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. ; : LATONIA FORM CHART. LAT0NIA, KY., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1915.— Third day. l.atoiiia Jockev Club. Autumn Meet in- of 10 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards. E. C. Hopper. Charles F. Price ami John T. Ireland. Presiding Judge, W II Shelter St:,rter. Barry .Morriss.y. Racing Secretary, Walter H. Pearee. Racing starts at 2:00 n. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.i. W indicates whip. S spurs B h:nk-r- Fh7 ures in _ parentheses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, a-e .;■ l-,i-";. and wight carried. * Indicates apprentice allowance. O OPT OPT FIRST RACE -3-4 Mile. 15120 — 1:11—5—110. SiyiO Added. 2 vear olds MahMaa O*-* O *-J Coltsaiid biding-. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. .30: thiid. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt jj y, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.miv. odds Strt 23450 THANKSGIVING wr. 104 U H 7L Ill* C VanHunS M Tf limit • 39-SB 52?2S ASlABAGIS SAM wr. DH 2 5 :;:■ 2 1 : A Mott Milam AL- Low : , Bill ,": l rvi:K « 1«» :: ,: ■" • «• E RobinsnW Gerst " »l K 8 23503-.IACK RKrtVBS w OS 7 | ,,1, Ri in p. .1 Morvs B AV Moore cE nM ggg MAMRED w 100 S 1 5 q M 5U J Hannver.l S H.iukins tXt l 21600 TONY FASHION w 100 t 3 » 5- s t* F .bnkins R H Grav + 23255* l.INDLV w 0.3 G S 7l .1 .» 7" K EapailleW E Phillips ..-. 100 SoS2!- . .VrK w im " - -- "- 7h s!l J M-tcalf .1 W Gohlbhitt » UK. oilloy., W0BTU *■ »"- l 4 1 »*1 » "■ G Hunt C T WorthIn*tOfl XMB-M S?S7? JASI ER w 100 II 7 11 11 10= 10= F Murphy G J Bong 114»-M$ 21318 I.I.KTON w 100 M 10 10- 1u?.ll 11 E Martin J K RetPnon 39 p» vMutiiel held. Time. 23%, 47%, 1:14%. Track fast. ■■Mill liaid. Thanksgivin-. 4.00 straight. place, . lo show: Asparagus Sam. . 10 place. ?i.2o show: Circulate. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds -Thanksgivmg. o::o to 100 straight. ::70 to 114 place, 320 to 100 s|„ w Vspar-agtts Sam, 420 to loo place. 2 ;o to loo show: Circulate. 250 to 100 show Winner — B. c. by Migraine— Busy Girl drained bv S. M. Heiiibrsoni Went to post at 2:05. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third • 1 1 i v - .:i;~,- .THANKSGIVING began slowly, but n-ovul up steadilv and. finishing with a rush, won in a eaatcf ;:..... A ;l S SAM W:IS :l lniinent conteiidi-r all the way and took the iea.l in the stretch, but lire* 1K I LATE mad- up ground and linished gamely. JACK BEEVES ran well and would have be 11 11 1 nod U able to get through 011 th- lower turn. VACI1EL WORTH tired after setting ■ fast pace COSSACK mopped koeft in the last eighth. The winner was entered for SSiO- 110 bid Scratched--23453 Insurgent. 104. Overweight! — Circulate. 1 pound; Tony Fashion. 2: Asparagus Sam. 1. 9Q P»Q££ sl:n,N, RACE --3-4 Mile. 15120 1:11- 5 -110.1 1915.sh00 Added. :; rear-ohM and .777- £itJtJ€jJ ward. Colts. Horses and Geldings. Selling. Net value to wini-r $.V:o- - •.