Windsor Entries and Past Performances for Friday, July 6, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06

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Windsor Entries and Past Performaips for fritfay, July 6. I 61 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. ,j FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. l:Ui;l 2 SI. ; Index Course Dst Time Tck AVt St U StrFin Jockeys . Best Company c; JULIA M., br. m, 6, by Harvest Brown Cactus S. Evans. Weight today 94. 6; C8420 Windsor 7-S 1:321 mud 102 r. 1 4 4 4h 5" C II ShlllgWilwdene, D.MKeiina.M.irgcrfield g 63265 AVindsor 3-4 1:174 hvy 96 7 5 4 4". 4 C II ShlllgMissI.eeds, S. Ilunic, L. Henrietta, r COLLISION, b. f, 4, by Havoc C asualty J. Nixon. Weight today 94. C: G31SX Windsor 3-4 1:14? fast 91 fi 3 6 11" lll Mulcahy Operator. Caper Sauce, Oddoletla. .".23.", Toronto 3-4 l:17i fast 101 4 3 7 CJ 610 A Walsh Miss Gaiety, Teston, Stay Away. ;; AFFERY, ch. f, 4, by St. Brandon Little Dorritt J. Brenock. Weight today 99. and 63333 Windsor 3-4 1:1G1 fast 115 7 10 10 9 9i J McLhlinRulloba, Mag Xolln. Fargo. 62235 Windsor 3-4 1:144 fast 100 8 10 10 Si 914 Connolly Rubaiyat, li.IIenrietta, Gov.Orman. c: ROSE DODGE, ch. f, 4, by Lazzarone Jane Gray J. Arno. Weight today 99. 6 63391 Windsor 3ti 1:162 slop . 6 fi 6 C 6"iTrunian C. Forge, Blue Coat. King Pepper, c 541C9 Union Park 5-S 1:06J hvy 105 10 10 11 12 12" W TravcrsRonnle Reg, Rudabek, Parlsienne. 6 KISS GAIETY, b. f, 4. by Ramiro II. Minnie Price E. Glassco. Weight today 99. 6 6341S Windsor 3-4 1:19JS mud 105 4 5 4 31 21 Nihlack Fargo, Falkland, Henpecked. G33G0 Windsor 3-4 1:151 fast 16 7 4 3 3ok 3 Niblack Redwood II., St.Noel, Ralph Reese. MIRIAM AV.. b. m, 6, by First Mate Charming G. Buell. Weight today 101. G33S7 Windsor 3-4 1:19? slop 100 S S S S 8" F Garner Nerval, or, Raviana. KoeniginLuise. G3157 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:12 hvy 97 4 C 4 3; 31 F Garner BlueCoat, Kinglepper, MIssLeeds. FLY LADY, ch. m, 5, by Sir Walt er Ace of Hearts Watters and Malcolm. Weight today 101. C30S7 AVindsor 3-4 l:16i slow 105 1 2 3 73 7,IlMountain Rubaiyat. Gov. Ornum, Hilarity. 56999 Fort Erie 9S 7-S fast 1:253 2 G 7 7 74 714 D Leiter Colum Girl, La Loude, Varietes. HATTIE W ATKINS, br. m, fi, .by Reputation Ball G. TuYcott. Weight today 101. 63355 AVindsor 3-4 1:161 fast 10S 4 5 S IP llciC Baker Rulloha, Mag Nolln, Fargo. , 62974 Hamilton 3-4 1:15 fast 101 1 4 G, S S" Christian Nimble Dick, Lulu Young, Orderly. J BALLYCASTLE, b. h, 5, by Prince of Monaco Briganza C. C. Sewell. Weight today 103. c 6303S- Windsor 3-4 1:19 slow 105 2 3 4 Gl 5 W Fischer Orderly, J. I. Mc. Marimbo. . G2S7S Hamilton G 1-2 f 1:22, slow 109 9 9 9 S S 13 Smith High. Fling, Azelina, Little Mike, F ANNETTE, b. m, 6, by Donald A. Lady Hamilton F. C. Adams. Weight today 104. c CTKi Windsor 3-4 l:17i Hvy 101 9 9 7 CJ 541 McClain MissLecds, S. Plume, L. Henrietta. . 