Prices Show Upward Trend of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-01


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1 TRICES SHOW UPWARD TREND OF THE TURF. Tin- splendid prices realised at Sheepahead Baj Monday for ii, BImenilorf and KltorsHc yearlings provide a greater degree of encenrageineitl for American l»recdera of the tboreaghhred borse thai. anything that baa occurred since the passage "i 1. gisl.-ii i"ii iinii ieiniu to racing in New Vork and • iiber sidles. These prices afford the most substantial evidence of the upward trend of the turf that -has In-cii g dug mi for the past year or so. With the exception of the . 1 1 . 1 m n . ui.nh 1:. R. Bradle] paid for Beach Comber lu 1 1 11 *J :it hi~ own sale of the Keene-bred yearlings that be bought and -»n afterwards i-u tgned lo the sales ring, the 12.500 whn-h John San ford of Amsterdam, N. .. paid for the • -h stuul 1 -li by Star Shoot llaiuhurg Belie Monday, is the most that a yearling has brought in America since tin- Hughes legislation wrought such iui"- with raeing in New 1ork state. jhe Miiiu.iai.v of the sub- is ; s follows: Elraendorf Yeailin?s. Cbestnu,- colt by Star Shoot Hamburg Belle; •liilin Saatord 12.." m» Bai ally I . .sin:- siim.i Tradition; John Sanford 6,000 ciii-sirui n-ir b] Watercress -Enterprise; r. B. Lemaire i.ciki Chestnut e..ii bj BaUot -Majolica; T. C. McDowell 1,500 Chestnut colt bj Ballot — Muriel; T. t He- ! .. well 1,300 Bay mi-, by Waterboy— -Sister Jeaaie; Qnlncy Statde 1.500 Bay BHy by Waterboy School Mistress; 1-. B. Lemaire. 1,175 Chestuut nllv by lhiil"! Graa i sa; .. R. Bryaon l.UOO Black colt by Waterboj Phauta ma; ouim-y Stable 1.000 japav filly v Watercress or Waterboj t •- • Jooepti Edwanls 1,050 Bay colt by Baterboy Degenerate; P. B. Lemaire .s . Chestnut Blhr by Star Bubj -Lady Lindsay; E. 1". Whitney 850 Brown filly by Hessian Court Dance; jiiim-v Stable 850 Bay filly y Watercress Vu.iiette; Joseph Edwards 723 liav e.ili bv Waterboj The Ureal Raby; J. B. Davbi 7s» Raj 1 it bj Waterboj Modrica: James Itoss 550 Bai filly bj Waterboj Kalian Ruble; Joseph Ed* ai ds 554 Bay tilly by Hessian Saccharine; Josepb |j|« arils O.iO r,;i- filly !iv Wat-rlriv - -Toe. -e: -. E. ir. Carle 500 111 el. hi brown filly by Gusrgc Kessler Missy; f*. ■:. Bryson 500 III 1 ii- dan Phida; c--.rge M. Odom 300 "ij filly by In -Man Jacqu minot; r. E. Lemalre 43f lSy filly by Glorio — Picturesque; Robert Baviet 451 Chestnut colt by George blessler— Cottage Girl; T. B. 1. -inaire 111". I ■ 11,111 by Gtorin shaei ,1. E. Davis 1-" I.... .nit. bj II- -iau Stouencllie; P. B. Lemaire 123 l:.i filly by ih -s ...n La 1 It ur; Josepb Ed ward hNi Bay filly by Waterboj Prim IE; .1. Flta--iiiiniiii S30 Bay filly by Hessian Lychei Nat; r. B. I . I 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 • e-.J mitt enir by st.u- Raby— CUp ibnik; Joseph Edwards 00 Baj fiilv by Glorio -Uaaie Montrose; Joseph Edwarda 800 Bay flllr by Glorio— Dareka; Jeoepb Edwards lT.i Baj filly i.v Hessian- Flora Baasett; r. B. Lemaln ir, v 11 roll i.v Waterboy i hi Flab; Godfrey Ii.eee 100 Chestnut e It bj tieorge KeMler Twinkle: Mai s. ,. ■ i"" Ellerstie Yearlings. Baj 1 I s Ballot Sadie S.: W. S. Kllmer.f R.000 Bay filly by d li Please: Qnlncy Stable... I.TKJ iie-iuui bj Celt— Sumptuous; guiucy Stable -,000 Bwj .11 by Ileno S.mei: Qulney Stable .*1 imi P. iv ...It - Cb.iiini -Sister Anna; W. S. Kilmer . ". 1,100 ! --s.i mi i coll by l ii-ii" — i:i./.a Russell; Qulney Stable 1,900 Chestnut filly by Ballot Mi- Crittenden; Qulney Stable 1,000 ii-iuui e it .- Ikiriaei Frantic; !•:. 1*. Whim v S0O Ray filly by Glorifier — BeUe Plenr; Robert Iiavi.-s 190 i;.iv Illy by Glorifier — Lady Jodiva; W. S. Kilmer 700 Chestnut filly by Trap Rock Pyramid; P. A. Ink -• Baj filly by Glorifier— Aurine; I. B. Pavis.. .v,u The best pricea obtalaed Cor a yearling at public auction In this country la each year since loos are sh"A ii ln-lou : I90H Chestnut coll by Meddler -Uomeapna; II. P. Whitney ?H .7oo i:m;;i ciiestuul colt by Cunard— I le; !•:. R. Bradley 5,100 lulu Chestnut colt by Meddler -Bonnie Blue II.; J. P. Madden 4.900 1911 Black ■•!• brown filly by slnr Sluot — Breakwater; II McDaniel 2,100 1912 Brown rolt by Rock Sand Fairy Slip-in ; K. R. Bradley II.ikmi 191.1 Baj ..ii b Pe.i, oDaj Myrtellus; .1. B. Madden " 4,300 1914 Chestnut colt by Watercress -Pearl v.; T. C. McDowell S.loO

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Local Identifier: drf1915070101_1_5
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