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LEADING AMERICAN TRAINERS With neither Hirsch Jacobs nor Bert Michell saddling a winner during the past week, the standing for leading training honors of the year remains unchanged, that is, as far as first and second places are concerned. Jacobs is in the van position with forty-one winners to his credit, while Michell, now suspended, has forty. Earl H. Bcczley and Ben Jones are tied for show honors, with twenty-three winners apiece. G. E. Alexandra was high man for the week, six of his charges being successful. Herewith is presented the standing of the leading American trainers for the period of January 1 to April 10, inclusive: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins Jacobs, H 41 Stotler, J. H 19 Michell, B. S 40 Cooper, R 18 Beezley. E. H....23 Creech, B 18 Jones, B. A 23 Copenhavcr, L...18 Biebcr, P 22 Malone, T ...17 Alexandra, G. E..21 Pclleteri, A 17 Williams. J 21 Alexandra, A. E..16 I Baker, H 20 Haughton, E 16