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j LAT0NIA FORM CHART LATONTA, KY., SATURDAY. JULY 1. 1922. Latonia 1 mile. Twenty-third day. Kentucky JocW Club. Spring Meeting of 29 days. "Weather dear; temperature 88. Stewards. Charles F. Price, S. C. Nuckols, Jr., A. G. Leonard and C. W. Hay. Judges, W. H. Shellejr, N. H. McClelland and J. S. Wallace. Starter, A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. H. Shelley. . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time 2:00 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. f nres in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date, track: record, age of horse ajid weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. GJOffcGr PHIST RACE 3-4 Kilo. June 7, 1821 1:10 6 110. Parse ?L100. 3-year-qH and upward. Claimingr. Net valua to winner ,109; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds SB 02907 GRND-SWKLL w 6 101 2 4 31 21 11 ll J Owens R McGarvey H G2S65SWELL COMBS waTlOS 6 5 El 5! 31 21 J lieu pel Gallaher Bros SH G2865BEG PARDON wb 4 107 8 3 4 4 31 a Wilson R P Marshall n5dH 62990s GUVNOR w 4 109 3 3 71! P t 4H W Pool M Goldblatt l 62990 CLINTONVXLLE w 5 113 10 8 S" S 6s P R Harton S K Nichols 460aH 62782 A. AX.EXANDERW 6 110 4 10 1010 81 6 G Brening J Randolph -S1CH 61443 GUARANTEED w 5 95 11 9 9 9 71 7 B Scheffel V F Knebclkarap t795CM 62948sROYAX. DICK w 4 107 1 1 l1 11 21 8 E Pool G Knebelkamp 112o.HH 62SC5 YOUNEED wb 6 111 7 8 G 81 91 9 D ConneRy X Gilmora HOOjIfB 62951PLATO w 4 1C0 6 11 II 11 11 10 A Yerrat B, L Heavilln H 62750 BRIGHT LEAF w S 103 9 -7 8l TllO1 11 T Smltlx Hal Price Headlcy 4840, jMutnel field. Time, 23, 47, 1:12. Track fast V mntufls paid, Ground-Swell, 0.40 straight, .S0 place, .10 show; Scwcll Combs, .50 place, .40 show; Beg Pardon, 55.00 show. j t Equivalent booking odds Ground-Swell. 420 to 100 straight, 190 to 100 place, 103 to 100 show; Scwell i Combs, 275 to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; lies Pardon, 150 to 100 show. - Winner Ch. m. by Whisk I.rcoin II. Rock Water, by Laureate or Clifford traiued by K. McGarvey; j bred b7 Mr. John Sanford. Went to post at 2:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- . ins. GROUND-SWELL raced into the lead after solus the first half and won going away. SEWELL COMBS wss uirroundcd and could not "rt through until after ronndins into the stretch, where he came with a ruoh into a fast-going second. 1JEG PARDON stooil a h:ird drive through Uie stretch and finished gamely. GUVNOR closed a big gap and finished fast. CLINTONVILLE also closed a big gap, as did ARCHIE ALEXANDER.. I Scratched G28G5May Rodine, 103; 5S103 Sir I-awnfal. 105; G2948 Rugglcs, 100; G2951Gammer Gur- , ton. 107; 02395 Brown Kyes, 101; CJOIB Prince Welles, 101; 0293G5Escarpolctte, 101. i Overweights Bright Leaf, 4 pounds. effnfST SECOND RACE 5-8 KUe. Juo 22, 1910 59 J 100. Purse ,400. 2-year-olds. tfetPy 6 Maidens, Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner ,100; second, 200; thud, i 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G2784 IlJJASURE w 112 10 2 1 ll ll 11 J Howard T C McDowell 330-100 G2637 SUNNY DUCROW w 112 11 3 2 2 2i 2h H Gray C E Rowo 7G3-1O0 MARY P. GARDNERw 112 14 3 3 3 3 J Heupel H P Gardner S50-100. C2910 LILY M. w 112 S S 4 4 41 4 F Smith J W Fairish T5350-1CO i LAYOL w 112 4 S 91 5 Bl 5s L Penman H P Whitney 275-100 02949 s PLAYFUL MISS w 112 3 11 Gl 61 61 6 13 Pool W Perkins 465-100 C24SC GRASS MAID w 112 2 1 10 9 71 7l D Connelly II H Hewitt 2S20-100 G2949MRISH ROSE w 113 7 7 7 7 S 8 W W Tlor It B and B O Hickman 1405-100 62991 CHECKERETTH w 112 12 9 5 81 9 9 E Scoble Montfort Jones J2915-109 G2949 FUTURBTTE w 114 9 10 gi 10 10 10 H Lunsfd Montfort Jonea t G2949 NEWPORT w 112 5 5 ll4 11" ll1" ll1 R Harton S K Nichols t C2323 LADY VENNIE w 112 6 12 12 12 12 12 S McGraw E II Laae 122C0-1D0 tilutucl field. Coupled in lilting as Montfort Jones entry. Tinio, 23. 