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WOR KOUTS Date at left of horses name is last workout Letters following time indicate: b, breezing: d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I : I TUESDAY, APRIL 1and HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Ann Victory. :37 d 3-14 James City. . :36 d 4-12 Biography :36d 3-20 Last Rmance :35d 3-21Colorist ... :35d 3-21 Noble Spirit. :36 d 3- 17 -Evens Hour. :36d 4-9 Our Mae.... :36 d 4- 1 Harky :37 h 3-25 Sun Cloister. :36h 4-13Herevvard .. :37 h 3-23 Ten Law :38 h One-Half Mile. 4-11 Browbeaten. :52 h 4-10 Jsta Teacher :50h 3- 28Basquine ... 1 d 4-9 Prince Drake :49h 44 Bellator ... :50h 4-3 Protractor .. :52h 4-13 Cabochon .. :50 h 4-14 Rebel Yell. :51h Cantroud ... 2 h 3-30 Squawmaker. :50 h Good Sense.. 2 d 4-6 Santan :50h 4- 9 Genl I.ejeune :50 b 2-25 Sighting Bar :51 h 4-7 Idlewild .... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. Argoan l:07h 4-13 Enthusiasm l.-03h 3- 29 All Forlorn. l.-02h 4-3 Forgn Lady.1,-04 h 43 Abercrombie 1:06 h 4-11 Flaxen 1:04 h 4.-11 Baydrop ...1:05 h 4-11 Little Tryst.l:08h 4- 2 Boocord ....1:04 d 4-10 Port Royal.l:03 h Decorate ...1:05 h The Wizard. 1:02 d 4-llDothalr ....1:05 h 4-5 Tambourine l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-11 Blue Zip.... 1:19 d 4-9 Red Badge.. 1:19 h 4-13 Brillfalon ...1:17 d 3-17 River Rose.l:19 h 4-10 B. Lnghornel:17 d 3-15 Smear 1:18 d 4-15 Dignitary ..1:19 h 3-26 Tutticurio ..1:19 h 4-13Lonmeg ....1:17 d 4-10 Unfurled ...1:18 d 3- 5 Last Time..l:18d One Mile. 4- 6 Canimar 1:50 h 4-9 Retribution .1:49 h 4-7 Jim Moss... 1:48 h War Glory. .1:45h 3- 18Patt Saint.l:47 h All Forlorn has her speed. The Wizard is in good form. Enthusiasm went handily. James City has his speed. Noble Spirit went handily. Last Romance and Colorist worked together. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 3 Broadsie ... :37 h 4-10 Laura S :36 h 3- 1 Blind Star... :41 b 4-15 Ly Brn Bud :35h 4- 13 Catwalk .... :Z7h 4-10 L tie Proner :36li 3- 25 Epaulet :36 h 4-5 Ms Eternal.. :37 h 4- 12 Eve? Gown :37 h 4-3 My Dainty.. :38b 4-13 Flo X :36h 4-4 Out Put.... :38 h 4-13 Gla Mccdes :39 d 4-10 Ouray :39 h 4-9 Govr Bill... :39 h 4-7 Scout Royal. :40 b 4-13 Grmas Boy :36 h 4-12 Twill :35 h Half Day.... :39h 4-11 Tight Wad... :41 d 4-7 Headliner.... :40 b 4-1 Whisking.... :38h 4-7 Ima Count.. :59b 4-13 Wise Player. :38b 4-9 Kai Harri... :37h One-Half Mile. 4-13 Bronc Rider. :49h 4-7 Jesting :47h 4-12 Bd Wagon. :48b 4-4 Luck In.... :54b 4-9 Bold Lover.. :48 b 4-9 Marooned ... :48h 4-9 Borsodi .... :52h 4-13 Missouri Girl :51 h 4-9 Civilian.... :52 b 4-11 Omareen :49h 4-9 Cant Rmber :50h 4-11 Poly Royal. . :48b 3- 27Dozana. :49b 4-11 Skipsca :53 b 4- 14Dble Kerry. :49b 4-15 Sassenach .. :49 h 4-9 Eskimo .... :52h 4-9 Tocaya :52b 4-12Fcvcr Yours :48h 4-12 Torolee :48h 4-11 Gusto :55 b 4-13 Towson :54b 4-13 Hilise :47h 4-12 Wilcher .... :53h 3- 9 Inheritor.... :55 b 4-7 We Dghtor :50 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 11 Airy Heiress. 