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: I 1 ! I , HAMILTON FORM CHART. HAMILTON. ONT., WFJNESDAY. JUNE 30, 1915. -Fifth day. Hamilton Jockey lub. Summ, r Meettag of i daya. 136 hooka saw Weather cloudy. Pre-idiug Steward. Itancis .N.-lsoti! Pi, siding Judge. P. W. Cerhard.v . Starter. A. It. lladc. Pacing S-crelai-y. A. U. IMtdoii. Pacing starts at 2:45 p. in. Chicago tim, 1:13 p. in.. *Indicales apprentice allowance 1 1 »_ 1 /"_ PIUSI BACB 3-4 Mile. 38875- 1:11—3—113. Pure 3330, 5 year olds ami upward. jfi JL O _JL " 9 Selling. Net value I.i winner 75: second. ?7.3 : third. .s." o. "liiilex HT.rsT.s AWtPPSt4 H. % Sir Fin Joi-keys Owners O H C P S 21226 P.KirPKToN w 3 131 ." 8 5 4»* 4 1" C ;uiliunH lots 1 : 12 lo 4 21204*CoMMi:.SIA a 3 33 4 5 p, ]uk p. ju a Collins w C Courtney 8421 211131PK HWdoli w 5 111 8 1 » B] | ;• P OoidstnJ llanlon I It 11 5 20920 K I Mi WolMII wit 4 115 6 4 2«* .. :- l .1 atetcalf K u Bgan 4 S .", 1 2122C-/IN DEL w :: loo r. 7 .", .." 51 :.. L McAtee w II Prey I M 4 1 "■ 1-5 21206 NKW HAVEN WB 0 K S 11 2 I 7* 7. 6 B ILivn-s W Smith IS 38 8 4 B0881 "THE BlSVBODT w 7 107 2 11 II ■ B- 7* I. HartwUatra .1 D Misich ■ S I 2 1 21207 m:coKi; wa 3 KiO 9 3 •* :; i;i | » J A, i,m Mrs .1 Arthur I .". ". 2 I 17369 MAltciiVIL wa 6 1 3 12 6] »."k J 9 .1 Coanors M Leroy H so 88 M 10 21260 1.1 BIA • 5 ill. 1 a luii Palled ap-F Teahan .1 .1 Ryan 28 , *6 S. 4 212C4*SIP I.. JOE wit 3 104 b H» 7" Pell. V Cooper «: V Scott 1", 40 38 in B 1G581 CLI1T SIKKAM wa 6 113 3 12 1 ! Pell. F .lacks,, q N Macfarlaate M 88 t.u SI Ml Time. 23?,, 481.,, 1:14. Tiack last. Winner B. g. by Cederstroaae Dia ml Flush trained by P. J. Salt. Went to pool al 2:15 At post 1; minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: sec,, ml and third the same. BETTEBTON raced in close pursuit to the stretch turn, where be came ibroiub on the itisid,. and got up C win in the last stride. COMMPNSIA showed the most early speed, but was t Irian; at the end. Bit liwooii closed a big gap on tl it hie KING WOBTB tired. I.IUIA was puib-d up after SIR I.. JOE and I. IIP STREAM fell. The winner u a entered lor 8700; no bid. Scratched -21206 Doable Baas, 105: 21220 Jim Savage. 103. Overweights Luria. 1 pounds. a 1 t 1 "I SECOND PACK 5-8 Mile. 3200 58% 2 loo. 1 Purse M ] 2 year ,7ii|s. Selling. jg JL O JL JL Net value to wium r 75: second. 3; third. 0. "index llui-scTT A WI ilrSt V, ~".T~r sir~Fl7i Jockey 8 4te iiers o II P S 21222Cl:i:i:TIN ;S W HU 1 I . 3 - l" .1 A~lT,n l-lj Coleman 6 5 , 810«7*S*EKVIA wa 100 3 2 1"1 1 " .■••• 1, McAtee Hfo Comstock 13-51 1-2 20889 iLOMEB wa 105 8 C 1 «; - 1; ; A Ctaver .1 ;s Tyree • 8 7 ! 21832*BBt»OM STRAW w 104 ", 1 :;". 4 . 1- R McDottR B si, II- 3 •:, 5 1 21113 MATBIX vv 183 II 7 7 1* .1 M.