Daily Racing Form Charts: Detroit, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-15


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DETROIT THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT DETROIT FRIDAY PAID 08180 FOR J2 DETROIT MICH FRIDAY JUNE 14 1935 Fair Grounds 1 mile Twentieth lay Detroit Racing Asso ¬ ciation Sprint meeting of 30 ilays Hahr Stall Gate used Weather clear Steward roir jcnlirit Michigan State Itacini Commission J S Young Stewards of Meeting J A Murphy W A Quirky ami C K Iclir Judges J F Gallagher J Carey and C F Henry Starter E Thomas Racini starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 p in V indicates wJiip S spurs 1 blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse mid weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE fiK MILK Try Sympathy May 2J 1034 G9 14 109 Iurw HOO 2 2t t O T O yearolds Maidens Claiming Weight 115 HJK Claiming i rlce 1200 1200JL JL if for 1000 allowed J HIH HIHJunc1435Dct Junc1435Dct ict vauc to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth GO Iiiilux HOWII Ktr Fin Jocfcya K julr Odds tttrt JACKFUIL will 31 F 1 1i 13 Hardy Aldrich Winans 1770100 177010011970SAKUNTALA 11970SAKUNTALA w 112 12 3 3l 2a 23 2 WcirF G I Stryker 140100 10833 ItRltKIT wl2 712 12 10 5 31 HoopeiC II Hyan 390100 10250 JOAN V w 112 9 8 6 5i 4 42 SmithG J Jon i 1380100 11113 TRAGEDIAN wu 112 8 7 4 GJ 72 5 J CarrolIVY Marchant Guyherger 700100 11970 MEMANA wnlMlO 4 5J 3 3i GJ MVorncryll Huntington Stable 10987 Mlt ERIN wl2 2 5 2 44 G1 74 Thorntonll Tranquility Farm Stahla 1300100 11684 YANGTSE wl2 5 6 11J li 9U 8i M3SnerW C V Moora 2830100 11970 TRANSFORMED wl2 610 4 7 8 9 MilicrG I Korl 8070100 11003 GOVEHNOIl IJ1II wl2 4 9 94 8 104 104 HichardA Mrs H Daltner 2400100 12062 MALSOV wii 115 12 84 Ql II2 II3 DabsonH Mrs E A Hartlett f 12062 TOI SlIN w 112 11 11 104 12 12 12 CraigA J D Weil 1370100 1370100tMutucI tMutucI field Time 24 48 102 Track fait 52 MUTUEI8 PAI1J OFFICIAL JIOOKIHQ ODDB JACKFULL Field 1740 5420 280 770 100 110100 40 100 100SAKUNTALA SAKUNTALA 320 220 60100 10 100 100BEREIT BEREIT 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Jack High Alert by Trornpc la Mort trained by J Winans bred by Mr J E WiJcner Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJACKFLLL JACKFLLL took command at once sprinted into a good lead in the opening threesixteenths responded to strong pressure in the stretch and held SAKUNTALA safe at the end The latter a strong factor from the start was forced wide entering the stretch but made up ground rapidly in the last eighth BEREIT began slowest of all was lucky to find room entering the stretch and finished fastest of all JOAN W fractious at the post and away slowly improved her position steadily and held on well TRAGEDIAN raced wide MR ERIN quit quitOverweight Overweight JackfuII 2 pounds SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 1C 1931 110 3 10L 10Lf f OQQ9 Purse 800 3yeurolds Claiming NonwinnerK of twp races In 1D35 1D35JL JL JO O Weight 114 Ibs Nonwinners in 1935 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming price 1000 1000June1435Det June1435Det net vaue to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Index Horses EfjtA Wt ri 8t 14 ft Str Kin Jockeja Owners K iatT O 3d 8trt 11686MAGIC LINE wul09 92 24 11 11 1 SlevensonC R B Allen 10168THISTLE JOCK wnl4 12 1 Gi 4 2i 2 WIHkerR L J Sandrock 550100 55010012064MORE 12064MORE PEP w 109 7 4 51 