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BEULAH PARK THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT BEULAH PARK TUESDAY PAID 25080 FOR 2 COLUMBUS OHIO TUESDAY MAY 25 1937 Beulah Park 1 mile Ninth day Beulah Park Jockey Club Spring meeting of 25 days Waite Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward W Dangman Associate Stewards E W Stribbling and H D Shepard Judges T Brown and E Hileman Starter W C Daly Racing Secretary E Hilcman Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m VV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures IK parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming A ff Nonwinners since October 1 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price 800 800May2537Beu May2537Beu Net value to wjnner 490 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeys Jockeys41381BABY Owners Equiv Odds Strt 41381BABY PRINCESS w 4 105 11 4 2 V 14 lj VinasJ 41381 JUDGE PEAK wn8115 9 8 61 lh 24 2 EverettT W C Weant Weant7nk 41447 DARK AMBER WB 7 115 4 7 741323EALCONA 7nk 5nk 34 31 ManifoldH R Graham 41323EALCONA ua2 tALLUiNA w w5110 a Wi 7 I A 3 1 14 4 4h 41 44 HillJR Mrs H Weiner 1380100 41323 STAR BALLOT WB 6 115 10 2 84 8 8k 7 5 5h MillerG R Leach 1680100 41144 144010036039UPON RAY X WB5115 3 36 6 636039UPON 91 991 91 81 6 64 LongJ Rogers Cr Cronk 1440100 36039UPON w w7110 7 110 8 11 11 11 11 7k WardWF Willis Hot Hoppas 16280100 41142 BOILING OVER WB7115 510 10 10 104 8h MillsC Mrs A Hartley t 41381 BLACK EMPRESS WB 5 111 15 4h 6 64 94 WallR A Jackson 630100 41447 NAHALLAC w 4 110 2 1 34 2 5 10 Atkinson J Mrs M Fritz 1220100 35855 SHERIFF EUGENEwB 6 115 6 9 5k h 911 GrillF FC Barrows 390100 fMutuel 390100fMutuel field Time 24J 48 114 Track fast S2 MUTUZLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100JUDGE BABY PRINCESS 4540 3160 660 2170 100 1480 100 230 100 JUDGE PEAK 520 280 160 100 40 100 DARK 100DARK AMBER Field 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner Ch f by Prince Pal Bendita by Ormondale trained by R Clark bred by Swingalong Stable Mr J D Gay Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 219 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameBABY BABY PRINCESS raced forwardly on the outside and held on courageously in the final test JUDGE PEAK saved ground entering the stretch and held on well DARK AMBER steadily improved its position and finished strongly EALCONA had no mishaps STAR BALLOT came again RAY X finished with a belated rush The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 33161 Air Wave 110 110Overweight Overweight Black Empress 1 pound SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming At tCJT Nonwinners since October 1 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price 800 May2537Beu Net value to winner S40o second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 413762INSTEAD WB ws5115 5 115 7 1 1413072HOUSE 21 lh lh ink LongJ Mrs J Wolfe Wolfew5110 t370100 413072HOUSE BABY w w5110 5 110 8 82 2 2413263BROWN lh 2 23 24 HillJR Mrs A B Karle Karlew6110 110100 413263BROWN RAY w6110 6 65 5 4i S2 3434 GrillF RWRoot RWRootWB9115 990100 40405 SMOOTH WB9115 311 311413282WHOA 74 51 42 43 WilsonT Rector Baker BakerWB5115 660100 413282WHOA BACK WB WB5115 5 115 9 93 3 3342444MOMS 51 4k53 54 FryeJW Mrs B Clark ClarkWB 940100 342444MOMS POLLY WB 7 110 11 8 8h 81 61 nk SmithW B Dargo Dargow 6460100 