Coney Island Entries and Past Performances for Friday, July 6, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06

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Coney Island Entries and Past Performances for Friday, July 6. i WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile Main Course. 3-ycar-lds. Allowances. 1:123107. Index Course Dist Time Tck Wt St JA StrFin Jockeys Best Company FIRST PREMIUM, ch. c, 3, by Gorman Premium J. W. Fuller. Weight today 12G. IG, EMS See Coney Island chart in this paper. G3219 Coney Island 3-4 1:14 fast 12G 2 G 6 51 53 Sewell Ironsides, Ben Ban, Confederate. G2729 Belmont Pk 7-S 1:25 fast 118 7 7 7 S 7 5 Bedell Aeronaut, Dolly Spanker, Flip Flap. ip. EAST END, b. c, 3, by Ogden Frances McClelland J. E.. Madden. Weight today 116. 6. G32I9 Conuy Island 3-4 1:14 fast 113 9 10 10 10l ll0iPerrine Ironsides, Ben Ban, Confederate. 07114 Saratoga 112 5 1-2 f good 1:0S2 4 1 2 23 2 Baird Ravena, Hocus Focus, Dave Lewis. is. SLY BEN, ch. c, 3, by Ben Stromo Sly Nun P. H. McCarren. Weight today 116. 16. G29S5 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:11?. slop 10C G 7 7 7 1" T Burns Rye, Optician, Firebrand. G2777 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:09? fast 100 6 7 5 C 5 Brussel Lady Amelia, Halifax; Lotus. HOORAY, ch. c. 3, by Plaudit Readina A. L. Aste. Weight today 116. 16. C311G Coney Island 3-4 l:12g fast 113 1 3 4 4 G Hagan KgsDghter, Pr.Hainburg.Iloscben ien G2S0G Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 111 7 9 10 105 10llIIagan Toots Mook, Water Tank, Arklirta. a- BROOKDALE NYMPH, ch. f, 3, by Meddler Castalia H. P. Whitney. Weight today 121. !1. G3363 Coney Island 1 1:411 slop 109 1 2 2 2 2 2 Lyne Tiptoe. Mandarin. C3273 Coney Island 1 1:412 slow 10G 1 1 1 1 1" Is Radtke Bohemia, Content. MOLLIE DONOHUE. ch. f, 3, by Tanzmeister First Land M. F. Donohue. Weight today 111. OlMLI See Coney Island chart in this paper. 62777 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 l:09g fast 93 4 4 4 45 4s Horner Lady Amelia, nalifax, Lotus. C2712 Beliri6nt Pk 1 1:40 fast 111 3 3 3 2 2l 4 J Jonus Zlenap, Miss Crawford, Yalagal. WATERGRASS. ch. f, 3, by Watercress Miss Clay S. Paget. - Weight today 111, 1 6340 Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 103 2 4 4 4 1 45 Horner Klamesha. Handzarra, Rosebeu. 63163 Coney IslandG 1-2 f 1:19 fast 107 4 4 4 48 4 Horner Timber, Roseben, Handzarra. LADY ANNE. blk. f, 3. by Kinley Mack Bracegirdle T. C. McDowell. Weight today 111. I GG1S Louisville 1 1-16 1:47J fast 112 2 11 1 21 3 J Hicks KingsDaughter. L.Navarre.HelenaC aC G2316 Louisville C 1-2 f l:06g fast SS 1 11 lS l3 T Taylor Hyperion II., Veribest, Kobin Hood. 011, WATER TANK. b. g, 3, by Watercress Duchess of Kendal F. B. Lemaire. Weight today 113. I, G37r Coney Island 1 1-S 1:522 slow 90 1 2 3 4 415 4U W Miller F.Mason. Garnish, Ormondes Right ,ut 63191 Coney Island 1 1:39 fast 9S 2 3 3 2 21 2 Notter Rye, Klingsor, Our Sister. LACKEY, b. gf 3. by Hastings Lack-a-Daisy P. Jackson. Weight today 113. 