Crescent Park Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, March 1, Daily Racing Form, 1906-03-01

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Crescent Park Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, March 1. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 3 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Allowances. Index Course Wt DIst Tck TimeSt StrFln Jockey Best Company. DIESOLD, b. c. 2, ly Hammon Endeavor A. L. Aste. Weight today 111. ,m92 Crescent Pk 1115 1-2 fast -4S:i -t 5 55 75. F ONeill Bertmont, ZiekAbrams, .lackHanly. i SCHROEDERS MIDWAY, ch. c. 2. hv Del Paso II. Dansante S. Murray. Weight today 105. CMllI Crescent PI; 1-2 492 good n:i X "u r. 1 i Livgston Helen Lucas, rriclion, Big Store. 60134 Crescent Pk 110 2 1-2 r good -It 4 11 2t Livgston AlPowell. Onr Own, Luev Marie. 60291 Crescent Pk 112 :: 1-2 f fast 432 4 7 65 7s Livgston His Store, Al Powell, rriclion. MY SON, b. c, 2. bv My Boy II. Rural Las F. Starita. Weight today 104. iH-Jl Crescent Pit 112 3 1-2 f fast 42?. 1 :i 1ft 0 .1 Martin Rig Store, Al Powell. Friction. 01241 Crescent Pk 105 1-2 slow r2 7 7 2" 5s II Simpson Zick Alirams. Our Own, Clad Pirate UMGS Crescent Pk 105 3 1-2 1" good 41 3 2 2 41 Helgesen Prank I.ord, Zick Alirams, Friction. . REGAL LAD, b. c, 2, by Filigrane Hanover Queen A. H. and D. H. Morris. Weight today 109. f.0241 Crescent Pk "100 1-2 slow 52 :. :. 9 It .T Martin Zick Alirams, Onr Own. Glad Pirate C01GU Crescent Pk 115 3 1-2 f mud 412 2 4 6 795 McCabe Rudy. Rig Store. Qiiagga. f.9713 Crescent Pk 115 3 1-2 f good 432 2 4 4" 91 McCabe M.s Daughter, M. Cuslis, J. Hardy. FRICTION, b. c. 2, by Toddington Electricity S. Louis. Weight today 104. iVftCll Crescent Pk 1-2 492 good 07 4 C 4 2" W McGee Helen Lucas. Rig Store. 15ml Hill. C034S Crescent Pk 3 1-2 C 43J good ICS 9 71 9J W McGee .Susannali, Hitter Miss. Helen Lucas 60134 Crescent Pk 110 3 1-2 f good 41 S 7 55 Diggins Allowell, SehrdersMidway.O.Own. J. J., JR., br. g. 2, by Bitter Root Sis B. Vincent and Co.. Weight today 106. Cecil Crescent Pk 1-2 4H2 good 101 5 4 7l 71 H McDondllelen Lucas. Friction, Big Stove. itfHSC Crescent Pk 10013 1-2 f hvy 45 4 5h 6S5 II McDondBaleshed, Klack Hum. Clad Pirate. 60317 Crescent Pk 100 3 1-2 f hvy 442 7 7 7 7u II McDondBaleshed, Helen Lucas, Creole Girl. BANEFUL, ch. c, 2, by Intrusive Nina Louise G. C. Bennett and Co.. Weight today 110. M1 1 Crescent Pk 1-2 492 good lot; 1; - 5 6 3 " .Sewell Helen Lucas. Friction. P.ig Store. 60454 Crescent Pk 115 3 1-2 f good 41 2 4" 65.1 MclntyreAlPowell. SehrdersMidway.O.Own. COMMODORE THEIM, b. c. 2. by David Garrick Magnetic J. J, Mackessey. Weight today 110. 60611 Crescent Pk 1-2 49" good I Of; i y 9 9"5W nobbinsllelen Lucas. Friction, Big Siore. 