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I ARLINGTON DOWNS-NOTES ! Judge Joseph A. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy will depart Sunday night for St. Louis for the wedding- of their granddaughter. The Downs racing director will remain there several days before going to Chicago, and then to detroit for the opening of the Fair Grounds season, where he will serve in the same capacity. Starter Roy Dickerson will fly to San Francisco Sunday to assume his duties as starter at Tanforan. He will miss the first days racing at the track, which opens its season Saturday. Four of the Downs officials will go to Alamo Downs for the meeting opening there April 20. These include Charles F. Henry, racing secretary; Herman P. Conkling, steward; and placing judges John Carey and Sidney Brown. Charles Kenney, another of the Downs official family, will go to Fair Park, Dallas. C. E. Davisons Tryandagain threw her exercise boy this morning, ran away two miles, and injured her near foreleg when she crashed through the outside fence. The boy escaped injury, but the horse will be on the shelf for some time. Arlington Downs will observe Arlington Day tomorrow and several score reservations have been received by those in charge of the Texas Jockey Clubs dining rooms, terrace and mezzanine promenade from socialites in Dallas, Fort Worth and the city of Arlington, which has declared a half holiday and the citizens of which will descend upon the Downs in a body. The North Texas Agricultural College augmented band will be on hand and the Arlington delegation will be in charge of Mayor W. F. Altman, whose daughter Ouida will present the Jockey Clubs silver trophy to the owner of the horse winning the Arlington Handicap today. All races on Wednesdays card have been dedicated to Arlington civic and business ; organizations and the judges stand will abound with flowers which are to be presented to the winning owners. Zoe Beckley, noted woman journalist, whose writings are widely syndicated by the ! Associated Press, was honored by the Jockey Club Tuesday when the feature was named for her. Miss Beckley presented the j owner of the winning horse with a large bouquet and the picturization of the event was broadcast over the United States by the A. P.s wire photo process. Park Inn, Dallas Pike rendezvous, will be I featured Thursday and a presentation will be made the owner of the horse winning the Park Inn Purse. Friday afternoon, Ted Fiorito, nationally famous bandsman, whose orchestra will be at the Lakeworth Casino, Fort Worth, over the week-end, will have a race named for him, and Mrs. George Smith, Fort. Worth, will make the presentation. Saturday will undoubtedly prove a gala day with the ceremonies attendant upon the running of the 5,000 Texas Derby naturally assuming stellar proportions. Miss Marousia Mueller will represent the Texas Jockey Club and award the massive silver trophy to the winning owner and Mrs. W. T. Waggoner II. and Mrs. A. B. Wharton, Jr. will bestow the Derby garland of flowers. The Derby in its entirety will be pictured by Paramount, Universal and Fox Movietone and the race and subsequent closeups will be flashed on the film screens of the nation a few days after the event. Fort Worth and Dallas theaters will show the race in full on Sunday, April 21. Clifford Porter loaded Charles Bacha-rachs Southland Stable this morning and departed for Churchill Downs. Porter stated Glittering spread a foot when he sumbled at the start of his last engagement. J. D. Spreckels in. made a change in his plans, and instead of shipping to Alamo Downs the stable will be vanned to Fair Park. Apprentice Wagner departs for Louisville next Saturday night, where he reports to Mose Goldblatt, his contract employer. William "Gusher Bill" Rowe is a visitor from his home at Shreyeport, La.