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IfAKE ELlGIBLES Crack Bands Named for Prairie State and Chicago Handicap Juvenile Prize and Handicap for Older OlderHorses Horses Twin Features of Initial InitialSaturday Saturday Program HOMEWOOD 111 May 25 Fifty two yearolds and thirtytwo older horses were nominated respectively for the Prairie State Stakes and the Chicago Handicap which will be offered as joint features on Saturdays program at Washington Park The Prairie State Stakes is a 2000 added event to be decided over five and a hah furlongs and the Chicago Handicap is a contest of six furlongs for a 3000 added purse purseIncluded Included among the youngsters named for the Prairie State are many for which high hopes are held while the Chicago Handicap is expected to bring together most of the best groundsThe sprinters on the grounds The nominations for the two features follow followTHE THE PRAIRIE STATE STAKES STAKESBlue Blue Ridge Farm Lillian Roth RothBomar Bomar Stable Mighty Sweet Fancy That ThatA A R Born Peter F FCalumet Calumet Farm Taken Sure Lad Teddy Weed CoSport CoSportChappel Chappel Bros Sherab Jr Chatter Wrack WrackMrs Mrs E Denemark Radio Charm CharmMrs Mrs W H Furst Paper Sun Presi ¬ dential dentialHal Hal Price Headley Techy Pull Cord Drift Along AlongMrs Mrs John D Hertz Gipsy Minstrel Lace Reigh ReighLe Le MoneyJohn Mar Stock Farm Mar Le Mad Money John Marsch Royal Blue Kings Blue The Shingler ShinglerMilky Milky Way Farms Tiger C Note John Ne NeJ J E Miller Unassisted UnassistedMillsdale Millsdale Stable Green Bottle Garry Dolly E Isaroma IsaromaHoward Howard Oots Bay colt by Pharamond II War Feathers FeathersShandon Shandon Farm Dickersville Shandon Queen Blue Field FieldA A G Tarn Pelter PelterC C Trentanelli Jane Vito Aces Wild WildValdina Valdina Farms Diavolo Boy Teddys Comet Roy T Lassator Hermana HermanaMorris Morris V e h o n Guarantor Invincible Tiger Teddy Mothers Love LoveSam Sam Weinb erg Royal Lenet LenetHoward Howard Wells and C E Hamilton Bay colt by Gallant Fox Lodore LodoreJoseph Joseph E Widener On Delivery DeliveryTHE THE CHICAGO HANDICAP HANDICAPArcturus Arcturus Stable Danise M Isaiah IsaiahBomar Bomar Stable Billy Bee BeeCalumet Calumet Farm Talked About Crossbow H PrivilegedMrs Privileged Mrs GloryMrs F A Carreaud War Glory Mrs E Denemark Higher Cloud Corinto Sir Quest QuestC C E Davison Boston Sound SoundFrench French Lick Springs Stable Marica MaricaJ J E Hughes Silent Shot ShotB B Hernandez Zuni ZuniHal Hal Price Headley Sparta Preeminent PreeminentMiss Miss G Killeen Bon Centime CentimeLe Le Mar Stock Farm More News NewsJohn John Marsch Foyot FoyotMilky Milky Way Farm Case Ace Dogaway Nations Taste TasteMillsdale Millsdale Stable Infantry InfantryN N L Naylor Virginia J JMrs Mrs Leo J Remni Blue Train TrainMrs Mrs R Sullivan Black River RiverShandon Shandon Farm Gold Flag FlagTranquillity Tranquillity Farms Rock X Capt Cal Wha Hae HaeC C Troutt Hastinola Valdina Farms Sir Emerson