3 Mir. See Coney Island chart in this paper. 63367 Coney Island 1 1-16 1:4S2 slop 103 7 13 13 13 13 12lSpringer John Lyle. Onatas, Lady Ellison. 62321 Jamaica 3-4 1:151 slop 93 3 5 6 Ci 7uJUosen Fustian Sue Smith, Hocus Pocus. . . . . . . . . . 3 i" " , " " I. . . b . it i. 1. r. , . ?. 5, . 2. 1 II 1 ,1. , r j 90. 0 I. re 99. 9, it. Is. 3. , k 3. ,r- 88. 3, 90. 10, , 94. 1. ?r. 3. ie. 3. ;r. IG, ip. 6. is. 116. 16. 116. 16. ien a- 121. !1. 1 111. I aC 011, I, ,ut 3 . BALLOXTA, ch. f, 3, by Voter Ella T. J. R. Keeno. Weight today 111. 62331 Drooklvn Ab 3-1 1:091 fast 1- 13 11 13 -13 13" Sewell Kealor. Shot Gun. Sterling. CCSW Brighton Bch 107 5 1-2. f fast 1:08 3 2 1 11 Id II McDanICurioslty, Hester W., lolaudn. ESOTERIC, ch. c. 3, hy Lumplight cr Flyawny G. Kloin. Weight today 110. ikksiS Vnoy Island .!-1 1 fast las 6 13 13 13 13 II Cochran Aeronaut, landzarra. Tiptoe. 62?2S Brooklyn All 3-1 1:11 fast , 113, I 4 3 31 4 WKnapp Pater Oyama, Optician. OLD .FAITHFUL, b. c, 3, by Hamburg Semper Fidele H. P. Whitney. Weight today 118. 63216 Coney Island 1 1:331 fast 107 7 S 8 9 9 7 J Martin Glorificr, Hcasllp Single Shot. 63143 Coney Island 11-8 1:57 slow 110 4 4 2 3 6 61 J Martin MIssCrawford, SailorBoy, Dishabille GALLAVANT, ch. c, 3, by Ornament Spanker R. T. Wilson, Jr. Weight today 116. 57514 Coney Island IIS 3-4 fast 1:142 G 5 3 45 4s Hbrand Vendor, Voorhees, Accountant. 57239 Saratoga US 3-4 fast. 1;13? 7 7 7 6l 6lslRedfern Tangle, Juggler, Ravenai SNOW, ch. c, 3, by Resolute II. Shapely W. H. Snyder. Weight today 116. 59341 Crescent Pk 99 3-4 slow 1:1G 1 5 5 6 6 L Smith La Sorclere, Formatter. Van Ness. 59267 Crescent Pk 10G 3-4 slow 1:16 3 3 4 31 2l L Smith Calabash, Rolla, James Reddlck. II. P. Whitney entry Brookdale Nymph and Old Faithful. SECOND RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 1:3753101. KIAMESHA. br. f. 4. by Esher Reflection Onock Stable. Weight today 126. K!41!t Sec Ccney Island cliart in this paper. 63240 Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 113 3 2 1 Is 1 W Knapp Handzarra. Roseben, Watergrass. 63116 Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 122 G G 5 5 55 W Knapp KgsDghter, Pr.Hamhurg. Roseben BOHEMIAN, b. c. 3. by Florizel Rosegarland J. R. Keene. Weight today 122, 6XW0 Coney Island 1 3-S 2:171 fast 111 5 3 3 7 7 7 Radtke Flip, Flap, Whimsical. The Quail. 63141 Coney Island 1 1-4 2:10 slow 126 2 3 3 3 2and 25 Radtke Accountant, Bulls Eye, Kuroki. BLANDY, ch. c. 4. by Hastings Belinda A. Belmont. Weight today 117. 