63162 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:12 hvy 97 u 5 7 G1 4 McClain Operator, Hilarity, Edgely. 5 CHARLIE DICKSON, b. c, 4, by Galore Prestidigitatrice F. McDonald. Weight today 104. c Ii:t4.r2 See Windsor chart in this paper. , 630CO Windsor 3-4 1:17? slow 10G G G 6 61 6" Hogg L.Henrietta. D.MKena, D.Densmore ! G1127 City Park 3-4 1:17 slow 10G 13 7 G Gs 4J W Allen Fngurtha, M. George, C. Hampton. BT. UOEL, Tj. g 5 by St. George Nan J. T7. Strode. Weight today 104. , C3422 AVindsor 1 1:46? mud 98 5 5 5 G 41 ;C15lPongast Request. Cliamldee. Pentagon. f G33G0 AVindsor 3-1 1:151 fast 110 1 5 G 21 2l Hy JksonRedwood II., Miss Gaiety. R.Keese. J BERT OSRA, ch. c, 4, by Albert Bonnie Osra J. McLennan. Weight today 104. G34l Windsor 3-4 1:18 J mud 92 4 4 4 3- 41 Swain Shineon, Cliar.Eastman, La Loude. C3214 AVindsor 7-S 1:2S fast 104 9 4 5 5 11s HlMcNama K.Pepper, FairCalypso, Ed. Gum. BUTINSKIE, ch. g, 4, by Flotow Favena Henderson and Peters. Weight today 104. j 63391 AVindsor 3-4 1:108 slop 10G 5 4 4 41 4i: Finnegan C. Forge. Blue Coat. King Pepper. , G3323 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:072 fast 107 2 2 2 2"t 21 Finnegan Miss Leeds, L. Henrietta. BlueCoat. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Selling. 1:0052112. j NIOLESS, blk. f, 2, by Fatherless Niola Mrs. W. Andrews. Weight today 97, I 63390 AVindsor 5-S l:0fi slop 101 5 S S S 7 Pengast Minot, Ozanne. St. Clair. G333G AVindsor 5-S 1:02? fast 104 1 4 G 61 9si P Phillips M. Cesarlon, T. Gilroy, W. Queen. ; CHARLEY WARD, b. g. 2, by Deerslayer Annie P. S. J. Charles. Weight today 99. i 6SS90 Windsor 5-S 1:0G slop 104 1 6 6 71 6 Truman Minor. Ozanne, St. Clair. 63321 AVindsor 5-S 1:022 fast 9G S 12 10 ll1 111 Truman Miss Lida, Restoration, Ozanne. EVA ISER, b. f, 2. by Handcuff The White Lady W. P. Kelly. Weight today 99. G31S4 AAindsor 4 1-2 f 55 fast 104 10 9 S"M1,,! J Dealy Boola. Pinafore, Prytania. i G2009 Nashville 4 1-2 f 562 slow 102 S 9 95 9lsiGrIflitH Fire Flash, Javanese, Splon. SCOTCH HIGH. b. c. 2, bv St. Florian Sea Food J. R. Wainwright. Weight today 100. 1 E54.r See AVindsor chart in this paper. G3390 AAindsor 5-S 1:06 slop 104 9 5 5 3l 45 Abuchon Minot. Ozanne, St. Clair. 1 G3324 AAindsor 5-8 1:021 fast 101 10 14 14 14 14"JM Kelly Miss Lida, Restoration, Ozanne. 1 LADY DEMON, ch. f, 2, by Bel Demohio Lady Gerst G. Holle. Weight today 101. C3419 AAindsor 4 1 f 5S mud 103 8 S S S"5Kunz Timothy AVen. Elksino, Crosscut. 