4S. 1:01. Track fast. mutrcls paid. Pleasure. .C0 straight, place. .C0 show; Sunny Ducrow, .40 place, .C0 show; Mary P. Gardner, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Fleasure, 330 to 100 straight. 240 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Sunny Ducrow, 320 to 100 place. ISO to 100 show; Mary I. Gardner. 250 to 100 show. Winner Ch. f, by Manager Waite Delight, by The Manager trained by S. Chenault; bred by Mr. Thomas C. McDowell. Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; s-ceond and third driving. PLEASUEW, clear of interference and showing the most speed, raced into a good lead at once and, being hard ridden in the stretch, held SUNNY DUCROW safe through the final drive. SUNNY DUCROW ract-d in nearest pursuit all the way and finished gamely. MARY P. GARDNER showed epeed and inn a game race. LILYl M. came fast in the stretch. LVYOL ran fairly well and closed a gap. PLAYKUIi MISS was forced back sharply and was in a jam for most of the way. Scratched G2091 Bcndita, 112; CIS! 3 Victoirc, 112; 62949 Blue Bird, 112; C2949 Margaret Ware, 112; 02935 Phenol. 112; G2721 Ncllida. 112. Overweights Futurctte, 2 pounds; Irish Rose, 1. oVWq THIRD RACE 1 1-16 Kilos. Oct. 7, 191G 1:13 3 122. Purse ,400. 3-year-olds OiAlBO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,100; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt yt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StPt G2871SCUT UP 4 103 11 3 31 3s 4 1 ll A Wilson R P Marshall 370-100 G2913DAMORIS wn 4 97 7 4 4 4 2 21 2 B Schaffcl G J Long 2G03-1CO G2GG 1 NURTURE w 4 103 3 2 2 S 31 3 D Connelly Williams Bros 1725-100 G2953 PENWELL w 4 101 9 11 11 Sl 5 5 4 G Brening Kolm and Thelaen 4703-10 02830 GREEN GOLD wr. 7 103 1 1 ll l1 1 4 5 J Owens Florlsant Stablo 165-100 G2951 FIRST CONSUL wo 5 105 2 7 1011 10 C G5 I! Kenndy Waddoll Bros 463-100 G2953 HOPE -wit 7 103 5 10 9 9 7i 7 7 F Smith C W Chappell T4G05-100 C2109 APPROVAL w 7 103 10 9 5 5 C Si 8l J Heupel W P McCaffrey 1525-100 G2810CORSON wr. C 100 C S ff 71 9 02 9J W Pool B C Bunbury 1185-150 G2519GRA. MINARD w 4 10G S 5 Sl G5 8l 10" 10 E Martin W C Goodloa C4S5-103 G2913 LAST BRUSH wit 3 100 4 6 7101 H U 11 S McGraw G L Hoffman t tMiituel field. Time, 23, 47. 1:13. 1:40, 1:4G. Track fast. muHieis paid. Cut Up, .40 straight, .10 place, .50 show; Uamoris, 0.50 place, U0 show; Nurture, .30 show. Eiuivah nt lKxiking odds Cut Up. 370 to 1C0 straight, 155 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Damorls, 725 to 100 place. 455 to 100 show; Nurture, 2C5 to 100 show. Winner 15. f. by Wrack Junina, by The Scribe trained by J. MeKinney; bred by Mr. Thomas J. Clay. Wont to post at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. CUT UP. close up from the start, raced into the lead in the last eighth and held DAMORIS safe. The latter raced prominently all the way and stood the final drive gamely. NURTURE wa3 a forward nnd s,im? contender nil the way. PENWELL closed a big gap. GREI4N GOLD set a fust pace, but tired in the stretch. FIRST CONSUL was away badly and raced wide on the turns. Scratched G2743Sam Freedman. 