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BAINBRIDGE PARK THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD RACES 1 1AT AT BAINBRIDGE PARK FRIDAY PAID 8820 FOR 2 j GEAUGA LAKE OHIO FRIDAY JUNE 14 1935 Bainbridge Park 1 mile Fourteenth day Bainbridgt Breeders and Racing Association Summer meeting of 15 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather rainy Stewards J T Ireland R S Eddy Jr and J A King Placing Judges R A Leigh C C Campeau and C V Abbo Starter G R Wingfield Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Moratorium May 30 1935 105 3 111 Purse K Ku wnners of two races since April 10 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 116 Ibs i u JuneTJ35Bbg Nonwinners since April 10 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 600 if for 500 allowed 3 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt PPSt A J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 120772VONNIE w6111 4 I3 PolkF Mrs E B Shipp 160100 11781 JUDGE DIXON wn8113 7 21 LeylandJ M Goldstein 280100 11987 AVAIL WB 5 113 2 31 EdwardsD J Salinski 1540100 12074 OUR SHIP wn4108 3 424 BookerR C Mitchell 1310100 131010011625ELIHU 11625ELIHU w3110 6 56 TiceF Bellew Barnes 2380100 11782 CHARLIE w 7 113 5 62 ColIinsJC C Bunte 2560100 256010011987MAC 11987MAC MOON w 6 108 1 7 LangW J M Kegg 260100 260100Time Time 23J 48 109 Track sloppy 2 HUTUZtS PAID OFFICIAL BOOICJKQ OAD8 VONNIE 520 280 240 160 100 40 100 20 100 100JUDGE JUDGE DIXON 280 240 40 100 20 100 100AVAIL AVAIL 360 80 100 100Winner Winner Blk g by Tryster Lady Von by Donnacona trained by E B Shipp bred by Mr E H Von Roenn Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 219 AT POST minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third handily handilyThe The race was run in a driving rain and it was impossible to determine colors accurately but VONNIE appeared to have led by a safe margin throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 11989 Ingress 104 104Corrected Corrected weight Charlie 113 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Al Green June 20 1932 110 5 110 Purse 1935JL OOOQ 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race in 1935 JL fOOe Weight 114 Ibs Claiming price S500 S500June1435Bbg June1435Bbg Net vaue to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 119882GAME WB5104 8 6 34 23 I3 1 BradshawW Mrs F Stafford StaffordWB 230100 12075 CHILOW WB 5 114 2 5 64 54 41 21 EdwardsD S Adams 2470100 120753PRINCESS BLACK w 7 109 9 3 21 34 31 3 HodgesS A Janicki Janickili 2330100 11988VERrTAS w4104 1 1 li lh 22 4h LeonardJ A W Getz 750100 120752NO MISTAKES w5110 32 42 41 53 55 TurnerL V H McMullcn McMullcn5h 220100 11988 VLADIMIR WB 8 114 7 4 5h 62 63 62 MartinTP Miss H Carlock 820100 12075 GERTRUDE V w 5 109 6 7 72 72 72 72 ClcmonsR H H Chopin 9870100 10700 BOBS BUDDY WB 5 114 5 9 81 81 8 8 LeylandJ C Wolfe 550100 12076 POTENTIAL w 5 114 4 8 9 9 Pul up WestH B Myers 3510100 Time 24 48 116 Track sloppy sloppyi i S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GAME 660 340 300 230 100 70 100 50 100 100CHILOW CHILOW 1120 920 460 100 360 100 100PRINCESS PRINCESS BLACK 920 360 100 100Winner Winner B m by Wildair Two No Trumps by Ballot trained by S Stafford bred by Mr C H Berryman Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 247 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third handily handilyGAME GAME moved up on the outside of the leaders at the eighth post and held sway the remainder of the trip CHILOW steadily improved his position and out finished the others PRINCESS BLACK held on fairly well in the final test VERITAS displayed early speed but was tiring at the finish NO MISTAKE had no mishaps but disliked the going goingScratched Scratched 11878 Sweeping Grass 109 11783 Lazy Mary 104 104Overweight Overweight No Mistake 1 pound THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Al Green June 20 1932 110 5 110 Purse f rto A f 400 3yearolds and upward Fillies and Mares Claiming Nonwinners jt of two races since April 1 3yearolds 109 Ibs older 114 Ibs Nonwinners June1435Bbg since March 18 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 500 Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 12157 BROWN RAY w 4 111 1 4 2 2 24 14 EdwardsD Miss M Root 980100 11988 WIGROSE wB7110 61 I3 I3 li 224 TurnerL F Davitt 200100 12077 PATRICIA C w 5 109 2 6 31 33 32 3k BradshawW