-icilf Q I. Blackford 1", 15 8 17-5 21222 SEMP. STALWART wa lo« «■ 7 i;1 :,. r, i,- II HanmerW 1. Oliver s g 9 18-6 20722 tap. HER w 133 ! 1 i- 3* ■;- 7 K Taplin H G Bedwell g. is 12 21201ltlt. sii.l.lVW k lot 7 8 :i 1 9 8 A cuius I -. I Crawford 31 80 58 1" 2H54 TIM INNATI vB lot 8 9 s- •• s- :i W Ural l Raymond 18 8 3 7 ", line. 241-,, 88%, 1:01,. Track fast. Winner Cb. f. by Glorlaer Clad Tidings trained by J. Arthur. Went lo |„ s| al 3:18. Al |h,s| 3 minutes. Stan g,„„l an, I loyy. Won driving: He pond ami third the, s. me. CUPPTINOS wa.« outran early, mil wore the tiring dowa in the homestretch and got up to "in In the last It w *t rides. SERVIA sboyy.d the 1110-1 s, ,| and say,-,l ground on I lit- luriis but tiled badly in the lasl eiglnb. CLOMER outstayed BBOOM STRAW in the linal drive. The winner yyas entered for ni; no bid. Scratched i2I222iC. nib yv,,man. 1 4: 21113 Bose Water. 101. Overw. iiii- s,-in|n r Stalwart. I pound. I 1 O 1 O THIRD RACK "About 2 Miles. 1 10031 l:o:;T 7 102.1 Barton Ste.-plechac" 1 1 . ■ 1 1 . 1 iTTTjTT Mm 1 * 1 — 3800 Add,,!. 4-year-oMa and upward. Set alm- 1,, winner K; s, ml. ; thinl. 50 k Index Horses AWIPPSt 3 H 1.3 IK pin Jockeys- Qwners_~ o II C I S 21223STITCCO w 1 139 1 I , :: :;- t t p Will ma I. W Oartb :. I 1 ■ 1 3 12 1058 GARTER ar 6 151 I 11 . . f m OConr M Daly f-5 1 1 1 lout 20552 -JOR GAIETY yy 6 131 1 I 4"i 4 44 ::". :!"W .1 Dsntee .1 W Hammond 12 IS IS 1 4 r, 2122S HOROTHT WEBB w 8 1*7 S 3 V V T I1" 4" .1 Hutton .1 kfackay 1 1 :: 1 1 3 81223 MORPETH w 134 2 ! ::• ; :, 3 :, .1 smith W Obernesaer IS 25 20 •- 2 Tim.-. 4:06. Track fast. Winner Br. g. by liligrim My Eleanor trained by I. W. flarth. Went lo post at 3:41. At | 1 minute. Start good and slow . Won easily; s,.,-,,|id nml third .Living. STI ceo raced under restraint until in the last i,lnl of the Odd. then moved up with a rush after taking lb seventeenth fence and drew away in the last sjnarter. OABTER raced well, but stumbled on the flat • it* 1- liking the eighth feme. JOP CAIKTV outstayed DOROTHY WKBB at the end. Scratched 2122.: The All lean. 154. UverweightsMorpeth, 4 pounds. 2 1 Q I Q 1 M Kill RACK— 1 1-16 Miles. 83443 1 : T .. 1 101. 1 June Selling U—dSfSB. 8668 J. Q JLO Add-d. .; y.-u :iii I iipw.inl. Not lain t . winner S17.V. s. c-jnd. m; third. ?.3Q. Index Horses AAViPPSt ,4 - -~su-Fin Jockeys Owners o II C I S 21262 D. I4ACDONALD wn t |S 1 1 l l". l". 1- 5 .f M. tcalf F K Brown ;; 7 ." s 3 :i 3 2lu5b PBOGBBSSIVK wb .". His - 2 2sk 8* 2» 20. 2* R Spilling Mis T Francis, I .; : S-5 1-4 lS66UBU8HY HEAD w 11 4 nn 5 I H -» J* S« u1 E Taplin H G Bedwell 1 u-: :;-; 1-S 5:162 STALWBT 1IKI. KN W a J0 :I 1 4 4 4* 4* I1 1, jteAtM 1. Wci-s ti ti 6 8-5 1 ! 21226 STAKE AMD CAP w 4 6 1 I 5 S i i 5 B Ftrchd L, W Garth 11 20 10 8-3 Tin,.-. 24. 49 /5 1:15. 