1:04 b 4-6 Lady Carrot. 1:04 b 4-2 Bulstrode ...1:08 b 4-6 Pty Patricial:04 b 4-9 Croon l:02h 4-1 Rutland ....1:05 b 4-4 Flag Time... l:05h 4-9 Rhodius ....1:05 b 4-13 Fast Move... 1:07 b 4-9 Sizzling ....1:06 b 4-8 Golden Fate.l:03 h 4-9 Solitary ....l:01h 4-3 Hasty GIancel:01b 4-5 The Bouncerl.-04h 4-13 Highd Rosc.l:03 h 4-12 Uncon Goldl:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-11 Balancer ...1:18 h 3-20 Plumage ....l:14h 4-9 Cappoquin ..l:20b 4-15 The Heathenl:22 b 4-8 Friar Mark. .l:18b 4-13 Vanita l:19b 4-12 Irksome ....1:14 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-9 Ctess Ann..l:34h 4-12 Olepal l:31h 4-13 Caw Caw. . .l:32h 3-29 Sir Dean. . . .l:31h One Mile. 3-3lKapena ....l:41h 4-15 Vin Noir. .. .1:40d Laura S. and Epaulet came from the barrier. Twill showed speed. Uncommon Gold acts well. Hasty Glance, Band Wagon and Poly Royal were in company. Lady Carrot, Pretty Patricia and Airy Heiress were breezing together. Hilise and Jesting worked well together. Torolee, Forever Yours and Irksome i worked well from the barrier. Golden Fate was breezing. Vin Noir was driving in his good work. Kapena went a handy mile from the barrier. DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 12 Blackthorn . :37u 3-28 Mature .... :41 h 4- 12 Bobby Swp. :41 h 4-13 Memory Ext :37h 4-10 Crimson ...:41 h 4-13 Own iMtinez :37h 3- 29Elwawa .... :42 h Perfect One. :39h 4- 14 First Try... :39 h 4-12 Rettcf :37 h 4-12 French Boy. :37 u 3-16 Rich Phil... :39 h 4-12 Gee Gee.... :37h 4-13 Ripantear .. :37h Georgie Ms. :40 h 4-13 Sis Blaze,.. :38 h 4-13 Green :37h Snshine Boy :37 u 2- 26 Hour Lady.. :42 h 3-26 Short Hand. :39 h 3- 19 Mr. Sponge.. :39 .h One Half Mile. 4- 13 El Puma.... :52 h 4-14 Fern Memm :54 h 4-12Ennis K.... :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. ,4-13Durga 1:04h 3-25 Oso PricesslK6 h Fluttcrby ...l:08h 4-13 Ridgemor ,.l:07h Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 22 Amn Princel:17h 4-13 Judge Leer. .l:18h " 4- 10 Clor Crane. .l:17h 4-13 Max Way. . .l:16h 4-13CampaSna .l:16h 4-13 No Change. ,l:18h 4-13 Dixit Id8andh 4-13 Our Hobby.. VA5h 4-13 Foggy Night. 1-20 h 4-11 Prs Ivory. .1:21 h 4-13 Isaiah l:20h 4-13 Salut DAmrl:18h 4-12 Jessie Dear.121 h One Mile. Baloo l:45h 4-13 Open Hearth1:44h 4-12 Graceful Ladl:49h Max Way and Dixit were in company. Open Hearth went handily throughout. Campagna worked impressively. Our Hobbys work was the best of the morning. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather partly cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-14 Bagge Trail. :43b 4-14 L. B. Wilson :38 b Bubbler .... :41 b 4-13 My Louellen. :36h Bdway Walk :36d 3-12 Memory Lad. :36 h 4-13Bron Witch :35andd 4-13 No Saint.... :35d 4-13ByrdeI :36h 4-13 Oh Dave.... :38b Bolleek :36b 4-13 Ottoman ... :37 h 4-11 Brown Man.. :36d 4-13 Our Carolyne :36h 4-13 Chanceview.. :36 b 4-11 Panthr Rock :38b 4-13 Cherry Time. :38 b 4-11 Prince John. :38 b 4-13 China Gal... :36 d Royal Image. :38 b Dulcimer ... :37 h 4-13 Regards .... :36h 4-13 Darkways ... 