2nd Mth, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-30

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HJ ki+L 3"4 MILE out of chute. Vaudeville, July 13, 1948— 1:09%— 3— 107. Purse ,000. trlU lYlTn 3-year-olds. Maidens. Fixed weights. Weight, 120 lbs. I :hart Book Todays Chart Book Todays J ndex No Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec. Wt Wt Rataplan 120 326542 Twisted Trail Jun51 Del 1:14sy 115 115 321073 Scrutiny Jun51 Del 1:12% 112 120 29869 Srinagar Aug50 Atl 1:15% 111 115 31949 Aquarius Jun51 Del 1:14% 120 120 32104 Testator Oct50GS1:13 119 120 18446 Rose Show Sep50Wdb1:15 109$ 115 32721 Hermes Oct50GS1:12% 119 120 327212 Pals Dream Jun51 Mth 1:14%sy120 120 28593 Short Hills Aug50 Atl 1:13% 117 115 32249 Bronx Bomber 120 32106 Whispered News Jun51 Mth 1:15% 115 115 I 32721 *Dr. Russell Jun51 Mth 1:14% 120 115 32721 Podoloff Jun51 Mth 1:13% 120 120 lataDlan M 1 9ft B c» 3 b» War Ad«"«n J— Song, by R*yal Minstrel. vuiupiun mj » W Breeder, S. D. Riddle. 1951 .0000 C • iwner. Grandview Stable. Trainer, E. W. King. I June 27 Mth 5-8 sy 1:03%hg June 22 Mth 1-2 ft :49%h June 19 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03h I irrurinv M 1 * Ch. g, 3, by Attention— November, by Brevity. * ►tiuuny mj I v Breeder, Mrs. A. Roberts. 1951 . 3 0 0 2 00 wner, Mrs. A. Roberts. Trainer, H. Dufford. jn19-515Mth 3-41:13%ft 2-3 *111 671 553 4 34J FedezFi Alw75 ElmosChce107 FirstSwg110 Bob-Ed 8 jn 1-51«Del 3-41:12 ft 12e 112 24 22 24 33 FerdezFt Alw84Windflower114 Strike112 WinMyWay 9 Iay23-513G.S 3-41:12 sy 12 114 43 3and 5* 5» StrgeB7 Mdn 78 St.Stefana 107 Capriole 112 LucilleF. 12 June 26 Mth 3-4 ft 1:15h June 8 Mth 3-4 ft 1:14%h May 31 GS 5-8 ft 1:03%b I Vauarius M vm; 1 9ft Br- e 3- by Blenheim II.— Precipitation, by Stimulus. ***uur,u* I *V Breeder, Mrs. M. duP. Scott. 1951 3 0 0 0 • wner, A. J. Wilson. Trainer, F. A. Bonsai. 1950 4 0 0 0 jn18-5HDel 3-41:12%ft 12 120 IO4IHOIIU 810 NashRS Mdn 73 HattieR. 110 Warup 120 Shillyshally 12 I iin 4-515Del 3-41:13%gd 8Je 120 97J 74 912 7«i BoulisSM Mdn 71 Jazert120 FyPoppers115 GnFurlong 14 I fcr15-513Pim 5if1K8%ft 8J 122 1181983 89 85 ShukN9 Mdn 70 Shrewd 122 Indicated 122 Nutmeg 12 F ug22-504Atl 3-4 1:11%ft 103 120 104 71 1 715 917 MtinRJi2 Mdn 72 Tuscany 120 Bar 120 Repetoire 12 J ug17-503Atl 3-41:10%ft 46 120 851 612 614 719 MartinRJ3 Mdn 75 Elevenpoint120 Repetoire120 NTsBoy 12 I jn12-50iDel 5Jf1:06%ft 13 120 14931413121412M RobonJ* Mdn 72 Euclid 120 Ala Mowlee 120 Valdor 14 I pr25-504HdG 4J f :53%m 4 122 5 781 6 o 610 KirkCi Mdn 83 BoldChallge122 Bonjohn122 Trimship 12 June 26 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04b June 16 Del 1-2 ft :49%b June 13 Del 5-8 gd 1:02%b u»e ose Jnuw Show hA VfYi; 1 I 1 1 B f 3 bv Ros«dale II.