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Harvey Ames, Inc. I 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. WON AGAIN YESTERDAY F .Above, was the result of yesterdays "Harvey Transaction" and, of course, the only . horse advised. This was on file with this and another reputable "turf publication. : Also filed with Western "Union Telegraph. We assure you that the horse was filed before post time. - I HARVEY TRANSACTION TODAY :.. SUBSCRIPTION, 00, IN ADVANCE, BY TELEGRAPH v t TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760. 5-0995 DAILY TELEGRAPH OFT TOLD TALES THE "PINK SHEET" SPECIALS WIN AGAIN MONDAYS EDITION GAVE REGRENS ONE BEST BET: MIDSHIPMAN, - $ 4.70, WON REGRENS AGUA CALTENTE STANDOUT: SKIPTON, $ 8.00, WON REGRENS AGUA CALTENTE PAY-OFF HORSE: LADY RIAF, $ 7.00, WON BASSETTS BAY MEADOWS SPECIAL: JANE PACKARD, $ 6.00, WON REGREN GAVE FOUR WINNERS AT AGUA CALTENTE: HONUAPO, 0.60, WON SKIPTON, $ 8.00, WON FLASHY GEORGE, $ 7.40, WON LADY RIAF, $ 7.00, WON REGREN GAVE THREE WINNERS AT HAVRE BE GRACE: DREEL, 5.10, WON JUDGE SCHILLING, $ 9.40, WON MIDSHIPMAN, $ 4.70, WON . Mccarty had two good Arlington downs winners: BLUE CAT, 5.40, WON TRAITOR, 3.70, WON You Get Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Information In Every "Pink Sheet" for the Small Sum of Ten Cents You Cannot Get the Same Information Anywhere Else, No Matter How Much You Pay for It BUY THE "PINK SHEET" t.v.i v WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: i i-H Mf HAVRE DE GRACE Gray-85-75-75. i ARLINGTON DOWNS Beige-89-96-93. To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. .50 per Month by First Class Mall .00 per Montii by Air Mail Free! Free! Free! One ofthe greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY- Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, la Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price, so get yours todav while there is still time. " SEN?, 5JlR.?FJr5RDER FOB rODB DEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEY S VALUABLE BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND. WELL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 CHICAGO. DLL. HORSBViANS 3tfWEEKLY3fe ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE. 35 CENTS Todays Free Code: HAVRE September-63-25-29-59. SECRET FLASH CODES: HAVRE DE GRACE Vermont-33-35-34-55. ARLINGTON D OWNS Michigan-41 -47-47-51 . ARLINGTON FREE CODE: Ted-Ice-Gag-Arc-Off. HAVRE FREE CODE: Tar-Hod-Vex-Lap-Pur. OCCASIONAL CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE: Tan-Cat-Era-Bug-Sun. Free Phone Results Call Wab. 7000 1 s TURF LIGHT tfSE ISSUE OF APRIL 20 FOR CODE January Texas-Amuse-Abroad-Annual-Archer. BI-MONTHLY CARD CODE Ask Dealer or Box 66, General Post Office, New York City. 7th Race Maryland-10-22-12-25. TURF LIGHT, 140 West 42nd St., New York City. LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price. 15 Cents TODAYS CODE PARLAY: HAVRE Packard-41-31. ARL. Lincoln-39-31. TODAYS MARYLAND CLOCKERS RELEASE: HAVRE DE GRACE Yellow-322-324-336-384. Five dollars pays for Code Card, good for six days parlays. Alto code card for entire Havre de Grace meeting aliFolntely free. ,000 FEEE CODE GOES .FRIDAY, APRH, 19 Advertise in Daily Racina Form ii".v " J vt. - - I HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY HSKSErJ ,,Fidd" Never MisrePresents 9 S SI 9 1 BAg fll pieasure Qf doingbusiness with me will tell a Wu 1 vi I m deal as you ever got in your If e everybody MgSJHSLSJLSLSLtk Sets the same service no red tape! j55ndayParlay Tuesdays Parlay: POSTSCRIPT, 7.50, WON SLIPPER KING, .90, WON mVIOSPHERE, 0.40, WON PARADUN, 2.00, .90, 2nd This Parlay Paid 1 for Just a Tough Beat W IF YOU CAN DO "BETTER," YOU DONT NEED ME BUT CAN YOU? "i jWWEDNESDAY "SHOOT THE WORKS," WIN ONLY ! Thats just the expression used by my connections about the TWO "GOOD rHINGS" they are going to "cut loose" today. I cant make public all the details but ake my word for it TYOU NEVER BET ON TWO "SURER WINNERS" IN YOUR LIFE- m- DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DALLY! - City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service ab- iolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK EJJEED, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, I1L systologyX WONDER BOOK OF TURF SYSTEMS IT COSTS ONLY 1 THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. Q. I 443 Plymouth CLt Chicago, 111.: H Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . H NAME . I