1:4035, l:47s5. Track last. Winner — Ch. g, by Sombrero tBerMedale trained by t. J. Casey. Waal to i "M at 4:08. At p.t 1 minute. Start ui«"l and slow. Won drivBBgj second and third the Ntoe, itONALI StACDOXALD ott ran tin- otbera from thi start, hut was tiring at Hie end and had to be hard ridden, PBOGBBSSIVE lini- wd fast and was caining on the lender in the Hat sixteenth. BUSHY HI-Alt ran a poor race and dropp-d far back in t Ii • la-i quarter. STALWART HELEN would have been lliiiil Imt for being cut off on the lackslrctch. The winner was entered lor SI, 2nd: no hid. 1 Ql /I FIFTH BACH 1 1-8 Miles. 3226 -1:50% — 3— 11«. Seventh Kanning Dominion Plate. 2 A. O J. *db ,806 Added, t-year-olfe and upward. Canadian own. d and Fan led. Handicap. Net value to winner l.17ll: se !. if-Tr": third, gljg. Index Horses AVtPPSti ,-, "t Str 1- in Jockeys Owners Q 5 C P S ntM:TARTAREAN W 3 111 1 1 J1 2a 2* : I" G Funis C .Millar t"-107-lol-2 out— 21224 l.AHA ci K/.o w :: [u2| 2 2 l1 1* 1" * Il -4 • Mete.ilf Brookdale Stable] I .; 4 g 1 I 21205 I A IK MONTAGUE w 3 !13 5 4 81 4 I» :: V H Watts C Millar 17-107-101-2 out— 21224 PEPPEB SAUCE WB 8 MS 6 S « ti « 4- 4- W Obert C A Crew 8 12 12 I I S 21016 SEA LOBD wa 4 VH i 6 3- 3- 51 5 ■- A Bch*Tg*rJ B Beagraan t; S 7 2 4-0 21224 REDDEST w ;i 105 :. 8 4" 8* iii I 6 J Smyth D Raymond 12 M 40 10 £ tCoopled in betting; no separate place or show belllag. Tine. 24%. 49, 1:14%. 1:40%. l:54/s. Track fast. Winner — B. e, by Btanbope II. — Tarletan trained by j. Nixon. Went to poet at 4:31. At posl 2 mlaates. start food and Mow. Won driving; second and third the sinie. TABTABEAN, after racTng in close pnrsnit from the start, wore I.ADY CUBZON down and urt up to win in the last gtride. LAD1 CUB2SON set a good pace and. saving ground on the turns, only succumbed i-i the last stride. FA IB MONTAGUE could never get up. PEPPEB SAUCE was humped on the lirst turn. Scratched 211 1 Aiaphicn. hiT: 21202*Mak] of Ironic, 101. Ovcrweighta — Tartarean, :; so— d»; Lady Curzon. 2J. 4-| Q "I ffT SIXTH BACH -3-4 Mile. 96373—1:11—0—113. Wcntwottn Handicap. IwM Added. jjj JL O X O ::-y-ar od- and upward. Net value to. winner $.ili : second. 00; lliird. 850. "index Horses ! WtiPSI U - "4 Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Q 11 g I S 21203 -CAKBIPE WB 3 104 4 4 2* 1» 1- I1 J Acton J S Tyree 8-3 U-SU-43 out 21088Ki:i lI. w4 Km 3 3 8* I« o1 -l L. Mt-Ateo ThorncrlffeStable o fl 5 S-5 3-5 21258 UK. LABBICK w ! . .l - 8 Ill1 1J S» .1 Smyth E B Elkins 10 10 ti J 1 21203 KKWKSSA WB 5 111 j 2 l» !