— War Show, by Constitution. 3 Breeder, M. J. Bove. 1950 10 0 12 15 wner, M. J. Bove, Jr. Trainer, R. Mcllvain. J rt11-50HLB 3-41:14%sl 22 112 114119H0831013 RobildG . Alw BennieBoy114 Bofaye 109 Fairlow 10 * ep18-50«Wdb 1-701:46%ft 52 109 531 64 74 718 RobildGi HcpS 63Argyle 119 Besidoll 115 Bear Field 14 » ep 9-503Wdb 3-41:12%ft 37 109*108 79 10121013 BrombyJi2 Alw77Fams Maid 109 Bessidoll 104 Argyle 12 » ep 1-503Stm 3-41:20%sy 23 117 67 5? 4233* JiannineD5 Mdn 44DramCrest 115 Caralita112 BenBoy 9 F June 28 Mth 3-4 gd 1:16%h June 19 Mth 5-8 ft 1:04h June 9 GS 1-2 gd :49%h als ui a Dream iicumi M iyi/ 1 I Z.V 9ft B- * 3 bv Bv J»™niny— Baymelia, by Supremus. j Breeder, H. H. Polk. 1951.2 0 10 50 • wner, H. H. Polk. Trainer, E. Yowell. jn23-512Mth 3-41:14%sy 4 120 34J 33J 31 21 PetrsnM9 Mdn 75 Violinist 120 DuskyAnn 115 BoyBlue11 l in19-514Mth 3-41:13%ft 21*120 64J 6" 58J 44 PetrsnM7 Mdn 74NetResult120 PtoBello115 WtABeau 9 June 13 Mth 5-8 gd 1:03%h June 3 GS 3-8 ft :36%b June 8 GS 3-4 ft 1:16%b Sronx »roiiA Bomber sumuer hA nr 1 I 9ft Cn- 9, 3, by Grand Slam— Lauramar, by Display. -tU Breeder, Bomar Stable. 1951 3 0 0 0 J wner, W. Woerner. Trainer, W. Woerner. jn20-512Mth 3-4 1:1154ft 60 107J 34 893 813 917 LaneW2 3500 71 Stepchild 114 Kalluki 113 Rose Poll 10 I ay29-513G.S 3-4 1:13%sy 133 120 55J 71211191122 SmithGLi Mdn 58 SeaGrass 120 Testator 120 AshTray 12 / ay22-514G.S 3-41:12%ft 62 116 43 8J 9181020 SmithGL" 4500 65 Delong106 SeaGrass120 DividendPyer 12 I June 19 Mth 3-8 ft :36h June 3 GS 3-4 ft 1:16%b May 8 GS 3-8 ft :37%b » r Russell M Gr 2 First Wfc-i* Boatswain. I * •NU: ie,, V™ 1 I 1 I D * * °y Botton, by Breeder, H. W. Leh. 1951 2 0 0 0 wner, H. W. Leh. Trainer, L. A. Brusie. 1950 3 0 0 0 t jn23-512Mth 3-41:14%sy 22 120 23 24 44 511 VasilA4 Mdn 65 NetResult120 PalsDr*m120 PtoBello 9 in19-512Mth 3-41:13%ft 64 120 21 54 781 9?£ PetonM" Mdn 73 TexasSkies120 NetResult120 Hermes 11 C ?p 9-501 Atl 3-4 1:12%ft 126 110 108J11 1311 17121 ? Lynchjn 3750 66 Roadstownl 13 JtaTiger106 Appetite 12 J ?p 1-502 Atl 3-41:12%ft 42 112 971101312171223 BalztiW? 3500 61 ElPacho 112 KeeDee111 JustaTiger 12 * jg 5-502 Mth 3-4 1:144/sft 54 113 54 95 10121013 BalztiW9 5000 60 Bolog122 PrintersGold122 GoodWillin 12 » June 29 Mth 3-8 gd :37%h June 15 Mth 3-4 m 1:18%b June 9 Mth 5-8 ft 1:01%h H "wiSted wiieu Trail 1 ran M iy 1 I 1 • C Dk. b. f, 3, by Bull Dog— Spiral Pass, by Pharamond ll. * J Breeder, Coldstream Stud, Inc. 1951 .2 0 1 0 50 » wner, W. G. Helis, Jr. Trainer, F. Catrone fi n23-512Del 3-4 1:12%sy 11 115 23 24 24 27 NashR4 Mdn 77 Calater120 Monamora115 DorysMiss 8 / ay23-513G.S 3-4 1:12 sy 48 107 11io 918 812 ps FicoT3 Mdn 72 St.Stefana 107 Capriole 112 LucilleF. 