■! ::0: third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt A % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 23471 SILVER BILL w 5 MM M 1 1 I V V- 1- J HanovrA L Ferguson Bh-MS 21317 NOBLEMAN we. S MM B 5 :tJ 2« V 2" F Murphv 8 Combs MS KB 2230C*oi.lS.IOBiLE w 8 MS 3 G 51 f.h Vx ;;?. H Stearns H B Craina t3M»-Mtl tjSff «:abbio wn o 11:: 1 7 7j 7U »;■ • kBhOI O Arvhi liso-M* 9!3„ NrI-K *IMMW era 4 113 I 4 4U :« a W .1 OBnC E n.lims -5H m 23462 COR BOI SIS w 0 112 7 11 11 loj s . gi L ConneiKH ]• c.rirt 1 22836*EDDIE DEI.LINGwr. 3 MB I 4 21. 3 3 71" F .ludv J W Schorr Bh-SM 23471 M»RK LAD nCIN I M M*| W* 7 sii a Mot: P M Civil] :st«o Ion ?2H£l!l*l1TE ,-kow W - MB I S GU fjk "is » | k La pa i lie J Livingston l«S P 23427 *FI.V ING FEET w 7 108 11 3 SL U 1: lir. ,. D,.nnv T M ,£.;„ :;11-.,,„, 223/5-BENBEL w 4 111 1 I M Sj MB 11 J Alt E W Moore 3C-HB vMutiiel rield. Time. 23. 47. 1:12%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Silver Bill. .40 straight. $:;.so place. $:;.:;o show: Nobleman. place. $. .00 show: Oldsinobile. lield. s!i-w. Eiliivali nt booking .mI.Is Silver Bill. 170 to DO straight. 00 to 10,1 place. 05 to 100 siiow: Nobleeian. 220 to KIO place. 150 to 100 show; Oldsinobile. Held. 215 to KIO show. winner — B. g. by Plaaodeo— Metrical 1 trained by A. Giovanettii or.t !o post at 2:33. At 2 minutes, start good and slow. Won OBBflr; second and third driving. SILVER BILL sprinied into the lead Bt once and held swav throughout. NOBLEMAN raced i-,TiV,,.,i.;v .:!n, •-ilI1",|y Jhrooghont. OLDSMUBILE Bofctbed gamclv. GABRIO came fast under iiru-in-. COREOPSIS closed a big gap, WHITE CROWN ran out ..11 the turn. BENDEL ran away a oaarlef in:!e before th start. The winner was entered for S3SB: no led S-r itched -2"400:lSosiu». 11.". OOP-OT THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 1S12S— 1:11— 8— 11C SMM Added. :: year ahk end up- s3 *J O f ward. Colts. Horses and Geldings. S. Uiie.. Net value f wimifr oo: lecoBB, ::o: third. 4. Index Horses AWtPPSt jjj i, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt BMiyCHABTneM WM • 112 1 5 3 71 $ ] 1» G Garner Spiet and Powers 575-On. 23297 LiBEBATOR w - 10S 1 2 Ill* 1 ■» E Martin TC McDowell GO-lOU 23219- BROOMSEDiIE WB4 10R 4 9 n% -. V J Moivf L DeafoTrweT 23329 SCALLYWAG w. 8 MM 11 1 ! u h 7* Vhs X V,h c. ■„ l%SS Mt-VJ-V. ?" •* i UA I 4 ** -"i •"■ 9 * Morphy J Spencer 355 MB 9«!m h Cb RS?4 . v-t-o WB i 111 A,. *:h •* 7= Ta A Mott R P Dickinson llsO-loo £*£ PS-JFSiL WflSS M- 1" » "l** S Johnson J Cmensetter I ESl£-CJ!V»Atj8,EKT Wll£ 111 S!"° - * l»0««nr JBR.spess BW-Mt H«n oqS2? J.J,KI-AAAN • • ,f" s - H 11= HP Kh m Garner G J Long M1S-1M mmimVSSS * t Ul *i H U ]- « » » B«rB« AV Walker • ""■fSLBEGET wb S 11.. 3 -. ?,h 5 11- 12 .1 HanoverJ F Gafin.v MM Ml •Mutiml held. _Iime._23%. 47, l:123/s. Track fast. mutuels paid. haru.r. S13LSS Btnlght, Mm place, $:;.«» roow; IB* relet, SXSS peaee, ehow; ISreoinsedge. sh iw. Equivaleiif booking odd — liartier. 575 t„ 100 straight. 100 to MS idace. so t„ MM show: Liberator. .In to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Bromsedge. 2 io to K.o show Winner— B!k. h. by Hurst Park— Belle Diablo trained bv I Taubort .. !■. .VolriT.1.,;11 :!:l,ln- At "•* L*!