63366 Coney Island 1 1-S 1:33? slop 117 G 5 4 3 7 7,8lLyne A. Muskoday, Grenade. Cederstrome G29S1 Brooklyn 1 1-16 11492 slop 123 3 3 2 4 4" 5 J Jones Mandarin, Grenade, Entree. MONET, ch. h. 6. by Ben Strome Midroit J. H. McCormick. Weight today 115. 63394 Coney Island6 1-2 f 1:22 hvy 120 3 6 4 3s 3 Horner Bill Phillips. Veribest, Firebrand. 63298 Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 112 12 S 7 51 45 Horner Aeronaut, Handzarra, Tiptoe. MAXNAR, b. c. 4. by Maxio Narcola R. A. Smith. Weight today 112. 34:!l See Coney Island chart in this paper. 63276 Coney Island 1 1-4 2:071 slow 110 2 2 2 2 2 2 Finn Grenade. 63133 Coney Island 1 3-16 2:002 fast 109 3 3 1 1 1 li Finn MIssCrawford, Agile, Dont Ask Me. GERANIUM, br. m. 5, by Lazzarone Gaillard III. J. G. Lyman. Weight today 111. 62932 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:45? fast 102 5 7 7 7 7 61S1H Cochran Logistilla. Moonshine, Coy Maid. G2752 Belmont Pk 7 1-2 f 1:32 fast 103 5 3 3 3 3l 22 W Miller Wclbourne, Far West, Wes. TELEPHONE, ch. h, S. by Shapfell Pompadoura R. A. Smith. Weight today 100, 03213 Coney Island 1 1-1G 1:46 fast 93 G 4 3 3 4l 4 Finn Entree, Just .So, Far West. G311S Coney Island 1 1-1G 1:461 fast 98 3 3 2 3 3J V Finn Tartan, Just So, Jack McKeon. GRAZIALLO, b. h. 5, by Rapallo Graziosa W. B. Jennings., Weight today 125. GlM.iO See Coney Island chart In this paper. 609S4 Oakland 1 1:401 good 116 6 4 3 3 4s 5 L WilliamsSoufriere, Boloman, Pr. TItanla. 60263 Oakland 118 1 1-S slop 1:332 7 2 2 3 6s 5" Prior Proper, Bannockhurn, Corn Blossom PEGASUS, b. c, 2. by Hamburg Peg Wofiington H. P. Whitney. Weight today 120. 1.1430 See Coney Island chart In .this paper. G3141 Coney Island 1 1-4 2:10 slow 120 4 4 4 C. 51 5,s Sewell Accountant. Bohemian. Bulls Eye. 62633 Belmont Pk 1 3-S 2:20 fast 126 6 5 3 3 4l 4lsU Jones Burgomaster, TheQuail. Accountant TIPTOE, br. f, 3, by Hastings Tarpela fA. Belmont. Weight today 116. C33G3 Coney Island 1 1:411 slop 109 2 1 1 1 1 1 W Miller Brookdale Nymph, .Mandarin. 6329S Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 113 3 3 4 4 31 Lyne Aeronaut, Handzarra, Monet. IRONSIDES, b. c, 3, by Meddler Hanoana H. P. Whitney. Weight today 114. 63219 Coney Island 3-4 1:14 fast 115 3 4 4 11 lt Lyne Ben Ban, Confederate, Battleaxe. 62375 Belmont Pk 3-4 l:llg fast 100 8 10 9 9 8"Uas HensyClark Griffith, Tiptoe, Oxford. SAMSON, b. c. 3. bv Sainfoin Eekford F. Burlew. Weight today 112. 03430 See Coney Island chart in this paper. 63333 Coney Island 1 1-2 2:342 fast 114 4 2 1 1 1 3 Jas HensyLancastrlan, OurSIster, Caronal. 63262 Salem 1 1-8 1:53 fast 106 1 4 5 4 4 4s Jas HensyLotus Eater, Grapple, Wes. CHAMPLAIN. b. h, 5, by Gonsalvo Lillian Belle A. L. Aste. Weight today 102. C3272 Coney Island 7-S 1:292 slow 103 10 11 11 11 111 ll"SMecardo M. Nominee, Ancestor Lady Ellison. 