• :; ** J Hetcalf W I.Oliver J 8 7-o 1-U out 18469-1AKHm:k w « Mi l 3 fi* «8 i" r - E Taplia H ; Bedwell 28 88 88 10 4 21203 llOKKHN WB 1 KM 6 1 ." B* B« ti1- C VanDunA Turney .1 38 88 lo 4 KING K. w ■ HOt 7 7 7 7 7 7 AV Ural L» 11 Jaudrey 30 00 40 1J 6 rime. 23, 4725, 1:13%. Track fast. Winner— Br. c. by Celt— Lady Ooda trained by B. It. Larriek. Went to post at ." : IL At oosi 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. CABBIDE drew away into a lon lead while rowndiag the la:t turn, but tired badly in the last eighth. KI-. oil. finished with 1 rush am! was Mreariag the winner down throagh the last si-lecnth. DB. I.AKKHK outstayed KEWE8SA. The latter was taken hack and saved, but failed to respond w hen called on. Uvera 1 ■ i-hts l»r. Larriek. ■" pounds; Gardner, :.: King K.. 4. O "I /• SKVKNTII BACK— 1 Mile on Turf. !7K12— 1:38% — 4— M3. Paras Sw3t :: year olds 2-| J. O A. O iiml upward. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner ifloO; second. ; third. 830. index Horses AWlIlSt 4 _• % Sir Kin Jockeys Owners O II C I1 S SlOtTAPBISA wr. i 107 1 i V 21 1". -- I] -I Smyth .1 C Fletcher S 8 I 3 8-8 21257 SCH Kl KB w .". IM 1" G 7 4". -•• 1" -" B TapUn N kfacfarlane 8 , 21 -. 1 2-0 21293 SUBJECT vrn •"! 101 1 12 -k 3: I1 V 8» 11 McIVottW II Frey 13 13 10 4 J 21028 CADENZA WB J M 6 U 12 im 7 t." 1- C Vanllunll dots 8 8 8 :. 8-5 21204 MISS KARA w : !i7 I 8 1 j 81 41 5" T IurKtonl, Weiss 23 40 26 8 4 2115! 1 KIN V DEEP WB 8 101112 7 M» :i- 91 71 6* A Ctaver G Swain 28 30 25 I t 21204- WODAN v ■ l"l 8 8 -i B* 5 51 7.1 Btetcait 1 Sheridan 3 4 4 S3 10 21204 CI KIDS PART v ." 103 :i I 81 B* MJ v-. 81 AV olert CUntoa Stable .".n 88 40 13 s 21204 HA BOLD WB 8 104 7 10 r,u 7«1 ti«i M. 1 A SchugrN .Nditison 13 13 s I g-S 21257 KINO COTTOH w. I MM It 3 11- 12 11 11 hV J Clancy S Doyle 30 «0 tiO 1H In 21091 KIM w ; :; 88 2 ! I1 ll 1*1 9* 11 l HcAtea V Martin 3 5 4. ! 1 £0576 I.AVANA v 4 102 I 8 :* 11 12 12 12 .1 Acton E GmBBea 30 00 40 13 8 Tunc. 24, «S%. 1:M%, l:40-i. Track fast. Winner It, f. by Kismet, by Melton Bhaa L. trained by P. Meodr. Went to jm.-i at 3:21. At Boat 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen driving; second and third the same. APB1SA waa on tin hudde all the way and. saving gnaind ob the tarns, caaae again in the last eighth and outgamed SCHEMBB. The latter waa forced wide on the tir t turn and. being much used pi j-.ettiii to the leader, tired SUBJECT ran well and bung on gaaaety to the cud. CADENZA iinished fast. Scratched 210X7 Cain Chaser, 102. t Overweights Schemer. - poands; Cadenia. 2: Briny Deep, 2: Capids Dart, 1: Harold. 2. LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA. KY.. AVEDNESBAY, JUNE 30, 1915.— Twentieth day. I.atonia Jockey Club. Spring Meetfcag of Ll days. Weather clear. Pre«iding Steward, Charles F. Price. Ilvitlin;: Jud-e. A. II. Shelley. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Baeii 1 •; Seil.tHiy. Wa U_ T II. Ieane. Racing sluts at 2:::o [1. m. Chicago time 2:30 p. m.i. Indicates apprentice allowance. b -1 O "I T~? FIB8T BACK 3-4 Mile. 13128— 1:11— S—UC 8800 Added, ."-year -oMn and upward J 1 Oil Belling. Nt value to winner X3 K ; second. . i:ii: tliinl. .r71. "Index Horses AW tiISt % » i Sir Fin Jockeys Ow tiers Equlv. Odds Strt 81888 WATERPROO*" WB 3 1*2 5 6 8" ■■■ lll± E Martin C K Hamilton 37TTi7» 21837*BIRKA wu 4 UK 8 7 7- 3i J» V at Garner J Lowenstein XtO-100 21181*FIXS. CROCKBTT wit 3 J1 8 8 V " :.■■ :; K Lapmiikll c Moore 7:;.3-Hi i 28B2S QITARTERMAS*B WB 7 111 7 S 51 4l 41 4- C Ganz T J Ahraius 51.V100 SI8M MANNERS w 4 luS 8 4 4" ti1 51 51 F RobinsnA B Meta KMo-100 21119NOBEEMAN WB 3 182 5 3 fin 71 «« 8* A Mott P M Ciill lir,.3-HKl ■.* »! «-i REBECCA HOSES w 1 Mi 4 8 it !• s 7" E MaloneyMra K Malonev 3323-100 •MI07I 1.1- rwAT.irtigq ,wa? ff* 1 2 i4 s1 9 Sh 1- VorMjjjj* - . 1.1,. t3llSlOAKLAND wjiill" 3 1 V 21 ",!■ t» W J OlinW V, Vanke .ihiiimi Time, 232. 4925. l:163i. Track h-.avy. 82 paid, Watirpr— t, 3J0 straight, .40 place. .80 show: Kirka. $.3.20 place, $:j.«0 show; ilossie Crocket. .« -how. K.piivalent booking cm ds -Waterproof, r.7.7 to 100 straight, 170 to 100 place, !0 to 100 show; Kirka. M0 t. 100 place, so to ik sliow: Flossie Crocket, K«i to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g, by Canard— Tinker trained by .1. McKianej. Went to post at :*Js. . 1 im t 1 minute. Start :_"ood ami slow. Won driving; second and third .the same. WATERPBOOI moved an fast in the stretch and outstayed BIBKA. The latter cane-from far hack in the last eighth and Bhisbod with a rush. FLOSSIE CBOCKET ran a o.m! race, but tired in the last eighth. QUABTKBMASTKR made a game effort in the stretch, hut tired. OAKLAND quit badly. The rnsaec was entered for 00; 11 Md. Scratched 212S5*Altamaha, ln: 212851White Wool, 118; 212J.S Sweetheart Sue, 1 S. Overweight: ltehecea Mosey. 4 pounds; Lea Invalides. 2. 2 1 Ql Q 8ECON8 BACE— 5-8 Mile! C.ii2ii7 -r.;»— 2— IC.l. 1 ?C.ik Added. 2-y ear-olds. Maidens."* lOlO Colts aad Geldiags. Special Weights. Net valae to winner 8988; second, 8188; thirl , 874. Ind- Horses AWtlPSt / ; •% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ivpiiv odds Strt PAX HANDLE WB 112 S - !"• 1* 1" 1- F BobinsnW Gerst 473-100 81888 sol, II ROCK will" 8 8 3. 6* 81 211 Gentry PJ Millett RIo-lOO 81888*TRACTTON wr. 112 2 7 7 0 4" 8" F Keogh S K Hughes 330-100 •I12-.!» .1 .1 BTURDOCK w 112 7 1 21 2 » r W W TlorMihun V- Levy 000 no 81888 EL.KTON w 112 I 5 I «• 5s 6" F Marphj J Whitlow 243-100 81128 LITTLJE COVE WB 1*8 1 1 8k 8» 8« ti1 AV Ifeehmnll C Moore 1310-100 20!H HiMGHT GOODBARwB 112 4 4 ti1 7 7 7 C GbXBB U C Kennelt 1095-100 Time, 24, 49--,, 1:04 V5. Track heavy. .-2 miitmls pafal. Pan flaadie, 1.50 straight, s7..mi place, .80 show; Solid K»-k. ?s.i;n place, J 38 how : Traction. S:;.7n -how Kquivalent Iwoking ■■ * s- -Kan Handle. 47.3 to 100 straight, 286 to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: S.lid Bock. -"I" to ion place, Mm to iih» show; Traction. B3 t i 100 show. Winner ch. .-. b Ptter Pan -My Baby trained by W. McDaalel. Went to post at 2:38. At iMist 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PAN HANDLE, snowing high speed, moved Into ■ good had al once and held sway throughout, RO K saved groond on the tsj ns and Bntshed gamelr. TKACTloN suffered from much interference s""ii attci the start and closed a l iur gap. J. J. MUBDOCK tired. ELKTON quit in the last eighth Scratched 20238*Johii W. Klein. 112: 2122»JPolroma, 112: SOUS Maafred, 1T2; Jacohaa, 108; Alex :■ tx. 112. Ol Ql Q IIIIKI KACK— 3-4 Mile. 15128 — 1:11 — 5 — 1ML Parse 8808. .1 vcar-olds. 5 X O A 9_J ■ llowain 1 s. x.-t vmIhc to winner $:.i: seee-id. . ; tliird. 0. ~lniW Horses AAAtlfSt Vt Wx Str Fin Jockeys Owners Knniv. Odds Strt 21 188 : CONVERSE w 185 2 1 : . .- _ l1 F BobinsnW Oerst inrt-ioo 21888 FL.EETABEL.LE W 110 1 ] | 1 2,; H Martin J ;r -cno 325-1 On 1 2121 I I A MA/ ix w M7 1 1 ¥ 1" " Sl K Goose W H Baker 4IO-ltl 211X:. BOOKER BILL WB no 1 :: 3J 81 4,; 4,; C Ganz AI Moore 833 100 81211 SPARKLER WB 185 E 51 ■•• "■■ r. ; 1. Gentry A . Woodaaaa l2s.-,-iiit 28867 I.i.X; REACH w 886] 4 3 r ; S 0 J Domlnk li Tssssr 4033-100 Time. 24. 48. 1:15. Track heavy. matueb pad. t. iwmbc, .00 straight, #2. so place. .30 show; FleetabeBe, 84.16 place, .86 show; imaaon. .00 show . Kqulvaleni liouking nlds— Coaverse, Hm to hhi straight, lo to 180 place, 15 to 180 show: FleetabeUe, 10.3 to ion place 13 10 loi show: Amazon. 36 to 1Nl show. Winner B. c, by Ivaa the Terrible -CoUoquy traine l by AV. McDaniel. nt topi I al 3: 0, At po ; :; mhiates. St.:! c od and slow. Won handily: Second and third driv-intr. CONVERSE was taken hack on the tiist turn and saved to the stretch, then, finishing gamely, wore I 1.1:1: TAKI IKK dowi In the last eighth. FLEETA BELLE set a good put and stayed well in the nna] ;mv AMAZON had 1 1 misbans. BOOKEB BILL ran fairly well. Seratehed 21183 Liadenthal, 1i2: iv;i2 Filigree. 1"". Qyerweiuhls Ainaoi. 2 pounds: sparkler. :i: I.qii Keach. ";. » bIr FOURTH BACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 82311— 1:05%— 3 03. Third Banatag Valuation 2-8 A OiiU Stakes. ,560 Added. 2-year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner X539; second, , ;.M 1 : ;Mn 1 .J* 1 56. Index Horses AWtPPStA "2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 8 1238 CHECKS w 93 7 ?. V 1- l« - M Garner TC McDowell 55S-100 •ll«:i THOKNWOOl w • i i t 8 r V _- I. Gentry .1 t Weaver 3643-100 S1162*CARDOME w 168 3 2 V •- P Keogh I p Have- 736-100 81261 OLD CHABTEB WB 107 2 7 S 7 1 Ml 1:011 .1 x st-tehler 4«10-100 81826 ! : I - N " K COFFER- wr. 110 !i 3 5 Ill 5s C r.