60 IS6 Crescent Pk 100 3 1-2 f Hvy 43 8 S S45M Murphy Baleslu-d, Black Burn, Glad Pirate. WE ATHER VAN E. b. c. 2, by Rainbow Fairyland W. H. Snyder and Co.. Weight today 106. 60486 Crescent Pk 100 3 1-2 f hvy 45 7 21 4 I. Smith Baleshed, Black Burn, Clad Pirate. CiCOS Crescent Pk 112 1-2 good 50J 1 2 51 45 I. Smith Salvisa. K. Leopold. Helen Lucas. 60291 Crescent Pk US 3 1-2 f fast 4310 G S 5" L Smith Big Store, Al Powell, Friction. ELDORF, ch. c, 2, by Elkin Doralice C. E. Burnett. Weight today 10D. ;I;7.- See Crescent Park chart in this paper. 55313 Crescent Pk 10S 3 1-2 f fast 433 1 7 10 12 4 Helgesen Salvisa. Jardiniere, Helen Lucas. and9SG3 Crescent Pk 110 3 1-2 f good 44 2 10 ll iiS Dickson Frank Lord, Zick Alirams, Friction. 59GS9 Crescent Pk 110 3 1-2 f good 431 1 5 5 6"5S Dickson Bertmont, le Oro, My Son. HELMUTH, b. g. 2, by Foul Shot Instar D. Henry. Weight today 105. C0454 Crescent Pk 109 3 1-2 r god 41 2 Sl 7 Cell AlPowell, SchrdersMidway.O.Own. C03GS Crescent Pk 101 1-2 good 50 6 1 l1 5J Freeman Salvisa, .K. Leopold. Helen Lucas. 60291 Crescent Pk 115 3 1-2 f fast 43 3 2 2 S" Bell Big Store, AlPowell, Friction. QUAG G A, br. c, 2, by Dungarven Xallapa W. S. Price. Weight today 110. t;oc7.j See Crescent Park chart in this paper. 60106 Crescent Pk 115 3 1-2 f mud 441 G J !S 35 Cmmlns Rudy, Big Store, Fast Mail. f.0015 Crescent Pk 11S 3 1-2 f fast 422 1 1 2and 4 W McGee Dry Dollar, Zick Alirams, Big Store. GOLD CIRCLE, b. c. 2. by Goldanch Kissing Ring T. D. Sullivan. Weight today 111. ;i7." See Crescent Park chart in this paper;. C0291 Crescent Pk US 3 1-2 f fast 432 S 7" 6 Radtke Big Store, Al Powell, Friction. SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. BARRINGTON, jr. h, 5. by Masetto Soncy Lass S. T. White. Weight today 105. 60G10 Crescent lk 5 1-2 f 1:09 good 109 S 10 10 55 5 W Hayes Sea Voyage, Esteplatz, Verandah. C0551 Crescent Pk 3-4 1:165 good 109 13 13 5 14- 14"iW Hayes SirFrancisII., P.Nathaniel, lternice. G042G Cres-.ent Pk SG 3-4 fast 1:131 G C G 6 55 Moreland South. Cross, Col. Girl, Escutcheon. RED RAVEN, ch. g, C. by Flying Dutchman Elizabeth H. Woodford and Buckner. Weight today 107. C0G14 Crescent Pk 5 1-2 f 1:0S2 good 112 4 4 4 4 45 .1 Martin ToniMankins, Gallant, GlenGallant. 00549 Jrescent Pk 3-4 1:142 good 112 3 4 6 51 5 W Hayes Lancastrian, Fenian,. Gallant. G042" Crescent Pk 111 1 fast 1:421 7 5 3 2 2l 2 Freeman Old Hal, Benora, McWilliams. SAdSAPARILLA, br. f, 3, by Dr. Sam Hazel R. N. Vestal. Weight today 90. 59759 Crescent Pk 93 5 1-2 f fast 1:09? 5 6 5 7n 8l"JSpears Dr. Coffey, Ala Russell, Joe Colson. 95;92 Crescent Pk 95 5 1-2 f hvy 1:14 6 3 3 21 5eJ W McGee Etrena, Attraction, Trigg Morse. 5S801 Crescent Pk 100 5 1-2 f good 1:0S 5 9 8 Si 52 Spears Marvin Neal, Attraction, HandBag. NORWOOD OHIO, ch. g. 4, by Buck Massie Liebe F. M. Smith and Co.. Weight today 100. 