Seventh Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-01

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SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-. 6 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3320— 1:13;,— 3—110. BONANZA, b. «r. 6 113 By Broomstick — Ophirdale M. Quinn. 21303 I.atoni.i lui70y l:46%slop 2 110 4 3 5 3 ::• ::; W W T*lor 7 Transit, Manas eh. Sosim 21234 Latonia 1 1 K 1:M fast 13 110 3 0 7 7 fi 6**|K LapaiUe 7 Expectkm, Manasneb, Pnre ion 20982 Latonia 1 3 16 l:594£alow 18 3 108 12 2 2 3» :; K Lapaille :■ Brynlimah, GoW Color. So. ins _ 9 i l.atonia lmTOy l:43%fast 18-3 101 3 3 1 1 l1 2 M Garner 7 Brynlimah, Grosrenor, B. Dipper 20818 l.atonia 3-4 l:l2%tnst 41 ill 8 8 8 I s* ll Small ! Hawthorn. Banquet Dr. Larrick 20689 Doughu ll-lfil:r,o hw 14-5 1M 3 2 2 3 tj 3" U Small B Tetan. Orevlile. Bermuda 20494 Douglas 1 l:41%mnd 7-0 110 12 2 I 21 2" B Small 4 LeoSkolny, C. T. Green, PanMaU TRANSIT, ch. c. 4 109 Bv Transvaal — Hesitation L. H. JohnsonK 21303 l.alonia Lu7ov l:46%alop 28-3 MS 3 4 ! 2 l1 1*1 J Domiuick 7 Manasmch. Bonanxa Soi in- ♦1233 Latonia 3-4 l:12Vfcfast -".i leu s 8 8 41 i, l Domink K Tory Maid, UMeeit, Mfaw Declare 21093 Latonia 8-4 1:14 good 34 122 6 7 3 4 :,",.! DominicklO R. Goose. W. Witch. Imperatur 20289 Churehill lmTOyl: ll". last l.l MS 8 7 7 1 41 6*1 V Gauge! 8 RaonI, Bohlnetta. Alts mas* 20177Lexgton 1 l:U%hvy 48 lo:, I :, | | t; ri» ,r Domrick 6 Phosphor, Gold. Bay, Baabdery 20066 Lexgton tan70yl:43 good 31-6 111 3 3 3 2 L ~- .1 DomIck 11 Beqnlram, Wrvneck. Tener 170*7 Lexgton 1 lit; l:47%fas* 2J phi 8 8 5 4 2*1 la F Mnrphy 0 Wander, Boty Iliil. Uaveual MALLARD, ch. f. 3 104 Bv Star Shoot— Lizzie Dixon fW. R. Mizell. 21303 Latonia lm70y l:46%slop 13 »9 7 7 7 fi :• .""J Maher i Transit. Mr a I. Bonanxa 21004 Latonia lmTOy l:43%fast 113 |] :; 6 6 f 4" 4- M Garner 7 Raon. Onide Posl Manaweh 20968 Latonia ltn7tiy 1:49 hvy 19 3 M 7 7 7 fi :: 2- M Gainer * Path. Riley, Disillusion. B.Dippef 20674 Latonia 11-10 1:44 fast M-i M 2 2 2 2 2* ::,M Garner G M. Thorpe, O.Post. 20741 Douglas 1 1--ll 1:45 .-.last 6] 81 4 I :: .: S* !•• M Garnet s Aeis. Tavolara. Howdy Howdy 20700 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46%fast 9-10 93 4 5 3 I 1- 1- M Garner 7 J.GoebcI, J.Kavanangh. Wander JESSIE LOUISE, ch. f. 4 105 Bv Marta Santa— Dollie Mc J. M. Goode. 21232 Latonia lm70y l:44%fast 27-10 107 2 111 2» V- K LapaillelO ChlDa. Reno, Alston 21122 Latonia l:n7ev 1 : 1 l"-last IS l .7 4 2 1 2 "■ 44J D Stirling S MISsTborpc, GdeF-l. S.Actresa 20773 Douglas 1 1-lfi 1:43 fast 41 5 112 2 3 3 .". E " B Ut .". Impression. Beulafa S., hl B«ll 20704 Doughu 1 1-1S l:l .