1 G3059 AVindsor 4 1-2 f 571 slow 99 5 G 51 5l:JW Fischer MissMartha. Mer.LeapYear, Ingenue 1 AZELE, b. g, 2, by Wagner Aztto J. Himy. Weight today 104. G3390 AVindsor 5-S 1:00 slop 10S 3 3 3 G S13 J McL,hlinMinot, Ozanne. St. Clair. G3210 AAindsor 1-2 49g fast 97 4 3 8 7 W Fischer Wabash Queen, Minos, M. Custis. ST CLAIR, ch. c, 2, by St. George Lucy Johnson G. Hendrie. Weight today 107. CSSOO AVindsor 5-S l:0fi slop 104 2 1 1 1 3l AV Fischer Minot. Ozanne, Scotch High. C2292 Iniisvile 1-2 492 good 105 10 10 10 40" Parm Fair Fagot, AVebber, Bonart. PRYTANIA, br. c, 2, by The Coram oner Piazza John Marklein. . Weight today 109. OSKM Windsor 5-S 1:05 slop 112 7 I i i Newman Minot. Ozanne, St. Clair. G3270 AVindsor 4 1-2 f 57s hvy 113 S 5 31 2k Pengast Sam Clay, Minot, Timothy AVen. OZANNE, b. c, 2, by Orimar Grace Bond B. M. Marders. Weight today 109. Casio AVindsor 5-S 1:00 slop 107 S 4 4 4 25 Mountain Minor. St. Clair, Scotch High. C3324 Windsor . 5-S l:02g fast 103 7 G C 51 31 Mountain Miss Lida, Restoration, Reside. THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. l:::nj t 102. PANENE, br. f, 3, by Moreno Panilla E. J. Dossen. Weight today 9G. GSTS. AVindsor 3-4 1:142 fast 100 11 11 11 10 10" F Garner La Gloria, Merilene. Sonnet. 57923 AVindsor 99J5 1-2 f fast l:09g 9 7 7 S Sl AVillis Ossineke, Ch. Archibald, L. Jones. LITTLE ROSE, b. t, 3, by Fatherless EUerslie E. L. Talley. Weight today 96. C341S AVindsor 3-4 1:194 mud 93 10 G 7 7 G" Goldstein . Fargo, Miss Gaiety, Falkland. G31S9 Windsor 1 1:421 fast S5 7 7 9 9 98 9" Goldstein St.Tammany, B.Grouse, H.AAarlng. REQUEST, ch. f, 3, by Rensselaer Emma Pickwick J. Robertson. Weight today 98. .GM22 AVindsor 1 1:4G mud S9 1 2 2 2 21 Int. a Martin Chamblee. Pentagon, Edwin Sum. 533SH AVindsor 1 l:45i slop S5 9 5 5 5 3- 3s A Martin Sultry, St. Tammany, Reticent. VESTRYMAN, br. ir. 3, by Masetto Venice C. S.Wilson. Weight today 98. 5::44. ee AVindsor chart In this, paper. G3234 AVindsor 7-S 1:28S fast 104 3 4 2 2 2" 2: Pengast Lntie Mac, Proforma, Merilene. G293G Latonia 1 l:49i Hvy SS S 9 12 12 12 12iGaut;el Stroud, -Ni-odesha, Bugler. MARIMBO, blk. a. 3. by Masetto Romany Rawny J. Burttschell. AVeight today 98. !44! Sec AVindsor chart in this paper. C3424 AVindsor 1-1:474 mud .5 9 S G GU fi? J Murphy Edgely, AVaddell II., HenryWarlng. C3209 AAindsor 7-S 1:2S fast 89 11 11 12 9 71 S J Murphy Prestige, FannleBlazes, AVinchestcr SULTRY, ch. c, 3, by Maxio Torrid W. McLemore. Weight today 100. 533S9 AVindsor 1 1:451 slop 961 5 4 3 1 ll 1" Hogg St. Tamniany, Ropiest. Reticent. G3329 AVindsor 1 1-S l:54g fast 90 5 S S 7 81 S Swain Dolinda, Lemon Girl, Ron Mot. JOE LEVY, b. c, 3, by Hanwell Nervine B. M. Marders. Weight today 103, G341S AVindsor 3-4 1:194 mud 105 S S O CI S8 Shea Fargo. Miss Gaiety, Falkland. G3214 AVindsor 7-S l:2 fast 100 4 10 11 10 71 Si Shea K.Pepper, FairCalypso, Ed. Gum. FACTOTUM, br. c. 3. by Handsnring Benefactress G. W. Cook. Weight today 109. See AVindsor chart in his .paper. 