First Race [1st Douglas Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-30

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Douglas Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday May 31 31AVEATHER AVEATHER THREATENING TRACK HEAVY FIRST RACE 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Ma idens Fillies Selling 14111 53 2 104 Index Course Dist TlmeTckOdds Wt St StINNOVATION i Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy INNOVATION b f 2 105 1052053G By Hilarious Common Sue J L Holland 2053G Douglas 41 f 57Vfmud 245 IOG 1 7 71 T M Garner 11 Yermak riiivator A Mancini 2 224 Churchill 12 4Sgood 7 112 I I201G3 5 4 4s B Martin 10 MargaretX LSistcr BBeanty 201G3 Lexgton 41 f 5Chvy 141 109 2 3 31 3 E Martin 11 Mary H Thornwd luvestmeiit 20093 I exgton 41 f 53fast 2120 109 7 7SUN 5 4n 31 E Martin 11 Lynn Little Cove Uncle Will WillBy SUN MAID ch f 2 105 1051MI17S By Peep oDay Lillie Turner T P Hayes 1MI17S Ixjxgton 41 f CChvy 51 102 2 4 4C 2s J Smyth S S Vanity SonStar SouLeague 20123 Lsxgton 41 f 55fast 21 112 2 2CHIVATOR 12 llJll18 J McCabe 12 Lucky R MargKlleu Paulson PaulsonBy CHIVATOR ch f 2 110 By Salvation Escarola H 0 Corns took 2 35fi Douglas 41 f fi7Vinu l 9 iu 9 10 G1 21 R Goose 11 Yermak A Manelni Ms Pet 20327 Cliurcbill 41 f G4 fast 21 130 31 11 11 11 T McTagtll Canlome Bessie N Onota 20299 Churchill 41 f 54fast 331 307 4 2 31 G8 R Goose 12 Illuminator Onota Thornwood 39193 NOrlns 31 f 42J hvy 15 303 3 31S994 4 2n 24 C AanDun S S Diamond Cuddles Lyndora 1S994 NOrlns 3S 36 fast 25 105 8 81S89S 81 7 C VanDunlO Prepaid Marg O S Diamond 1S89S NOrlns 3S 35fast 15 103 9 91SS62 G3 5121G VanDun 9 Tom Caro Paymaster Deliver 1SS62 NOrlns 38 36fast 13 109 5 5RUTH 71 7 i c VanDun 8 SforScandal BDaw SDiamond SDiamondBy RUTH STRICKLAND b f 2 110 1102055C By Czar Searchlight Shannon Haggard 2055C Douglas 41 f G7imud 2 111 4 4204G1 5 10 S9 T McTagtll Yermak Chivator A Mancini 204G1 Douglas 41 f 54fast 235 112 4 4 51 7 = ° T McTagtll Impressive Bessie N MissAtkin 20400 Douglas 41 f CGmud 4710 112 3 1 I2 2i T McTagt G BrowKate Cabiria MGeorgia 20341 Churchill 41 f 55fast 135 112 2 2MISS 7 7i GJ T McTagtl2 Beauty Shop G Blair SLeague SLeagueBy MISS ATKIN b f 2 105 105204G1 105204G1 By Jack Atkin Hannadaga W Gerst 204G1 Douglas 41 f 54fast 25 107 fi f 35 313 F Robinsnll Impressive Bessie N Yaca 20327 Churchill 41 f 54fast GS 105 G G G2 G E Lamtersll Cardome Bessie N Onota 20299 Churchill 41 f 54fast 74 101 9 9PAULSON 10 94 Sl B Lamterl2 Illuminator Onota Thoruwood ThoruwoodBy PAULSON blk f 2 110 1102053C By Hurst Park Isabella D J M Foley 2053C Douglas 41 f 57mud 33 IOG 3 11 S1 914 B Ott 11 Yermak Chivator A Mancini 20341 Churchill 41 f 55rast 32 112 S SM178 8 S 7s W W Tlorl2 Beauty Shop G Blair SLeaguo M178 Lexgton 41 f 5C1fhvy 4 302 S G G2 G12 AV Lilley S S Vanity Sun Maid South Star 20323 Lexgton 41 f 03fast 91 332 7 7ROSE 3 31 3J T McTagtl2 Lucky U MargElIen S Star StarBy ROSE JULIETTE ch f 2 110 110204G1 By Cunard Miss Jordan J Livingston 204G1 Douglas 41 f 51fast 91 112 9 C 71 S22JU Goose 31 Impressive BossIeN MissAtklu 20341 Churchill 41 f 55i fast 22 112 1 G CJ 8HJ R Goose 12 Beauty Shop G Blair SLeague 20299 Churchill 41 f 54fast 49 100 S 9 51 G5J M Garner 12 Illuminator Onota Thornwood 20271 Churchill 4 f E4slow 4G 112 10 101S9SS 11 11 H23 L Gentry 11 Kathleen GypsylIair EthelMay 1S9SS Juarez 3S 37 fast 4 112 1 1MISS 8 G71 J McCabe 8 Shaban Lola Whispering Hope HopeBy MISS SLEETH b f 2 110 110204C1 By Ailyar Nancy K P Sleeth 204C1 Douglas 41 f 54fast fid 112 3 319S23 1 4 CJJ McCabe U Impressive Bessie N MissAtkin 19S23 Juarez 12 49fast G 307 10 10 10 10 R Shilling 10 Brooks Maccabee J D Sugg 19771 Juarez 12 49ijfast 21 105 G G19C3J 2 Gi GJ R Shilling 7 Rapids Emily R Oveta OvetaC 19C3J Juarez 12 G24 hvy 3 103 4 C 7 CJJ Acton 7 Little Bines Brooks Savino 19421 Juarez 31 f 40fast S 73 G4 J Acton 10 TItox FPatterson Illuminator 19297 Juarez 31 f 41 fast 7 4 k 331 J Howard 32 Divan Lit Bigger RoseMarian RoseMarianBy MISS GEORGIA ch f 2 110 By Star Shoot Falaska J AV Schorr 20100 Douglas 41 f SG mud 91 312 4 fi 41 4IS1F Fuerst G BrKate RStrickland Cabiria 20327 Churchill 41 f 54Kfast 19 110 5 9 10 10 J Kederis 11 Cardome Bessie N Onota 0224 Churchill 12 4Sgood 13 112 8 7 7J 7JJ Kederis 10 MargretN Lit Slater BBcauty LADY WORTHINGTON b f 2 110 By Magazine Marcie C T Worthington 20311 Churchill GS lOIfast fid 108 11 11 11 11 il 5iF Kiogli 11 Luzzl Fatlur Kelly Aunt Sal 20271 Churclilll 41 f Gislow ld 112 11 10 Si S F Kcogh 11 Kathleen GypsyRlair EthclMay EthclMayBy BUSY JOE hlk f 2 110 11020W7 By Sain Bandcllo E R Bradley BradleyG 20W7 Douglas 5S 101 mud 43 111J 7 7200S7 G S S St9iC Ganz S Intention Mary II Louise Stone 200S7 Lexgton 41 Glfast 24 112 2 6 G1 o17 G Ganz 7 Jncoba Mar Kllen W Warbler VIOLET b f 2 105 105First By Waterboy La Flour G J Long First start

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Local Identifier: drf1915053001_5_5
Library of Congress Record: