BRILLIANT BRILLIANT QUEEN 1268 542 534 100 171 100 100EARLY EARLY DAWN 288 44 100 100Winner Winner B f by Toro Blue Deep by Wrack trained by E L Fitzgerald bred by Mr N W Church Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 220 AT POST 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameTORO TORO BLUE moved up gradually and responding gamely to punishmentj wore down the leaders and won going away BRILLIANT QUEEN showed good speed making the early pace continued well to the final sixteenth where she gave way EARLY DAWN fractious at the post began well but could not menace the first two LULU LITE quit BYRDINE closed a gap TABITHA went well TARTAN BETSY taken back repeatedly failed to be a factor CONTRAST had early speed BUNTY ANN was done early earlyScratched Scratched 99323 Monks Shawl 105 Marcella Miss 116 98993 Hustling Time 110 110Overweight Overweight Byrdine 5 pounds QOTdQ SECOND RACErS 12 Furlongs Crowning Glory July 2 1932 104 2 106 Wood 7v iJ Dale Purse first division Purse 800 2yearolds Allowances Net value to win winJuly2634AP July2634AP ner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 991 45DANCING DOLL will 4 2 3 3 2 I1 KacalaJ Audley Farm Stable 925100 99491 ROMAN SOLDIER WB114 2 3 11 I1 1 24 RichardA M Hirsch 129100 12910099268STAR 99268STAR BANNER WB 111 1 8 7 6 4k 34 SteffenE T Piatt 933100 98783 NEWELL WB 114 8 4 41 4 4 KeesterP J W Parrish 3750100 98783 GLITTERING wsll4 76 61 5 64 54 LaidleyO Southland Stable 5859100 99556 STEP ASIDE w 110 3 5 8 71 7 64 GarnerM Brookmcade Stable X4023100 X402310098862WITAN 98862WITAN WB114 51 2k 2k 5 7 ArcaroE Everglade Stable 189100 18910098382GRENADINE 98382GRENADINE vv 111 6 7 5k 8 8 8 ClellandP Mrs B Franzheim 3564100 3564100Time Time 23 47 100 106 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DANCING DOLL 2050 658 436 925 100 229 100 118 100 100ROMAN ROMAN SOLDIER 328 274 64 180 37 100 100STAR STAR BANNER 392 96 100 100Winner Winner B f by Strolling Player Silver Slippers by Ambassador IV trained by J F Patterson bred by Audley Farm WENT TO POST 251 AT POST 1 minutes J Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingDANCING DANCING DOLL saved early gained fast in the stretch and disposing of ROMAN SOLDIER won drawing out The latter showed the most early speed raced clear then increased his margin in the stretch but gave way suddenly in the closing stages STAR BANNER dropped far out of it at once closed a big gap and finished resolutely NEWELL showed good form under weak handling GLITTERING showed noth ¬ ing WITAN quit GRENADINE went well for threeeighths QQTECA THIRD RACE 1 Mile Hertz Course out of chute Equipoise June 30 1932 134 winnerJuly2634AP JJ A O 4 128 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner July2634AP j625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 2000 if for less 3 3Ibs Ibs allowed for each 250 to 1500 Index Horsrs EqtA Wt PP St Yi Ve Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Equif Odds Strt 99S87ROYAL LEON w 3 103 5 6 6 6 618 22 I2 HarbortO J Dine Dine99494SISKIN 1911100 99494SISKIN w6112 3 2 11 lk 11 14 24 HenryJH Allen Baxter Baxter93328LILLIAN 136100 93328LILLIAN Z WB 4 107 4 5 41 21 2k 31 3m HankaW Benbow Clay Clay995612RIZLA 906100 995612RIZLA w 4 107 11 31 42 34 42 4 KingJ E E Major 627100 99495SGRAYBACK WB 3 106 6 4 5s 5 42 52 52 TaylorD W Sachsenmaier 918100 99561STRAIT JACKET WB4109 2 3 2 345 6 6 KeesterP Mrs W T Westrope 309100 30910099387SALLY 99387SALLY FORTH WB 4 106 7 T 7 7 