12 May 18 GS 3-4 ft 1:18%b May 14 GS 5-8 ft 1:03%b May 9 GS 5-8 ft 1 :03b rinaaar V M 1 1 * Cn f- 3 °y Pasteurized— Belmar Belle, by Neddie. y 1 P 3 Breeder, Dr. C. F. Henry. 1951 10 0 0 i wier, J. H. Francis. Trainer, L. Williams. 1950 3 0 0 0 iy29-51iG.S 3-41:13%sy 43 113 912101811231126 RogersCi 3500 53 Isle ofPe108 DividendPr110 StarSpt 11 t 6-503G.S 3-41:13 ft 50 117 V 74310171020 ScthnKio Mdn 62 Inajiffy117 NewW?ndr117 WntABeau 10 r g21-503Atl 3-41:13%ft 135 111 741083111410H ScthrnK9 3500 68 SugarAlley117 PceDog112 MrJ Fred 12 1 r31-50iMth 5lf1:06%ft 57 118 105110H10131114 BalztiW* 4500 70 CnnieRab118 ForgnStar118 M Swing 12 June 28 Mth 1-2 gd :5Ch June 20 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03b June 1 Del 5-8 ft 1:01 %h estator " M 1 ZU 9ft Br- c 3 b* Saladin— Main Miss, by Byrd. , . , Breeder, M. C. Erlanger. 1951 . 3 0 1 0 ,000 iter, J. Titone. Trainer, C. Megill. „ .„ 1950 8 0 0 1 50 n19-512Mth 3-41:13V5ft 21*120 64 753 673 653 VasilA4 Mdn 75 TexasSkies120 NetResult120 Hermes 11 Y29-513G.S 3-41:13%sy 8| 120 33i 22 2 2"K VasilAiO Mdn 80 SeaGrass 120 AshTray 120 Contrive 12 y23-513G.S 3-41:12 sy 25 112 54 49 44 483 VasilA4 Mdn 78 St.Stefana 107 Capriole 112 LucilleF. 12 t26-503G.S 3-4 1:13%ft 18 119 23 25 35J 711 FedezAJ* Mdn 68 Fixation 119 Midyear 119 NewWonder 11 t18-503G.S 3-41:12 ft 12 119 4U 3« 38 38 FerdezFS Mdn 79 Benbow119 FlicFlac119 BuddieSweep 12 I t11-503G.S 3-4 1:1244ft 23 119 34 44 44 55 FedezFi Mdn 78 VoloSong119 FlicFlac119 SylvanRock 11 t 3-503G.S 3-41:10%ft 11 119 3J 431 4* 511 FerdezFS Mdn 82 RomanFair 119 Fixation 119 Calater 10 « ° p20-505Bel wc5if1-03%ft 4f 118 15 26* 2671257 AtksnT22 Mdn 83 BlueHelt118 CterPoint118 Fo*eyLad27 Jl June 7 GS 3-8 ft :39b May 28 GS 1-2 ft :49%b May 19 GS 1-2 ft :50bg M ermes " M Vm; 1 I ZU 9ft Ch- c« 3 by Heliopolis— Barn Swallow, by Black Servant. . ■ „ Breeder, Circle M Farm 1951 2 0 0 1 00 mer, Jay Cee Farm. Trainer, T J. Tault. 1950 10 0 0 0 75 * i23-512Mth 3-41:14%sy 6J 120 m 6 6» 613 HanfordM Mdn 63 NetResult120 PalsDrm120 PtoBello 9 i19-512Mth 3-41:13%ft 25 120 42 3* 2* 31 JstonD2 Mdn 30 TexasSkies120 NetResult120 Podoloff 11 - I21-502G.S 3-41:11%ft 77 113 101010H10171217 RichardJ 8000 74 Euclid 113 Ignition 113 Maid ofHearts 12 t18-503G.S 3-41:12 ft 22 119 5 3 54 513 5M RichardJi Mdn 73 Benbow 119 Flic Flac 119 Testator 12 t11-503G.S 3-41:12%ft 18 119 64J 541 54J 75J EadsW2 Mdn 77 VoloSongl 19 FlicFlad 19 SylvanRock 11 t 3-503G.S 3-41:10%ft 56 119 and 55J 5 V RichrdJ4 Mdn 84 RomanFair 119 Fixation 119 Calater 10 18-503Atl 3-41:13%ft 64 120 9* 65 74 8 HigleyJ7 Mdn 72 EarlyVty120 UleEmery120 Romtype 10 May 22 GS 1-2 ft :50%b June 18 Mth 5-8 ft 1:03%h I I I I | i I , , . I Short jnorr Hi nillS Is M 1 1 •* B- * 3 b» Ha»W ASO-Conga Mai, by Roman Soldier. rvJ • I 3 Breeder, D. 0. Evans. 