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CRESCENT PARK ENTRIES AND FORM. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2 p. 111. XRuus well in mild. Superior mud runner. First Race 3-4 Mile. ."5-year-olds and upward. Selling, lid. Horses. A. Wt. Ildcp. 59914 Odd Ella .". . 97.. X.. 723 59944 Arabo .. 125... .720 59::92 Master Prim 5.. 119 715 59792. ...Water Pansy 5. .121 . . X . .710 59789 II Dottore -I. .11::. . X . .700 59012 Merry Belle ::.. 97.. X.. 700 59792 Wiseacre 5. . 1 14. . X . .095 48901 Frank Montevenle 4.. 114 CSO 59S04 Jim Collins 4.. 110 075 59892 Ancient Witch :!.. 92..X-.000 52510 Rosa Williams C..117 000 59:517 Charlie Fisher 5. .119. . X . .050 397:57 George A. Knight ::.. 99.. X.. 530 59111 Bandillo 5. .114. . X . .025 Second Race 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 5991:: Sainzella 10! 725 598:58 Dorothy M 100 720 5991:: Firalto 115 715 5991:: . .tlardlniere 1 15 710 5!!i:i Duchess of Montebello 112 705 59S:5S...tOnr Own 112 700 5991.-5 Viola C. 10! 590 599:59 Marietta Bush 109 050 59S14. . .tMintberia 10! J25 Mutable, b. f, by Compute Metempsychosis 1 .... 1 13 fW. II. Snyder and Co. entry. JMrs. R. W. Wahlen entry. Third Race 3-4 Mile. S-year-olds and upward. Selling. 59915... Grove Center ::.. 97 725 59712... Optional 7. .112. . X . .720 51914 Bitter Hand ::. .101.. x . .715 59507 Pancreatis 4. .11 1. . X . .705 59714... The Cure 5. .1:5.5. . X . .7H 5994:: Glen Gallant 5. .120. . X . 095 59491 Cognomen 5. .122. . X . .590 59712... Piustlcker :5. .101. . X . .085 59917 Plater 15.. 110 085 59S:K Gotowln 4..119..X. 075 50915 Doctor Heard o. .111. . X . .000 Fourth Race 1 Jiile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 59940... St. Valentine 5..10:5..X 750 59940... Goldsmith 7. .10S. . X . .725 59941 . . . .King Ellsworth 5. . 9S. . X . .720 5994:5 . . .Canyon 5. . 100. . X . 715 59002 Kickshaw !.. 95.. X.. 710 595:1 Ethics 8. .10.!. . X . .710 I509403 . . -The Regent 8. .105. . X . .705 59742 Atwood 5.. 9S. . X . .705 KircKI Peter Paul 5. .100. . , .700 578::0 Cloverlaml 0. .108. . X . .090 59!i:58...Whorler 0.. 95... 0S5 39S5l...Imboden 5.. 95.. X.. 005 59704 Bcmicc 5.. !.!.. X . .050 39705... Merry Pioneer 5. .105. . X . .050 5991:5 Lutheran 5. .10S. .. .050 Fifth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 59917... Southern Cross 4. .11 1 . . X . 725 59S57..,Van Ness 7. .120. .. .715 59491 Escutcheon 4.. 109 710 59917 Footlights Favorite 5. .10S. . X . .710 50S07 Mavor Johnson 7. .110. ...700 5901.". Voltage 4.. 9! 095 59557 Korwood Ohio 4. .1 10. . X .075 39917 Kings Charm 5. .110. . X . -050 u70:!7 Indian Star I..IOI 000 Ammareta. ch. f, by RichmondGranny White.. 4.. 10-1 Sixth Race 1 Mile, ."-year-olds. Selling. 59914 Lena J 100 725 59SS9...Chaunccy Olcott 102.. X.. 720 59892... Letty 98 ill 59914... Hand Bag 97 700 59752 Discernment 15 09.. 39S92 Miss Leeds 13 090 59702... Harrv Scott 112 080 59914 Mahogany 100. . X . .073 59914 Rainier V 100 075 39142 Katherine L !". . X . .050 59SSS Walter SchifTer 98.. X.. 000 592::! Pattonvllle 102. . X . .055 5981:: Wedding Ring .100 050 39914 Beechwood 102. . X . 550 5988! John McBrlde 100 010