60G12 Crescent Pk 5 1-2 f 1:072 good 105 7 S 0 45 4 Moreland Lancastrian, Roue. Cay Adelaide. C057S Crescent Pk 3-4 1 :14g fast 105 G 2 1 2and 51 O Andson Trip.Silver, Bonebrako,- T.Manklns. G051G Crescent Pk 3-4 1:15 good 10S 4 12 4and - Moreland J. C. Clem, Deuxtemps, Safeguard. C04S5 Crescent Pk 105 3-4 hvy 1:1S2 S 1 4 61 G P A WalshSkenandoah, D. McKenna. Arsenal. INVINCIBLE, ch. h, 6. by Himvar Bracelet Mrs. L. Harris. Weight todav 108. C05S0 Crescent Pk 3-4 1:141 fast 109 1 1 1 2l 3s Digging The Cure,- Dr. Coffey, Pinsticker. 60426 Crescent Pk 103 3-4 fast 1:132 3 1 2 2 68 Diggins South. Cross; Col. Girl. Escutcheon. 60017- Crescent Pk 108 5-8 fast 1:002 4 1 1 in 3i W RobblnsSonthern Cross. Columbia fiirl. Pity CHERRYBIRD, ch. f, 4, by St. .Tulien Imperial Duchess M. D. Miller. Weight today 96. 464S3 Hawthorne 5-S l:02g good 101 7 G 7 lli 131 Hlander Allen Avon, Adare, -Del Carina. 4G335 Hawthorne 1-2 50 good 109 G 9 91 ll10 Haack Monogram, Pedesia, Cernova. HENPECKED, ch. f, 3, by Margrave flonna Henrietta S. C. Hildreth. Weight today 90. 5SS77 Crescent Pk 100 5-S fast l:01g G 5 5 5 66 Sewell Joe Colson, Dr. Coffey. Marvel P. 5S7S1 Crescent Pk 104 5 1-2 f slow l:0Sg 5 5 5 7 77 Sewell Caprice. Marvel P.. Horseradish. 5S723 Crescent Pk 102 5-S fast 1:02 2 1 1 Ink 11 Sewell Attraction, Hand Bag, Remington. JAMES R.. WARD, ch. h, 5, by Lord Coleridge Jennie G. Weight today 107. First start. THE PLAINS, b. h, 5, by Strideaway Charlotte Gregg D. B. Freeman and Co.. Weight today 105. 6036G Crescent Pk 115 3-4 good 1:152 4 5 7 8 91 Dennison Fenian, Mordella, Gallant. C0215 Crescent Pk 110 3-4 hvy 1:192 3 3 3 21 6 Uennlson Arsenal, Bonebrake, Enverite. 5993S Crescent Pk 103 3-4 fast 1:14 3 11 11 11 ll"lM6esel Hannibal Bey, Whorler, Pity. MALTSTER, br. g, 8, by Autocrat Miss Longford T. A. Gay. Weight today 113. 59392 Crescent Pk 100 5-S slow 1:02 1 G G 6l 6S W McGee Lady Vashti, Calabash, Van Kess. 59242 Crescent Pk 99 3-4 slow 1:154 2 3 3 3J 4i W McGee Luretta, h. Henrietta, M. Johnson 590G9 Crescent Pk 103 5-S slow 1:024 1 3 4 i- 4 W McGee Invasion, L. Henrietta, ,C. .Tessup. USURY, b. f, 3, by Knight of the Thistle Interest W. H. Snyder and Co.. Weight today 94. 60518 Crescent Pk 1 1:444 good 95 3 2 4 5 5 S3l L Smith Captain Bob, Kickshaw, Joe Leser 60370 Crescent Pk 98 5-S good 1:02 4 2 2 2nk 2J L Smith Van Ness, Stoner mil. Perfect. " ESCUTCHEON, b. c, 4, by Goldcrest Affect R. E. Watkins. Weight today 112 C0C43 Crescent Pk G 1-2 f 1:22 fast 103 4 1 1 1?. 1 J Johnson The Cure. Peter Paul An Bevolr C042S Crescent Pk 102 3-4 fast 1:131 1 2 3 3 3J J Johnson South. Cross, CoL Girl, Col Jessun 60142 Crescent Pk 111 5 1-2 f fast 1:002 2 7 6 7s 6i J Martin Van Ness, Colonel White, Plater. TRIPLE SILVER, ch. m, 7, by Gotham Free Silver II. C. E. Burnett and Co.. Weight today 100. OOU72 See Crescent Park chart in this paper. 