100; ilOGO Omond. 105; G2950Grace Dangherty, 100; 02519 Richelieu, 100; 02992 Randel, 95; G2907 Twinkle Blue. 100; G2332sBojul, 101. Overweight Hope. 3 pounds; Peiiwell, 3. L 7 OtOC FOURTH RACE 1 Kilo and 70 Yards, llov. 3, 1917 1:41 C 12G. Whishaway OMJOO Handicap. Purse ,600. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,350; second, C0; third, 50. Index Horses AWtTPStVl 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odds Strt G28S5 LADY MADCAP w 4 112 4 4 4 31 21 1 1 T.I Gamer D Breckinridge 243-100 62835 DISTINCTION w 5 129 1 3 2 1 11 21 2l D Connelly T G McDowell CO-100 G2751 IUNBURN wn 5 10 3 2 3 4s 3l 4 S3 J Heupel Gallaher Bros 62CO-103 G28 1 S , NEDDAM 5 99 2 1 lb 2 4 31 4 F Wilson J Gre?nberg 1175-1C0 C2993JCHERRY TREE W3 91 55 5 5 5 5 G J Owens II P Whitney 1525-100 Time, 23. 47, 1:12, 1:33, 1:42. Track fast. rautuels paid. Lady Madcap, straight, .40 place, .40 show; Distinction, .30 place, .20 show; Kinbiirn. .10 show. Kipiivalont booking odds Lady Madcap. 215 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Distinction, 15 ta 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Kinburn, 155 to 100 show. Winner Pr. f, by Dick Finnell Affable, by Hastings trained by J. 0. Milam; bred by Mr. Tliotaaa C. McDowell. Went to post at 4:00. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LADY MADCAP moved up fast after going a half mile and rushed into the lead in the last eighth to win as her rider pleased. DISTINCTION showed her usual liish speed, disposed of NEDDAM In the first naif mile, but tired and had to be ridden hard iu the last eighth to retain second place. KINBURN . ran a good race. NEDDAM tired. CHERRY TREE was always far back. Overweights. Neddam, 1 pound; Kinburn. 5. XT rp 0. FlfFIFTHRACE 1 1-2 Kilos. July 10, 190 2:20 "i 115. Fortieth Running XATONTA Oi1 a y DERBY. 5,000 Added. 3-yoar-olds. Allowances. Net valuo to winner 4,025; second, ,000; third, ,000. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G28S45TH1B0DAUX w 125 2 2 2 1 1" 1" 1 E Pool W Perkins 73-100 627.rlYOSHI.MI w 12S 3 1 3 3 3 2" 2l M Garner T C Bradley 1015-100 C2690IOLYMPUS wn 126 1 3 V 2 21 3 3 L Penman H P Whitney 150-100 - Time, 24and. 4S, 1:13, 1:S8, 2:04. 2:33. Track fast. mutuels paid, Thibodaur, .50 straight, .40 place; Yoshimi. .30 place; no sho-jr mutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds Thibodaux, 75 to 100 straight, 20 to 100 place; Yoshimi, 65 to 100 place. Winner Cb. c, by Cunard Electro, by Electioneer trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. 0. 0. Patrick. Went to post at 4:40. At post 5 minntcs. Start good and slow. Won eased np; second nnd third driving. THIBODAUX was. saved under hard restraint for three-quarters, then rushed by OLYMPUS when called on nnd, racing into a long lead, was only under an easing up canter in the last eighth. YOSIIIMI moed up steadily and. Inring hard ridden iu the stretch, outstayed OLYMPUS. Tho latter set the early pace briefly, but tired badly after going one mile. Scratched G2151 Broomster, 12G; G2910Margaret Winsor, 121. yftkIYi SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 7. 19001:05 393. Conoy Island Purse. OOv 6 JL Purse ,500. 