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I Rockingham Park! f Spring Meeting 29 Days Salem, New Hampshire t I Wednesday, May 15th to Monday, June 17th J f 20 Purses of ,500 S276 300 OO 86 Purses of ,000 i L 29 Purses of ,200 No Purse Less Than 00 IN STAKES AND PURSES 1 f The Speed Handicap ,000 Added The Hampton Cup ,000 Added f 1 RUM MAY IRth CLOSE MAY 6th 6 FURLONGS DIIIU If IMC 1 f CLOSE MAY 22nd 1 1-8 MILES I nuiv IVIHI I villi Three-Year-Olds and Upward num JUI1C 151 Three-Year-Olds and Upward f I The Granite State Handicap ,000 Added The Dartmouth Handicap ....... ,500 Added T 1 RUM MAY 18th CLOSE MAY 8th 1 1-16 MILES DIIIU MC Cfh CLOSE MAY 27th 5 1-2 FURLONGS I nun IVIHI I Oil I Three-Year-Olds and Upward nui" JUNE OUI Thrce-Year-OIds and Upward I J New England States Handicap ... ,500 Added The Juvenile Handicap .. ,000 Added ? I RUN MAY 22nd CLOSE tfgSr RUN JUNE 8th close may ,woyearQj furlongs I I New Hampshire Handicap . . ,000 Added White Mountain Handicap . . ,500 Added ? I i num RUN IVIHI MAY 25th Will CLOSS,lBIAV5th Three-Year-Olds and tt Upward 1-16 ?nLES HUN RUN JIIIMF JUNLBW 8th close may Three-Year-Olds 29th and Upward 1 mile I f The Harvard Handicap ,500 Added The Salem Handican ,500 Added 5 I RUN MAY 29th close may ,ireeYearoids furlongs RUN JUNE 12th CLSE .. 8S2SOTGff f Decoration Day Handicap . . . . .0,000 Added Rockingham Park Handicap . . . .0,000 Added k I RUN MAY 30th CLSE MAY ZlIee.Year.0l RUN JUNE 15th CL0SE ear-Olds and Upward8 f J NOTICE ALL STAKES CLOSE 10 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OF RUNNING f I GEN. JOHN W. A. GREEN LOUIS SMITH H. D. MONROE 1 President Managing: Director and Treasurer Racing: Secretary i For Stall Reservations, Apply to Rockingham Park, Salem, New Hampshire. Please Forward Horses Names, with Application i