6057S Crescent Pk 3-4 1:142 fast 160 S 8 7 4- 1J L Jones Bonebrake, T. Mankins Mer Belle 601S5 Crescent Pk 102 3-4 hvy 1:1S212 10 11 82 71lFreeman Shenandoah, D. McKenna rsenal C0455 Crescent Pk 110 3-4 good 1:153 5 7 8 8 71 W Hayes Hoc.Pocus, Lancastrian.L.Henrietta GALLANT, b. h, 5, by Galeazzo Souveraine T. E. Mannix. Weight todav 107 60614 Crescent Pk 5 1-2 f 1:0S2 good 113 3 1 1 1 2 W RobbinsT. Mankins. GlenGallant.RednaveiV 60349 Crescent Tk 3-4 1:142 good 112 1 11 2 35i "W RobbinsLahcastrianl Fenian. Last Cherrv 0360 Crescent Pk 112 3-4 good 1:152 6 1 1 3 3l W RobbinsFenian, Mordella, Kings Gem. MOHAVE, b. h. 5, by Indio Mollie Walton C. E. Patterson and Co.. Weight todav 111 60G43 Crescent Pk G 1-2 f 1:22 fast 104 3 7 7 .7 7" Diggins Escutcheon, The Cure, Peter 49551 Delmar Pk 3-4 1:20 slow 107 5 5 5 51 5 W Watson Felix Mozzes, Tom Rowe Fenian 49023 Highland Pk 1 1:452 hvy 95 2 1 2 6 5 7 McLhlin LittleBoy, Edward Hale, MarY Xey. THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. R. F. WILLIAMS, ch. h. 5, by Deceiver Ponzonina J. W. Fuller. Weight today 104. G02G9 Crescent Pk 95 1 1-16 good 1:4S2 4 5 5 5 5 56 W McGee St. Valentine, Hallowmas M Maid 60117 Crescent Pk 111 1 fast 1:41? 4 6 5 4 3J 78J J Martin Llt.Scout, Foot.Favorite, Macbeth. SCHOOLMATE, b. g, 5, by Wadsworth Margaret Jane W. S. Price. Weight today 109 60615 Crescent Pk 1 1-16 1:552 good 110 111 1 P 1 w Hayes Kenton, .Marvin Neal, Rainland 0552 Crescent Pk lm 20y 1:442 good 111 8 S 4 4 8- 6 Diggins Avoid, Flavignv, Sonoma Belle 60091 Crescent Pk 10U 1 1-1G fast l:47g 3 5 5 5 5 SoiCmmlns Mon.Maid, St. Valentine, D.Ask Me. THE REGENT, b. g, 8. by Domino Royal Gem Mrs. M. Goldblatt. Weight today 114. 605S3 Crescent Pk lm 20y l:44g fast 103 5 2 1 3 3 31 W Hayes Blenuenworth, Nine. Wed-wood G042S Crescent Pk 10S 1 1-16 fast 1:49 4 3 2 6 715 6JPerrine Consuelo. Ethics. Blennemvortii 60293 Crescent Pk 111 lm 70y fast 1:46 7 6 5 5 5l C" J Martin King Ellsworth, Macy Jr., K. Piatt. KICKSHAW, b. g, 6, by Ornament Elzarra T. Licalzi. Weight todav 111 C051S Crescent Pk 1 1:414 good 105 2 1 1 2 2i 2 Bedell Captain Bob, Usurv. Joe Leser 604:kS Crescent Pk 108 1 slop 1:412 3 1111 1J Bedel! Hyacinth, Canyon, " Burke Cocliriu 60369 Crescent Pk 103 lm 70y good 1:474 3 11 2 2J 2l Bedell Joe Lesser, Canyon, Rainland. LENA J., b. f. 3, by Longflight Rathleen R. E. Watkins. Weight today 87 00G42 Crescent Pk 3-4 1:134 fast 109 2 2 3 4 21 J Martin Paul Clifford, Pinsticker Safe-uini 60094 Crescent Pk 93 1 1-1G fast 1:49 5 3 4 5 4- Gi .V McGee Bon. Pr. Charlie. Sin Belle Xone 59969 Crescent Pk 101 1 fast 1:43 3 8 5 3 2 2i Sewell Har. Scott, Hand Bag, .TohnMBride HORTENSIA, b. m, 5, by Meddler Sunnyside J. WamhsganBV. Weight todav 107 C0643 Crescent Pk 11:42?. fast 101 4 4 4 3 