Coney Island Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06

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CONEY ISLAND FORM CHART. HEEPSHEAD BAY, L. I., July 5, 1906 Thirteenth day. Coney Island Jockey Club. Spring Meeting 17 days. AVeather clear; track fast. 205 looks on. Presiding Judge, Clarence McDowell. Starter, Mars Cassldy. Secretary, C. Fellowes. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. No recall flag used. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. f Q A O f? FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile Futurity Course. 5S- 2 115. ,000 added. 2-year-olds. OOttSu Selling. Net value to winner . Ind Horses AWt PPSt lA StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P S G33G2J. C CORE wn 109 7 1 li 1 li l2 W Miller II T Griffin 13-53 2i 1 1-2 62277FRANK LORD w 107 6 2 3 3J 31 2U L WilllamsT D Sullivan 2i 3 3 1 1-2 62533 SOMNUS wn 10S 10 4 2 2i 2" 3 J Martin AV Gall 20 20 15 G 3 62727 FLOW AAV AY w 97 12 G 4l 4- 4s 45 Finn W II Brown 15 20 20 S 4 C3301MOLESEY wn 94 IS 7 5i G ol 5i Myers J R Keene 20 30 SO 10 5 63332 DOMINATOR w 105 13 5 7i Gl Gl Perrine S J Doggett 100 100 100 40 25 6299G PUNGENT w 102 19 S" S"" 7i 7 AV McGoe G C Bennett 13 15 12 5 3 63332 AVATERFALL w 110 S 12 111 jn Sl T Burns J AV Howard 20 50 40 15 7 AVATERSPEED w 105 2 13 9 10- 10J - S- Bedell H K AMngut 100 100 100 40 25 G3215 DONNA ELVIRA w 102 5 3 G a 8 10 Horner P Belmont 15 20 20 S 4 63277 CURRICULUM wn 104 U 8 10 11 11 Hl Sewell A Belmont 4 5 5 2 G-3 G29055HALTON wn 102 11 15 12 12s 12l 125 Brussel Virginia Stable 10 15 15 G 3 63113 MAMIE BRADY W 102 9 10 14 14 13 13 Itadtke J AV May 30 50 40 15 S 62302 RUSSELL T. W 103 1G 1G 13 13 14 14l N AVishardJ T Muir 20 30 20 S 4 62933 ArlLLAGE KING W 97 15 11 16 1G 13 15 Hasan C AVoodford 50 100 100 40 20 62347 ANNA L- DALY W 94 3 14 13 15 16 16 G Burns AV C Daly 100 200 200 SO 40 63113 LADY AVASIIINGTONwit 99 17 17 17 17 17 17 Baird Delaware Stable 50 100 100 40 20 COS34 LITTLE BOOT wn 102 4 IS IS IS IS IS H Cochran Mrs II L Rogers 20 60 40 15 6 Time, 50. AVinner Ch. g, by Garrv Hermann Purity trained by II. McCoulskey. AVent to post at 2:30. At post 5 minutes. Start straggling. AVon in a canter: second driving; third the same. J. C. Core jumped into the lead at the start and won all the way without being closely approached. Frank Lord sulked on his way to the post and delayed the start, then got away well, lint was seriously hampered on the turns, came along fust at the end and gamely earned second place. Soinnus was a forward and game contender throughout. Flowaway held a good position from the start and was a fast going fourth. Molcsey run a good race and was an easing up fifth. Doiuiiiator was going well at the end. Pungent got away poorly. Curriculum ran badly, but had scant chance at the start, however. Scratched 023S5 Fiesser. 102. Overweights Waterspeed, 2 pounds. ; rV l Q SECONDRACE 1 Milei 1:3753101. Sporting Stakes. ,200 added. S-ycar-QOtJbO o1,1s and upward. Selling.. Gentlemen Riders. Net value to winner ,005. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 Vs StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 3 K"631 GALLANT wit 5 14C 11 1" 1 l2 U l1 Mr Cooley T E Mannix 3 5 4i 6-3 out 63272 ARABO Wit C 146 4 3 4 3i 3J 2 2 Mr MatherT D Sullivan 2J 16-33 4-5 out 63330SIR RUSSELL W 3 131 2 2 2 2J 2i 3 3 Mr C SmhT Hitchcock Jr 1 7-513-102-5 out 51766 GEORGE LEIPER WB 3 131 3 4 3" 4 4 4 4 Mr Tucker Mr Cotton 0 10 a 6-3 out - Time, 12, 25, 371, roi. 1:03. 