2-yoar-olds. Special Weights. Net valuo to winner ,150; second, 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt M ?i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt G2G98 HOPELESS w U5 8 5 21 2 1 1 W W Tlor Hal Prico Headley 275-100 f LATHROP w ICS 2 2 1 11 21 2 E Pool Florisant Stablo 275-100 l G2952SKEEZIX wn 115 3 8 7 7 41 3 B Kenndy F J Kelley 590-100 I 02908 IN MEMORIAM w 115 5 4 3 31 31 4 M Garner C Weidemann 335-100 G2952 DOCTOR GLENN w 115 11 G1 41 51 5 E Martin Glenn and Laffoon 45C3-1C0 1 62831 REGENT QUEEN w 112 6 6 65 51 C G! L Penman J E Madden 1213-100 G2952METRIG w 115 4 3 41 G 7 74 D Connelly II II Hewitt 2453-100 C2949TIP TOE INN w 112 77 8888S McGraw I Weil 4333-100 Timo, 22, 4G. 59, 1:0C. Track fast. mutuels paid. Hopeless, .50 straight, .00 place, .70 show; Lathrop, .30 place, .40 show; I Skeczix, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Hopeless, 275 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Lathrop, , 115 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Skeczir, GO to 100 show. Winner IS. g, by Huon Kolinsky, by Uncle trained by W. Buford; bred by Mr. William B. Miller. . Went to posi at 5:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; pecond and third driving. HOPELESS wore LATHROP down shortly after reaching the stretch and, passing into the lead, won i In a canter. LATHROP showed much speed and set a great pace, but began tiring badly in the last t j ! 1 eighth and just lasted for second place. SKEEZIX began slowly anil was far back until in the last t quarter, where he came with a rush. IN MEilORIAM tired badly in the last eighth. DOCTOR GLENN I had no mishaps. Scratched 62870 Leslie, 115; G2952 Fair Alice, 112. : grpfbF?? SEVENTH RACE 1 Hi!o and 70 Yards. Nov. 3, 1917 1:41 3 12G. Purse ,503. lOvf 6 3-yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner ,150; second, 25; third, ; 25. . Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT. Odds Strt i G2911LADY ASTOR w 3 99 5 2 31 41 21 l1 1 W Pool :i W F Knebelkamp 145-100 G2954 AMERICAN BOY wsu 5 105 2 1 2and 31 51 2l 2 R Hartom T W Mountjoy 1005-100 G29113BLARN"Y STONE w 4 102 16 6 G 4i 3 5 J Owens Reiser Bros 215-100 G2990 PONGEE w 4 102 3 3 1J 1 1 4 4l J Hotipel Gallaher Bros 555-100 62S36 CANTILEVER wn 6 104 6 5 41 2J 3i 51 Gl J Zoeller F Peyton 2440-101 C93C2 MATINEE IDOL wn 7 104 4 4 5 51 6 6 6 L Penman M Goldblatt 1803-100 3 Timo, 23. 47, 1:12, 1:3S, 1:43. Trads fast. H mutuels paid. Lady Astor, .80 straight, -90 place. .40 nhow; American Boy, .10 place, , . CO show; Blarney Stone, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Lady Astor, 145 to 100 straight, 45 to ICO place, 20 to 100 show; American l , Ray, 255 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Blarney Stone, 20 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Sweep Martha Lee, by Marta Santa trained by W. B. Finnegan; bred by Mr. . W. V. Thraves. ? Went to post at 5:57. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won. easily; second and third driv- - tag. LADY ASTOR hud to be ridden hard for tho first half mile, but moved up fast on the last turn and I xaced into a good lead In the stretch. AMERICAN BOY raced well and finished gamely, but web lncky r I to be second. BLARNEY STONE finished fast and would have been much closer up had he succeeded in i getting through next to the inner rail in tho stretch. PONGEE set a good pace, but tired badly after r going three-quarters. CANTILEVER and MATINEE IDOL were done when reaching the stretch. Overweights American Boy, 1 pound. :