63142 Coney Island 1 1:411 slow 103 S 9 9 9 9 9JHagan Arklirta, Druid, Angler. WARNING, b. e. S. by Previous Lida H. W. C. Daly. Weight today 89. 65394 Coney IslandG 1-2 f 1:22 hvy SS 7 7 7 7 7IG Burns Bill Phillips. Veribest, Monet. 63298 Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 86 11 11 11 11 11 G Burns Aeronaut, Handzarra, Tiptoe. II. P. Whitney entry Pegasus and Ironsides. A. Belmont entry- Blandy and Tiptoe. R. A. Smith entry Maxnar and Telephone. THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile on Turf. Pansy Stakes. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1:1.11 5 135. MEXICAN SILVER, b. g. 2. by Indio Silver Wave S. Paget. Weight today 95. 62905 Brooklyn C-S 1:02 fast 101 T 4 5 51 51 Horner Al Towell, Black Mate, Halton. C2S07 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f ltOSg fast 101 1 11 1 in Horner Judge Post, Kilter, Clements. MCARTER, b. c, 2, by Knight of the Thistle Candle Newcastle Stable. Weight today 102. C25U Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:072 fast 112 4 3 4 5 4 W Miller Gretna Green, Coiiville, T. OToole. 62412 Belmont Pk E-S 1:00 fast 97 5 3 1 2 iu w Miller Clare Russell. Bemay, Monrort. GOLD LADY. b. f. 2. by Goldcrest Lady Himmel A. L. Aste. Weight today 95. G3l Coney Island5 1-2 f 1:07 fast 97 3 2 2 2 1and Hagan Elfall. Molesev. Coltness. 63113 Coney Island 5-S 1:011 fast 99 1 4 4 4 G Hagan Toddles, Dulcinea, Miss Strome. MASTER LESTER, ch. c, 2. by Pirate of Penzance Miss Thomas P. H. McCarren. Weight today 102. G30C4 Brooklyn 5-S 1:022 slow 107 11 10 G 6 68 J Martin Frank Lord. Al Powell Russell T 62957 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 92 5 5 5 4and 355 Garner Clare Russell, Botanist, Pierrot. " OKENITE, ch. g. 2, by Hastings Orient A. Belmont. Weight today 114. 63113 Coney Island 5-S l:00g fast 119 1 3 2 2 2 W Robbin3Red River, Ken. Beau. Rosemount G2S04 Brooklyn 5-S 1:02 fast 122 3 3 1 1 lh Radtke Kllliecrankle, ClareRnssell, Toddles. FRANK LORD, ch. c, 2, by Royal Flush HI. Miza T. D. Sullivan. Weight today 97. G.H2-" See Coney Island cliart in this paper. G3277 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09 slow 107 3 3 3 2b 2i L, WllliamsSolly M., Ben Strong, Judge Davev 63215 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:07 fast 107 1 1 1 lJ 2l L WilllamsMonfort, Black .Mate, Miss Strome. SWEET EILEEN, ch. f, 2. by Kingston Prohibition II. W. C. Daly. Weight today 89. G3302 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:071 fast 94 11 13 13 13 13 G Burns M.Stella. K. of Ivanhoe. M. Banns 63038 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f l:0Sg mud 90 9 8 8 9 9iJas Hensylankee Gun, Arlmo, Judge Davey. JOBSTOWN, ch. c. 2, by Locohatchee Areola P. Jackson. Weight today 105 G3302. Coney Island3 1-2 f 1:071 fast 99 10 S S S 95l.Tas Hen sy.M. Stella, K. of Ivanhoe M Bann-, 63093 Coney Island "5-8 1:00 fasi 115 1G 17 17. 