33 3i MojenaC Mrs N D Thompson 330100 33010012058BLIGHTED 12058BLIGHTED HOPES w05 511 83 5i 52 4 CalvertM M Goodpaster 550100 11494 MIRA wnlOS 6 3 7i 62 4 52 MorneryR L L Kaplan 3300100 3300100117C6 117C6 DEMUR w09 3 3 10 9 7 G9 HooperC J F Adarns Jr fl31Q100 fl31Q10009520NIGHT 09520NIGHT RAY wnlOO 4 G PJ 2 G 7 DunbarJ Mrs R P Watts 4000100 11496 BLIND GUARDIAN wa 105 17 4 84 9 8s CraigA Summit View Stabl G740100 09970 GRETNA B w05 810 9ilOilO3 9 MaschekF B J Hill 2740100 2740100117GG 117GG VIGNOLAS BUD wB103 2 5 3l Tz 8 10 SmithG Mrs H Ernery 220100 09929 UALL WB 110 11 9 11s 11G 11 ° 1V2 HicksS L J Johnson A AVERDE VERDE GREY w 105 10 12 12 12 12 12 HardyG Mrs C A Marone fMutuel field Time 23 AW 114 Track fast fastt t 52 MTJTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIKG ODDS MAGIC LINE 1500 800 5560 650 100 300 100 180 100 100THISTLE THISTLE JOCK 660 540 230 100 170 100 100MORE MORE PEP 3BO 90 100 100Winner Winner B g by Magic Wand Buntine by Bunting trained by R B Allen bred by Mr R B Allen Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 259J AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMAGIC MAGIC LINE disposed of NIGHT RAY after fivesixteenths was put to strong pressure after reaching the stretch and outfinished THISTLE JOCK The latter worked his way forward steadily came to the outside for the drive but faltered near the end MORE PEP well up from the start but forced to lose ground at the stretch turn weakened in the drive BLIGHTED HOPES away slowly and outrun for a half mile made up ground in the drive MIRA showed a good effort NIGHT RAY and VIGNOLAS BUD quit quitOverweight Overweight Demur 4 pounds Verde Grey 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Vignolas Bud 109 Night Ray 100 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 10L a 9 i Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races X O dt in 1935 Weight 115 ibs Nonwinners since May 22 allowed 3 Ibs In June1435Det 1935 G Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt EqtATVtrPSt A TVt I P St Ji V Str FJn Jockejs Eqalr Oddf Strt 120613 SARAZEN II ws8107 6 62 2 61 31 I1 1 StevensonC J D Mikel MikelWB6115 190103 11861 DON VERN WB WB6115 6 115 2 8 5 54 41 2n MauroF A J HalEwell HalEwellWB 430103 11867 CLOIDO WB 6 109 9 4 41206PKALOLA 9 84 lz 3h CraigA G Madden MaddenWB 5660103 1206PKALOLA WB waSlOl 5 101 3 6 73 6 54 44 M0renaC Miss B Knight KnightWB 660100 660100S40103 11767 RACKETEER WB 8 112 7 9 9U7673TWIDGETS 9 64 5 WhittakerR L J Sandrock SandrockWB S40103 U7673TWIDGETS WB wn4104 4 104 5 5 2414 3 6s MaschekF R C Watts WattsWB6109 330103 07007 COMMANDMAN wu6109 1 17 7 14 2h 2li 1 SrnithFA LF Anderson Andersonw 1230103 05457 ALCODEMA w 4 104 8 1 3t 4i 83 8 MattioJiJ S Hoover Hooverw 3393103 12061 BABY BANE w 6 104 4 43 3 47i 9 9 SmithG E Drillon 8050103 Tim 232 48 114 Track fast 52 MUIUZLS PAID OFFICIAL 300KHTC ODDS SARA2EN II 580 340 S 300 190 100 70 180 50 100 100DON DON VERN 400 360 100 100 88 100 100CLOIDO CLOIDO 1100 450 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by High Time Talisman by Colin trained by J D Mikel bred by Himyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 330J AT POST 5J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSARA SARA ZEN II away fast but unable to keep up early was sent to the outside when improving Ms posi ¬ tion came over sharply when reaching the lead and outfinished DON VERN The latter worked his way forward steadily and