Kuroki Wins the Spindrift Handicap: Jersey Lady Knocks down Toddles and Then Wins Roseben Runs In Applebys Colors, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06


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KUROKI WINS THE SPINDRIFT HANDICAP. Jersey Lady Knocks Down Toddles and then Wins Roseben Runs in Applebys Colors. New York, July 5. The twenty-second renewal of the Spindrift Handicap at Sheepshead Bay today brought out a good field of three-year-olds, produced a keen contest and incidentally introduced in the winner, Kuroki, a new star in the three-year-ohl division. Flip Flap and Running AYater were badly messed about and Inquisitor met with acute interference at a critical moment in the running, nevertheless observing critics agreed that neither of these three could have won todays race. The race for amateurs, at a mile, was a misnomer when called Sporting Stakes. Gallant, the winner, received a ten lengths advantage at the start and the favorite. Sir Russell, finished under a choking pull. Nothing quite so ludicrous and farcical has been seen in an affair of this kind in some time. In the third race at five and a half furlongs, for two-year-old fillies,. 5,000 spectators saw Jersey Lady bolt luto Toddles at the start with bucIi force as to throw both horse and rider and then come on and win all the way. Jockey Miller and starter Cassiday are said to have declared to the stewards that Toddles merely stumbled. Belgravia wound np a day of unsatisfactory sport by taking the race on the grass course at a mile and a sixteenth. The sister to Disguise showed a pronounced reversal of form. J. C. Core, the Garry Hermann colt, which won the first race so easily, was bid up from ,000 to ,100 by "Whitey" Langdon and knocked down to him. Owner GriUin declined to protect the colt over ,000. Frank ONeii, the retired jockey, according to the Racing Calendar, will signalize his entry into the ranks of the owners by holding a halt Interest with Fred Burlew in Woolwich and Nancy, recently bought at the Belmont sale. There are rumors that Davy Johnson is again to the bad. It Is said that he is heavily in debt to the ring. The fact that Roseben ran today in the name and colors of his friend, L. O. Appleby, lends color to the theory that he is obligated to the latter. The rejuvenation of the former sprinting champion was as complete ns it was -unexpected.. Thousands of dollars were wagered on his chances, with a confidence that dazed beholders. The merest chance occasioned his defeat. Lyne being totally-unprepared for the big horses newly developed tendencies to bolt on the turn and which cost liiiu the race. No report has been forthcoming from the veterinary assigned by the stewards to the task of unearthing evidences of drugs in the horse Buiiilooraii, which ran away live miles before the start of the sixth race on Tuesday.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1906070601/drf1906070601_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1906070601_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800