17 17 Cmmins Geo. S. Davis, Aletlieuo, YankeeC.lri FOURTH RACE Short Course. Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. -1:0.1 1 152. GLENGATE, br. m, 6, by Walmsgate ,dam by Glenvannon Brownleigh PaTk Stable. Weight today 14G. G.HIS9 .Coney Island S C 4:07g fast 13S 3 3 4 4 5 OBrien Collgnv. Paul Jones, Kernel. 6290G Brooklyn Ab 2 3:55g fast 141 5 5 2 2 25 25 J OBrien K.of Elway, Tom Cogan, Ing Run. PRINCE OF PLLSEN, ch. h, 5, by St. Florian Ever J. W. Colt. Weight today 144. 62099 Aqueduct Ab 21 5:11 fast 150 2 3 3 3 3 3 Davidson Phantom. Ben Crockett. Divider 61552 Washington Ab 2 4:25 fast 154 4 2 2 1 1 1" Rodrock Saltine, La Danzador, Harry Patton FLYING VIRGINIAN, ch. g. 7, by Terrifier Bessie Mr. Cotton. Weight today 148. C32II Coney Island S C 4:072 fast 130 7 S S Fell. Bemish Paul Jones. Goldtleur, Kernel 53240 Brooklyn Ab 21 4:53 fast 154 4 2 2 5 5s 6 Stone Hjias, Flying Buttress, Lavator. FOLLOW ON. b. ra, 5. by Singeinton Edna May D. K. Kerr. Weight today 135. C31G7 Coney Island S C 4:10 fast 140 ICS 4 4 4J Donohue K. of Elwav. T. Cogan. Dromedarv 62S73 Hamilton Ab 13 3:2S1 fast 133 5 4 4 1 l1 1 Slaughter Dawson, WildRange, BobAlone. CALLER, b. g, 7, by Tammany Caledonia J. E. Widener. Weight today 142. 4SS79 Coney Island Ab 2 4:09 fast 13S 1 3 3 2 2 l3 Donohue Bonfire. Foxhunter, Delivery 4S73S Saratoga Ab 21 5:142 slop 156 3 2 1 3 315 3" Donohue St. Jude, Foxhunter. Adjidaumo. TOM COGAN, br. g, 6, by The Sailor Prince Vestal T. Hitchcock, Jr.. Weight today 138. 631G7 Coney Island S C 4:10 fast 147 5 4 3 1 2and 2 Ray Knight ofElway, Dromedary. Fol.On E290G Brooklyn Ab 2 3:532 fast 143 7 1 3 3 3 35 Ray K. of Elway, Glengate, Long Run. OLEROSO, b. c, 4. by Hastings Orienta Hampton Stable. Weight today 130. 63297 Coney Island F C 5:142 fast 130 3 4 4 4 4 45"Mr Smith Kernel. Phantom. Knight of Elwav. 62730 Belmont Pk Ab 21 5:43 fast 142 G 6 5 3 3 3 Mr Smith GameCock, PaulJones, WilHePrice. YAMA CHRISTY, ch. g, 5, by Hermence Isbell Bonniebrook Stable. Weight today 141, C1782 Washington Ab 2 4:23g good 151 2 3 1 1 1 1 J Kelly Fergus, Harry Baylor, Currant. 61676 Washington 2 1-2 5:01 fast 140 3 Fell. Holman Douro, Copper, Phantom. KNIGHT OF ELWAY, ch. g, 5, by Knight of Ellerslie Flash-in-the-Pan Mr. Cotton. Weight today 146. 63297 Coney Island F C 5:145 fast 145 1 1 2 1 3S39 Owens Kernel, rhantom. Oleroso. 63167 Coney Island S C 4:10 fast 142 2 3 2 3 11 1 Owens Tom Cogan, Dromedary, Follow On. GYPSIC, b. g, 8, by Kingston My Gyps C. Pfizer. Weight today 138. G290G Brooklyn Ab 2 3:33g fast 13:: G G 6 C 6 6" Hayes K. of Elway, Glengate. Tom Cogan. 5S74S Washington 137 Ab 2 slow 4:16 4 Fell Kelleher Cher. Fighter, II. Lewis, Fol. On. PATAGONIAN. ch. h. 5, by Del Paso II. Patagonia II. J. E. Widener. Weight today 131. 