63361 AVindsor 1 1-S 1:5G2 fast 100 1 2 2 2 31 351 W Fischer Braiid New, C. Walworth, Chanida. C3329 AAindsor 1 1-S l:54g fast 103 7 G 4 4 3t 41 AV Fischer Dolinda, Lemon Girl, Bon Mot. BCALPLOCK, b. e 3. by Oddfellow Moya E. Trotter and Co.. Weight today 111, U!45l See AVindsor chart in this paper. 63329 Windsor 1 1-8 l:54g fast 1041 9 10 5 3 9 9 J Foley Dolinda, Lemon Girl, Bon Mot. C3239 Windsor 1 1-4 2:0S1 fast 104 11 5 4 4 2 22 J Foley Lemon Girl, Attila. Brand New. FOURTH RACE 1 1-1G Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:4CJ S 101. 1 BERY WADDELL, b. g, 5, by Aloha Pink H. E. L. Talley. Weight today 97. G3361 AVindsor 1 1-S l:5Cg fast 96 3 7 5 5 G"t 6"! Goldstein Brand New, C. Walworth, Factotum i G3239 AVindsor 1 1-4 2:0Si fast 9S 2 7 7 7 9 S Goldstein Lemon Girl, Scalplock. Attila. FILLE DOR. br. m. 9, by Galon dOr Joanna W. Walker. Weight today 97. ti::4.ri:; See AVindsor chart in this paper. 534 3 AVindsor 1 1-S 2:002 mud 91 2 7 fi C G r Ii Moore Bon Mot, Dolinda, Attila. G3271 AVindsor 1 1:412 hvy 10S 2 5 10 9 8 7" Hy JksonEdwin Gum, Sultry, Miss Gaiety. STEEL TRAP, br. f, 4, by Requital Dona Sol G. GanterJ. Weight today 100. G3424 AVindsor 1 1:474 mud 91 G 4 7 7 7J 4. Swain Edgely, AAnddell II., HenryWaring. C32G9 AVindsor 1 l:45g hvy 104 1 3 5 2 3 35 Kunz Request, Scarecrow, Arab. CHANIDA, b. m, 5, by Charade Bonnida F. Valentine. Weight today 100. G33G1 AVindsor 1 1-S 1:3CJ fast 99 9 5 3 4 4s 451 D Smith Brand New, C. Walworth. Factotum ! C32G9 AAindsor 1 1:452 hvy 10S 2 12 13 11 G! 5 B Smith Request, Scarecrow, Steel Trap. ARAB, b. g, 5, by Mirthful Belle Hoyt J. Burttschell. AVeight today 102, 63269 AAindsor 1 l:45g hvy 110 11 7 S 5 4l 4J Stone Request. Scarecrow, Seel Trap. G2S77 Hamilton 1 1-16 1:51? slow 103 3 4 5 5 7 7" J Foley Attila, AVidows Mite. Nonsense. JOHN GARNER, b. g. 4, by Deerslayer Satinet S. J. Charles. AVeight today 104. G3423 AVindsor 1 1-S 2:002 mud 96 S 3 4 5 5 G Truman Bon Mot, Dolinda, Attila. G33G1 AAindsor 1 1-S l:3Gg fast 106 5 3 7 S 9 9 Stone Brand New, C. AValworth, Factotum i FRA FILLIPO, ch. c. 4, by The Friar St. Sophia Mrs. A. Tempest. Weight today 107. G31G1 Windsor 1 1-1G 1:53 Hvy 101 10 3 6. 