29668 CECIL B w 5 115 10 7 101 9nk 92 7 FrnandezF Mrs L M Heisey HeiseyWB6115 2770100 31066 ROENTGOLOGIST WB WB6115 6 115 1 16 6 34 62 i 8 ManifoldH Mrs E E Watson Watsonw 1730100 41326 BABY ROLLO w w4115 4 115 2 4 6i 74 8h 93 Atkinson J Cooper Bros BrosWB6110 15210100 41323 RED RIOT wB6110 5 12 114 112 H2 104 MillerG M H Powelson 35975 SINGLEAM w7110 4 9 9 10i 104 Hi EverettT Miss J Cook 5890100 41253 GAY DIVORCEE w 4 110 12 10 12 12 12 12 HainesG Darby Dan Farm t fMutuel field Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB v INSTEAD Field 940 360 260 370 100 80 100 30 100 HOUSE 100HOUSE BABY 300 240 50 100 20 100 100BROWN BROWN 100Winner RAY 400 100 100 Winner Br g by Felstead Belgian Maid by Hainault trained by H J Walker bred in England by MrW J Farish Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 250 AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameINSTEAD INSTEAD held on gamely during the final test outgaming HOUSE BABY The latter had no excuses BROWN RAY showed a good effort SMOOTH closed fast in the stretch WHOA BACK tired The others tird THIRD RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Purse 500 2yearolds Claiming AVeight 118 Ibs A f KiGQ Nonwinners since April 30 allowed 3 Ibs one race since March 31 or two 1LcP t3O races since January 15 5 Ibs Maidens allowed 10 Ibs Claiming price May2537Beu 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 413252LADY B wl2 71 li li 14 14 VinasJ V Cloud 110100 413253JOLO 110100413253JOLO wl08 4 5 3i 2 21 23 GrillF Jewell Bros 530100 41377 GOOD EXCHANGE w 109 2 2 5 5 4h 32 ManifoldH Paul Fred Farm 1160100 41377 2070100STEEL DARBY DARLIN wllO 6 4 2h 3 ° k 3h 42 HainesG Darby Dan Farm 2070100 STEEL SPUR w08 5 3 4 44 5s 54 WilsonT C A Valentine 700100 413773LEE 700100413773LEE CLOUD w 105 37 64 6 63 63 HillJR River Divide Farm 370100 41325 PEN ROLLS w 102 1 2850100Time 6 7777 SmithGL F W Ebbert 2850100 Time 24 48 55 Track fast 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100JOLO LADY B 420 320 240 110 100 60 100 20 100 JOLO 560 340 180 100 70 100 GOOD 100GOOD EXCHANGE 340 70 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Polante Mother Brown by Orlin Kripp trained by J R Derden bred by Mr W A Cash Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 322J AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLADY LADY B had to be hustled along nearing the end to retain her advantage JOLO always close up finished strongly and was best of the others GOOD EXCHANGE saved ground in the stretch DARBY DARLIN finished tiring after displaying early speed STEEL SPUR tired in the last sixteenth Overweight sixteenthOverweight Good Exchange 1 pound Darby Darlin 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Lady B 112 FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming A KfJO Nonwinners since October 1 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price 800 800May2537Beu May2537Beu Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 41375 MARY SEIBERT WB 4 110 10 2 lh 1415 14 FernandezF J T dayman 920100 41379 McKELL WB 8 115 2 1 21 2 24 2 ° k LongJ C A Worline 120100 41326THROUGHFAIRLYwB5105 12010041326THROUGHFAIRLYwB5105 4 9 74 3h 3 ° 3H HillJR R E Plemmons 2270100 413233JILDAC 2270100413233JILDAC w 4 115 6 3 4 4 43 42 SmithGL R Ruoff 660100 1460100412583SPEEDY 41323 ODD BLAZE w5115 7 6 8 32 61 54 GrillF J Oran 1460100 412583SPEEDY