was wearing tJown the winner nearing the finish CLOIDO fractious and chief cause of the delay at the start began from outside the stalls and was solng fastest of all at the finish KALOLA closed with a rush RACKETEER made up ground TWIDGETS used up reaching the lead was shuffled back when the winner came over in the stretch and tired thereafter COMMANDMAN quit quitScratched Scratched 11971 All Hail 109 11637 Moresoris 109 12060 Murmuring 104 104Overweight Overweight Kalola 2 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Twidgets 104 Baby Bare 104 FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 1105 3 10L g OOOfr Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Non i f D winners since 3Iay 22 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1500 if for 1250 June1435Det allowed 3 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner S625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Str Tin Jorkoys Otraers Equiv Odds Strt 112983PIDGEVIEW WB7107 49 8 6 = 2U 1H KingT J D Mikel Mikelw 410103 1197PLANIER w 7 110 10 2 61 31 14 2i FischerR W Ridenour RidenourWB fl63303 10156 DROMBO WB 5 112 7 3 21 24 3s 3s MattiofiJ Mrs S Orr 1403103 11498 SOPHIST WB6112 6 5 104 8464 4 TurkC G K Barber 239W3 11862 FATE YOUTH wB8115 58 7h 7s 5J 5 WhitkcrR L J Sandmck 359HB 11971 GRACE BUNTING w 5 110 17 9 8 63 CraigA H C Vaughn 759103 11718 LADY HKBERGERw 4 111 11 1 3 = 51 7 = 7A LegercE S Hoover 14593 3 11861 PRETTY MONK ws5110 26 H 1 4 84 HardyG J W Shaw 2939KB 10343 DANCING BOY w6115 311 11 11 9 9 McLarenJ A Allis 2703100 10860 SCREEN WB 4 109 9 4 5Z 4 102 10s HooperC Blue Bonnet Stable 1470103 97628 BUN D w5105 810 9410l U 11 DabsonH L J Marks f ftMutucl tMutucl field Time 23 47 47s s 113 113s = s Track fast fastr r J2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIKO OBDB OBDBRIDGEVIEW RIDGEVIEW 1020 540 3RO 410 100 170 100 90 100 100LANIER LANIER Field 880 540 340 100 170 10tf 10tfDROMBO DROMBO 520 ISO 10D 10DWinner Winner Ch m by Prince of Umbria Dangerillo by Danger Rock trained by J D Miktl bred by Audley Farm Wnncr entered to be clamed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 401 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start cood and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingRIDGEVIEW RIDGEVIEW fractious and away slowly worked her way fonvardly through the middle of the ficM was sent to the outside for the drive and finished under urging LANIER away fastest of all but shuffled back soon afterward improved his position rapidly when clear but tired after reaching the lead DROMBO forced the pace at a loss of ground but held on well SOPHIST outrun for a half mile closed ground in the stretch FORTUNATE YOUTH showed nothing GRACE BUNTING permitted to drop out of contention after racing a quarter quitScratched made up little ground In the stretch PRETTY MONK quit Scratched 11863 Max Way 110 110Overweight Overweight Lady Hockbcrgcr 4 pounds Bun D 1 Lanier 1 FIFTH RACE 1 1lfl MILES TJiomasviltfl May 17 IQiA 114 3 107 Purse fSJOO g OOO 4yearolds and upward Allowances Grade E EJune1135Det June1135Det jet vaue to vinner 625 weond tlOO tWrd J60 fourth J25 Jrider Ifursea JijtA Vt PJWt Yt Kir Vin Jockeyn Kjuiv Jdds tftrt 11G003W1NSLOV w 8 111 7 6 21 2 2 II l i HurnsG JJ R Marnet 840 100 11977 PAN TO V wfjllfi 3 3 1 1i 14 23 2 CochraneR A J Jfalliwell JfalliwellllJJOflHICJILORIDR 8 0 100 llJJOflHICJILORIDR WB5115 2 1 V 1 Z 4 2k CraigA Mrs G K I wii