-.m/. g i Bradley t536-10n 2IS64:BESSIE N. WB 288 s i *■ v v hTorphy B R Krodlev -: cjftgOdlMARY II. w loo 1 8 - J* ■- " A Mott .1 S Huffman 1460-100 •:c «7 .1 C. WELCH w kd 4 1 "" 21 8 8 i: Goose o a Bianehi :;|iki io;i :n:ii;ri;li rv GIJ3RGE k 10s 5 Left at the post. W Me hanM C Men- 95-100 1 uphd in betting I i, 23*,, 491s. l:02lr,, 1:18%. Track heavy. *2 mutuels [isld. I I 1 1.-. Ifl straight, .80 plac , .50 shoa : Thornwood, 0.90 place. u 0 show; I i 1 S", 7*1 sliow. K iulvalenl booklw: "hMs — Ch«t-1 . .-.-,-, to 100 tralght, 2lo to 100 pine. 12.3 to 160 show: Thornwood, 943 to 100 place, 106 to 166 show: rdome, 183 I" 168 itbow, w sner in g, bj Marathon Monanla trained by c Deaay. Weni to p.,-t ,.t 4:00, At pssi 8 nib itci si.- r t I .■•! and -low. W.u easily: eeood and third driving. CHBCKS iimi.r hit Ii- I Imposl and line • «,H |n ill, pong. drew Into .. good lead at one. mm, I HlwaV! h. Id thi -i l-. r s f. THORNWOOD begai Klowlr. Imt came fasl in the la 1 qBarter. CARDOME ont-•m..| OLD IIARTEH in the linal drii . t; IPSE Y GEORGE waa unprepared at the start and w-.-c left. 1,, uoicr m enten 1 tot 00; bo bM ov no ■■.•hi- 2 peiied-: K.lack Cn,.,. 1: « ;].„. ■ A- Qeorpe. 1. 4"b a 01 FIFTH BACE 3-4 Mile. 115121 1 11 ;. m;.i fegnfl Added. 3-year-Olda and upward. lO Si 1 llina. Nei value t" wii-j_i- x.vhi: second. !j=K:i;: third. ■«7I. indeii Horsea ~ ._AVtPPSt U j :■ Str Tin Jcx-keys Owners F.Miiiv. Odds sTPT 21268 FITZGEHAI..D v. -, 111 in 7 8 ■ W i OBaBoeker d Anplegate 1223-160 •2l"t;K OROSVENOR ws y 81 - ; C Gans .1 M Henry Sr 033-100 • 1- 1-"I ■I.FKAl N Mo 11 1 5" c 81 ■ M Oaraer c .1 Long 910-100 •!■ • • m Ri : vi.T D. w 8 MO f 8 :" V l ** A Mott AV w Harden 2S0-100 21228 BTRBGET wb 8 IBS ■: 5 fk 7 71 " c lone* J F Oaffaey 2243 101 •• 1 ■■ -, i.iANi:T WB 3 S3 ■ s 71 1 s e K lApallleMoran Mend 5330-100 "ltttK AliX W» 107 "■ : pi : " . 1" Keogh r it WHr "imi.mi SI°1S FIDGET W 8 168 7 8 8 1 8 ,; F HBrnhyCtey Bras 003-160 21213 RATINA w 4 MM 1 I Jj 51 t; 91 R Goosi .1 y Schorr iSO-166 2i*«g i: FIRST W 3 MB! lit to 16 10 1" F RobinsnE Tlnener t3035-16n 18131 STAR Ri IE WB 8 M* " 11 11 11 11 AV W TlorZ Connors f tMatoel field. Time. 234. 48-*.,. 1:15-.. Track heivy. " mntneln paid T; / S2d.." i straight, 1.80 place, £7. Jo -how: Grosvenor, 88.86 place. .10 sh"" K rei in. in. .91 -Ii -v . Eqnivalenl bookins dda FBxgerald, l-23 to n«i stralrht 886 to 100 place. -yt to loo show; UroB-eenor, 10 to lw place, jjj IO i„v shaar; Ff •!■■ , 103 v 100 how. AVinner Br. g, by Hurst Park IMen Connelly trained hy J. Booker. Weal to post at -l::;4. At pest :; saiawles. start good ami slow. Won driving: secoud and third tin-.same. FITZGERALD ran into the lead in the stretch and gamely ontstayed GROSVENOR The bitter tin shed fast Ireui a siou beginning. FBEBMAN stood the titnl drive gamely. MABGABET 1. lin-d 111 the last eighth. MKX quit badly after gBhag a half mile m the lead. The winner was entered for B0 bid. Scratched— 21181 Mabel Moatgostery. 