***- S,:,lt ■ I •■ ! "«-. Won driving: se-otid and third tie Vr.Ti. , AR,,I,KU- ,"",,r P-*ri:etic riding, gained steadily and got up to win in the last rtride. I.1RER-ATOB showed th«- most speed and set a last pace, but tiled near the end. BKOOMSEDGE. probably best, closed a big gap from a slow b;-giuni.ig SCAI.I.Y WAG ran a goad lace. KORFIIAGE showed ■peed, but S5O0-",,,, id.! stretch. IAI.I.1.EARLB was iKoinimnt to the half. The winner was entered for Overw -jgh s lrince Albert. 2 |»niiuls. O O PT Q Q • » RTII RACE 5 l-2~F777longs. ~S2.!I1 1 -05-- - .". -.1.". *7O0. 2 ve7r -Ids. " £d*J*J*jO Ilanilieap. N-l vrili:, i„ winner S550: line I. SMM; I bird. SBk Index Horses A Wt PPSt i~Jj z-f an, F|n Juckt.vs Owners Enulv. Odds Strt 23361 MARSE HENRY w lis j 4 77 ,, ,, „, , Ca,„.l. n iT77 23402MII.EMONL wit 112 I h ..... in ., ... . ,, ,. , %,_..„ 133i-l«« SS - Z *S ! :;I 3 * » ; M?Cabe MidJd.etUoninand Jones MC ! .. ?««RS , HP • I«S . . *" ,;i *• P J Morys W L i.wis tI»*-M* «fll im.- m 7.m. ! J r, - I M » :;!l 5- R Martin TC McDowell :..l,.. 23488-ROCHESTER or* 113 •• 7 Tm 71 t 1 c. „,,.,- : 1 1 .,„,, -: 5 ;,K, 23488 ANE III N 102 1 1 f , /n w ji ; ,- v unW " ,,V Sh ou 0t.-r .14 -1 23271 LITTLE SISTER wi: 108 1 8 h |j L L " ™ ;." nrw , S"MVltCVH!K " orr,;: 2 S » * * KuieM lami Levy SMMBJ 2348maih!!ri..rNVe,,l. "liitue. U. h U » " " K-*3 S ■""■**" «8"»» Time. 23 s. 475. 1:00*,. 106*. Track fast. s2 mutuels paid. Milestone. SO Htralght. 0.50 nlace 00 -how Ahvav . S11.n0 pbie. St;. 1.0 show: Rig Fellow, Held. . B Kbow. Kquiraleal Looking odd UiOstone. 1333 1., i 10 trii-M 7—. ;.. ion idee :od to 100 nhow; L.i.iv Alw.-ivs. ,..„,„ .„,. ,.l.„... •:.. to b.,i jhow; B|R re,™w, 2W to 106 show it. by Star Short Mu.,-,,.. , g. ti-,,,,. .1 h* . 1. a„ Ha. , "■"• I »• :: • -• Al lost _ BttMte*. sian -,,-,.| ,„,: l„. v . 1 ,biv;if s M,| and third the same. MAR-E HENR moved up faal j„ ,,„. ,,,,.,,.,, :„,.| „,,n ,,.v.., with CHECKS, crowded him 7 MILl-.blONL mi". ■ •,;; .v.- " closed " ,"" "- ll""1 l,:",k made Sj" -iH in the last eighth. 1 was dis.pialitio.l lor fouling. up yiuuud and a fast UmsU. LADY U.WAXS raa a z-*a race and had mishaps. Ri ; FELLOW was j ore. .1 to race wide most ..f the war. CHECKS sot :i fast pace t i «Mx aeX* H,.n W|„.„ |„. „.,_ ,, ,,,.,.,| hack. : Serai, -lied 23442 Ellison. 1"".. IKwr«-ighlK Ui.iy Al .-i. . I i-nii-l: tarn- Bun, -: Little si-!.r, 5. | » *_ PT *_ r ~ 111 111 IJA» i: 1 Mile. lis.-". I:.!-.. 1 114. Im- * •""■ ;: Mai "1,|v- TO*** OOOO All..aii««— . Bet »alu«- to winner |M; second,; tU**. ». J lex Horses AWtPPSt K .r "4 Mr, Wo Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt .•040 vait.i;i;i.ii.ssiii ■ its ! 1 P 1*1 l*l U U ■ Xartla T C McDow.-n ,Jt?"!2 * aC6 VIKili; w 113 :; | 2- V ." *j 21 W AndiessGallah. r Brag J ,- , ? 1 LMttBLADY ROTH A w lit 1 :: ■■ Si 33 - T Henry J M H« * ~£il - MC ONE BTKp u IM I t 4i 4" *: 4 •* HflMMT I N :ii H.«-ii «Z"3 - a t74 oRMlLU w 1"". 6 6 6 « r ■" •"" «- YanDun.l A Thomson HM -l » | ; 5 * lLELTABFI I 1 ■ Mi ■ I «,:: * _J 0 J Morys .1 Of— -*ww 2 p Tim.- 23. 47»s. 1:12. 1:38. Track last. 2 - runnels paM. WaterbloKsoin. *4. " straight. .$::.4 i place. 82.40 show: V m *.-" Pltce. I , *ililtil.nkW-W«tt.ri.I.