LULA w6110 1 7 64 64 52 624 ManifoldH C Uncle 780100 78010041375CHICLARD 41375CHICLARD wB5105 54 5 i 72 7 WardWF Mrs F Hudson 1540100 41256 SCOUT BRIGADE w4115 35 31 5 8 84 DerdenH Jewell Bros 840100 38932 LOUISE DIRE w4110 910 10 10 10 91 PulliamE B F Crayton 1870100 34414 MAELO waSUO 88 91 92 9 0 HainesG F H Martin 10260100 10260100Time Time 24 48 1i13 Track fast 2 MUTUEX3 PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDE MARY ODDEMARY SEIBERT 2040 740 480 920 100 270 100 140 100 100McKELL McKELL 360 340 80 100 70 100 100THROUGH THROUGH FAIRLY 600 200 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by In Mcmoriam Catania by Rock View trained by R Heinen bred by Mr L E Coogle Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 353J AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMARY MARY SEIBERT shook off McKELL after rounding the far turn and held the race safe thereafter McKELL finished tiring and was doing his best to stall off THROUGH FAIRLY The latter saved ground rounding the top bend and closed strongly in the run home JILDAC had no excuses ODD BLAZE closed ground The others tired tiredScratched Scratched 41376Best Man 115 41324 Nick D 115 FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingAttr7f Attr7f Nonwinners since May 14 3yearolds 107 Ibs older 115 Ibs Non 800May2537Beu ± JLO 4 f winners in 1937 allowed 5 Ibs Claiming price 800 May2537Beu Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 414513MISS ADELE w7100 4 4 31 I1 1 I5 I5 WardWF A Jackson 340100 41256 WASSAIL WB7110 2 1 1 33 2 2 V FryeJW Mrs J Wagner 390100 412593NIGHT EDITION WB8114 777 7 5 31 32 LongJ S D Dodd 600100 40250REVERBERATE w9105 1 6 63 54 6h 44 4h HillJR C H Miller 210100 413803MY BETTY w 9 105 3 2 41 62 7 51 52 SylvesterJ W S McCabe 640100 640100414503ECHELON 414503ECHELON w 6 110 5 3 52 44 3 6 ° 6 FernandezF Wiles Kobflash 1340100 41142 BESSIE BLUES w5100 6 5 21 24 4b 7 PupEverettT W Boggs 5250100 5250100Time Time 23 48 113 140 145 Track fast S2 MUTUELB PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MISS ADELE 880 440 320 340 100 120 100 60 100 100WASSAIL WASSAIL 600 380 200 100 90 100 100NIGHT NIGHT EDITION 400 100 100 100Winner Winner B m by Hephaistos Grace Harban by Duke of Ormonde trained by H Smart bred by Mr L A Lyne Winner entered to be claimed or 800 WENT TO POST 424C t tAT AT POST J minute minuteStart Start good and andslow slow Won easily second and third driving drivingMISS MISS ADELE moved up on the outside midway of the back stretch and drew away decisively during the last quarter WASSAIL was slightly interfered with at the halfmile post and held the others safe in the stretch NIGHT EDITION closed resolutely in the run home REVERBERATE saved ground in the stretch but could never get to the leaders ECHELON tired tiredOverweight Overweight Night Edition 4 pounds Continued on seventeenth oagej BEULAH PAEK PAEKContinued Continued from ninth page SIXTH RACE S4 MILE Out of Chute Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since October 1 Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price 800 May2537Beu et value to winner 5400 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Str t 411863BUTCH WB 8 115 9 2 li I3 13 I2i FryeJW F Tracey 230100 35862 CORTIES JOHN wu6115 41 2s Tracey2s 21 24 2 SylvesterJ Mrs S Gentile 1550100 36025 GOLDEN THRONE w 5 115 1 7 731759FLUTTERBY 91 71 32 3i