Dufferin Park Turf Notes, Daily Racing Form, 1938-10-25


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DUFFERIN PARK TURF NOTES A carload of horses left for Timonium I Md Including the Four Ls Stables Cabin Gal S Chris Crius T J Martells The Dau ¬ phin and Miss Twinkle G F Potters Pena bud and Back Fence Mrs G McMackens Rowes Crump and Parkwood Chief ChiefAnother Another carload departed Monday for New Orleans including L Mascias Budron W Adams Kawagoe E C Dunns Lugano S Chris Mere Frolic J Entwistles Hasty Wave and Margie Lou Mrs G McMackens Caracole and Kleen Flight FlightThe The following stables also left for Narra ¬ gansett Monday G OConnor Miss M War ¬ ner G Anderson R S MacFarlane J Fox Mrs F C Williams and H S Wilson WilsonThe The Whitticr Park Stock Farm stable will ship direct to Calgary to take up winter quarters quartersThe The stable of J Ings departed for Winni ¬ peg pegThe The starting of Thomas Clark has been one of the features of this meeting Delays at the post have been very few and Friday climaxed a week of excellent starts with only five minutes delay for a program of seven races racesThe The jockeys payroll for the first six days of the meeting totaled 3775 E T Moore led the riders in money earned C Rails was second and S D Birley third thirdThere There were no claims registered at Duf fcrin meetingS Park during the meeting S Hoovers Gene D broke down in the running of the opening race on Saturday and it is doubtful if the gelding will race again againA A division of the Erindale Stable under trainer Brent will ship to New Orleans for the meetingHorsemen Fair Grounds meeting Horsemen having horses In bond in Can ¬ ada are requested to get in touch with Miss Argue at the secretarys office Dufferin Park before moving their charges Jockey chargesJockey J T Thomas was fined 50 for cutting across the field while astride Cir culet culetJockey Jockey G Courtney was fined 25 by the stewards straightFred for failure to keep Ucha straight Fred Orpen presented W T Raines with a big fish in honor of his horse Big Fish which has accounted for the past two run ¬ nings of the Little Saratoga Handicap and won five of his six starts at this course courseH H Dirks purchased the plater Alwintour from J H Black at private terms termsW W G Campbells Traplake fell during the running of the sixth race on Saturday suf ¬ fered a broken shoulder and had to be destroyed

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1938102501/drf1938102501_33_1
Local Identifier: drf1938102501_33_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800