wii118C8 100 100 118C8 CROVNKD HEAD wu7115 1 2 J5i 0 43 2J 4 KFngT J D Mikel 320 100 118663SUN ABBOT w41D8 6 fi 4s 3 C2 5s fi2 JfojenC Vf Elliott 1050 W11770JEK W 11770JEK V S v5112 6 7 7 6 W 6 StevensonC J A Hrooks 340100 840100L1824 L1824 CAHOTIH via 4 111 4 I 2 4 111 JliclianiA Miller JanlcH 2235C 100 100Time Time 4 M9 115 AV 147 Track fast OfflCiAT KOOKIWO OBBS OBBSWINSLOV W MUTUEtS 1AII r WINSLOV 51880 780 480 210 100 250 100 140 100 100PAM PAM TOY 380 420 340 100 1JO 100 100DICHLOniDE DICHLOniDE 260 30 100 100Winner Winner B g by LMit Brigade Miss Nell y Dick Kinriell rained y B K Mannet ri y Mrs B J ClayWENT Clay WENT TO POST 431 J AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and thin driving drivingWJNSIOVY WJNSIOVY suddenly Improval and under restraint while forcing the pace l xjk command wheji ready drew away rapidly in the stretch and won easily JAN TOY took rsjtnmanil s n after th start was stealitl along to the stretch then gava way to the winner but held nn wtjl JJICHLORIDE allf wel lo drop far out of contention during the opening fiveeighths made up ground in the stretch CflQWNHD HEAD had rig mishaps SUN ABBOT juit after improving his position CABOT1N quit quitScratched Scratched 11771 Pop 100 12C05 Vhymask 115 11770 CoW Spill 100 SIXTH RACE 1 1lfl MILES Thomasville May 17 ISM 144K i 107 Ilighlarul OOOrf arlc GrMltA Handicap Class 11 Jur e IX0 2year jWs and upward upwardJune1435Det June1435Det et vaue to vinner J700 tecond 150 third 100 fourth t50 Jndvf Horse KjtA Wt Il Kt 11305 PKECUIISOH w4111 3 4 2s U 1 L ge E gsidle Spar Si a We 140109 14010911C89 11C89 SABULA w 5 105 4 Z li I1 li 2 2 SmithG f M Alger Jr 770 100 100119742GLYNSON 119742GLYNSON w5102 2 2 2l 3i I1 23 StevwjsonC V J Kstts 8W109 11974 ARSON vjj41D5 0 0 6s 4 4 4 TurkC T DonUy 39Q 100 12144 EDDIE J w 3 1D5 5 5 fii 4 52 52 5i Mom ryll 0iessa Farms StaM 870 MW MW1B532CHAST1TY 1B532CHAST1TY w 4 107 1 1 6 0 6 6 0 KtsingerC Iloysl Stable 450100 450100Time Time 3A M 113A 1S9 146 Tr k fast J2 KUTUEIS PAID OFKICIAI BOOKING ODD PRECURSOR 480 360 260 140 100 S3 100 3100 3100SABULA SABULA 740 420 270 100 11Q 100 100GLYHSOH GLYHSOH 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B c by Canter La Chauvler Jjy Ramrod trained by R Gregory brtd by Mr M Vr Maxwell MaxwellVEHT VEHT TO POST 43CJ AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Von driving second and third the jam jamPRECURSOR PRECURSOR going in his best forro and never far back responded fast after fivctighthi took zoauoind in the stretch and withstood SABUfA I1 I1e e latter improvt1 and 2 way fast took comtaaod at the lower turn drew clear after fivesixteenths then gave way to the winner but held on gaiiwjy GLYNSOK a strong factor from the start saved ground at the stretch turn but weakened in th last staves ARSON showed dull effort EDDIE J and CHASTITY were outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Glynson 1 pound SEVENTH RACE 1 MltEL Kit Ixdc May 21 mi 137 3 9 12 Parse W 2year f QOOQ olds Claiming Weight 114 Ibs Clalnlu pric L250 if for I W JL O O allowed 3 Ibs IbsJuneU35Det JuneU35Det Het value to winner 625 second 100 third 59 fourth 25 12004 LA CHERIE WJB 109 1 2 4l 34 3 I1 DabvraH Barnes Stone KMQ 10S 11414 PIPING HOT w 3 4 3 1J 1 14 lu 2 TJwratoaC Motor City StaWe TTQIOO TTQIOO12Q642ALL 12Q642ALL BAYS wl03 2 1 3 2 2 2 3 StevensonC S S Friedlwu WO 10 120643ARAKAY w 114 9 8 6 62 4 4 4 HaiasVtLC Mrs C Hain sworth S80 100 10012004KUVITO 