Kabrich Swartz 2530100 12161 WILD DAUGHTER w 3 106 588 44 424 DyerJ LMolasky 910100 11879 SEA LASSIE ws3109 45 4h 41 51 51 BognskiW Smith OConnell 1880100 1880100119892HOUSE 119892HOUSE BABY w3109 72 64 62 6 = 66 WcstH M Daniels 940100 940100118843JUST 118843JUST MARIE WB 3 104 3 3 54 74 7i 71 PolkF P F Stoltz 750100 750100121572BRIZETTE 121572BRIZETTE w 5 109 8 7 7nk 8 8 8 BookerR C Mitchell 240100 240100Time Time 23 48 116 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS BROWN RAY 2160 920 1240 980 100 360 100 520 100 100WIGROSE WIGROSE 480 460 140 100 130 100 100PATRICIA PATRICIA C 700 250 100 100Winner Winner B f by Brown Prince II Super Ray by Trap Rock trained by S N Stafford bred by Mr P M Walker Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 3rl4 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third easily easilyBROWN BROWN RAY came strongly on the outside of WIGROSE in the last sixteenth and got up in the lart few yards WIGROSE displayed the most speed when midway of the stretch and held on well PATRICIA C well up throughout was doing her best at the end to stall off WILD DAUGHTER The latter closed much eround The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 12156Brown Polly 106 12157 Occult 111 12074Lilac Bloom 114 12157 Zaidee 109 109Overweight Overweight Wigrose 1 pound FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Al Green June 20 1932 110 5 110 Purse 1 Qd l S500 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 112 Ibs older 120 A JO a1 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since May 29 allowed 3 Ibs one race 6 Ibs June1435Bbg One race since April 1 9 Ibs Claiming price 900 if for less 2 Ibs alloved for each 100 to 600 Net value to winner 390 second 70 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St U it Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 120773HAPPY SCOT WB112 32 23 1 1 I West S D Hudson 680100 112142DARK ROAMER w 3 104 2 4 44 41 34 21 DyerJ DyerJ120793SERVANT J E Miller 210100 120793SERVANT PRIDE WB 4 114 1 1 li 14 22 21 3nk Tilden TildenR L DeLatour 530100 12079 GRATTAN wn8115 43 31 32 4nk 44 TurnerL B Hernandez 320100 32010009762MUSTA 09762MUSTA SHEIK WB 6 106 5 6 6 51 5 56 LeonardJ R W Hoffman 1870100 11890 PESTLE WB 3 1044 65 52 6 6 6 PolkF J Cattarinich 350100 Time 23 48 116 Track sloppy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 4 4HAPPY HAPPY SCOT 1560 640 400 680 100 220 100 100 100 100DARK DARK ROAMER 440 340 120 100 70 100 100SERVANT SERVANT PRIDE 460 130100 130100Winner Winner B h by Scotch Broom Felicitation by Delhi trained by S D Hudson bred by Mr S Ross Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 341 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingHAPPY HAPPY SCOT shook off SERVANT PRIDE while rounding the far turn and drew into command there after DARK ROAMER finished resolutely through the stretch SERVANT PRIDE showed early speed but was tiring at the finish GRATTAN had no mishaps JUSTA SHEIK finished well but was in close quarters quartersScratched Scratched 119873 Whoa Back 104 104Overweight Overweight Dark Roamer 1 pound Pestle 14 14Corrected Corrected weight Servant Pride 114 FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Lucky Dan June 20 1931 142 4 113 f OO A n Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 106 Ibs iir r older uo lbs Winners since May 29 3 Ibs extra for each race won ii June1435Bbg Claiming price 500 Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St 4 V i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11992WILD TRANSIT w 4 1044 4 5 BI 43 43 32 H PolkF C Troutt Troutt119903SISKO 119903SISKO wSlll 1 3 32 3 24 24 24 EdwardsD A A Gray 11992EL CAJON WB6110 2 1 1 1 p Ink 33 Turner Smith OConnoll 280100 11992PRINCE 28010011992PRINCE RENO w 6 105 3 6 6 54 5 5 4 HodgesII C Woodntff 380100 12078 SUSIE V WB 3 103J 5 2 2 2i 32 4h 5 BoganskiW P F Stoltz 3230100 11992 INSTEAD WB 3 109 7 4 4k 6 Pulled up TiccF Miss B Tic 5560100 11990 SPOHTG MAUDIE wii 6 108 6 Left at post KleinR J Oran 300100 Time 24 486 11 6 1M5 150 Track sloppy 3 1CUTUELS JAID OFFICIAL BOOXIUd ODDS WILD 100SISKO TRANSIT 900 420 280 350 100 110 100 40 100 SISKO 100EL 340 280 70 100 40 100 EL CAJON 100Winner 340 70 100 Winner 11 f by WiMair Transit by Chicle trained by C Troutt bred by Mr C V Whitney Win ner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 407 