8 9 SJXeeIey Capt.Bob, Malakoff, Sincerity Belle. G3109 AVindsor 1 1-1G 1:51 mud 100 3 7 G 5 4nt 41 Behrens Dolinda, Pentagon. Stoessel. SHERIFF BELL, b. h, 6, by Ornament Louiso Mrs. W. D. Millard. Weight today 107. C341S AVindsor 3-4 1:194 mud 113 11 11 11 10 9i J Foley Fargo, Miss Gaietv, Falkland. C32C9 AVindsor 11:432 hvy US 13 10 9 3 5 G" Abuchon Request, Scarecrow, Steel Trap. FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:40 J ?, 101. EZRA, br. c. 3. hv Orsini Elizabeth J. Boland. Weight today 97. fl."44! See AVindsor chart in this paper. C2422 AVindsor 1 l:46g mud 96 6 3 3 3 31 51 Hogg Request, Chambloe, Pentagon. C3329 AVindsor 1 1-8 l:54g fast 92 11 7 9 9 7s 71 F Burton Dolinda, Lemon Girl, Bon Mot. RAVIANA, b. f. 4. by Ravelston Floriana M. D. Miller. Weight today 99. 5345:: See AVindsor chart in this paper. 633S7 AVindsor S-4 1:194 slop 96 6 G G OJ 2 Bilac Nervator, KoeniginLuise, SansCoetir r 63214 AVindsor 7-S l:2Sg fast 103 S 7 G G 91 981 Bilac K.Pepper, FairCalypso, Ed. Gum. STOESSEL, ch. c, 3, by Aintree Claret J. W. Blalock. Weight today 100. C3209 AVindsor 7-S 1:28 fast 103 14 14 14 11 9 5i Hogg Prestige, FannieBlazes, AVinchester r G3109 AVindsor 1 1-16 1:54 mud 95 7 5 4 3 3 3 F Burton Dolinda, Pentagon, Fra Fillipo. ODDOLETTA, br. t, 4, by Oddfellow Dixoletta John Marklein. Weight today 100. ,t G31SS AVindsor 3-4 1:141 fast 9G 12 6 3 3 3 Pengast Operator, Caper Sauce, Foxmead. G2313 Louisville 1 1:441 good 103 G 6 7 7 71 9" Koerner Savolr Faire, Reticent, Swlftwlng. WADDELL II., b. c, 4, by Aloha Virgie J. Everman. Weight today 102. C3124 AVindsor 1 1:474 mud 9S 4 1 1 2 31 21 Pengast Edgely. Henry AAaring, SteelTrap. . C3209 AVindsor 7-S 1:2S fast 105 2 9 9 7 81 71 Bilac Prestige, FannieBlazes, AVinchester r MALAKOFF, br. h, 5, by St. Mom-Silver Cloud G. Holle. Weight today 102. 6342:! AVindsor 1 1-S 2:002 mud 102 1 S S 8 75 7 Kunz Bon Mot, Dolinda, Attila. G3361 Windsor 1 1-S l:3s fast 103 S 9 G G 5 51 Kunz Brand New, C. AValworth, Factotum ! OLD HAL. br. c, 4, by Halma Old Miss Mrs. C. Wolfe. Weight today 104. , G31S7 AVindsor 3-4 1:14? fast 9S 7 S 11 11 10" A Martin Bon. Reg, Butinskie ScotchPlume. G19S9 Memphis 1 1:442 fast 101 7 G 6 3 S Sl C Booker Celebration H. Scott, Uncle Henry. . BROOKSTON. b. r. 6. by Monaroh Princess Yama W. V. Ellery. Weight today 104. ;:;ir:; See AVindsor chart In this paper. C33S9 AAindsor 1 1:431 slop 9S 1 2 4 9 9 9"1W Fischer Sultry. St Tammanv. Request. G3327 AVindsor 1 1-1G l:47g fast SS C C 3 4 4 4 Bilac P.Sterling, H.Stepbens, Exclamation a WM. WRIGHT, b. c, 4, by Boundless May Bee J. Hendricks. Weight today 105. 57979 Windsor 106 1 fast 1:41 10 9 9 S 81 10 McKiny Little Giant Prestige, Small Talk. :. 57940 AVindsor 105 1 fast 1:414 S 6 9 10 91 91 Lee K.oftheValy, Jebane, A. Chaptman SIXTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:20 11 OS. ANCIENT WITCH, b. f. 3, by Sorcerer Eva Dinsmore M. D. Miller. Weight today 87. kJ44t See .AVindsor chart in this paper. 63234 AVindsor 7-8 1:2S4 fast 107 S 5 S 6 5"t 7l Bilac Lutle Mac, Aestryman, Proforma. 