7 7 7 ArcaroE Davis Schweig 5332100 5332100Time Time 23 47 111 l38Jfc Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID v OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ROYAL LEON 4022 1224 570 1911 100 512 100 185 100 100SISKIN SISKIN 390 318 95 100 59 100 100LILLIAN LILLIAN Z 548 174 100 100Winner Winner Br c by Leonardo II Canadian Herode by Royal Canopy trained by J Dine bred by Xalapa Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 WENT TO POST 322 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving ROYAL LEON restrained early saved ground when moving up was lucky to get through on the inside overhauled SISKIN in the stretch and won going away SISKIN restrained for threequarters while making the pace bore out when moving away and failed to hold the winner LILLIAN Z close up throughout tired in the final stages RIZLA failed to keep pace after threequarters GRAYBACK failed to reach the leaders STRAIT JACKET quit SALLY FORTH sulked and would not extend herself QQryetg FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs fCrownmq Glory July 2 1932 104 2 106 Wood JJ OJL Dale Purse second division Purse 800 2yearolds Allowances Net value to July2634AP winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Imlx Horses EqtA WtlPSI V ttr Fin Jockeys Owners Eqnir Odds Strt 99448ADVANTAGE WBll4 6 2 I2 I2 I4 1s KacalaJ J J Coughlin 501100 99382 WATERSPLASH will 1 3 4 31 31 21 ArcaroE ED Shaffer 1405100 1405100994912SPECIAL 994912SPECIAL AGENT wl4 51 2l 2 21 3 SteffenE Brookmeade Stable 73100 7310099267CLIENTELLE 99267CLIENTELLE w 114 2 4 31 4 4 44 RichardA Southland Stable 733100 73310099556BLACKMAIL 99556BLACKMAIL WB 115 36 52 5 51 54 WkmanR C V Whitney 699100 699100RAYCART RAYCART w 110 4 5 666 6 HardyL Log Cabin Stud Stable 6009100 6009100Time Time 23 47 59 106 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ADVANTAGE 1202 678 256 501 100 239 100 28 100 100WATERSPLASH WATERSPLASH 1250 308 525 100 54 100 100SPECIAL SPECIAL AGENT 214 7 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Carlaris Betty Ames by Royal Canopy trained by R E Hefferan bred by Audley Farm WENT TO POST 350J AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingADVANTAGE ADVANTAGE away in motion raced into a commanding lead and continuing under mild restraint increased his margin in the stretch and won in hand WATERSPLASH oiitgamed SPECIAL AGENT but was overmatched by the winner SPECIAL AGENT began fast forced the pace of the winner to the stretch then gave way to WATERSPLASH in the final strides CLIENTELLE raced evenly BLACKMAIL shuffled back at the start appeared to sulk and was outrun RAYCART fractious at the post raced greenly Scratched greenlyScratched 99558Blue Armor 110 992672Prince Splendor 114 9S268 Spanish Lad 114 114Overweight Overweight Blackmail 5 pounds QQTEfc FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Park Ridge tfJf 4 9J Purse Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 625 July2634AP 625July2634AP second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Vt IISt Owners Kuuiv 91925 BRIGHT SHADOW WB WB4107 4 107 6 2 291164DUSKY 11 11 lk 1 KacalaJ KacalaJWB4115 Audley Farm Stable 527100 91164DUSKY DEVIL WB WB4115 4 115 1 11 1199314FAIRSICKLE 1 2 21 24 22 22 WkmanPws3103 WkmanP Blue Ridge Farm Stable 352100 99314FAIRSICKLE WB ws3103 3 103 4 4 54 3k 34 321 HarbortO HarbortOWB J E Widen er 743100 7431003k 99490 JENS SON WB wsSllO 3 110 2 5 5994903SIR 3k 44 42 41 ArcaroE ArcaroEWB C E Davison 