12004KUVITO witHff 3 5 S1 5 52 5 5 BrysoaJ Bomar Stable 2493133 2493133117G6MARACONNA 117G6MARACONNA we 103 8 9 7 0s 6 = LandersD Warner BshVy 5770 100 10011494DAME 11494DAME GRUNDY w 101 6 4 2s GJ 72 7 MojeaaC J Butler 16fl 100 100112972RARE 112972RARE BEN w109 7 7 7 72 S2 3s RiUF Mrs N D Thwn a 200190 12058 PLEASANT WJB 114 5 0 9 9 9 9 9 CraigA C W Moore 020100 020100Time Time 24 49 115 141 Track fast 12 XUTUELS PAID t OFFICIAL EOOIOffS XJ3DE LA CHERIE J2220 J lV 29 1HO JOO 220 100 1C 100 100PIPING PIPING HOT 523 359 16 100 St 100 100ALL ALL BAYS 3M 50 18 18Winner Winner B f by Gift Havrk Negoporte by Negofol trained by J L E Era ra bred by Messrs W S Kilmer and J L Witz Winner entered to be claimed lor J 1250 1250VEHT VEHT TO POST 522J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and tlurd the same sameLA LA CHERIE well up from the start and saved for threequarters jespo bfi in tiie stretch and won drawing zvray PIPING HOT took command soon after the start drew clear after fiveeighths swerved to the inside when tiring aad weakened in the last eighth ALL BAYS a strong factor throughout tame to the inside for the drive was impeded when PIPING HOT swerved and reakened thvrafter AKAKAY made tip ground RARE BEN showed nothing PLEASANT was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 12054 Miss Certificate 105 105Overweight Overweight Piping Hot 2 pound Ktivito 1 EIGHTH RACE 1 18 3IILES Bien Fait June 9 1234 130 3 103 Purse SOO 4year IbsJL t O Q ° I S an upward Claiming Xonwinners since Mar 22 Weight 114 Ibs JL O CF Claiming price L009 L009June1435Det June1435Det Ket VIU8 to winner 5S second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Str Fin Jocters Etjuir Odds Str t 12K6 = MORRIS R w4109 6 3 1 1 1 V 1 KojenaC J L KcKnight 33 100 100U9773J4ARY U9773J4ARY FRANCLKEws 4 104 2 5 5 3 2J 2 ThoratonC Odessa Farms Stable 4001K 4001K116912ENRO 116912ENRO WB7103 3 6 6 6C 65 3 3s BrjsonJ G E Ewins 21010 21010U772EVELLNE U772EVELLNE F w8104 1 2 4 52 41 42 SlrapsonR E Jolinson 8201M 8201MU976 U976 BATAILLE w41 3 4 1 22 2 = 2 i 5 5s HooperC Blue Bonnets Stable H4 10 11863RAMGOWER w 4 103 7 7 31 31 5 6 61 SteveasonC FJarro 780133 780133U69TTARMSH U69TTARMSH we 3 HW 5 4 7 7 7 7 7 RiteF A J HelliweJl 3003102 3003102Time Time 25 50 WS 142 156 Track fast 5Z KUTTTZLS PAID OrFICULL SOOnKS 03DE MORRIS R S EOB 5380 5 28D 300 100 9 100 40 100 100MARY MARY FRANCINE CCT 280 230 lt0 4 100 100ENRO ENRO 260 3C IDC IDCWinner Winner Ch g by Baigneur Sraoothbar by Sir Bartoa trained by J L MacKnight bred by Mr W 3 Cogar Wnner entered to be daimed lor Jl003 Jl003WENT WENT TO POST 549 AT POST 2 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMORRIS MORRIS R took command soon after the start drew away rapidly during the opening fiveeiglnhs responded to strong urging in the stretch and held MARY FRANQNE safe The latter fortunate to esea e interference soon after the start worked her way forward steadily but tired last in ihe last stages HNRO forced back when BATAILLE caase over at the start improved his position steadily anS appeared to liave finished second EVELINE F knocked hark soon after the stzit made up ground BATAiliE came over shortly after the start and quit after loicing the pace for Sveeighths pLAMGOWER quit TARNISH

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935061501/drf1935061501_31_1
Local Identifier: drf1935061501_31_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800