7 7 W Hayes Avoid. Besterling. Sincerity Ilelle C05S0 Crescent Pk 3-4 l:I4g fast 111 S S S S 7 L Smith The Cure, Dr. CoIVev, Invincible G9SG3 Crescent Pk 103 lm 70y good 1:4S4 5 2 2 1 2 21 Sewell Joe Lesser, Dr. Hart" Bronze " wins. FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. MACY, JR., blk. c, 3, by Macy Annie Brown S. Lazarus. Weight today 83. C0393 Crescent Pk 101 lm 20y fast 1:432 2 2 3 3 3k 43i O Andson Whorler, Nine, Aurumaster 602!:: Crescent Pk 93 lm 70y fast 1:46 4 2 2 1 1 2" Perkins K. Ellsworth, IC. Piatt, Peter P iul 60213 Crescent Pk 95 1 slow 1:412 S 5 5 4 4l 4Ji Perkins Goldsmith, Col. White, Joe Lesser. MONACO MAID, ch. f. 4, by Prince of Monaco Linka Mrs. M. Goldblatt. Weight today 95. 00;7. See Crescent Park chart in this paper. C03S1 Crescent Pk 1 1-16 1:47 fast 93 6 5 6 6 6 7s W McGee Rams Horn, Logistilla, L.Navarre 6057 Crescent Pk 91 1 1-16 good 1:4S2 1 11 2 1and 2J J Johnson St. Valentine, Hallowmas. Lit Scout. 60393 Crescent Pk 94 lm 70y fast 1:452 1 2 1 2 3 3U Perkins Hallowmas, Logistllla.St.Valentine. THE SOUTHERNER, br. h, 5, by The Commoner Vie Mrs. M. Goldblatt. Weight today 104. 394S9 Crescent Pk 105 1 1-10 good 1:492 5 6 7 7 7 7aiFreeman The Regent, Horseradish, Nones 5S270 Aqueduct 10G 1 1-S fast 1:54 4 5 7 S 7J 710 S Dickson Ostrich, Legatee, Sailor Bov 5S216 Jamaica 104 1 1-16 fast 1:49 5 5 5 5 5 5 S Dickson Grenade. York. Lad. Chimneysweep GOLDSMITH, b. h, 7, by Meddler Kildeer J. Tevis. Weight todav 110. 60425 Crescent Pk 112 1 fast 1:401 3 3 3 2 1" Ink Sewell Logistilla, An Revnir, Peter Paul. C0291 Crescent Pk 112 6 1-2 f fast l:21g 5 6 3 35 31 J Martin Columbia Girl, S. Cross, J. Reddiw 60212 Crescent Pk 115 1 slow 1:442 1 1 1 1 1L llS J Martin Col. White, Joe Lesser, Macy Jr. BLENNENWORTH, ch, h, 7, by Prince of Monaco Middlemarch G. C. Bennett and Co.. ... Weight today 98. ;Odi. See Crescent Park chart in this paper. 605S3 Crescent Pk lm 20y l:44g fast 113 14 3 1 Ink 11 Bedell Nine, The Regent Wed"wood 60128 Crescent Pk 114 1 1-10 fast 1:49 7 4 1 1 li SH J MclntyreConsuelo. Ethics. Celebration. 577S1 Brighton Bch 100 1 1-16 fast 1:45 12 14 14 14 14 14 Romanll Sid. C. Love, Tokalon, S. Catalina. Mrs. M. Goldblatt entry Monaco Maid and The Southerner. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Allowances. T. B. ZERO, br. c, 3, by Peddler Schaeferin T. Wilson and Co.. Weight today 106. 60550 Crescent Pk 5-S 1:013 good 79 3 2 2 2. 35?. Bilac Southern Cross. Van Ness. 60270 Creeent Pk 100 5 1-2 f good 1:0S2 4 4 3 31 71 L Jones Hocus Pocus, Proteus. MuUlns. 601C9 Crescent Pk 104 3-4 mud 1:17 6 2 3 4S 6 L Jones Third Alarm, Rolla, J. C. Clem. OBERON, ch. c, 3, by King Gold The Wraith J. McClernand and Co.. Weight todav 103. 