54SG9 Belmont Pk Ab 21 5:15 fast 132 5 4 4 2 2 l8 OBrien Snuff. Rod, White and Blue. Pious. 54704 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:0G mud 13S 3 3 4 4 4 436lRoberts Hylas, Sandhurst, Russell Sage. DrVLDER, b. g, 6. by St. Bartholomew Divernon H. W. Bull. Weight today 138. G33G4 Coney Island F C 5:32 slop 133 4 4 3 3 3 3ll,Roberts Long Run. El Cilchillo, Game Cock. G2099 Aqueduct Ab 21 5:11 fast 132 4 4 Fell. G Wilson Phantom, B. Crockett. Pr. of Pilsen FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 2-year-olds. Allowances. 1:0112122. FOUNT AINBLUE. chv c. 2, by Oddfellow Ferrol F. A. Forsythe. Weight today 122. G3332 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:071 fast 115 2 2 4 4 4 Sewell Botanist, Misgivings. RovalBreeze 62S39 Brooklyn 5-S 1:01 fast 107 3 5 5 5 1J W Miller B.Masterson, G. S. Davis, braculum. BOTANIST, br. c. 2. by Boanerges May B. II. E. Ghelardy. Weight today 122. G3332 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:071 fast 115 3 111 113 Hagan Misgivings. R. Breeze. Fountainbliie 02937 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 102 4 2 3 31 2 Hagan ClareRussell, Master Lester, Pierrot MINTBERIA, b. f. 2, by Minting Beria W. H. Snyder. Weight today 114. 62709 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 521 fast 112 5 5 5 5J Baird CourtDress, BarbaryBelle, Adoration 60957 Crescent Pk 5-8 1:031 good 110 8 4 4 4 451 L Smith Judge Davey, Friction, Gold Circle. PIERROT, b. c, 2, by Disguise Pretty Maiden J. R. Keene. Weight today 112. 62337 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:0S fast 102 3 1 1 1" 4 Wlshard C. Russell, Botanist, .Master Lester 62S57 Brooklyn 5-S 1:02 fast 102 10 10 10 10 1018 T Burns Acrobat, Master Lester, Red River. SMILING TOM, br. c, 2, by St. Blaise Souriante A. Belmont. Weight today 112. G33G2 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 slop 112 1 G 5 3u 2ll W Miller J. C. Core, Yorkist. Hardshot. 63093 Coney Island 5-S 1:00 fast 118 10 4 4 andu" 5X1ZW RobbinsGeo. S. Davis, Aletheuo, YankeeGirl DASHAWAY, b. c. 2, by Salvator Fancywood T. C. McDowell. Weight today 122. GL363 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09 slop 115 1 11 1 lJW Miller D.Enrique, Mgomerv. G. Sherman. 62434 Louisville 5-S 1:021 fast 110 3 3 3 3l 3l D Austin Betsy Binford, Camille, Clamor. PRECIOSA II., ch. f, 2, by Albert Miss McNally E. Steinacher. Weight today 109. 61057 City Park 3 1-2 f 44g slop 110 11 10 10" Jenkins Caper. Edith M. Teo Beach. 60709 City Park 3 1-2 f 41g fast 105 11 95 7"JJenkins Bonart, Tom Dolan, Dan Bradley. ROYAL BREEZE, b. c, 2, bv Royal Flush III. Breeza P. J. Dwyer. Weight today 117. 03332 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:071 fast 113 5 5 3 3i 3s Jas HensyBotanist. Misgivings, Fntainblue. 