516100 994903SIR TEN WB 3 112 5 6 6 5l 51 521 SteffenE SteffenEw Calumet Farm Stable 209100 93560 ANARCHY w 3 TaylorDTime 112 3 3 4k 6 6 6 TaylorD Brookmeade Stable Time 23 47 112 Track good 52 MUTUEL8 PAID t tBRIGHT OFFICIAL BOOKING OTIDS BRIGHT SHADOW 1254 728 488 527 108 263 111 144 180 DUSKY DEVIL i 51I 39 159 100 95 100 FAIRSICKLE 431 119 10 Continued on fourteenth vaqe ARLINGTON PARK Continued from third page Winner B f by Bright Knight Fair Phantom by Light Brigade trained by J F Patterson bred by Audlcy Farm WENT TO POST 417 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow for all but Sir Ten Won driving second and third the same sameBRIGHT BRIGHT SHADOW well ridden and saved for half a mile responded gamely to strong pressure with ¬ stood the drive gamely and outgamed DUSKY DEVIL The latter close up from the start challenged gamely but gave way under punishment FAIRSICKLE moved up after a quarter and finished xvell JENS SON had no mishaos SIR TEN dwelt at the start but closed a gap ANARCHY was done early Scratchod earlyScratchod 99560 Chance Line 110 110Overweight Overweight Dusky Devil 3 pounds QQr7SiQ SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Hertz Course out of chute Equipoise June 30 1932 134 valutJuly2634AP JJJJ 4 OO 4 128 Fort Sheridan Handicap Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Net valut July2634AP to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 EqtA WtPISt 32 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 98784BIG BEAU WB 5 110 53 4 410 3s 14 14 StcffenE H P Headley 268100 99 0CHARTRES WB 4 104 4 2 343 412 3s 21 TaylorD W Sachsenmaier 341100 98784 LATE DATE WB 5 107 2 4 24 22 2k 2 3 KacalaJ Audlcy Farm Stable 558100 98473 BIEN FAIT WB 3 113 1 1 11 1 1 410 4s ArcaroE Corsicana Stable 168100 16810099385PLAY 99385PLAY HOOKY WB 3 98 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 HankaW Southland Stable 2019100 Time 23 46f 111 137 Track good 2 KUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BIG BEAU 736 348 276 268 100 74 100 38 100 100CHARTRES CHARTRES 346 276 73 100 38 100 100LATE LATE DATE 322 61 100 100Winner Winner B h by Supremus Big Sis bv SoninLaw trained by D A Headley bred by Mr H P Headley HeadleyWENT WENT TO POST 4451 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingBIG BIG BEAU well handled and saved to the stretch moved into the lead with a rush and continuing gamely held CKARTRES safe The latter moved up gradually and closing gamely was not good enough for the winner LATE DATE tired after making the pace for threequarters BIEN FAIT went well for three quarters PLAY HOOKY dropped far out of it at once Q6 Q6r7CIi r7CIi SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Hertz Course out of chute Equipoise June 30 1932 134 winnerJuly2634AP JJ i OTC A 128 Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner July2634AP 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Claiming price 4000 if for less 2 Ibs Ibsallowed allowed for each 250 to 3250 EqtA WtlPSt i 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlr Odds Strt 99383SPICSON WB4111 2 5 5s 5s 41 2 ll TaylorD L M Severson 1467100 146710099450TECHNOCRACY 99450TECHNOCRACY WB 3 97 6 2 4k 31 34 4 21 KingJ S Peabody 387100 38710099139CABEZO 99139CABEZO WB 5 112 4 1 11 11 141 3 KccsterP Mrs A M Creech 123100 12310099494JUDGE 99494JUDGE LEER WB 3 106 1 3 2 24 22 31 4 KacalaJ E Trotter 257100 25710098474WAGWOOD 98474WAGWOOD w 3 101 5 4 3 44 5s 5 5 HankaW O W Lehmann 