untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1913-03-02


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DOUGLAS PARK JOCKEY CLUB LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Stakes For Spring Meeting, 1913 Entries to Close Saturday, March 8, 1913 Kentucky Handicap, 0,000 Added The Years Most Valuable American Stake Kentucky Handicap 0,000 Added j Spring Trial Stakes ,500 Added FOR THREE-YEATI-OI.DS AND UPWARD. P.y subscription of $".0 M«h; 36 additional to start; FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. I.v sjit. ri pt ion of Sir, each: SCO .additional to Mart; S2 566 :» ! ! .1. of which s:-" " «****- *»• *» "i"1 •""1 $"" "» lo,,,»11- Winners of ,668, a II,*.: ,688 twie*. or 6,666 added, of which ,386 10 -o.-,.nd. Sr.ftO to third and 60 ta fourth. Weight* live- days t . •_. 0M, or three sweepstakes of ;inv value. ; II.-. rstra. ri winners of a Sweepstake- allowed before the raw. Winners of ,360 after publication or weights. B Iks. extra. 4 ,,,„_. jf „oll ,vinil0,s „ tlIW „Mm - „,... m:liliin.. ■„• nr.V.r ta „ s„,.,,.l:lk... M laa. One Mile and a Quarter. Five Furlongs. Memorial Handicap ,500 Added Speculation Stakes, Selling . $ 1,500 Added , F0R THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. F.y snh-i-ripi ion of Sin rack; 0 additional i" start: ] ,,„ OR „,mT-r- THREE-YEAR-OLDS .o r~„ AND .*,~ „T..,r.r UPWARD. Bv BabrrrtBtloa • ■ ...I „. 0 each: ,.,.,-, 0 addit lonal to start; ,366 added, of which 56 to secoad, 50 to Hunt ami 6 in fourth. The winner to be sold ii auction. ,600. :; ihs. above Male: l lb. far ear* 08 to ,688; 1 lb. for earn swai to ,268 ail l .1. of which 66 to aeroad, sion ,,, third ami Sr.o to fourth. Weights May lis. Will- ,666; 2 His. for each 0o :,, 86. Starter- with aelliag prices i,, |,c named through the entry box the ilay lie-lore the race at usual Hate of riMAiag and all s.i ij.no.-. I to In- liable lor the start n. i after pahlleark f w.-iirhts 5 laa. extra. Six Furlcnps. lag lea. One Mile and u Sixteenth. special notices: THE RULES OF RACING adopted by the Kentucky State Racing Commission govern More than two horses mav be nominated for Selling Stakes, hut only two can start, all the of the Park Club. Entries these stake. mcaa inn couise DoufTlai, Jockey to oyer Winner or non-winner of a stated sum moans winner or non-w.nner of a sinele MM i r« iceeived only with the understanding that the officer-: ot tins Club reserve the light " 1.0 ret use the entiy or the areeplanoe of a transler of any entry for any cause and with- " t"a* value to first horse. out non. e to the ■abacribar. No entry will he leceivcd except upon this condition: That Horses penalised in a rare shall not be entitled to anv of the allowances in aaefe r« .- all dispute-, hums and objections mining cut o! the lacing or with respect to the inter- „„ . ... . ... ... , ,, , - ... , Horses „„_ not entitled to the first allowance ,n a race shall not » he aatitlai to toe sell.., areUttaa ot the eaaiitiaaa Wt any stake sh-.ll be decided by the officers of t!;is Club, or .- whom they may appoint, ami their de i* ion upon all points shall be final. end. and if not to the second then to no liuhsequenr ■ ilawoa. Address All Communications to DOllglaS Park J0ClCy Cltjb . . . LOlliSVlllC, KCHtUCky E. W. MAilNN, Racing Secretary. JOHN HACHMEISTER, General Manager z== .. . . - .. . . --- 1 mmmmmmmimmmmmiml L A T O N I A — COVINGTON, KENTUCKY — » Stakes for Spring Meeting, 1913 entries to Close Saturday, March 8, 1913 I INAUGURAL HANDICAP . . ,000 ADDED A MERCHANTS STAKES . . ,500 ADDED 7 VALUATION STAKES, Selling. SI. 500 ADDED I ■ TOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. Bjr Batnrriattaa of 1*1 A SELLING SWEEPSTAKES FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND I • TOR TWO-YEAROLDS. i.v aaaaerfftfiaa af SI", each: ISO UPWARD. P.J subscription of 0 each: SKi additional 10 ional to start: si,:.oO a hh-il. of whi.-h S:;:,i i., s,.,-,,ml. si.mi • -,. .-..Mit • • "■ ...i.. *-" ISA uUittmul •""""■•" t» 1" start --"• -«" t» MM .tlfle.!. Mdrtr.l 01 of m-hirh uni.,1 M4M moi . |||: t, r-0 .,,,,,,.,, ,„ XV|,i.h poo. to s.-.-oiul. 50 to third ami lu third ami .*:. :..urtii. The winner to 1m- sold , aiictioii. to -o. ..iwi. sjiui t,. third and fffi to fouilh. Wettfbts ibree rtay* fan to fonrth. I lu- winner to !