1:105, 1:44. AVinner B. g, by Galeazzo Souveraine trained by T. E. Mannix. AVent to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start bad. Won handily; s.econd the same; third easily. Gallant beat the gate by a half dozen lengths and lod all the way, scoring a lucky win in a hard drive. AralK closed up ground gradually and gamely anil finished fast, but just failed to get up. Sir Russell, away badly, closed up on the leader under a pull and finished without being extended. George Leier waf. beaten ott after going the first quarter. Overweights Gallant. 3 pounds. . a n O 1 T7 THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs Futurity Course. 1:0112122. ,000 added. tJ tfc i 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 40. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P S G3274JHRSEY LADY W 119 4 1 1"" li 15 ll Lyno H P Whitney 7-5 9-5 9-5 2-5 out C2733 VICTORIA B. wu 111 3 3 2 2 2 2li Troxtor G J Long 8 10 C 1 out PRINCESS CARRIE wit 114 1 4 3 3 3 3 J Martin D Gideon 20 50 10 5 C-5 G3274TODDLES w 119 2 2 Fell. AV Miller B R Thomas 1 ll-1011-101-4out Time. l:Ss. AVinner Cli. f, liy Hamburg Iul.v Agnes trained by .T. W. Rogers. AVent -:o post at 3:30. At post :: minutes. Start bail. Won easily; second driving: third easily. Jersey Lady, acting badly, bolted in front of the others at the start, knocking Toddles down and compelling Princess Carrie to pull up, then led throughout decisively, stalling off Victoria B.s stretch challenge. Victoria IS., badly humped by the winner at the start, closed n big gap and might have won but for the early Interference. Princess Carrie was as good as left. Toddles broke well, but was Knocked down by Jersey Lady, which ran into her head on. Miller was thrown Into the air several feet, lauding unhurt. d. Q A O Q FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 1:32 1 OL Spindrift Handicap. ,000 added. OOtJbO 3-ycar-olds. Net value to winner ,215. Ind Horses AWtPPSt St A StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P B G3141 KUROKI wit 114 4 3 41 41 3" 1 11 1 Shaw .T R Keene 4 C 5 2 1 G3303RrNNING AVATERw 115 G 7 fi C1. 7 3 3 2h L AVilliamsAV Clay 31 4 1S-57-5 3-5 G32O0FLIP FLAP wi: 123 7 5 5 51 S 7" 5 3J W Knapp G W Langdon 31 5 5 2 1 .03243INQUISITOR wn 121 2 1 H H 41?. 4 4h 4i W Miller Xewcastlo Stable 3 4 31 7-5 3-0 G3U4RAT w 111 S 4 8 S 5 6 0 5h Lyne II P Whitney 12 15 10 4 2 G3331 MAX IE AVITT W 10G 3 S 71 7 G 5h 71 C J Martin J B Brady S 12 C 2 C-5 03015 B. OF PEQUEST AV 100 5 C 2 21 1 2 21" 7 Horner R II McC Potter 30 30 30 10 C 63216HEASLIP wit 117 1 2 21 S S S Radtke P J Rainey S 15 12 4 2 Time. 123, 241, 37, lUi, 1:01!, 1:141. 1:41, 1:33. Winner 15. e, by Commando Rhodesia trabwd by .T. Rowc. Went to post at 4:03. At post 1 minute. Start fair. Won easily: second driving; third the same. Kurokl, luckily placed in the early running, ran into the lead on the last turn, stole away further in the stretch and won with plenty in reserve. Running Water, away slowly and forced to the outside and off her stride on the first turn, moved up rapidly on the outside, closed a big gap and made a game effort in the stretch, but could not get up. Flip Flap, away poorly and knocked about on the turns, closed an immense gap while running on the extreme outside and was going like a cyclone at the end. Inquisitor was shut olT by Ileaslip on the last turn when making his run and had no chance afterwards, but ran a grind race. Bat got away poorly and went wide on the first turn, loomed up well on the last turn, but tired in tlie closing drive. Maxio Witt, from a slow beginning, suffered from crowding at the start, but made up a half dozen lengths on the leaders and was going fast at the end. Belle of Ponies t failed to stay afttr a good display of speed. Ileaslip got away well, but was choked in an effort to place him and failed to stay. AQ1 OQ FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile Main Course. 