98. Over a eights— FitxgerabJ, 2 pounds: Maigaret 1., -: K. First, ::*. 2-| Q k O SIXIH KACK— 1 Mile. 14836— 1:37%— 4— 114. Purse 66. I year old- and upward. A O 4g d8 Handicap. Net value to winner $.».» : second. SlllO; third. 6. Index Horses AAVtlPSt% .». % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Qilds Slrt i FJ66 TETAN w 3 165 ■ 1 lj ll l» 1- l5 M Garner W Perktsa 150-100 28881 GROV. HUGHES w7 us 4 4 4 :;- 2» 8»1 K LapailleJ Cmeneetter 888 180 21881 *DAVID CRAJG w 4 l « 1 3 :ju 4 4 4 3l R Goose .1 W Schorr imi hki 21881 LTTTLE NEPHEW w 4 165 2 2 2 2] 2= V 4 B Ott M 1; G ruber 886-168 Time. 24, 49y5, 1:15, l:421i. Track heavy. L mutuels paid, Tetan, $.3.0*1 ■tralght, • f2.,.»u place; Grover Hnghes, .90 place: no show muluels ■old, Boaivaleat boohlag odds Tetaa. 156 f 186 atralght, 45 to loo place; Grover Hagbes, :m to 168 place. Wlaaer — B. e, ky Daraati — Kettle Gray trained hy AV. Perkins. Went to [xist at , :07. At post 1 minute. Start UXd and slow. AAon easilv: second and third driving. TETAN raced into a good had la the tiist quarter and won all the way with speed iii reserve. GBOVEB HUGHES came fast in tin la~t smarter. DAVID CRAIG also finished gamely. LITTLE NEPHEW showed siieed. hut tired badly in the stretch. Scratched— 212::i Robert Bradley, Hi-. 21 QQ SKVKNTII KACK-1 3-16 Miles. 8464— 1:58%— 0—160. Parse 88. 1 year olds and IQflO upward. Selling. Net value to winner 56] Second, »l: third. $.3». Index Horses AAVtPPStVj % -Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners" Eqnlv. odds Strt! 1I.AHV 1 AN CHIT A w s 110 ! 1 1- 1» ]- p l ". c Jones j Gmensetter 360-100 2 1232 *• RENO w 5 los 2 41 * 2- 21 2 W MeehanJ Hogan 456-108 2 1038* ANT PORT w 1 118 2 6 8 0 6* 3 3" M Garner B E McCargo 585-M6 21868 CONSOLER w 7 110 3 :; 5* 3 1« 4* 45 F Mun.hv AV M Rawson B25-M6 21184*GOLD color w 3 107 1 3 ;: 4. ti 3l 3- ]; ott .! W Goldblatt 280-100 S12S2*HART BALL waa 4 MM 8 4 » 2 4] 1; « K LapailleJ N Mounce 853-188 Time. 244;. 49, 1:16, 1142%. 2:02%. Track hoavv. mutuels paid. Lady Ianehita, .f.s.txt straight, .f4.;J0 place. *:;.::o show; Reno, .50 place. $;j.0 show-Any Port. $:i. 11 show. lapiivalent booking odds— Lady Ianehita. .",00 to 10O straight. 11.3 to 100 place, 08 to 100 show; Reaa 17.3 lo KM place, 0.3 to lK s|„,w: Any Port, .3.3 to 100 show. Winner— Dr. m, by Ogdea — Bremen trained by J. Umctreetter. AVcnt to post at 5:36. At iiost 1 niiiuite. Start good and slew. Won hamlilv: secoad mil third driv-lag. LADY IANCHITA moved hltu the lead soon alter the start and easily led for the entire way. RENO laced up all the way. hut tired and swerved in the stretch. ANA PORT closed a uoimI gap la the last qaarter. HARD BALL and GOLD COLOR tired badly. The winner was -entered for 00: no bid Seratehed 21214 Mockery, 163; 21234 Guide Post, 163. Overweights — Redo, 3 pounds.