untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1906-03-01


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TURF REPORTERS DAILY FORM LETTER AffifS FIGURES COMBINED WITH INFORMATION PpW .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. V Jjf J Room 312, 59 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Phone Central 5835. YESTERDAY OUR LETTER GAVE JOHN GARNER .ri-l WON BLENNENWORTH ,8-5 Second 1CARGUT Special . 10-5 Third PETER NATHANIEL 9-1 WON FLORIZEL . .. 8-5 WON , COCK SURE 13-10 WON AIRSHIP . . 7-10 WON DR. SHERMAN Special 3-1 Third PRINCE BRUTUS . . 5 Second DUSTY MILLER 5-2 WON ANNA SMITH . 2M WON LILY GOLDINO . 2-1 WON J. C. CLEM Special .10-1 Second TOCOLAW ....... .14-5 WON ROUE 4-1 WON COCK SURE, 1 3-10p Won 5-1 TODAY 8-1 TOMORROW Daily Specials : .00 a Day, .00 a Week. Dally special Hied with this publication at 10:00 A. M. f T- I O Suite 84, 119 LA SALLE STREET 111 I k CHICAGO BRANCH. Phone Main 3646. I I Send Communications to CEO. OTIS ZIZZZZZZIZZZ YESTERDAY OUR ONE BEST BET WAS Established 18E0. . Before the public O R L Y ..... 0"0 WOIN every day. Tuesday It was JACK DOLAN 7-5 WON Monday MIBiAIK ADA31J . 7-5 and Jkf5 LAST WEEKS ONE BEST BET RECORD: jy?-Tr Saturday Kmdeu Scratched Weekday ....Kzra R-t8nd C?irKS Friday Oreel B-l won Tuc.day Mrhlp .5 won J ialilsSsSSv Ihiimday Iadre 8-1 won Monday Ml.s Strome .... 7-10 8rd ftSllffiwiBV ur 0110 UPSt bet series alone lias Flood the test of time. Others have their spasmodic spurts, but Reynolds and Co. can always be relied upon to deliver the Iff REYNOLDS and CO. m3SkJr Horse Owners and Expert Ilandlcappers, SbT Sixth Floor, 119 DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO We Never Mis- Phone 2877 Central. represent. qq DAILY. r .00 WEEKLY. Orly..6-5 Won And again mv one horse clients scored heavily. There Is nothing to it if you want to beat the Rami1,; you must follow the advice of one who is on the ground at all times. "Thats -where John J. ward is digging "P the live ones." Jtelow is my one best bet record since February IV: Feb. 17 PARNASSUS 20-1 WON Feb. 19 AUROCEIVER 4-1 WON Feb. 20 BON MOT 8-5 WON Feb. 21-DAZZLE Second Feb. 22 TARP 2-1 WON Feb. 23 TOM MORGAN 8-1 Second Feb. 24 ROBIN HOOD 7-1 WON Feb. 26 LA THORPE 18-5 WON Feb.. 27 KING LEOPOLD 3-1 WON 20-1 Shot Saturday This is one of the golden chances of a life time. If you have lost at the meeting and it has been a hard meeting for those who have not had John .1. Wards information, get this gem and win a bankroll. JOHN J.WARD Trainer and Expert decker. Terms .00 any Six Days Suite 412 Godchaux Bldg , Canal and Charlies Sts , NEW ORLEANS, La. JUDGE 2nd 10-1 DUSTY MILLER, 5-2, WON ft T ALICE CARY, - 6-5, WON II t-1, ihird NEVA LEE, - - you want to swell your bank I account, boys, string along with I Hlf T II K O li U JUDGE. I have the best information on Oakland races that can be had. E JUDGED TOM COLLINS 119 La Salle Street, Room 65. Phone Main 4392. .00 Day. .00 Week. TURF REPORTERS SPECIAL. .00 Per Month. R. 312, 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. Phone Central 5825. Thursdays Special 55-21-57-47-53-25-42-33-39-23-47-14. WEDNESDAYS SPECIAL WAS NONES, 5-1. 3d. TUESDAYS SPECIAL WAS BOLOMAN, 2-1, Won. Entrv List 7-13-16-509-520-523-524-552-559-561-565 -567-569.572-573-574. ARTHUR and CO. i55HiS?st .00 Per Day. .00 Per Week. Publishers of a three-horse message. Information direct from Crescent City. Yestertlav our best bet R 0 U E was - - - - 4-1 WON Our Other Two Horses: Cashier, 7-2, won; Elsie Janis, scratched Sensational 20-i Sleeper Today. This is one of the extraordinary opportunities that we will afford our clients. It will be so heavily played throughout the country that all the poolroom keepers will think its a ringer. No form, no handicapper Nothing that this trick lias done publicly will give it a chance. Out of town clients wired early. National Racing Reviews Special, No. 8 Room 37. 71 Dearborn Street, Chicago, III. .00 Per Month. 