6 d 4-12 Rule or Ruin :38b For Romance :38b 4-13 Scarp :364ib Hisun ...... :37d 4-13 T. Imrtal II. :36h 4-6 Hazelbell ... :38b Tigreen .... :39 b Jocks Image. :39 b 4-13 Tristan :36h 4-13Jawapa ..... :364ib Which Image :38 b Jane F. :37 d One-Half Mile. 4-12Arakay ..... 2 b Nectarine ... 0 b Billy Jones.. :52 b 4-15 Pronto :54b 4-12 Bellfounder.. :494ih 4-15 Peloria :54b Crinoline . . . :50b 4-13 Star Banner. :50b 4-15Epinique .... :50b St. Bernard. :49 b Finance :49 b 3-24 Some Boy... :51h Gay Dog.... :50 d 4-13 Seven Pines. :50b 4-10 Lady Cotner. :49d Top Dog.... :49 b 4-13 Listening ... :50 b Tophorn ... :50 d Long Rift... :53 b 4-12 Upon ....... :49b 4-15 Miss Patriot. :53 d 4-6 Verde Grey.. :50 b 3- 26 Mabel Krasa :51b Watersplash. :50 b 4- 13 Mr. Mack. .. :50 b Five-Eichths Mile. Army Sergntl:08 b 4-15 Hymarque ..1:04 b 4-13 Babeson ....l:04b 4-13 Julia Grant..l:03b 4-2 Cynthia GaylK4 b Lady Genie. .l:06b Cool Waters. l:03d Lady Kiev. ..1:04 b 4-13Clive 1:06 b 4-13 Night Flowerl:07 b 4-13 Danes Spiritl:03b 4-13 Nellfred ....1:08 b 4-6 Dick Star.... 1:05 d 4-13 Our David. ..1:08 b 3- 19 Fast Stride.. l:031ib 4-13 Our Bettie. .l:04b 4- 15 Footwork ...1:04 b Plover Hill..l:05b 4-13 Fair Ethel. . .l:04h 4-13 Sun Boy. . . ,l.-04b 4-15 Funderburg .1:09 b 4-13 Score 1:04 b 4-14 Goln Thronel:07 b 4-13 Shadow Songl:04 b Gobet 1:08 b 4-13 Ykee WVrsl:07b Three-Quartprc Mile. 4-11 Blackbirder 1:14h 4-13 Jump Off...l:18b 4-13 Back Log. . .l:16b 4-13 Marie Jean..l:15h 4-13 Brass Butnsl:16b 4-13 Poet Prince. l:lbb 4-10 Cf Cherokee.l:23b 4-13 Pancoast . . .l:16b Crude ...... l:18b 4-13 Richwood ..l:19b 4-13 Chance Damel:22b -4-12 Royal Sport. l:15h 4-15 Chauvenet ..1:20 b 4-13 Southld Poetl:17b 4-13Exotude ....1:18 b 4-13 Sickle Hour.l:16 b Flutter Up. .1:15 b 4-13 Shot Proof. .1:16 b 4-13 Gretna B.... 1:18 b 4-12 Thrgh Omdl:17b 4-13 HiTd Downsl:17b 4-15 Visigoth .,..1:17 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4.-13 Bobbys Son.l:29 h One Mile. 4-11 Bring Back..l:46b 4-13 Stjensund ..l:45b 4-13 High Diver.l:45b 4-12 Santerno ...l:46b 4-9 Mntny Man1:45 b 4-14 Who Win. . ..l:46b 4-6 Pony Up....l:45b Chanceview was breezing Jawapa and Scarp were together. Finance looks good and worked with Top Dog. St. Bernard worked yell in hand. Blackbirder appears at his best. Bobbys Son did a good move. Brown Witch showed speed under urging. BAY MEADOWS. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 4-11 Answer True :38h 4-8 Regardless... :40b 3- 13 Chatterfol .. :41b 4-8 Svvifty :40b 4- 9 Pueta :40b Yorba :40b One-Half Mile. 3- 13 Betfandot .. :53b 4-1 Tubac :53b 2- 19 Nth Shadow j54b Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 6 Hardatit ...,l:07b 3-30 Red Satin..1:06 b One Mile. 4-8 Durango ...1:51 b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-1 Baby Chard. :40 h 2-27 Octaroro ... :39 b 4-13 Harem Qun-:42 b 3-24 Sweetbroom. :33b 3- 24 Marcasite . . :39 b One-Half Mile. AHie Sholtz. :51h 3-24 Little Argo. . :54 b Bipartisan . . :5lh 4-14 Miss Ginbar :51h 3- 19 Gding Light :50d 3-27 Unkwn Solr :52h 4- 14 Huge Copy.. :50d 4-13 Volta Maid.. :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 3-11 Bway Bill.. l:06b 4-3 Playfole ....1:04 h 3- 16 Chin Up.... l:06b 4-14 Queen Vic..1:03b Diddy Gal. .1:04 b Sainted ....1:04 h 4- 3 Euclid imd Three-Quarters Mile. Chance Bill. 1:18 h 4-14 Son O Stingl:18 h 4-13 Fast Chancel:16andd 4-13 Sophistited 1:16 d 3- 15 Mad Beth... 1:18 h Volomite ...1:23 b 4- 15 Major Genall:17d 4-13 War Pledge. 1:21 b 4-14 Mr. Bill.... 1:18 d 4-13 Yap 120 b 4-14 Rust 1:17 h One Mile. 4-8 Flying Gypsyl:45 d 4-7 My Selection1:45d 4-14 My Ktuckyl:49 b 4-13 Pcess Hastel:46 b 4-12 Moralist ...1:46 h AQUEDUCT. iVeather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Blue Bubble f39 h 2-21 Fleam :40 h One Half Mile. Below Zero. . :50 h Phillip! Boy. :49h 3- 15 Black Watch :55 h 4-13 Stone Martin :54 h 4- 7 Impromptu . :53 h Tea Talk... :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 31 Broadsword 1.-08 h Pce Runyon1:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 6 Bethlmstar 1:20 h 4-10 Fred AImy..l:20 h Cap Pistol. .1:20 d Gingham ...1:18 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 3-5 Epical 1:32 h One Mile. Apprehsive l:46b BELMONT PARK. Main Track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-20 Berry Patch :37 h Two Bob . . . . :35 h 3- 20 High Favor. :37 h One-Half Mile. 4- 11 Blackmail .. :47h 3-11 Songmaker . :49h 4-11 Pantoufle . . :53b 4-11 Synod :50h 4-11 Pundit :52 b 4-11 The Darb... :47h 4-11 Quiet Talk.. :48h 2-21 Trumpery .. :52 b 4-11 Surveyor ... :50h Five-Eighths Mile. Apprehend .l:04h 2-14 Sparta .....1:01 h 4-13 Captain Argol:01h Three-Quarters Mile. Ajaccio ....1:20 h Lady Higloss1:17 h Black Grousel:20 h DALLAS. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-13 Big Thrill... :41 b 4-13 Surprising .. :39 h 4-11 First General :37h 4-14 Sleepy Joe... :38 h 3-28 Finlet . . :36 h 2-20 Tombereau . :41 b 3- 28 Just High.. :39b One-Half Mile. 4- llAurebon ... :50h 4-13 Ruth Jelinek :507sh 4-12 Axial :51h 4-9 Reigh Rose.. :50h 4-12 Blind Puss.. :50 h 4-13 Thistle Air.. :52 h 4-13 Chu Chu.... :49h 4-13 ThHle Dick. :52h 4-1 Cloudet :52 b 3-19 Tenney Bell. :50 h 4-10 Losing Clon. :52h 4-13 Vivid :52h 4-15 Royal Link. . :52h 4-12 Waterfront . :50b Five-Eighths Mile. Hey Cat.... 1:06 b 4-15 R!l Treasure.1:03h Three-Quarters Mile. Aunt Betsy..1:16h 4-9 Lsome Pine.l:17h 4-llFort Avue.ld7h 4-12 Peach Bud.. 153 -b 4-7 Left Over... 1:19 h Rose Binard.150 h