Unbeaten American Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-22


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UNBEATEN AMERICAN TWO YEAR OLDS While few years pass without the appearance ol twn-. ear-olds that emerge from their initial season in racing undefeated, thanks to being subjected to the teat of competition on comparatively few occasions and in moderate company, ii is only occasionally that the two-year-old ■•! the bigbeat claau, competing with his compeers and picking up the penalties that in- -ni-. i-ssiM- triumphs entail, retlrea at the end of his two-year-old season with an untarnished record. The past tea yean have brought none that measure nil to the standard in mind, erea although during the period of depression from which the turf In thhi countrj is only uat sou emerging, some Juveniles ,,i undouhtedlj high class have I-mi In action. The lasi such waa the brilliant Colin, whose achieve meats In 1907 stamped blm a- one of the most extraordinary thoroughbreda that America lm ptu-duced. The leaders of Dally Racing Porm maj be Interested in a resume of the radag records m the unbeaten juvenile stars whose feats entitle them to Inclusion in this highly exclusive class. George Larillardi Sensation. Star of 1879. Sensation was a beautiful brown coll of fault -le-- action ami great speed. In hi- time tracks wire deep ,-in,i i,,u _ a]1,i the richest stakes were scant in value compared with those provided for the juvenile racers of Later days. He met all the good youngsters of bis time and t ui uuisberi them conclusively. All of his races were for stakes, li ■ was the property of George Lorl hid throughout hi- racing career, which onlj covered 1;- year of triumph. Sickness in the winter following his two-year-old racing incapacitated linn i "H further service on the track. Subsequently be was a successful sire, liis racing record, the year being is7n. «:1s u Follows: Haee. Track. Dtat Time. VaUi . Juvenile stakes. Jerome Park, 1-2 m.. :." i» 92.110 July Stakes. Monmouth. 5-8 in 1 :ii7 2.473 Plash siake-. Saratoga. 1-2 m : i!i::, imoo Saratoga Stakes, Saratoga, •: I m 1:18 2.700 ngusi Stakes, Monmotith, :; 4 in i:isi_. o .-,.-., im ii"n Stakes, Monmouth, 3-4 m....l:22 Nuraer Stakes, Jerome Park, 3 1 m..l:18 " 100 Central stake-. Plmlieo, 1 m 1:504 2.050 Total 119,670 Tremont, the Black Wcnder of 1836. The i.-u- issC was i of great triumphs for the powerful stable owned U Dwyer Brothers, no ii-i-e contributing more effectlveij than the Wack two-y car-old colt, Tremont. by Virgil — Ana Pelf, uy lexington. He was a truly wonderful two-year-old, exceedingly quick on iiis |,-et. and usually nwaj From the post so Fast that his opponents were beaten from the start In vain ell His to match the electric speed he al once developed. In none of hi- races was there even approximately a close linlsli. except in i In solitary Instance of the Surf siak.- :,i sheej.sh. ad Bay. Here, !n a bad start, ae was praeticallj left al tls poet, hut took after the others and dually won From Queen of Bllsabe ii by line. -ipiai le; - ,t ■ length, in all ot his oth : races ii was Tremont lii-i at the finish in a canter anywhere from three lengths to ten legnths In • i it. lu the Junior Champion Stakes he defei I 1 - hi a celebrity as Kingston ity eilit lengths. If 1.1 ni- seasons record was as follows: Race. Track. Ids;. Time. Value. Juvenih Stakes. Jerome Park. 1 in. :4si, ,400 nee Stakes, Jerome Park, 5-8 m..l:02% 2,275 ! urn Stakes Sbeepshead Bay, 3-8 in . . l : 4 . 2.800 s ii Slakes. Sheep-head Bay, 5-8 m..l:02 i:.s7-"i /.epltyr Stakes. Sbeepshead Bay. :: I 111.1:17, 2.073 Paddock Stakes. Shcciwhoad. :: I m .1:17. 