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FLYING FOX AS A MATE FOR ARTFUL. Each year the Thoroughbred Record appoints a committee of breeders of thoroughbred horses in all parts of the world and requests each to give the name of the stallion which, in his opinion, would make the best mate for a specified mare. This year Artful was the mare for which a mate was requested. Flying Fox, having received more votes than any other horse. Is given as the choice of the committee. The result of the voting is published by the Thoroughbred Record as follows: Flying Fox J. II. Peard. Ireland. Flying Fox Due de la Torre, Spain. Flying Fox Dr. Eugene Carlier. Belgium. Flying Fox H. P. Headley, United States. Flying Fox W. II. Rowe, United States. Isinglass G. Negropontes, Roumauia. Isinglass J. A. Doyle, England. Isinglass W. Sliowalter, United-States. Watercress T. A. Brewster, South Africa. Watercress Maj. T. ,T. Carson, United States. Watercress John Brown, Australia. Sysonby Maj. V. A. Daingerfield. United States. Sysouby W. OB. Mncdoiiougb. United States. Star Ruby George Voorhlcs, United States. Star Ruby Cheri It. Ilalbronn, France. Sir Dixon Count Lelindorff, Germany. Sir Dixon Raymond Dale, Canada. .Melton Charles Wnckerow, Austria. Melton John MacJolm, India. Ben Brush S. Y. Keene. United States. Ben Stromt T. C. Patterson. Canada. Handspring W. J. Taylor, Canada. Ladas Joachim Amor, Mexico. Ornament Count Ivan Szapary, Hungary. St. Dory Count Emilio Turati, Italy. Saudrlngliani H. A. Grasemann, England. Mr. Peard says: "Artrul seems to be a very out-bred mare, so should be the very mate for an inbred horse like Flying Fox." , Due de la Torre says: "Flying Fox would uick well Willi the Queen Mary blood in Hamburg and Silvio." Dr. Curlier reasons are similar to those of Mr. Peard. Mr. Rowe says that Flying iox towers over all other living sires and that lie would offset the comparative lack of stamina which has thus far characterized the progeny of Hamburg. Mr. Headley says: "Artful is strictly Stoikwell in blood. Flying Fox is a combination of Blacklock and Stockwell blood. This combination has probably been the most successful of all combinations oC blood In England for the past decade."