ADDRESS. .M .: I CITY STATE I fflQTURF WEEKLY QgK AT ALL STANDS Now only 25 cents. Is a larger and more informative weekly. Our growth is due to WINNERS ONLY. MONDAYS FREE CODE: DREEL 5.10, WON SATURDAYS FREE CODE: BRIGHT LIGHT, 0.80, WON Dont miss any of these Free Code winners. We release them only when we have the O. K. 8-1 FREE CODE GOES TODAY HERE IS THE NAME: To decipher, see page 3 in Silver "6" W MAN Coat-19-45 This horse will not be given a 1-2-3 chance, but we have the final O. K. Our advice to you is to Play This Horse "To Win" Only If your newsdealer cannot supply you, send for ten weeks issues. Mailed in a plain, sealed envelope. SILVER "6" TURF WEEKLY Knickerbocker Bldg., Bway and 42nd St., N. Y. City. SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS PER COPY TODAY IS THE DAY WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR All Clockers Review Free Code followers will get paid off on this one. You will not have to wait for Saturday for pay-day. Play TODAYS -FREE CODE: HAVRE DE GRACE The-8-24. and get an extra envelope this week. Just rush right over to your nearest newsstand, get yourself -a copy of CLOCKERS REVIEW and see page 2 for key to code. TODAYS DURANTE CODE PARLAY: HAVRE DE GRACE Green-8-25. HAVRE DE GRACE Lilac-5-26. Five dollars .00 pays for Durante Code Card. Good for six days. CLOCKERS REVIEW 41 Union Square West, Suite 1011 New York City TRACK CRACKS RACING WEEKLY "The Truth If It Breaks Us" On All Stands, 15c THERE IS NO LONGER A LIMIT TRACK CRACKS SECURES YOUR WAGERS A new and better plan assures you of "Track Odds." For details, see TRACK CRACKS or write for sample copy. 75-1 TODAYS CODE PARLAY 75-1 ARL. Young-39-13-13-37. ARL. Garner-4-96-67-1. PAYS FOR SIX DAYS CODE SERVICE TRACK CRACKS PUB. CO. 4 WEST 15TH ST. NEW YORK CITY TODAYS HAVRE DE GRACE CODE SPECIAL: HAVRE DE GRACE Whip-17-21-4-46. TODAYS TRACK CRACKS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON Eva-9-21-11-21. wv MAN O WAR miT FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Cap-35-14-17-18. Todays Code Parlay: ARLINGTON Sidney-29-53-41-35 and HAVRE Harry-47-17-23-55. Todays .Meeting Horse: HAVRE Sally-44-1 6-82-84. - Subscribe for Daily Racing Form I A - S TURF RATINGS AND SERVICE " II DIRECT FROM SCENE OF ACTION YESTERDAYS PARLAY: SCOTCH PEPPER, .50, Lost SARACEN MAID, .90, .90 3rd MONDAYS PARLAY: TRAITOR, 3.70, WON JAKOVIA, .70, $ 3.50, 2ND SATURDAYS PARLAY: WILLIAM O, 2.30, WON BRIGHT LIGHT, 0.80, WON FRIDAYS PARLAY: MINNIE GREENOCK, $ 8.10, WON OVERSHOES, .90, $ 3.90, 2ND Positively no "mistakes" today. Once the barrier goes up in two "particular" events at Arlington Downs, the $ should never be left in doubt. Be sure to $ JYOURSS. PARLAY TERMS, DAILY Out-of-towners, WIRE IN your subscription by Postal Telegraph or Western Union. City players, call at office or phone DEARBORN 3610-3629 and receive parlay by FAST MESSENGER. No additional charge for messenger service. "CLOCKER" SAM CLARK 127 N. Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37 Chicago, in. Write for sample copy of my booklet Tri-irDr racing i nujr WEEKLY Worlds Premier Long Shot Handicapper "TRIUMPH OF ETERNAL TRUTH" ROCK OF OUR FOUNDATION Only 15 Cents a Copy All Stands Have It MONDAYS FREE CODE: POSTAGE DUE, .50, WON YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: PARVA STELLA ent., .50, WON Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Black-21-38. TODAYS "CHIPS" McMANUS SPECIAL: HAVRE DE GRACE Dayton-Frank-Sid. TODAYS HAVRE MEETING HORSE: . HAVRE DE GRACE Packard-48-57. TODAYS 00 FOR CORKING WINNING DOUBLE Two long shots all set and ready to win at limit odds. Be sure to subscribe for this winning double today. TODAYS THORP DAILY DOUBLE: AR LIN GT0 N Tile-84-87. ARLINGT0 N Floor-28-98. TERMS: DAILY OR WEEKLY Service rendered immediately upon receipt of subscription by telegraph, and code follows immediately. THORP RACING WEEKLY 63 Park Row Suite 804 New York City AT ALL STANDS EVERY WEEK-35 CENTS Turf Gossip Free Code: ARLINGTON July-42-31-47-52. dockers Tips Free Codes: HAVRE Jack-65-77-83-77 and HAVRE Duke-79-81 -77-72. MONDAYS TURF GOSSIP FREE CODE: MIDSHIPMAN, $ 4.70, WON MOXDAY.S CLOCKERS TIPS1 FREE CODE: DREEL, 5.10, WON WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the races we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should place you above want as loner as you live. No obligations. Just send your name and address to SECOR PUB. CO. AURORA, ILL ?Free Phone Results Call Wab.TGOo! A .0