25 Cents Per Copy. I . SUBSCRIBE TOR DAILY RACING FORM, 25iiTHE ILLINOIS! Room 623, 225 Dearborn St., Tel. Har. 1870. CITY PARK . . FIRST 4 WINNERS . . John Gamer, 6-1; Orly, 1-1; Florizel, 5-2, Charawind, 9-1. Tuesdays Specials as follows: DEPENDS 7-2 WON RAINLAND Scratched Wednesdays Specified Specials Lost. 2 SPECIFIED SPECIALS 6UAMMTEED Try them all boys. The so-called handicappers, viz., hot-air mushrooms, give theiu a trial, but when down and out, come to B2.T, you can win. "Why dont you do iti" We deliver the goods, rain or shine. We are 1st under the wire; can prove it. Sheets tiled daily at Western Union Telegraph, Postal, Racing Form. PLUNGE ON BOTH SPECIALS TODAY A Corker for Friday no morning glory 15-1 sure winner. INFORMATION. A New York lawyer hag excellent racing conuecdons at New Orleans Receives occasional "good things " Chicago clients wanted. Good bettors send address Lawyer. It nam H9 World Rnlldliur. THE SARATOGA ASSOCIATION For the Improvement of tbe Breed of Horses. FRANCIS R. HITCHCOCK, .... President. HARRY PAYNE WHITNEY, - - - Vice-President. ANDREW MILLER, - - - Secretary and Treasurer. Stakes to be Run at the Autumn Meeting 1906 ENTRIES TO CLOSE MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD. THE GREAT REPUBLIC WITH 0,000 ADDED, weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. Inr three-year-olds and upward. Uy subscription One Mile and Three Sixteenths, ol 00 each, half forfeit, or .$."0 if declared by THE CHAMPLAIN OF ,000. A Handicap. June 1st, ItiOG; with 0,100 added, of which .,000 For three-year-olds and upward, ily subscription to the second and ,000 to the third. Winners In or 0 each, or .". If declared by .Tune 1st. Starters IMr, or VMM;, when three-year-olds or upward, of a to pay 0 additional. To the winner 2,400, to the race or the value or 0,000 to carry .". lbs. extra; second 00, and to the third 00. Weights to he or two such races, 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of announced three days before the race. Winners 1906.sh,000 at any time allowed ! lbs.: of $."1,000, 8 lbs.; after the announcement of the weights to carry 0 of ,500, 12 lbs.; of ,000, 15 lbs. Ins. extra. One Mile and a Furlong. One Mile and a Quarter. THE DELAWARE. A Handicap. For three- THE SARATOGA HANDICAP OF 0,000. For year-olds and upward. By subscription of 5 each, three-year-olds and upward. Uy subscription of 00 or 0 if declared by the hour of closing entries on each, half forfeit, or 5 if declared by June 1st. the day preceding the race; with ,500 added, of To the winner ,500, to the second ,000, and to which 50 to the second, and 50 to the third, the third 00. Weights to be announced ten days Weights to be announced three days before the race, before the race. Winners of a race of the value of Winners after the announcement of the weights to hB1,000 after the announcement of the weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. One Mile, carry r lbs. extra. One Mile and a Quarter. THE AMSTERDAM. Selling. For three-year- m,r . . olds and upward. Ily subscription of 5 each, 0 THE SARATOGA CUP OF ,500. For three- forfeit; with ,500 added, of which 50 to the year-olds and upward, liy subscription of 00 each, second and 50 to the third. The winner to bo or 0 if declared by June 1st for entries made sold at auction for ,000. If for ,000 allowed 7 March 5th; and 00 each for sntries made July lbs.; then 1 lb. allowed for each S100 down to SV.Ia w1!7. ,1,e. eT,nnt .?Ila11 .cI,fi0- ,.S2Jters, ? ri,r .-- Selling price to be stated through the entry- 00 additional, io the winner 1906.sh,000 and a cup Mx by the hour of closing entries on the dav nre- or the value of 50, to the second ,000, and to ceding the race. One Mile the third 00. Weight for age. , . , THE CATSKILL. Selling. For three-year-oids One Mile and Six Furlongs. and upward. Uy subscription of 5 each, 0 for- THE MERCHANTS AND CITIZENS OF ,000. feit; with ,500 added, of which 50 to the second A Handicap. For three-year-olds and upward, and 50 to the third. The winner to be sold at Uy subscription of 0 each, or 5 If declared by auction for ,000. If for $.1,000, allowed 7 lbs.; June 1st. Starters to pay 0 additional. To the then J lb. allowed for each 00 down to ,000. winner ,400, to the second 00, and to the third Selling price to be stated through the entry-box by 00. Weights to be announced three days before the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the the race. Winners after the announcement of the race Seven Furlongs. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS THE SARANAC OF ,000. A Handicap. For Uy subscription of 5 each, 0 forfeit: with 500 three-year-olds. Uy subscription of 00 each, or added, of which 50 to the second and 50 tothe 5 if declared bv June 1st. Starters to pay 0 third. The winner to be sold at auction for ,000. additional. To the winner ,000, to the second If for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to 00, and to the third $:!00. Weights to be an- ,000. Selling price to be stated through the entry nounced three days before the race. Winners after box by the hour of closing entries on the day pre- the announcement of the weights to carry 5 lbs. ceding the race. Six Furlongs, extra. One Mile and a Furlong. WT. c ... ., THE HURON.-A Handicap. For three-year-olds. uLpKf ?510orfeVt: wfth" By subscription of ,. each, or 0 if declared by .iiel, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the third. The winner to be sold at auction for ,000. riUf VY-A1.1-;;00 ?,,,,dc;1, 0,tw tlle i,econi! If for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to and .J to the third. Weights to be announced ,000; then 1 lb. allowed for each 00 down to three days before the race Winners after the the ,500. .Selling price to Ik? stated through the announcement of the weights to carry u lbs. extra, entry box by the hour of closing entries on the day One Mile and Three-Sixteenths. preceding the race. THE SENECA. Selling. For three-year-olds. One Mile and a Furlong. FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS. THE SARATOGA SPECIAL For two-year-olds, stated through the entry-box bv the hour of closing Uy subscription of ,000 each, half forfeit. A entries on the day preceding the race. Ilece of Gold Plato of the value of ,500 to be Five and a Half Furlongs, added by the Association. Subscribers to name THE ALBANY. A Handicap. For two-year-old three horses by .May 1st. and only one starter to be I!y subscrintion of 5 each, or 0 if dechired hy named for each subscription. Six Furlongs. the hour of closing entries on the day preceding the THE ADIRONDACK OF ,000. A Handicap. For race; with ,500 added, of which 50 to the second two-year-olds. By subscription of 0 each, or 5 and 50 to the third. Weights to 1m? announced If declared by June 1st. Starters to pay 00 addl- three days liefore the race. Winners after the an- tional. To the winner ,000. to the second 00 nouncenient of the weights to carry 5 lbs. extra, and to the third $.J00. Weights to be announced Six Furlongs, three days before the race. Winners after the an- THE TROY. Selling. For two-year-olds- Uy nouncement of the weights to carry 5 lbs. extra. subscription, of 5 each, 0 forfeit; with ,500 Six Furlongs. added, of which 50 to the second and 50 to the THE KENTUCKY. For Fillies. Selling. For third. The winner to be sold nt auction for ,000. two-year-olds. By subscription of 5 each. 0 If for ,000, allowed 7 lbs.; then 1 lb. allowed for Torfeit; with ,500 added, of which 50 to the each 00 down to ,000. Selling price to be stated second and 50 to the third. The winner to be through the entry-box by the hour of closing entries sold nt auction for ,000. If for less, 1 lb. allowed on the day preceding the race, for each 00 down to ,500. Selling price to he - Five and a Half Furlongs. The Rules of Racing, and subsequent amendments thereto, adopted by The Jockey Club, govern all races run under the auspices of the Saratoga Association. SSSSSSarSS ANDREW MILLER, Secretary The Windsor Arcade, 46th Street and Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY . S EASON OF 190 6 Slakes for Spring Meeting New fnemptiis Jockey Clufi MONTGOMERY PARK OFFICE, 2 COTTON EXCHANGE BUILDING MEMPHIS - - TENNESSEE TO CLOSE ON MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. GASTON HOTEL STAKES, ,000 Added, Foals THE HOTEL- GAYOSO STAKES, ,000 Added; THE