«■ sold bj aoctioa. s::. «mi ncalr; s_."oo. :: n,,. above arale: 1 lb. loss far earh to si. T".: i,-i.,i,. tar race vViaaera of .f]. tf it after piihliratioa of lu- ll"v " «:"11 PM " |2.0W ; 1 lb. for eaeb moo t,. faWi: lb. for earn SIWl to 00: lbs. far eaea 00 to . s an , . . . .. ,, __a „.. . s. ..„„,h - lbs. lor -...-h 00 to 1913.sh00. t mors with wllins prices to hr era wi.li aelllas priors to be named throuuh the .iiirv box the* v -" "■ *»»»■. "ne W1,e an" ■ oixreentn. naaaed tbroagb Ike « j bo the day beface i lt - ra« ar u-ual day before the rare at Hi.- UMial time of rtosiag ami Iboee an nine of .-o-in ami tbaae named ... he liable for Ktartiax fee. named to be I la ale for Martina: fee. Five Furlongs and a Hull. 2. SiJSL v.,:. ,!6:°!?ADDED c HAROLD STAKES ,000 ADDED g INDEPENDENCE HANDICAP . ,500 ADDED luMirinnal to start: su: ix » added of whlrt 00 to -com!. 00 T Wl FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. I.v •aaarriattaa of Vl F0R COLTS AND GELDINGS TWO YEARS OLD. Uv rnh 6 II tonal .. earh; 0 t to -tail: sl .:.O.i added. »f ahirh A0 t. third """ •"" -,ml - MB to " t.mnh l"1"11- Winner, "Hindis in n V V i.H.. of or .huw, C! 000 3 it.-. lb-. -ciption ..t each: 0 additional to start; ,000 ad I. of o s,-,..,., -. 00 to third and . to fourth. Weight* three flay* extra. Maiden* allowed I Ifca One Mile and a Half. arbiea 00 10 aecocd, .s-j«.o 1., tWrd ami 5 to fourth. Win before I be race. Winners .,1 other than a selling ptuae after mi- ot ,600. :; Iba.; ,000 ;«ur. at *366, ." U.S.: .601 pwblieatioo 01 weights I lb- extra. IPSFTTA TAKE S9 000 ADDED 5»2R SJRT. TandsJft ;-z:: ;iU ULir5tiiA iiANti . . , , z,uuu auucu -, , . ,«.. s ... : ,, 3RI ; K. nnna.,, CINCINNATI TROPHY ,000 ADDED UlUUimiflll M1UI II I . • i . . i vJO.UUU nUULU g TOR FILLIES TWO YEARS OLD. By -uh-rupton of 8 || each: |S6 amlitmnal l" sart: *_X»0 it.liiocl. of hi-ii K4O0 to Rll IPa/CTCD U A M R i P A D CO flilO AnnCfl U I F0R TWO-YEAR-OLDS. By sulk-.-ription of 0 each- «SO -..on. I. 06 to third and 3 t* fourih. Winners of ,006. 3 P yUlUolLr llHIlUIUMr i i AUUCU :«Wltional to start : fcj.080 added, of wfaieh 00 to aeeond. 00 u mi or.,. , .; ,. «•- -,u .■ n . n ,uw ,. „, ,;„.,,. ,.w 1 " third and sMhi to fourth. Winner- ..I ,060. .1 II,- : Sl.tHKi ., ,,• r • Ul F°K THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. Bj -.tbscriptio,, of ?«*■ « **•** . ■ »*.: ,006 .hree time- „,- . twice. , , , ,666 twW. 9 Ihs. extra Warto-er, k ol I aweefatakea al- Wt " ""-T:, "" addition:,! to s,«rt: ,606 added, nf uhn-h 60 heJ! n"«on"u; I- m"-, *tf town :; II,-.: sad ii -u.-h hare not -hr.-e r. two , " ■ -. nl:"l,,1 - " "W Ilaci-.l ha.; ,,, won race- .,, , , , , ,,"■• MflO third to and t „., sr.-. ,-. i, w ;. t.i- .1,. . i,. tomlli. ,-i W-i-lih two „„, d..i- ., , ,, ,, ,, , . , , , . , .. i„ Kweenstakes. 16 Ih- In addition to the first money the wees, 8 I.,-.: „ in.ii.hii- that hare not ban Blared In a «weep- before the. race. Winner- alter aahlieatieai af weiaUta, of a winner will receive the Cincinnati Treaty, a b.autiiul Silver slakes. 12 lbs. Five Furlongs. raea Other than -ellinu. of 00, .". Ihs. extra. Six Furlonjs. Loving Cup. Six Furlongs. special notices: THE RULES OF RACING adopted by the Kentucky State Racing Commission govern More than two horses mav be nominated for Selling Stakes, but only two can start. %Xand3ZS£31and. £?££?£:*and*»•%£ . W»"« " -n-w.nner of a stated sum moans winner o. non-w.nner of a stngle rao, the entiy or the aceejitance of a lian.fer of any entry for any cause and without notice o; that value to first horse. to the subscriber. No entry will be received except upon this condition: That all dis- Horses penalized in a rare shall not be entitled to any of the allowances in such race, putes, claims and objections, arising out ol the racing or with respect to the interpietation „ .... . . .. . , .. _ . ., . t .- . j . ... 1 Horses not entitled to the first allowance in a race shall not be entailed to the aaa. i stake shall ot the condition- ol any ha deo.ded by the officers of this Club, or thoe whom tln-v may appoint, and their decision upon all points shall be final. ond, and if not to the sc.ond then o no subsequent allowance. 1 Address All Communications to LatOHia JOCRCy C I U b . . . COVIflgtOn, KCntllCky MARVtY MYERS, President. E. W. WA0INN, Racing Secretary. « JOHN HACHMEISTER, General Manager

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913030201/drf1913030201_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1913030201_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800