2..T23 S|irllis Stake-. Sheep-hi ad Bay, :: t m . 1 : 1 II -. 2.185 June Stakes sheepsh.-ad Bay. :: I m..l.l.s i.r:.-| Ureal Post Stakes. Slteepsbcad, :: I i.i . . I : 1* , 2.7mi Cood Bye Stakes, Slieepsbead, 3 I m...l:13 1.190 Alhinlie Sliki- Moiiimnii h. :: I in ....1:16% 2.463 Tyro Stakes. Monmouth, :: 4 m 1:18% 4.910 Junior tbamplon Stakes, Monmouth, 3 I l : 1 T , 8,800 Total 9,1.13 Harover Was Tiemor.ts Understudy, in tin same year thai Tremont ran. 188$, Dwyer Brothers had another unbeaten two year old colt that subsequent l wa a mighty race horse in other j wrs, while Tremoota racing was all done when In- was ■ two-year-old. This other colt was Han nver, a chestnut coll by Hindoo — Bourl Belle. In i, mill wa- campaigned extensively, hut Hanover was only started in three races. His Irst eauaj was ii the Hopeful Stakes at Monmouth Pat t. which lie won From Pltaroy with some dlmculty in a half length. Then he woa the July Stakes Fro neko. seain by a half leaarth hut earrletl 120 pounds to Mimkns 110. His lasi ran- w:i- when he won the Sapling Siakis Hum Kingston by two lengths. In alter years, hesides being one of the hiinst ,-hiss racers of American turf history, be also became a treat she when retired to the stud. His two vi-ar .-!d career was: Race. Track. Dtat. Time. Vain •. KPpcfnl Stakes, Monmouth, 3-4 in l:l.v;i ,420 July Stakes. Monmotith. :. 4 in 1:1."... 4.41."i Sapling Slakes. Monmouth, 3-4 m 1:17% 5.6*10 I, lal 4.: 33 T!.c Nevada Wonder of 1889. El Rio Key. 171 Rio IN ys year was iss:i. Be was a full brother to Knqieror of Norfolk, ami. probably, naturally even i greater race horse. The Emperor was a hay. Inn 1.1 Rio Key was ■ liipr chestnut of inagni Keen! appearance, a model of symmetry and nower. lie waa in- d, own--1 ami raced by Theodore Winters Of Nevada. His first slart wis in the SI. l.ouis Brewers Stakes at St. Imis. Then he was brought to Chicago :i in I at Washington Park won the Ken wood Stakes. Hyde Park Stakes and a purse. Taken i-asl from here, he won I lie Great IVlipse Slakes. While Plains Handicap and Dunmow Slakes at the first meeting ever held at Morris Park. His lliiii of -pi d was meteoric and no weight was too much im hi- powerful frame. In hi- tir-i ran- at Wash i Ing ton Park, with 12:1 pounds up, he stumbled and almost fell directly after the start, going down to far that his face was squarely against the track. Yt t he recovered and la an amaaing tliht of speed overtook his faraway competitors and finally won from Lord Peyton by a length Developing lame n. -s after winning the Dunmow, he was retired. He was trained tin- Following year, but. fearing be would break down. Mr. Winters concluded to race him no more. Yet it i- i tint that he Worked a mile ai Washington Park in 1 38%, with 14o pounds up. then far faster than the mile record. His record was: Race. Track. Hist. Time. Value. sr. Louis Brewers stakes, st. I... -; lm.l:22 |1,3S0 Purse, Washington Park. r i rj imi. . . . I : ks ."ino Kenwood Stakes Washington P.. 5-8 m.lrwi L..iiM Hyde Park Stakes, Washten P.. 3-4 m. 1 : 14 ::.:,! i Ureal Eclipse Stakes, Morris P.. 3 I in. 1:14 u:;.7"n Whit,- Plains Han.. Morris P.. :; I m.l:U 9.52ft Dunmow Stake-, Morris Park. :; t ui..l:l-.j 5.223 Total 6,835 Dcr.:ino. Greatest of American Winners. Domino was a sensational two-year-old, a wonder of speed, courage and ability to carry weight. Hi-nearest approach to defeat was in a match race with Dobbins, t be two great colts ruanlag a dead heat. Hi- year of two year old gh r] was in 1883, and in honor ■ the Worlds Pair he was sent out here i.i Chicago ami paid his expenses by capturing the rich Hyde Park stakes at Washington Park. Otherwise, his triumphs were achieved over the trncks in the vicinity of New York. His record as a money-earning two-year-old has never been clone ly ap-proached, his grandson, Colin, coming nearest lo it. His career as ■ two-year-old produced the fol lowing results: Knee. Track. Hist. Time. Value. Purs,. Gravesend. 