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RIVERSIDE STABLE SHORTAGE Numerous Owners Rent Barns From FromFarmers Farmers in Vicinity of Kansas KansasCitys Citys Popular Track KANSAS CITY Mo May 25 Shortage of stabling space at Riverside Park is causing the management some worry as it is im ¬ possible to find room on the track for all the horsemen that have expressed their In ¬ tention of shipping here For some time now all stable room has been reserved and during the past few weeks several large and promi ¬ nent stables have had their applications turned down due to the shortage of space spaceWith With the final shipments coming from Aurora and Churchill Downs by the middle of the week every stall on the track will be filled and again the management is request ¬ ing horsemen not to ship here unless they have been notified that space has been re ¬ served for them themSeveral Several stables that have been unableto secure space at the track have rented barns from farmers in the vicinity and it is esti ¬ mated that there are over 200 head stabled outside the course