1951 2 0 0 • f Owner, D. O. Evans. Trainer, W. H. Moran. 1950 18 0 1 3 ,400 May15-513G.S 3-41:13 ft 16 113 44 5«i 6»J 881 WgartWH Mdn 74 Unification118 Sandhurst118 HattieR. 12 May4-515G.S 3-41:10%ft 55 105 1 34 34 5" WgartWS 5000 80 ThasianHero115 JoyC.110 LadyPam 8 Oct31-501G.S 3-41:13 ft 18 114 733 753 68 673 FinganJ2 4000 74 Sveltosl 17 LordGrail 120 Pas deCalais 9 Oct24-502G.S 3-41:13%gd 4 105 33J 46 48 5*3 LbergH2 3750 69 ChceCId110 Fulstrth109 Pas deCals 9 Oct10-502G.S 3-41:13Vsgd 83 109 32J 3"k 43J 45 StoutJ? 4000 76 Kist 112 Ballyheather 116 Penstone 12 Sep26-503Atl 3-4 1:13V%ft 3i 117 45 4« 38 3" CulmneJ4 4500 70 MbileBle117 FightgMrk115 Mr.Brr 7 Sep19-505Atl 3-41:13%ft 25 113 5« 57 5715* BaourisG2 Alw 73 MistyWds117 Tmptg117 HelnWin-K 7 Sep15-503Atl 3-41:15%m 8 117 421 43J 34J 37 BaourisG7 3000 62 Appetite117 WiseJane117 JustaRose 10 June 26 Mth 3-4 ft 1:15%h June 22 Mth 3-4 ft 1:17h June 16 Mth 5-8 si 1:02%h WhkrtPi-pH Npw : M 1 1 C Ch. f. 3, by Neddie— Secret Chatter, by Chatterton. iicwj TTiiidpcrcu nr I I J Mrs. R. Roberts. Breeder, 1951.1 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. R. Roberts. Trainer, R. Roberts. Jun19-514Mth 3-41:13%ft 23 115 873 7" 7" 61 RogersC Mdn 70 Violinist 120 DuskyAnn 115 BoyBluell June 25 Mth 1-2 ft :48%h ruuuiun Podoloff f imj M 1 I 9ft *■ c 3 bv Sun Again— Burgoo Mary, by Burgoo King. v Breeder, Mrs. G. F. Cope. 1951 2 0 0 0 50 Owner, Mrs. C. A. Cope. Trainer, C. A. Cope. 1950 15 0 1 1 175 Jun23-512Mth 3-41:14%sy 5| 120 57 8i« 815 818 SmithGL3 Mdn 58 NetResult120 PalsDrm PtoBello 9 Jun19-512Mth 3-4 1:13Vsft 18 120 11 2h 3J 44 GormnD5 Mdn 79 TexasSkies120 NetResult120 Hermes 11 Jly 8-501 Mth 5i f 1 :07 ft 51 115 11*111 1 H1 181217 FedzAJi2 6000 660nGuard 116 AnnsSultan 113 Satartia 12 Jun29-50iMth 5J f 1:071/5ft 17 113* 77J 8ii10i*10i« SandsEio 10000 66 GoSeven 118 TheSpaniel 118 Justalike 11 Jun20-502Mth 5-81:01%ft 6J 118 6?J 78J 78 8?3 LbergH3 7500 72 Intermittent 15 EIPacho118 TheGink 12 Jun16-50iMth 5-8 :59%m 16 115 32 43 45J 4? StidmGS 8000 81 CollegeQueen112 HeyRube119 GabyH 8 May18-502G.S 5-81:00%gd 61 112 42 54J 65i 7*3 BoulisSS 7500 79 lgnition116 Seabright 112 ScotchSour 12 May 6-502G.S 5-81:01 gd 22 120 43 45J 44J 413 MaddenDS Mdn 80 ErrardBeau 120 FItAdmiral 120 Iliad 9 June 28 Mth 5-8 gd 1:04%h June 22 Mth 3-8 ft :36%h June 17 Mth 5-8 gd 1:03%h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951063001/drf1951063001_39_2
Local Identifier: drf1951063001_39_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800