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WASHINGTON PARK NOTES Glen Haines who suffered five broken ribs in a fall from My Colin earlier in the meeting and who underwent an operation for the removal of his tonsils and adenoids While in St James Hospital will be dis ¬ charged from the infirmary Saturday He hopes to resume riding at Arlington Park Haines is under contract to Hal Price Head ley who visited him Friday FridayTwo Two horses acquired by the Old Gold Sta ¬ ble are in shipment to Washington Park from New York according to word received by Otto Bagley BagleyNick Nick Burger one of the oldest of the ac ¬ tive riders left for Cleveland and will rd sume riding at Bainbridge Park ParkJ J Judy is an addition to the riding colony and J Cowley a recent arrival had his first mount of the meeting when he rode Closing Time in Fridays second race