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AQUEDUCT rORM CHART NEW YORK, N. Y SATURDAY, JTJXY 1, 1022. Aqueduct 1 miles 51 foot. Fourteenth Jiiy7QneeBB Connty Jockey Club. Spring Meeting of 10 days. "Weather cloudy; tciajcratnro 81. Steward to Represent Jockey Club, J. E. Davis. Stewards of Meeting, fi. IC. Knapp and W. sTvosM burgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Comchlscn, Starter, liars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, Fred RchbergciH Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.K W indicates whip, S spurs, Ii blinkers. FigH nres in parentheses following the distance of each race Indicate date, track record, age of horse anH freight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ffc45fi FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. July 3, 1919 57 2 115. Purse ,272. 3-yC2rToldsanB VLpcJ V Vxy upward. Maiden3. Claiming. Net value to winner $ 1,972; second, 00; third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II 0 P S G1610 CLOUGHJORDAN wb 3 110 5 5 4i 2ll 1 W Kelsay H G Fisher 3 5 5 2 11 G2429THE PERUVIAN we 3 112 4 2 2s 11 2 A JohnsonJ L Holland 2 2 3-2 3-5 1-4H 61G48 rr.MON w 3 101 U 1 . 1 3 3 J CallahanJ T Ready 20 20 20 8 4 G2718NOTIME -w ? 104 15 6 31 51 41 E KummerT Monahan 4 7 7 21 6-H G290G BLUE BRUSH w 3 111 7 8 5 5iG Babin M ColforU 30 50 30 20 10 G1122 JUNO WB 3 ICS 1 7 63 4 6 L aior o .1 --pii-Mra te 12 V 8 3 8-5H 62429 JOCOSE wb 3 112 6 11 9l 71 Ii C H JllllcrW J Salmon -t o 9 G2713 WCOME STGEIt w 3 106 12 3 SI 8 8 G V CrollW V Casey 20 20 20 8 4 G2718JUG w 3 101 13 4 101 SI 9 E Martz G Peterson 30 E0 CO 20 10 62829 BERNANDENO w 3 106 10 13 ll1 11 10 S Lowe J Sraallwood 30 50 50 20 10 G1812 ROCIvVVOOD w 3 112 2 9 12 121 lli C Lanpr L. A Price 20 20 0 8 4 6290G NAT S. wn 3 120 9 14 71 10i 12 J Caldwell W Tremper 50 0 50 20 10 SHINGLE SHACK w 4 110 8 10 131 13 13 E Taplln P Houseman 20 20 20 8 4 572G1BELSKI w 3 S3 14 15 14 14s 11 E Bell J L Donahay 30 CO 30 12 6 G2942 BABY BOY wb 3 10S 3 12 15 15 15 E Fator E H Winfield 50 50 50 20 10 Time, 1:00. Track sloppy. Winner R. g, by The Curragh Trance, by Ben Brush trained by A. B. Gordon; bred by Mr. JobjH Sanford. Went to post at 2:30. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third drivH ing. CLOUGHJORDAX, close up from the start, came fast through the stretch and, catching TLUB PERUVIAN tiring near the end, won going awny. THE PERUVIAN showed a good flight of speed aniB raced into the lead, but swerved over from the outside and was tiring badly at the end. BEL1ION act fast early pace, but tired in the stretch drive. NOTI1IE showed speed, but was forced to race wide crcH all the turns. JOCOSE had a rough race. JUNO began slowly and had scant chance. Scratched 5St51Ear!y Bird, 107; C2174 Valentin, 105; 6271SFnteji, 10G; 5S5C3 Trajanus, 110; G2S2:H Torchy, 112; G1845 Refrain. 10G; CITIS Top Star, 100; 55SI5 The Almoner, 112; 61045 Okoboji, 106; il70H Fayelle, 105; G1S0-I Rainbow Roy. 103; G1472 Miss Vanity, 111; Rectortown, 112. Overweights Cloushjordan, 2 pounds; Baby Boy, 2. 6f4-d SECOND RACE About 2 KUes. Weldship Steeplechase Handicap. ,200 Added. ijy D JL 4-ycar-olds and upward. Ket value to winner t970; second, 00; third, 100. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 8 12 16 Fin Jockeya Owners 0 U C P S G2715FAUNUS w 4 13S 3 2 1 15 1 1 1 C Mergler J S Cosden 21 31 31 gTouB 5G5G2 SYRDARYA w 6 137 2 1 3 2s 2 2 2 R H CTdDosoris Stable 6 6 31 6-5 ouH G2G2 7 VIGILANTE w 6 137 1 5 5 5 a 3 3 D Byers J E Widener 17-5 S-5 7-5 1-2 ouH G2825 MOHICAN wa 7 112 5 3 2l 4 41 4 4 J Rowan Greentrce Stable 2 3 3 1 ouH 62825 WISEST FOOL w 6 ISO 4 4 4 3" 310 5 5 C Jones J E "Widener 17.-5 S-5 7-3 1-2 ouH fCoupled in betting; no separate place or bhow betting. fl Time, 4,: 30. Track sloppy. AVinner Pr. c. by Al lilocli Rarena, by Clifford trained by W. Garth; bred by Messr3. Bavin Broa.B Went to post at 2:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and klow. Won easily; second and third drivfl ing. FAUNCS, seemingly favored by the soft going, took the lead quickly and, jumping well, easily v,-o;H all the w:iy. SYRDARYA jumped well and came again after making a bad landing over the water jumpf VIGILANTE, after being saved for the first turn of the field, closed up some ground. MOHICAN woj scant of speed and wa3 never a contender. WISEST FOOL quit badly. Scratched 62313Minata, 138. TKQvJ THIEB RACE 3-4 lUiU. July G, 191C 1:11 Z 11G. Thirty-third Running TREHONCH LPsSHJCPA; STAKES. Gcarantesd Viuo ?10.000. 2-year-olds. AUowancss. Ket value to winneH , CG0; second, ?1,500; third, 750. Index Horses AWtPPSt U H i Str Fin Jockeys Owners OHO PH 02 9 0 1 MARTINGALE w 115 8 4 li 11 1 1 C KummerJ S Cosden 8 8 6 2T6H 62S26BUD LERNEU w 125 7 3 31 31 21 2 E Sande J E Madden 3 3 3 1 1-3 G282GGOSHAWK w 120 12 6 2 2 31 3 L Morria H P Whitney 3 5 5 2 1 628G4 PARK HILL w 112 1 1 El 5 4 4and E Taplin Fernbrook Stb 50 50 40 15 -M G2 901 BETTER LUCK w 115 U 7 7 7 6s 5s L Fator Orleans Stable 20 20 15 G 3 G2431 VIGIL w 112 2 2 8 Sl 8 6 C H MillerW J Salmon 15 15 12 5 21 jB G282GSUNFERENCE w 125 9 5 4 4 51 71 A JohUBonW S Kilmer 8 10 8 3 S-SM 62S89 AUTUMN BELLS w 112 6 8 10 103 10 S3 J D MneyJ B Smith, 30 40 40 13 8 62055 s CHERRY PIE w a 127 10 9 9 91 91 91 L Lyke Greentrce Stablei4 5 5 2 1 C282G GENL THATCHER w 112 4 10 6l 61 71 10 B Parke Nev Sfk F Stb 15 20 15 6 3 G28G1 SON-O-UNC w 112 5 12 12 11 11 U H ThomasGreentree Stabletl 5 5 2 1 G2989 SHUFFLE ALNG wb H5 3 11 111 12 12 12 F Keogh J E Widener 6 6 5 2 1 f Coupled in betting; no separate pLiee or show betting. Time, 23, 47. l:12i. Track sloppy. Winner B. c, by Martinet Lady Inna, by Scmprouius trained by W. Garth; bred by Mr. Arthur B Hancock. Went to post at 3:26. At post 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drirf ing. MARTINGALE took the lead quickly and, setting a fast paco, raced GOSHAWK into defeat wheif an eighth from the finish and was going away at the end. BUB LERNER ran well and was slightly inH tcrfered with in the stretch, but outfinislicd GOSHAWK. The latter showed a good order of speed, buf tired badly in the going. PARK HILL saved ground when coming into the stretch and ran a good raceH BETTER LUCK iiuUhed gamely and had no mishaps. SUNFER.ENCE was in close quarters in;st of thif way. SHUFFLE ALONG was badly pinched ofl and crowded out on the first turn. CHERRY PIE waJ always outrun. vj-Scratched C23C1 Ro McMillan. 113; G2125 Frank G.. 115. ; 3 ?P FOURTH RACE 1 1-3 Kilos. July 7. 18211:403123. Thirty-third Running jand 3J?5cl BROOKBAXE HANDICAP. ?4,C00 Added. 3-ycar-oIcU and upward. Net valuo U-M winner ,400; second, ,000; thud, 5500. . Index norses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S G2827CAPTN ALCOCK w 5 110 3 1 2 2 2 In 11 C Ponce Quincy Stable 9-101 9-10out IS G2945BON HOMME wb 4 110 2 2 1 1 l1! 