*«Hn. 100 to 100 straight. To to 108 Ma,,-. M to Ml show; j gme. 27.. t.. lui place ;:. t- loo sluuv: Rot ha. :: » to Km show. ;. Winner— B. f |,v WaterU.v Rasseting t trained hy G. Denny. . . ? » Start mi and slow. Won .riving: see,, ml and third Wont to post at ::.-7 Vt i.s. 1 minulo. good lead at ..n.-e and won all the way but had to be - name. W T1 R I tssoMinove.l into a if* tkSSStvS Urt eighth. VOCUB race* eta. .„. tor the eat*-, way and held - «»■»» | tl" end. l.VUV BOTHA «aa going fast on the lower turn when taken back ami lost ground by C - ,:.g w:.l * i:it.i to- sir.t.h. OXE SThT was ala ■ ontpa.-e.l. 14-..77 -1 :3O«.-.-::-10.-.. . *i"» A.I.I.mI -10s and up- j tl O K /f i SIXTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. J004U ward. IrtBac. N-t w*« » »*■« WW; w "■• *1:M : "l!ri1- s - | :-s Horses AWtlPSt% k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt £ ■2 COI.HY w " sb :. 100 1 9 S| S* 4 U lilt BUUmfJ M Shilling »jM , MTBAK8POBT INI I I 4" g », g £, * Iur hV tv-,:f""y i*- jv "" W rate ; ■". 1 1 :; ::"k AanDu n.l A r -*4i|- *l l w s lift • - MOT STFIN w 7 l.r 7 : .V a S" 4 i J AH E W Moore «gOg !2S*hu: 1 1 u iv « 4 M4 ■ 4 - 4- - Vi ti 1 J Morys C Bocaa !HrS rnACKLKAVAXCHw!l« S J T- 7 7; £ A Mott . K MeMiUan HJMJJ Time 24. 48. l:14. 1:40%. 1:53Vand. Track last. ; S2 HMMH,fl«, ":: : *3t. .70 ,.la.e. *2.r„ show; ft— lift. -V..40 ,„a.-e. $.!.L - l-qnival.-inhiMuHlds-tloldv. 90 to 100 straight. :j.-, to UK pla.-e. IT, t* 100 show; Transport, | - ;.. KKt plaee. tiO t..""lMt show: Ialma. l "-" to 3 ,: .sllu«- wiin,. i ri, „ i,- v.wnirtiioii-Cold Eadv u rat ned hv .1. M. Shillni.-i. aVUtiml..s. Start Ml and sh.w. #«■ easily : second and third lV,— lowlv l.ut .los,-l a B»P «"Hl dt, w D«t in the streteh to win easing up. im G »1 »Y u, VnSPORT -ran "hi ami ii. -1. on well throusrh the stretek. IAI.MA tir.-d after Httt« the pace j .-Iv n.«l",.,,,riVr".%"» was tst of the oth.fs. fclfl UJMAX and JOE ROI ran fa.rly well. Ihe ; iiii-r was entered for fMa; no 1ml. Scratched— SBUiCaatcntft. ML ; overweights— Jot- Stein. 1 poiind. ; CI-Jii-l A.-. —W- Infse P»»K •- -ycar-o!ds and Miles. Xtr* m~ * -m sFVl-NTl! I! UK 1 1-16 1J004:1 nnt. Soiling Handicap. Net vain- to winner W: see-md. gjMj third. gB , • j Horses 1 Wt 11St j Vs % i in Jockeys Owners Equl v. Odds Strt ! i r3Q i.i.m-1 rS :. - ,,s • - n « "• 11 5 1". Marco F D Wir SJM-10 ; 2 Vva t w :- 100 i r. 7 o m Si 21 L Gentry A! A C.lton MS-MJ ; - :Joo ;Nv vv- « i: 1W S 1 i ? 1= 11 21 • - R Small M «juinn MS-MI • SPa! -u I i -i-iw.M v4 0 : I 4h" 7 4" 4? 4" F RohinsnA B Trotter MM-M ■ *-,t v KtSvB ■ «S 7 4 5 :■ ::; B« 6" -I Morys F I Crigl.-r BOT-MJ 1 S ■ H -i m. Biivv « i lir - a » «•»«» ;•• W An.lressR I. Raker 41.Vloa immjbiiiimh « _ x 1:45 Track fast. s-2 mntueis paid. BaMM E M*« -t-.igi.t. »La. ;da--e, 4.h, show; Haaaffa, |LM place. BUS show; . 1!S0 to Ml plaee, Ml to Ml show; Hanovia. T/Tiivfle;*. iMkiif «Ws— BwiTali S.. s to 1 stvalght, ; T, tolOO iilact "l". t Tloo -how: limaii». «3 to HKl sli.xy. wSLffrfl [™*fr£andw!tt slow ndHving: sec.nd and third the i "iii/ri-Aii si r, tHKirsinaa gnWv. ss? •wkrrrv.i . ,1A. The t.?tf,?fcl!teathft« JMiaa iae 5 the stV-tch. BLACK BBOOM finished : Xa. ,,NAL.N"7!.ed. ""FATHER KHV was outpace, all te way. The winner was entered for II; n ■ Mil. _ ==z=================