1:123107. ,000 added, .--year-olds and 3 CJ-nfc J upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 70. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 63240KIAMESHA w 4 12S 2 4 3 3" 310 W W Knapp Oneck Stable S-3 12-311-53-5 out 03210ROSEBEN W 5 137 3 2 2i 21 lh 21 Lyne L O Appleby 21 3 ll-57-10out CTsniAXDZARRA w 4 113 11 12 12 2h 3 Radtke F 15 Van Meter 7-5 S-5 S-5 1-2 out 02777 MOLL1E DONOHUE w 3 107 4 3 4 4 4 4 W Miller M F Donohue 15 20 12 21 1 Time, 12B. 24 , 35, 473. 1:12. Winner Br. f, by Eslier Ketlectiou trained by W. II. Karrick. Went to post, at 4::55. At post 1 minute. Start good. Won driving: second the same. Kiamvsha. after living under pressure to keep within striking distance of the pacemaker for live furlongs, moved up on the inside when straightened for home and outstayed Itoseben. The latter, suddenly improved, ran lapped on ihe-pacemaker, but by boring out on the last turn, lost considerable ground and. again catching her, appeared all over the winner, barely failing at the end. Ilandzarra set a tremendous pace, but succumbed after a game stretch struggle. Mollie Donoiiue was far outclassed and lieateu off from the start. Scratched 03210 First Premium. 122; 5SP15 The Lexington Leader. 115; 5:5307 Lackey, 10!. ftQl QH SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles on Turf. 1:40 1 10S. ,200 added. 3-year-olds ami O O "OC O J upward. Handicap. Net value to winner ,005. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 3 C32JO BELGRAVIA w 3 10G 2 1 2 2l 21 lh lt Radtke J R Keene S 12 10 3 7-5 G3243ENTREE wn 3 115 5 5 5" 5 4s 31 2 W Miller F Johnson 3 1S-51G-5G-5 1-2 C3193 SAILOR BOY Wit 4 92 3 fi G G 6 5 31 Horner W C Daly S 12 10 3 7-5 63270MAXNAR Wslt 4 111 4 2 3 4 3" 4 48 Finn R A Smith 4 5 4 S-5 7-10 63245JUST SO wn 5 103 G 4 1 ll 12 2h 5"- W Knapp S N Hexter 11-521 2 4-5 1-3 63111 PEGASUS wn 3 117 1 3 41 31 52 G G Lyne H P Whitney 4 5 5 8-5 4-3 Time, 12, 24 J. 37s. 50, 1:03, 1:1 i. 1:43, 1:40. Winner Br. f, by Ben Brush Bonnie Gal trained by J. Rowe. Went to post at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start fair. Won driving; second and third the same. Belgravia. after a Hying start, relinquished the lead to Just So on the first turn, then followed him closely to the last turn, where she forged to the front and. when challenged by Entree, stood him off gamely at the end. The latter broke slowly and was compelled to go wide on tlie turn, then finished with a lelatcd end rush and was best. Sailor Boy, after trailing for six furlongs, closed up with a great rush in the stretch. Maxnar, poorly handled, loomed up menacingly on tlie last turn and then unexpectedly quit in the stretch. Just So, away poorly, was rushed Into the lead at a killing pace and failed to stay. Pegasus went well for six furlongs, after which be retired and was overweighted. Scratched 03300 Garnish. 110; O3100hogistilla. 121; OOOSl Grazlallo. 124: 53:535Sainsoii. 111.

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