60018 Crescent Pk 103 3-4 fast 1:142 7 7 7 9 9 Perrine First Premium, T. Alarm, Holloway 5SS16 Crescent Pk 83 S 1-2 f hvy 1:10 3 3 5 5 4J C H ShillgThird Alarm, Deuxtemps, The Ram HOCUS POCUS. b. f, 3. by Horoscope Bellfield II. O. W. Deppeler. Weight today 105. 60520 Crescent Pk 5 1-2 f 1:081 good 100 2 I 4 3 2 Sewell ThirdAIarm, Stonerllill, BillCarroll 60433 Crescent Pk 102 3-4 good 1:15?. 3 11 11;. 11 Sewell Lancastrian, L. Henrietta, Plater. G0270 Crescent Pk 99 5 1-2 f good 1:0SS 7 S 8 2i" li Radtke Proteus, Muflins, Dr. Coffey. THE RAM, b. c. 3, by Bute Garniture W. S. Williams. Weight today 106. 60150 Crescent Pk 103 3-4 good 1:15 4 6 5 5 41 Warren Third Alarm, Stoner Hill, Dr.Coffe..-C0320 Crescent Pk 102J5 1-2 f hvy 1:10 5 5 3 :! 53i Perrine Van Ness, L.Navarre, Col. Jessup. 60270 Crescent Pk 110 5 1-2 f good 1:0S2 S 6 7 1 88J Perrine Hocus Pocus, Proteus, Mullins. SONATA, b. f. 3, by Sempronius Lilith P. Fant and Co.. Weight today 101. 60613 Crescent Pk lm 20y 1:14 good 91 4 4 4 4 5 5 Bilac Logistilla, Hallowmas, Capt. Bob. 604S7 Crescent Pk 91 1 1-16 hvy 1:54 3 1 2 4 5 5HD Riley Aurumaster. Rainland, Bouvier. 53111 Crescent Pk 92 5 1-2 r hvy 1:142 4 7 9 9 9 D Riley Port Worth, Bit. Hand, Holland II. i . COUSIN KATE, b. f. 3, by Mesmerist La Cheviot W. H. Snyder and Co.. Weight today 108. 6021S Crescent Pk 104 5-S hvy 1:04s" 3 1 2 65 714 L Smith L. Navarre, Deuxtemps, J. Reddick. 60142 Crescent Pk 96J5 1-2 f fast 1:062 1 1 1 l2 4 L, Smith Van Ness, Colonel White, Plater. 59392 Crescent Pk 109 5-S slow 1:02 2 1 1 1 4 L. Smith Lady Vashti, Calabash, Van Ness. DR. COFFEY, b. c, 3, by Royal Emblem Unrest II. A. Shields. Weight today 103, GO3S0 Crescent lk 3-4 l:14g fast 95 7 4 3 3 2k Noone The Cure, Invincible. Pinsticker. G045G Crescent Pk 100 3-4 good 1:15 3 3 4 3 3 Perrine Third Alarm, Stonerllill, The Ram. 60270 Crescent Pk 110 5 1-2 t good l:0Sg 3 3 4 51 41 "W RobblnsIIocus Pocus, Proteus, Muffins. SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. SINCERITY BELLE, ch. f. 4, by Handsome Sincerity M. D. Miller. Weight today 102. ;nc,74 See Crescent I ark chart In this paper. 60645 Crescent Pk 1 1:12?. fast 95 6 7 7 7 G 3 Moreland Avoid. Rcsterling, Jucont. C0552 Crescent Pk lm 20y 1 :412 good 104 7 4 S 7 G 4- Morelahil Avoid, Flavignv, Sonoma Belle. G034G Crescent lk 101 1 1-16 hvy 1:522 S 7 5 9 10 ! Moreland Rainland, Dapple Cold, Lemon Girl. SONOMA BELLE, ch. m, 5, by Star Ruby Sonoma T. E. Mannix and Co.. Weight today 110, 60352. Crescent Pk lm 20y 1:112 good II I 1 5 9 S 2" 2J W ItobbinsAvoid. Flavlgny, Sincerity Belle. 59615 Crescent Pk 108 1 5-8 hvy 3:014 5 3 3 3 21 31 W RobblnsMr. Jack, Capt. Bob. Aurinnasler. DR. SPRUILL, b. c, 4. by Dutch Roller Mabel D. C. R. Ellison. Weight todav 108. .60439 Crescent lk HIS lm 70y slop 1:50 2 3 4 4 5b 7s.. Diggins Whorler. Rainland, Dapple Cold. 60311 Crescent Pit 92 1 hvy 1:452 3 2 2 3 3 3 Perkins Cigarllghter, Ie Itcszke. G026S Crescent Pk 101 1 good 1.42? 