63217 Coney Island3 1-2 f 1:06.1 fast 115 5 4 4 5 5J F ONeill Ethon, Misgivings. Belcast. LITTLE MINISTER, ch. c, .2, by Prime Minister Queen Vic S. J. Doggett. Weight today 112. 63093 Coney Island 5-8 1:00 fast lis IS 15 14 12 10 Perrino Geo. S. Davis. Aletheuo, YankeeGirl 6301S Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:092 mud 112 4 5 4 il 4 Perrlne Allowmaise, Malacca, Alpenmarchen JAMES CRAWFORD, h. c. 2. b- Handsel Mother Bunch T.W. W. Darden. Weight today 112. 63362 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 slop 112 4 7 7 7l 6" L Willinms.T. C. Core, Smiling Tom. Yorkist. 619S3 Nashville 4 1-2 f 55 fast 103 6 5 31 31 AV Allen Redgauntlet, W. Criswell. Jack Lee KING AHAB, b. c, 2, by Phoenix Glen Hop J. A. Bennet. Weight today 112. 6trst start. SAILOR GIRL, br. f, 2, by The Sailor Prince Deno. Weight today 109. first start. SIXTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles on Turf. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. l:ie J 10s. VERIBEST, ch. f. 3. by Russell Option A. W. Gilman. Weight today 94. 63391 Coney IslandG 1-2 f 1:22 hvy 103 2 2 2 2 21 II Cochran Bill Phillips, Monet, Firebrand. 63039 Brooklyn l 1-1G 1:511 mud S6 1 1 1 1 11 21 Garner YkshlreLad, Memories, DontAskMe CHARLATAN, b. c. 3. by Matt B yrnes Acidalie W. Gum. Weight today 99. G282S Brooklyn 1 1-10 1:491 fast 10G 7 S S 7 5 4 Cherry EdithJames. Reidmoore, Benevolent 62334 Memphis 1 1:421 fast 100 G 6 G 6 6 61 J Harris Tartan, Druid, Gold Enamel. JOHN LYLE. br. g, 4, by Lamplighter La Poupee W. H. Laudeman. Weight today 103. G33G7 Coney Island 1 1-1G 1:4S2 slop 102 3 4 2 3 lb ll W Miller Onatas, Lady Ellison. Janeta. 63067 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:161 slow 3S 4 5 5 5 5 51W Miller Dishabille, Garnish, Ormond. Right. MISS GLFFF, ch. f, 3, by Jaque mart Gliff W. Cordes. Weight today 89, 63014 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:13 mud 101 S 7 7 71 7lslBrussel Gen. Haley. GoldSifter, BelleStrome 62909 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:102 fast 90 12 12 13 13 1310 J Johnson Right and True, Arklirta, Van Ness. PIRATE POLLY, ch. f, 4, by Pirate of Penzance Kosmo F. F. Lyne. Weight today 103. 63303 Coney Island 1 1-1G 1:472 fast 100 4 3 3 3 3 3 W Knapp Run. Water, Tradition, Snow King. 6306G Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:111 slow 100 7 7 7 7 C,0JW Knapp Monet, Sewell, Diamond Flush. TELEPHONE See Second Race. . Weight today 101. DRUID, ch. f. 4, ir Sir Dixon Merdin J. A. Wernberg. Weight today 102. 2330 Coney IslandG 1-2 t 1:19 fast 113 5 4 4 4U 4 Radtke Far West, Rye, Sir Unwell. 63142 Coney Island 1 l:41g slow 106 3 3 3 2 2s 2s Radtke Arkllrta, Angler, Memories. ONATAS, b. h, 6, by Top Gallant Sister Molly E. R. Thomas. Weight today 107. r,3:;7 Coney Island 1 1-10 1:4S2 slop 10S 5 3 3 2 25 2i W Knapp John Lyle, Lady Ellison, Jnneta. 