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I i AMONG THOSE PRESENT AT 1 WASHINGTON PARK FOR J AMERICAN DERBY j HOMEWOOD, 111., June 22.— Favored by delightfully cool and for the most part bright weather, Chicagos racing populace turned out almost 100 per cent for the American Derby and Washington Park here today. As early as 11 oclock early arrivals began to take up places in the general enclosure and more than 10,000 persons were on the grounds an hour before the racing started. From y*tt time until almost an hour after the first race had been run there was a steady flow of humanity through all gates. While thousands traveled to the course by the fast electric trains, perhaps as many as , two-thirds of the patrons arrived by auto- j mobile. With many enthusiasts coming from dis- I tant points to see the race the throng included possibly more who made the long ! trips than any gathering at a Chicago course in years. Hundreds of notables were in the crowd. Among prominent persons witnessing the race were Mr. and Mrs. Silas B. Mason, of New York and Kentucky and owners of one i of the largest and most successful stables in the country. They came from the East. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Russell, owner of the Cactus Stable and the Alamo Downs ! race course, came all the way from San Antonio to sec the battle of the three-year-olds. Mrs. A. Miller and her daughter, Miss K. Miller, who flew from St. Louis for the race, joined the party of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Ressler, Jr., of Summit, N. J., in the club- : house. Observed also were Herbert M. Woolf, of Kansas City, Mo., and a party of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cope and Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson, of London, lent inter- ! national color to the occasion. Mr. Cope is associated with the firm of David Cope, , Ltd., London betting commissioners. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Marsch, of Chicago, ar- ■ dent racing enthusiasts, returned from Germany just in time to share in Washington Parks big day of sport. W. H. Hart, Nat Pettet, James Reed, John ! Dowd, Joe Harding and Thos. S. Scott, all 1 of Le::ington, made up one of the larger ; visiting parties. Barney Ross, Chicagos colorful and pop- ular ring champion, was an early arrival. 1 He and his party witnessed the Derby and , supporting races from the clubhouse. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt flew from New | York to view the race, in which his colors I were carried by Cold Shoulder. He was ac- | companied by H. R. Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Nash, Miss Mary Nash, Tom Nash and Miss Nan OMalley were among the Washington Park Club box holders. Secretary of State Edward J. Hughes was a late arrival, but reached the course well in J advance of the Derby parade. Other prominent persons present included: I Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke Dean, Charles A. McCulloch, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lehmann, | Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wright, James G. Condon, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. White, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lobdell, Richard Florsheim, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Block, Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Block, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carruthers, , Charlotte Reemer, of Birmingham, Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Little, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Scandrett, Mrs. D. A. Crawford, Mr. and , Mrs. R. D. Hebb, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Fried- man, Mrs. John E. Coleman, Mrs. Darrow | Fulton, Gerald Cudahy, Harriet McLaugh- ] lin, Mrs. Hamden Winston, Charles Steele, j Mrs. J. L. Kesner, the Mayor and Mrs. E. J. Kelly, who entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Mclnnerney; R. J. Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hunter and Robert J. Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Renshaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bastien, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tennes, Paul Fogarty, Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, Mrs. Julia Hursten, Mrs. Edwin Holsman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, William R. Conway, Robert Rasmusen, Mrs. H. Bland, Mr. and Mrs. 1 James P. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harding. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harding, Miss Rachel McGoorty, Mrs. W. B. Kelly, L. J. ! Montgomery, of Battle Creek, Mich.; John Hughes, Beatrice Hughes, G. W. Hofsmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boyng, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. William ONeil, 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Cawley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Monroe, Mrs. Louise Wolfe, Mrs. G. B. Murphy, of Beverley Hills, Calif. John Higgins, stipendiary steward of the , Royal Calcutta Jockey Club, Calcutta, India, j was another noted visitor for the American | Derby. He was the guest of stewards C. J. j FitzGerald and George Brown, Jr., and i viewed several of the races from the stand. i He is on a tour of important American race I courses and returns to India shortly via England. a