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SEEKS BEST CRAPE OF HORSES OHara to Build Special Barn for Vanderbilt String, . i - J. V. Whitney Arranges to Ship String of Twenty-Five to Narragansett Park for Next Meeting. 1 PROVIDENCE, R. I., April 16. Realizing -the solution of New Englands racing problem will be successfully solved by the track management commanding patronage of the best stables and most race horses, Walter E. 0!Hara has just completed extensive plans and arrangements that will positively assure a plenitude of high grade thoroughbreds for Narragansett Park this summer. For Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, OHara . will build a special barn to house the Sagamore first string of" some thirty horses, headed by the great four-year-old Discovery. Handled by J. H. "Bud" Stotler, the Vanderbilt horses will make their summer headquarters at Narragansett and will campaign at each of the three Rhode Island meetings. R. A. "Bob" Smith, boss of Mrs. Isabel Dodge Sloanes famous Brookmeade Stable, has given OHara his word the Brookmeade horses will race at Narragansett throughout the summer and that the champion, Cavalcade, " will positively compete in one or more of the stake events. C. V. Whitney has agreed to send in a string of twenty-five head, to be handled by young Jack Healey, while Mrs. John Hay Whitney will split her forces between Narragansett and New York, the New England contingent to be under the care of Bill Norton. Warren Wright, owner of the Calumet Farm, has decided to divide his string for the summer and to race one half at the Chicago meetings, the other half at Narragansett with popular Frank, Kearns , in charge. The Calumet Farms Nellie Flag, possibly the best three-year-old of her sex, will star on the Fawtucket track. Mrs. Harry Payne Whitneys ever popu- lar pink and black stripes will be sported by a string of twenty horses in charge of Bill Brennan and Brennan has promised that Silvio Coucci and Earl Porter, will be along to do the riding. F. A. Carreaud, Texas hotel man who has been racing all winter on the West Coast, is shipping in his whole string, including the smart Time Supply, direct from Bay Meadows to Narragansett, on April 20. A. A. Baroni, is another making the long hop from the coast with thirty-five head, that will alternate between Narragansett and Rockingham. The champion jockey, Maurice Peters, will ride the Baroni horses. Percy M. Pike, San Francisco oil magnate, is shipping thirty-two head from the coast and will operate in New England for the summer, with Narragansett his headquarters. George Ogle, trainer of. many first class racers, including Indian Runner, Miney Myerson, Patchpocket, Little Lad and others, has declared his intention of passing up all New York tracks in order to confine his activities to New England and Narragansett in particular. Filed in the racing secretarys office are applications for more than 2,500 stalls and they roll in at the rate of 100 per day. Although OHara has ordered six more barns built, there will be much shaking of heads before the thoroughbreds are finally bedded down. Pat Horgan and Ben Holmes, who will share the duties of racing secretary and official handicapper, are due to report May 1 and immediately following their perusal of the lists, the track will be thrown open to receive horses. Both Horgan and Holmes have been working for months on preparation of a highly attractive "book." With OHaras approval, the stake list will be re-, leased on May 5 and it will be found one of the finest offered for 1935 racing. A