5-8 in 1 :0-_ S stir. Great Amera stakes. Gravesend, 5-8 m. 1:01% 18.675 Great Eclipse Stakes. Morris P.. 3-4 m. 1:12% lt;,7o Great Trial stakes. Sbeepshead, :; 4 m.l:14 23.100 HKde Park Slake- Wash ton P., :; 4 in. 1:14 16,900 I luce Stakes, Monmouth, :: I m !:l4i.j 19.875 Puturlty Stakes. Sbeepshead, I". 1 :12% 48.8P5 Hold, ins Match, Sbeepshead. F. C 1:13% 1.250 Ma i ion Stake-. Mor: is Park. :: 4 m....l:0! 24,566 Total 70,800 The Butterflies. Undefeated Star of 1894. Mai 28, ls.»4. Gideon k Dal] started a beautiful hay Blly by Sir liivm Mercedes in ■ parse race at Craveseml. Her name was The Butterflies and -in won easily from Pbllomena, June t. She won another purse at Morris Park, defeating Ridicule and some other I vo .m-.-ii olds In two lengths. That was all ih- racing she did until she went to tit • post favorite for the Futurity at Sbeepshead Bay August 25. She won all the wax. but only deflate! Brandywlne by a good neck In fast time. She was a great ally, undoubtedly, and even aide to defeat tin- great Domino the nest year. Her short campaign as a two-year-old was as follow-: Race. Trail:. Dtat. Time. Villi-. Purse. Gravesend, 5-8 in 1:ik;i..$ 860 Purse. Morris Park, 5-8 m :.Vii, K r, Puturlty Stake-. Sheep-hi ad. F. C. ...1:11 4V7M Total 0,41 i Colin, the Clean-Cat Champion of 1907. Colin, th- Ia-t great two year old raeed over A:n T iean courses, was the -,-usation of tlie season if 1907 i n the New York tracks. He was the property of the late James R. Keene ami was bred by that renowned turfman, being by the dead Commando la-t.,rella. He raced only as a two-year-old and a three-year-old and left a record unsullied by de feat. Aft.-r flUIng three of his t hive-year old engagements in this country he was sent to Ehg land, lmt went wrong in raining in that country am! Was retired to the slud there without having raced abroad. Last ear In- was returned to this country ami was iwrchaaed by Price McKinney •-. Cleveland. . While it is dithVult to draw accurate comparisons between the crack racers of different periods, it can l* said for Colin that many competent judges consider him the greatest thoroughbred that ha- ever graced the American turf. His thrce-year-oid successes Included the winning of the Wltn era. Belmont and Tidal Stakes and his record as a two year ,il is shown below: Pace. Trail:. Dtat. Time. Value. Purse, Belmont Pink. 5-8 tn 1:01 S 950 National Stallion Stake-. Belmont, 5-8. :58 9.368 Eclipse Stakes. Belmont Park. .. 1 U f.l.-06% 8,235 Great Trial Stakes. Sbeepshead. :; liu.lil---, 19,550 Brighton Junior Stakes. Brighton, 3-4.1:125 11.75 Saratoga Special, Saratoga. 3-4 in... 1:12 13.000 Grd Union Hotel Sake-. Saratoga. 3-4.1 :13 .s.lt.ii Futurity Stakes. Sbeepshead, :i-4 in l:lli-. 26.040 Platbuah stakes, Sheepebead. 7-s m 1:24% 8,350 Produce s;Skes. Brighton. 3-4 m i:l2:h ! .S74 Matron Stakes. Belmont. 3-4 in 1:12 ! .::4i Champagne Stakes. Behaoat, 7-8 m.... 1:23 o.7 mi T- lal 3131.007

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915072201/drf1915072201_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1915072201_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800