PEABODY HOTEL HANDICAP, ,000 of 1904. Subscribed to by Gastons Hotel. A Foalsof 1903. Subscribed to by the Hotel Gay- Added. Subscribed to by the Peabody Hotel. A sweepstakes for two-year-olds, colts and geldings. Sooh. handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and up- 0 to accompany nomination, and 0 additional additional to start. The club to add ,000, of which ward. 0 to accompany the nomination and 0 to start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second, ?r.tln snl1: amA f.00 42 third, fourth to save additional to start. ,000 added, of which 00 and 00 to third, fourth to save starting money. fcoUs, "117, geldings, 114, finies, 112.0heewhmer to second, 00 to third, the fourth to save starting Four Furlongs. of a three-year-old race of the value of ,000 to money. In addition to the stakes, the winner will carry 5 lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a three-year- receive " a valuable vaiuaoie niece piece oi of sllvpr saver dnnnted uonatea hv by Cnl col. THE ARDELLE STAKES, ,000 Added; Foals of old race other than selling of the value of 00. if 1904.-A sweepstakes for two-year-old fillies. 0 I,0ff"er? f?o-raCe ,SS.P thRn se!S f the valne K Snwiln- eisU.,t0 be a"nnfed two days ... , of ,000 in lOOo or 190C, allowed 5 lbs.; if non- before the race. One Mile and One-eighth, to accompany nomination, and additional to winners in 1SS05 or 100G of a race other than selling start. ,000 added, of which 00 to second and of the value of 00. allowed 10 lbs. Maidens al- THE TENNESSEE BREWING STAKES, ,000 00 to third, fourth to save starting money. Four hwed 17 lbs. One Mile. Added. Subscribed to by the Tennessee Brewing Furlongs. ijie MONTGOMERY HANDICAP, ,500 Added. Company. A selling sweepstakes for three-year-olds TTfv THFWPtTT5 cjtattps 1 AjjA- Tnals of A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds and and upward. 0 to accompany tbe nomination, lOlv ac- IKditio, starTS 4908 fT JVSV TV company the nomination, and 0 additional to start, to second and 50 to third, the fourth to save start- ?20 t0 see0IlJ an1 00 to third, fourth to save ,250 added, of which 50 to second and 50" to ing money. In addition to the stakes, the winner starting money. The winner to be sold at auction third, fourth to save starting money. Three pounds will receive a valuable piece of silver donated by for ,500 If for less; a lbs. allowed for each 00 below the scale. The winner of two races other he club. Weights to be announced before 0 a. m., to ,500; then 1 lb. for each 00 less to 00. than selling of the value of ,000 each to carry a iler than mn Sftto value of 000 or Two Star,ers aml selIin Prlce to be named tUruUSu the lbs. penalty. Non-winners of a race other than sel- raees other than" selling of any value after the ell,T uox at the usual time of closing for this days ling of any value, allowed 5 lbs. Maidens allowed weights are announced,0 to carry 6 lbs. penalty, racing, and those so named are liable for starting 10 lbs. Five Furlongs. One Mile and One-sixteenth. fee. Seven Furlongs. If there are enough horses to justify, three jumping races each week will be offered. In addition to above Stakes, the TENNESSEE DERBY, ,000 Added, and TENNESSEE OAKS, ,000 Added, that closed January 2, J905, will be run at Spring Meeting. Notice. No entry will be received for any of these Stakes except on this condition: That all disputes, claims and objections arising out of the racing, or with respect to the interpretations of the conditions of any race, shall be decided by a majority of the Executive Committee present, or those whom they may appoint, and their decisions upon all points shall be final. The Club also reserves the right to refuse the entries of any person, or the transfer of any entry, and without notice. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY. NEW MEMPHIS JOCKEY CLUB S. R. MONTGOMERY, President. M. N. MAC FAR LAN, Secretary.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906030101/drf1906030101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1906030101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800