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start handilyWILD good and slow for all but Sporting Maudie Won driving second and third handily WILD TRANSIT closed courageously on the outside through the stretch and overhauling the leaders in the last seventy yards won going awav SISKO made a determined bid in the run home showing in front in the List eighth but failed to withstand the rush of the winner EL CAJON tired in tho last eighth after setting tho pace PRINCE RENO finished with a belated rush SUSIE V tired badly INSTEAD dislikes muddy going and was pulled up when well beaten beatenScratched Scratched 11884 Bob Weidel 113 12070 Precious King 113 12157 San Gaff 110 110Overweight Overweight Wild Transit 14 pounds El Cajon 2 Susio V 2 SIXTH RACE 1 1lG MILES Golden Auburn Aug 30 1930 144 5 117 Purse 500 flOCO 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds lOf Ibs older 115 Ibs i O ic Nonwinners of a race since April 30 or two races since March 18 allowed June1435Bbg 5 Hs Claiming price 800 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 600 Net value to winner 390 second 70 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses i Sir Kin Jorkeys Kqtilr Odds Strt ligSOSIX BELLS wn 4 112 5 5 34 H 1 = 1 1 EaleyM C Troutt 190100 19010011990JNISIA 11990JNISIA w7110 3 2 4 2 2 2 2s KleinR V II McMullen 380100 11992 DAVID W wa4113 6 4 5 = 54 4 32 324 TildcnR J Patti 1290100 12901001216CPPOLISHEK 1216CPPOLISHEK B5113 1 1 143 34 42 4l WestH S D Hudson 480100 480100117843BAIIKIS 117843BAIIKIS w4110 4 3 2 43 5U 5 52 TurncrL MMatuszcwskl 470100 12078 ELCIDIO WB 7 115 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 LoylandJ Mrs X Hillick 550100 550100Time Time 25 50 1154 144 151 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SIX 100NISIA BELLS 580 440 360 190 100 120 100 CO 100 NISIA 400 280 100 100 40 100 100DAVID DAVID W 520 160 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by American Flag Supper Time by Superman trained by C Troult bred by Mr K N Gilpin Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 434 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameSIX SIX BELLS drew away decisively after rounding the far turn to win in a romp NISIA was much the best of the others but no match for the winner DAVID W raced into third place as POLISHER ave up when entering the stretch BARKIS tired badly badlyScratched Scratched 11704 Rex Regent 113 113Overweight Overweight Six Bells 2 pounds Barkis 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Lucky Dan June 20 1931 142 4 113 Purse f r rft A A 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race since JL Oidt November 28 Weight 112 Ibs Claiming price 400 June1435Bbg Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Sir Kin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 12074 RUFFDAY WB 4 112 6 3 H H V H 13 TildcnR F Sercmba 150100 150100120SOTEENY 120SOTEENY WEENY w4107 1 1 22 2 2s 2 2s Leonard H Horcndeon 1020100 102010012076GOLDEN 12076GOLDEN JASMINE w 4 104 4 5 34 3l 32 3 35 BradshawW Mrs E E Watson 1910100 1910100120762SISTER 120762SISTER IKIE wn4107 5 6 4h 52 42 43 42 BognskiW Smith OConncII 1530100 12161 TRQTWOOD vn7112 f 8 73 7 62 62 5 WestH Kabrich Swartz 560100 12080 LADY MARY w4110 325 4 54 54 6s TurnerL H J Lintz 350100 11988 AERIAL TRUMPETwB 6 112 2 7 8 8 8 7 7 = ClomonsR H Vititoe 1880100 12161 IVAN W w 6 1144 8 4 63 6nk 72 8 8 ShawT E Gallagher 900100 900100Time Time 25 50 11714 147 152 Track sloppy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ODDSRUFFDAY RUFFDAY 500 340 300 150 100 70 100 50 100 100TEENY TEENY WEENY 820 660 310 100 230 100 100GOLDEN GOLDEN JASMINE 720 260 100 100Winner Winner B g by For Fair Arrowwood by Javelin trained by F Seremba bred by Mr T M Murphy Winner entered to be claimed for 400 400WENT WENT TO POST 500 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third easily easilyRUFFDAY RUFFDAY was rushed into the lead in the first quarter and held the opposition safe the remainder of the trip TEENY WEENY always in close pursuit was much the best of the others GOLDEN JASMINE held the remainder safe SISTER IKIE and LADY MARY showed a flash of early speed TROTWOOD ran by some tiring horses in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 12080 Guinea Lady 107 12C80 Princess Volta 107 107Overweight 24Corrected Overweight Golden Jasmine 2 pounds Lady Mary 3 Ivan W 24 Corrected weight Aerial Trumpet 112