Wire Tappers at Work: Beau Brummel is Sent Out As Winner at Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06


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WIRE TAPPERS AT WORK. BEAU BRUMMEL IS SENT OUT AS WINNER AT WINDSOR. New York Poolrooms Are Mulcted Through Incorrect Returns Tapping Is Done in Canada-Schemers Get Nothing Here. Detroit, Midi., July 3. Wire tappers successfully put through a job on the Windsor racetrack wire this afternoon. Just where profit was made by the false information is not known at this writing, but the Great Northwestern Telegraph Company, which handles tiie poolroom business out of Windsor, lias set on foot an investigation and it is believed that everything will be known by tomorrow. The first intimation that anything was wrong was after the running of the second race when word was received from New York that I!eau Brummel and Attila, the second horses in the second and third races respectively, had been sent to that city as winners. The track ierator said that he was suspicious that something was wrong from certain tilings which occurred on his wire while they were at the post in the first race. The tapping is believed to have been done between Windsor and Loudon. It is known that it was not outside of Canada. New Yorkers Settle On Beau Brummel. New York, July o. Wire tappers mulcted the New York poolrooms out of large sums this afternoon on the second race at Windsor today. Beau Brummel was sent in as the winner at 5 to 1, witli the favorite Attention second, when the positions should have been reversed. The room managers paid off accordingly. The same game was tried hi tlu!"iulrd race, but the bookmakers" hail become suspicious and refused to pay off until the results were confirmed to their satisfaction. Chicago Layers Not Caught, It does not appear that any one In Chicago j suffered through the falsification of results from Windsor yesterday. Aside from those on the boat, no layers are paying off these days on wire reports. The results are received in some quarters in Chicago, but there is no settlement until verified by the press reports. In the result which came over the Canadian poolroom wire. Beau Brummel was given as the winner of the second race, but the press wires carried him second and Attention first, which was correct. Daily Raciug Form is not aware of what may have transpired on the boat. Reports from the vessels managers were not available when this paper went to press. However, It is hardly probable that the boats bankroll, suffered. Even if they got the incorrect result, there was ample time in which to receive the news of the work of the wire manipulators before anyone could have gotten away with spoils. Thus far, the New York rooms seem to have been the only sufferers, though it is possible that Cincinnati, Louisville and Memphis places were visited.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906070601/drf1906070601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1906070601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800