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CHANGE HAGERSTOWN AND CHARLES TOWN DATES HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., April 16. There will be only a four day conflict during the forthcoming race meetings at Charles Town, W. Va., and Hagerstown, Md., instead of two weeks, as a result of a get together conference held among officials of the two organizations. Hagerstown, which has the honor of winding up Marylands spring racing season, will usher in its ten day session on Tuesday, May 21, with the wind-up set for Saturday, June 1. Charles Town, the only track operating in West Virginia, will open its long summer session on Wednesday, May 29, with the wind-up set for July 4. This means that the West Virginia and Maryland meetings will conflict on May 29, 30 and 31 and June 1, inclusive. The decision to conflict only four days instead of two weeks should tend to improve racing at both tracks. In the neighborhood of 400 horses now in training in this state will be shipped to Hagerstown, later vanning over to Charles Town, W. Va., which is less than twenty minutes run from the Hub City.