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WALDO REGAINS PRESTIGE C. 1. HARRISONS CRACK COLT AN EASY WINNER IN FLATBUSH, STAKES. His Owner Announces After Hace That the Colt Will Go Into Retirement Until Next Season Sweep an Absentee. New York. September 4 Waldo rehabilitated himself with the race-going public at Sheepshead Hay today. Twelve thousand devotees of the sport cheered him on to victory in the twenty-sixth running of the Flat hush Stakes. JKIght colts and fillies elected to try conclusions in tills famous juvenile fixture, including Waldo. Grasmero, Dalmatian, The Fad, Turf Star, Perry Johnson. Chickasaw ami An-gerona. Tlio last named -pair were added at the eleventh hour. Notwithstanding Us preceding defeat by selling platers. Waldo was the storm center of speculation on the race and closed a strong favorite at l to fi. He justified the confidence of his backers by striding into a commanding position inw mediately after the start. It was apparent that he controlled the situation at th? pleasure of his jockev. and had the complete measure of his opposition. The Fad led him for five furlongs on sufTeranec. When Grand relaxed his tight pull on the reins Waldo bounded to the frout in a twinkling and the race was over as far as lirst money was concerned. C. Ii. Harrison announced after the race that this was Waldos last appearance in public this season, as ho has decided to retire him forthwith. The splendid-looking Dalmatian, as big and lusty as a four-year-old, and with all the earmarks of a champion, came from the rear in cyclonic fashion to finish a good second to Waldo. His last half-mile sprint was so sensational that some experts went so far as to claim superiority for him over Waldo or even Sweep. There was general disappointment over the Futurity heros altsence from the race. Nearly everyone believed that he would be an added starter. James It. Keene explained that it had been his intention to start Sweep in the Flatbush; ami that hut for a slight attack of distemper, as evidenced toy a running at the nose this morning, he would have done so. Grasmere earned third place by a narrow margin after having been1 nearly left at the post. The gigantic Meddler gelding displayed his usual roguish-iiess under pressure in the final sixteenth, and but for Butwells prompt action in putting down Ills whip and hand riding him the Keene youngster would have finished unplaced. Turf Star, Angeroua tind. Perry, Johnson were not serious contendars at any stage of the running. Angerona still ran in S. J. Doggetts name, and the deal for the transfer of h half interest in her to S. C. Hildreth has presumably fallen through. King James appeared under colors for the second time nt this meeting in the Sysonhy Handicap, at a mile and a quarter. His opposition was inconsequential, consisting, as it did. of Zienap and Iins and Needles. Hildreths great horse was not called Upon to extend himself to defeat them in 2:05. W. IS. Jennings scored a rare, victory with Intrinsic in the introductory dash. Iagan ltey. a favorite of the receding kind, started absolutely unfit in the steeplechase, and it probably cost his owners the horse, for he broke down at the end. Rampart, a foregone conclusion, according to the ring indications., won after the issue had been in doubt for two miles. Denier, a long shot and added starter, was the disturbing factor. The tabled history of the Great Autumn Steeplechase is as follows: Year. Winner. A. Wt. Jockey. Val. Time. 19Mi John M. P....7 1!2 Stone .. WHO 5KC 15117 .Mr. McCaun...4 147 Stone S.700 5:1. IPOS Sanctus 5 152 Dupee 1.S00 5.00s 1909 Rampart 4 i::r Iluppe 595 5:12 A. G. lUakelev sent a winner to the post over the grass course in Blackford. The Clifford gelding was favorite in a lug field and survived a lot of interference to win under jockey Glass skillful and liervv guidance. De Mund. slightly touched in the wind, succumbed to the 30 to 1 chance. Racquet, at tile wimlup. The weather was against the Kainey horse, hut he ran a game race. George Keif hacked the winner, getting .,000 against 00 for first and ,000 to 00 for place. August Itelmont, just returned from I.urope. was at .Sheepshead l!av today, lie said that he had seen considerable racing while abroad and had greatly enjoved his trip. Mr. Itelmont greeted the reporters cordially and said: "When I get gack from Canada I want the hovs to join me in a conference. I am anxious to hear the news and talk things over with JIteports from Germany are to the effect that lockey Notter has severed his connections with the "Weinberg stable and that Walter Miller has been engaged in his stead.