63118 Coney Island 1 1-18 l:46i fast 10 9 10 11 11 liu lliShaw Tartan, Just So, Telephone. R. F. WILLIAMS, ch. h, S. by Deceiver Ponzonina J. W. Fuller. Weight today 106. 63194 Coney Island 1 l:40j fast 113 10 10 10 10 81 6 Bedell Fancy lilrd. Stimulant. M. Morris. 61559 Crescent Pk 1 1-2 2:36 fast 104 4 5 5 4 3s 2 Bedell Nameoki, Cashier, Jerry Lynch. AMBERJACK, ch. c, 4, by Henry of Navarre Aurata W. C. Daly. Weight today 101. 63367 Coney Island 1 1-16 1:4S3 slop 96 13 12 12 9 9 912 G Burns John Lyle, Onatas, Lady Ellison. 63118 Coney Island 1 1-16 l:46s fast 96 12 13 13 13 13 14" Clare Tartan, Just So, Telephone. MART MORRIS, ch. f, 3, by Vict ocy Furlano 7. H. McCormick. Weight today 91. 63194 Coney Island 1 1:40? fast 96 5 5 3 3 3l 3i Notter Fancy ISIrd, Stimulant. Robador. 62959 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 93 11 12 11 91 9" Hagan Van Ness, Shot Gun, Hot Toddy. FAR WEST, b. c, 4, by Montana Touch Pas F. E. Brown. Weight today 105. 63330 Coney IslandG 1-2 f 1:19 fast 110 1 11 1?. 1 W Knapp Uve. Sir Russell, Druid. 63245 Coney Island 1 1-16 1:46 fast 106 5 2 2 2 2 3 W Knapp Entree,. Just So, Telephone. SIR CARUTHERS. b. c, 3, by St. George Bessie R. Angarola. Weight today 91. G3272 Coney Island 7-8 1:29? slow 91 4 3 3 3 33 4s Rosen M. Nominee, Ancestor Lady Ellison. 63017 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:52 mud 90 10 10 10 9 6 6 McCarty Jack McKeon, Glenecho, Lawsonian SPENCER REIFF, br. g, 6, by Esher Carmencita H. S. Stone. Weight today 110. 50412 Pimlico Ab 2 4:32", fast 14G Fell. Mr Stone Eophone, Billy Ray, Howard Gratz. ROBADOR, ch. c. 4, by Rey el Santa Anita Lady Diamond M. Kraus. Weight today 106. 63194 Coney Island 1 1:40? fast 116 4 9 9 0 4n 4l J Martin Fancy Bird. Stimulant, M. Morris. C2SS3 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:49 fast 101 7 S 8 4 55 50JBeckman Thespian, Del Carina, Schoolmate. ADBELL, br. h, 5, by Plaudit Nahma F. Burlew. Weight today 106. C33G7 Coney Island 1 1-16 l:4Si" slop 10112 S C 10 7J 7J Jas HensyJohn Lyle, Onatas, Lady Ellison. 63191 Coney Island 1 1:391 fast 118 3 5 5 3 4J 5" P ONeill Rye, Water Tank, Klingsor. WATER TANK See First Race. Weight today 96. ANCESTOR, b. m. 5, by Plaudit Addie C. M. L. Hayman. Weight today 96. 3272 Coney Island 7-S 1:29? slow 9S 1 1 1 1 1 2J Englanr M.Xominee, L.Ellison, SirCarutliers 6224S Jamaica 3-4 1:138 fast 102 4 3 3 3 3s Radtke Rob Roy, Austin Allen, Wyeth. FLIMNAP, br. c, 3, by Sir Dixon Merment G. B. Morris. Weight today 92. 03191 Coney Island 1 l:39i fast 103 7 6 6 6 6 6"JT Burns Rye, Water Tank, Klingsor. 61331 City Park 7-S 1:291 fast 122 6 4 3 2 ll Is J Daly Capt. Bush, J. Mailer, Longbright.

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