Manifoldll Mrs W S McCabe McCabe3nk 1840100 31759FLUTTERBY w 4 110 2 4 441449UNCLE 3nk 4U 4nk 42 SchlenkerA L Margraves 5130100 41449UNCLE TALLY JVB 5 110 12 10 51 3 5i 5h WardWF Urbana Lane Stable Stablei 11640100 41445 GOLDEN RAY WB6115 79 i 51 6Ji 61 HoffmanK Hoffman Bliken 280100 41376 RAIN OR SHINE w 10 115 11 5 41 6i 74 71 AtkinsonJ R J Moore Moore10i 770100 10176 BOSTON BAY w 8 115 10 11 10i 10 IQnklOi 10 8h LongJ Mrs C W Stout Stout8nk t 41092 LOVELY AMELIA WB 6 105 5 6 8nk 91 ft ik 9 ° l HilUR Mrs M Hodge 1270100 33647 JUSTOLD w6110 8 8 ll US HodgeUS H3 H2 10 iQnk GrillF Mrs V Carmichael t 41450 BUSY JAY w6115 612 1212 12 12 12 112 HainesG W H Graff Graff6i 490100 34411 VENDOME w7115 33 6 6i 8 8i 9 9i 12 MillsC A Gardner 6140100 iMutuel 6140100iMutuel field Time 24 48 114 Track fast 12 mriuEia PAID OFFICIAL xooxix ODDS BUTCH 100CORTIES 660 S 460 320 230 100 130 100 60 100 100GOLDEN CORTIES JOHN 1040 620 420 100 210 100 GOLDEN 100Winner THRONE 640 220 100 Winner Ch g by Crimper Georgia W by Paul Wcidel trained by C C Kranz bred by Mr J D Weil Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 454 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameBUTCH BUTCH took command early and drew away into an easy lead after rounding the far turn CORTIES JOHN held the others comparatively safe throughout GOLDEN THRONE came strongly in the run home FLUTTERBY showed a good effort UNCLE TALLY tired GOLDEN RAY suffered early interference BUSY JAY broke very slowly and could never get up SEVENTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming f f KrrO 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners since March 1 allowed ± ± t A 3 ibs Claiming price 800 May2537Beu Net value to winner 400 second 60 third 30 fourth 10 I Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 41445LADY CHINIQUY w 4 105 1 4 32 li I2 I3 WardWF Mrs I J Remm 390100 41376 ROUGH LANE WB 4 118 5 9 6 3 21 24 HainesG Miss R Carpenter 850100 85010041087ZIPALONG 41087ZIPALONG wB6110 72 5 i 5i 3i HilUR Mrs J Burks 270100 41143 761010041144MR FLYING VOTE w 7 113 4 3 li 2i 31 4i MayerJ Mrs Cramer 7610100 41144MR BOSS w6118 86 i 5k 4i 51 LongJ P M Sturm estate 310100 41450 JAZ AGE WB 9 115 9 1 2i 4i 62 62 AtkinsonJ Urbana Lane Stable 1860100 41376 KATHRN WATTLEw 6 110 3 8 9 8i 81 7i DerdenH Mrs H Wiener 1770100 ANCIENT TIMES w 5 105 6 7 81 9 94 82 VinasJ S Beccroft 8660100 39527 SILK COVERING w 7 110 10 5 4h 7i i 92 SylvesterJ J Oran 600100 19301 BRIEFCASE wsSHO 210 10 10 10 10 MillsC T D Miller 3840100 3840100Time Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID f OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY CHINIQUY S 980 700 380 390 100 250 100 90 100 100ROUGH ROUGH LANE 880 500 340 100 150 100 100ZIPALONG ZIPALONG 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B f by Lantados Miss Clriniquy by Huon trained by J Daunhauer bred by Mr M J Barrens Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 523J AT POST 3 minutes Start drivingLADY good and slow Won easily second and third driving LADY CHINIQUY took the lead rounding the far turn and drew away handily in the stretch ROUGH LANE away slowly closed a wide gap and saved ground in the stretch ZIPALONG forced wide at the stretch turn finished strongly FLYING VOTE held on fairly well MR BOSS saved ground entering the stretch JAZ AGE tired tiredOverweight Overweight Flying Vote 3 pounds