4438100 443810099385SLEUTH 99385SLEUTH w 3 109 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 SteffcnE Brookmeade Stable 1860100 1860100Time Time 23 47 11 1115s 15s 137 Track good 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s SPICSON 3134 968 346 1467 100 384 100 73 100 100TECHNOCRACY TECHNOCRACY 578 278 189 100 39 100 100CABEZO CABEZO 100Winner 224 12 100 Winner Ch c by Spic and Span Jenny Dear by Donnacona trained by F Rector bred by Mr L M Severson Winner entered to be claimed for 4000 4000WENT WENT TO POST 512 AT PpST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSPICSON SPICSON lucky to get through on the inside overhauled the leaders in the final eighth and won drawing clear TECHNOCRACY in hand early and forced to lose ground closed gamely CABEZO set the pace restrained but failed to keep up when urged JUDGE LEER prominent for threequarters gave way there ¬ after WAGWOOD was outrun SLEUTH showed nothing Claiming Prices in Entries and Past Performances The claiming prices of horses running In such races are shown in both Daily Racing Form Entries and Past Performances In the Entries the price for which each borse may be claimed in the race in which tie is scheduled to start is shown while in the Past Performances the claiming prices in the previous races are indicated thus affording the reader a basis of comparison to spot those horses dropped into cheaper races for the purpose ot improving their winning chances OnrTertr EIGHTH RACE 1 18 Miles Sun Beau July 18 1931 149 6 125 Purse 800 thirdJulyZ634AP it tett n n 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 5625 second 100 third JulyZ634AP j50 fourth 25 Claiming price 1000 EqtA VtPP St Str Fin Jockeys EqniT Odd Strt 99626KUVERA ws 5 109 4 3 44 4k 4k 25 I1 KecstorP Harned Bros Bros99329PLATINUM 99329PLATINUM BLONDEwB 4 104 1 8 55 51 31 Il 2 TaylorD J McNamara 99329 SUBTLETY w5109 8 4 21 21 1 3k 3i SteffenE P Reilly 1106100 99220 KING PIN wB7114 7 5 11 lk 21 4 41 HardyL Mrs A Klein 1739100 173910099452INDIAN 99452INDIAN RED WB3100 6 6 74 7 61 61 5 HankaW A B Gallaher 691100 691100SgeSS SgeSS INTERIOR WB 7 104 5 7 8 8 8 7k 6k KingJ Mrs T Marshall 966400 96640099387SCANDAL 99387SCANDAL SHEET w 5 109 3 1 31 3k 51 51 7 ClellandP Mrs L J Remm V 5859100 99072 CHIEF GERONIMO WB 3 108 2 2 6 61 7J 8 8 ArcaroE Mrs R Lynch 6702100 6702100Time Time 25 49 114 1405 153 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS KUVERA 722 376 304 261 100 88 100 52 10B 10BPLATINUM PLATINUM BLONDE 314 250 57 100 25 100 100SUBTLETY SUBTLETY 452 126 100 100Winner Winner B g by For Fair Miss Cynthia by Joe Carey trained by A Harned bred by Mr L Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 536J AT POST 2f minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingKUVERA KUVERA well handled and saved off the pace to the stretch went around the leaders and taking the lead in the final eighth won going away PLATINUM BLONDE in close quarters on the first turn came through on the inside of CHIEF GERONIMO and gained fast thereafter SUBTLETY gave way badly after taking the lead KING PIN quit after seveneighths INDIAN RED failed to be a factor INTERIOR was outrun SCANDAL SHEET showed early speed CHIEF GERONIMO dropped back early QOTKeri NINTH RACE 34 Mile Gift of Roses June 27 1933 110 4 109 Purse 5JSHOO2 800 3yearolds and upward Claiming DECLARED OFF OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT ARLINGTON PARK Thursday 3 Races 15550 5 Races 23272 8 Races 33522