2 2 5 4 4s 3 Perrine Logistilla, Ethics, Dont Ask Me. JUCORA, ch. f, 4, by Ornament Favorite Rice Bros.. Weight today 101. 0643 Crescent Pk 1 1:423 fast 101 3 5 5 6 5 41 T, Jones Avoid. Besterling. Sinceiitv Heiie. 599S9 Crescent Pk 102 3-4 fast 1:132 G 6 5 5 5 Cherry Luretta. Van Ness, Hannibal Dev. 59S67Crescent Pk 103 5 1-2 f good l:07g 7 9 S S1 S11 Perkins Columbia Girl, Van Ness, Elastic. GLEEMAN, ch. c, 4, by Mirthful Strathwitch F. Hyncs. Weight todav 107. 60371 Crescent Pk 103 1 1-16 good I 3 3 3 2 ll Sewell Sliunplke, Mr. Wi.vsou, Jim Collins. 60006 Crescent Pk 106 1 1-8 fast 1:56 6 S S 8 S"k 7 Diggins Jerry Lynch, Athena, Kenton. FAIR CALYPSO, b. f, 4, by Emin Bey Amy Wado E. Smith. Weight today 98. 60645 Crescent Pk 1 1:122 fast 95 2 1 1 4 2J r. F Green Avoid. P.esterllng. Sincerity Belle. 60439 Crescent Pk 103 lm 70y slop l:5o 5 1 2 7 9 9UL Smith Whorler. Kalnland. Dapple Cold. 60.191 Crescent lk 9S lm 20y fast 1:44 0 3 2 3 31 5"J F Green Wedgwood, Celebration, CroveCenter OLD HAL, br. c, 4, by Halma Old Miss W. A. Watkins. Weight today 104. CI5S3 Crescent Pk lm 20y 1 : 14?. fast 10S 2 3 5 4 4" 5 J Martin Blenuenworth. Nine, The Itegent. 60427 Crescent Pk 99 1 last 1:42s I 4 2 1 1 1 Diggins Red Raven, Benora. Mi-Williams. C026S Crescent Pk 1021 1 good 1:421 6 7 4 6 7s 7"JMoesel Logistilla. Ethics, Dr. Spruill. JOHN RANDOLPH, ch. c. 4, by Master Randolph Madeline Mrs. H. Simons. Weight today 109. C0C 16 Crescent Pk 11:43" fast 101 G 3 S 10 91 Si Perrine Depends. Tribes Hill, Water 1ansv. 605X4 Crescent Pk lm Ifly 1:412 fast 105 S 5 4 S 9 S M Murphy Bit. Brown, Lemon Girl, Imboden. 60397 Crescent lk 103 lm 20y fast 1:13j 1 11 2 3 31 M Murphy PrinceSalm Salm, Avoid, Ed Early. BERNICE, b. m, 5, by Bassetlaw Jennie Treacy J. Everman and Co.. Weight today 108. 60351 Crescent lk 3-4 1:164 good lift 9 S 8 5 3i M MurpbySIr Francis II., P. Nathaniel. Ogontz G042S Crescent lk 9S 1 1-16 fast 1:49 2 1 5 3 61 7" M Murphy Consuelo. Ethics, Blenuenworth. 59764 Crescent Pk 112 6 1-2 f fast 1:22212 9 9 S 9""JM Murphy Goldsmith, F. Premium. Bit. Hand. RODERICK, "ch. c, 4, by Previous .Carmencita R. Bauer. Weight today 107. 60397 Crescent Pk. 107 lm 20y fast 1:452 9 10 7 9 7i 9 Perrine Pr.SalmSalin. Avoid, JohnKandolph 60346 Crescent Pk 106 1 1-16 hvy 1:332.2 9 10 10 9J 10 W Hayes Rainland, Dapple Cold. Lemon Girl. TRIBES HILL. br. h, G. by Clifford Garoga W. R. Midgely. Weight today 114. 60846 Crescent Pk 1 1:43? fast 112 7 9 1ft 5 4- 2- W liobbinsDepends, W. Pansv. Fr. Ilornbeck. 60521 Crescent Pk 11:46 good 119 1 4 4 5 7 4J W RobbinsAtwood. Dapple Cold. Lemon. Girl. 60143 Crescent Pk 113 lm 70y fast 1:47 11 11 9 9 91 103 J Johnson Nine, C. Thompson, Whippoorwill.

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