63157 Windsor 5 1-2 f 1:12 hvy 84 2 7 7 C C Bilac BlueCoat, King Pepper, Miriam AV. . RUILOBA, ch. c, 3, by Box Panchita II. G. W. Innes. Weight today 95. . 63353 AVindsor 3-4 l:16i fast 9G 2 111 1- Pengast Mag Xolln, Fargo. Edgelv. G2152 Lexington 5 1-2 f 1:074 fast 96 8 S 5 31 31 Oregar The Englishman, Noel, Leta Duffy. - LUTIE MAC, b. f, 3. by Ogden Pocahontas Oots Bros.. Weight today 100. I. G3234 Windsor 7-S 1:2S4 fast 102 1 1 1 1 1 l5 Minder Aestryman, Proforma, Merilene. 63107 AVindsor 3-4 1:19 mud 91 C 10 7 7 7i: Connolly Glendon, Doc Wallace, Matliis. PRESTIGE, b. 0, 4, by Previous Challie Howard C. S. Wilson. Weight today 101. C3420 Windsor 7-S 1:322 mud 103 2 4 3 5 5 G18 Pengast . AVilwdene. D.MKenna.M.lVgerlield d G3203 AVindsor 7-S 1:2S last 103 3 2 1 1 1! ll Pengasi Funuie Blazes, Winchester, Request it I 61 ,j ; c; 6; g r C: ;; and c: 6 c 6 6 BAIKAL, b. g, 6, by Patton Secrot G. W. Poole. Weight today 103. 62275. Memphis 3-1 1:11 fast 103 Left at. .t lit, post. LI vgston. Durbar, Hilona, Operator. 61716 Crescent Pic lm70yl:lG fast 117 7 2 2 2 2 35 Olipliant Barkelmore, Jungle Imp, Nones. EDWIN GUM, ch. c, 3, by Plutnt Hcssio Gum AV. AVslUor. Weight today 103. 63122 AVindsor 1 1 : Irtj? mud 9 S S .6 5 fi I!. AV Fischer Iteqnest. Chamblee. Pentagon. IhKfil AVindsor 1 1-S 1:362 fast ICS 4 fi l 9 Snk 7 1: Moore Brand New, C. Walworth, Factotum WIDOWS MITE, ch. m, 6, by Ornament Charity J. Carruthers. Weight today 104. 633S9 Windsor 1 1:431 slop 104 2 1 1 2 5w 64 J Foley Sultry. St. Tammany. Request. 63137 Windsor 3-4 1:201 hvy 111 7 6 G 4J 41 F Burton King Pepper, Bert Osra, Raviana. BONNIE REG, br. gr, 4, by Register Bonnie Lee J. W. Blalock. Weight today 105. 631S7 Windsor 3-4 1:143 fast 102 9 G 4 31 ll Hogg Butinskie. Scotch Plume. Clir.Fow 62S17 Buffalo 3-4 1:16 fast 92 4 4 C 3u 2" Farrow Loricate, TheBorglan, AVlld Irishman SCOTCH PLUME, ch. m. 5, by Knight of tho Thistle Coruna J. B. Dunn. Weight today 106. 632G3 Windsor 3-4 1:171 hvy 107 4 3 3 3 2s AV Fischer JlissLeeds, LadyHenrietta. ..InllaM. 631S7 AVindsor 3-4 1:141 fast 10S 1 2 3 4J 31 AV Fischer BounieReg. Butinskie. CliftonForge. OPERATOR, blk. g, 8, by Victory Thanks T. F. Bornman. Weight today 110. C31SS AAindsor 3-4 1:143 fast 100 2 1 1 Ill1 AV Fischer Caper Sauce. Oddoletta, Foxmead. 63162 AVindsor 5 1-2 f 1:12 hvy 104 4 4 3 2t li Truman Hilarity, Edgely, Fanuette. CLIFTON FORGE, ch. h, 5, by Handsome Illisee J. U. Strode. Weight today 112. 63391 AVindsor 3-4 1:163 slop 107 3 3 2 2 In Pengast BlueCoat, King Pepper. Butinskie. 631S7 AVindsor 3-4 1:142 fast 111 2 4 5 5l 441 Pengast Bon. Reg, Butinskie, ScotchPlume.

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