-? 16-41 l"fi 2 :: :: 4 :,» fi=.l.B »tt 7 Impression. Star Actress, Beuo •0346 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46%fast 71-20 104 2 i 1 1 l| 1» W Meehanll Impress] 11. A. is. Bard Ball 20314 Churchill 1 1-14 1:47 fast 41-5 108 3 2 2 1 I1 11 W M ehanlO KdlthW., Bktbom, M.Dalwelier M272 Churchill 1 1-1« 1:49 slow 35 Ml 112 1 1- l5 A Neylon M Ins. Man. MlaaTborpe, BigDipper DISILLUSION, h. f, 3 95 Bv Chilton— Ni ht Gown CW. Woodard. 21212 Latonia 1m7 v I : I i"v,fast 13 M 2 I 1 I 21 1 . K Lapaille S toinaurclta, lldrcary, Mrlinon 20068 l.atonia bnTOy 1:49 hvy B M a I 4 I 3] :; K LapaiUe H Father Itil.v. Mallard. B. Dip;,, r 28740 Douglas 11 lfi 1 :47 " 4 96 4 3 I 2 2 VI M Garner 8 KrisKringle, Dnndreary. M.Pearl 20431 Doughu 3-1 l:17%hvy 23 107 9 8 7 P 8" II Alex W Imaxon, Mallard. Alledo 20328 ChurchUI 1 l:39%fast 121 103 S 4 4 3 6 fi"3 II Alex P LadyBatha, One Step, Sea Shall MISS THORPE, b. m. 6 107 B" Woosthorn" — Her Ladvship A. B. Lowe. 21230 i. atonia 1 1 :: •;. fast 43 103J 1 4 7 8 s s- 1 Domink S I.. Palher, Gold.Boy, BaibroIderT 21123 l.atonia 1m7"y l:44%fast 1" I07 2 111 1- 1" J Domiaiek S Gui.f F..-I. Star Aeti ess. .1.1... ni e 21063 l.afoia lnilOj 1:16 hvy 4! 10 107 :i 1 2 2 3 •! F Murphv 7 Patber Kiley. Sosius, Hani Ball 20931 LatoTiia DnTev i : i .■. a • t 29-5 101 • i 1 G 6 ;F Boliiusii 7 Itr.vtilitiftth. IVmnnxa. Gr,,sw n-r 10874 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 26-6 1 7 ill 1 1 l"F Robins n 6 G. Post. Mallard, Expectation MTM DonghU 3-4 1:12 fast 9: 1 • 2 I 2 4- «»J B Ut C Chattier, lsccit. So-ius GOLD COLOR, ch. r. 5 108 By Gold Heels— Indelible J. W. Goldblatt. 21323 I. ai nia 1 I 16 2:02%hvy 13-5 1": ■ :, I fi 51 and"41I tt J L. Panchita, Beuo. Any Port 21164 l.atonia 1 3-16 l:5*%fast 8 ill :: 5 5 1 4 r.l Keogh 5 hXpeclation, BenlabS., J.Rrdon 20982 l.atonia 1 3-16 1 :.",9%slov 43 3 104 I I I 3 4" 2" B tt 3 Brynlimah, Bonanza, Soains 20900 l.atonia 1 3-16 2:02 mud 41-3 109 2 3 4 :: 2 |a F Kregh 0 Reno, Anv Port. Consoler 90743 Doughu I 3-M l:58%fast 31-5 V* fi 4 5 5 7 fi",F. "ii 10 Hard Ball. W. Wool. P. fkxgra* JEEF MORGAN, ch. p. 4 107 Bv Stalwart — Margaret Roche Mrs. H. Boone 1. 21213 Latonia 3-4 1 :l!-fa.-t fid 107 13 11 11 It 11" F Pnerst ISTfiahrio, Rki Braaos, Bell Boy 20604 Lexgton 3 I l:13%fasl fid M9 5 8 lo M 1 ■■•■ l Stirling ll C.Tower, T. Norman. P*aamtlon

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Local Identifier: drf1915070101_6_5
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