2 2 A SchtgerXalapa F Stb 11-1013-103-Sout C28G0LETTEI:MAN w 3 1001 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 H ThomasGreentree Stable 10 12 10 S-5 out 3 Tims. 24, 4SK, 1:13, 1:39. 1:53. Track sloppy. Winner Cb. h, by Ogden Mallard, by Star Shoot trained by J. Fitzsimmons; bred by Mr. John B. Madden. "Went to post at 3:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; recoad and third tho same. CAPTAIN ALCOCK was saved back of BON HOMME to tho stretch and, closing up at tho last eiglitn, both he and BON HOMME went to the inner rail, where the track was deepest, bat CAPTAIN ALCOCK was d.awing clear in a strenuous finish. BON HOMME was raced with bandagc3 on hi3 hind legs, but showed a good turn of speed and, setting a fast pace to the stretch, fought along gamely for a sixteenth after being caught by the winner. LETTERMAN was never a real contender. Scratched G2S27Grey Lag. 127. Overweights Letterman, 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 1 5-16 Hiles. Sept. 24, 1S21 2:11 4 ICS. Purse 52,472. 3 -year-HG5 6f5! olds and cp-arard. Scllins-. Net value to winner 2,172; second, ?0O; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S G2S36 TEDDY R. vtn 4 U5 3 1 21 ll 1 1 l1 C Ponce Quincy Stable 1-2 1-2 2-5 out C2717 TUFTER vr 7 110 2 2 1 2s 21 2s C Lang H Alterman 3 5 5 6-5 on 62823LORD HRBERT w 7 115 1 3 5 41 4 S S1 E Fator E Arlington 6 10 10 8-5 ou G302 7 CAHALAN w 4 110 5 5 3 3 3 4 4s H ThomasS Louis 8 8 8 8-5 Ottfi VULCAIN PARK wb 3 S3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 J CallahanA J Burdell a0 50 50 10 1 1 Tims, 2:15. Track sloppy. Winner B. c, by Wrack Marie Frances, by Sir Dixon trained by J. Fitzsimmons; bred by Belaira Stud. Went to post at 4:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driT-ing. TEDDY R. raced into the lead on the backstrctch after swerving oat slightly in the stretch and was going awny at the end. TDFTER showed the most early speed in the going and, after being passed, hung on well through the stretch for second place. LORD HERBERT was outrun early, but saved ground when coming into the stretch and made a game finish. CAHALAN was never a dangerous contender. Scratched G294G Troma, 110. "SD4S5K SIXTH RACE 5-8 Kile. July S, 1919 57 S 115. Purse ?2,272; 2-year-olds. Special Weiskts. Net value- to winner ,072; second, ?20O; third, S1C3. Index Horses AWtPPSt M k Str Fin Jockey Owners O H O P S G2901 BO McMILLAN w IIS 2 1 2 U ll B MarinelUM Hirsch 11-516-53 1-2 ut 62901 VALADOR w 112 3 4 5 3 2 J CallahanW L S Martin 3 3 3 1-3 t G2S89JSTOCKMAR W 112 1 1 l3 28 3 E Sande Rancocas Stable 6-5 7-3 9-101-j out 62692 HILLHOtJSE w 112 6 3 4 5 4 B Parke Nev Stk, F Stb 60 60 CO IC 4 628G4 WOODLAKE W11245 3 415E Taplln C A Stoneham SO 40 40 8 3 Time, 1:0L Track sloppy. Winner Ch. c, by Ballot Nettie Hastings, by Hastings trained by M. Hirsch; bred by Messrs. A. E. Hundley and Son. Went to post at 4:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-y Ing. BO McMILLAN followed STOCKMAR closely to the stretch and, passing him, took the lead and gamely withstood YALADORS challenge. VALADOR ran well and made a game finish. STOCKMAR set a "fast pace from the start, but tired badly in the stretch drive. Scratched C2SS9WilIiam Tell. 112; G2904 Blanc Seing, 1S; 629S9 High Chief, 112; G2800Brilliance, 109; 023S9 Caveat Emptor, 112; C2S01 Carol. 112; G29S9 Mark Twain, 112. j