Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06

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LATONIA FORM CHART. COVINGTON, KY., July 5, 1906. First day. Latonia Jockey Club. Summer Meeting 33 days. Weather clear; track good. 22 liooks on. Presiding Judge, M. N. Macfarlan. Starter, J. J. Holtmau. Secretary, John IS. Dillon. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each nice indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. d. Q A Q 11 FIRST RACE 1 Mile. 1:3S 3 1075. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. OQtfcO JL Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 StrFin Jockeya Owners O H C P S G3337 DOCTOR DAN w 4 102 3 S 41 31 3 35 lh J Austin J II Jenkins 7 S 8 3 3-2 63404BITTER BROWN w 3 91 4 1 l"u lb 21 l 2b Perkins J C Calm 21 3 21 1 1-2 KJI04 OBERON W 3 92 7 9 5 6 41 4- 3" D Riley J McCIernand S 10 9 3 3-2 632IG STILLHUNT w 3 S9 2 7 21 2s l"t 2h 4 Heffnan O G Parko G 8 7 21 G-3 G3337 MARCO W 6 104 10 6 C !and 5 5s 51 E RobinsnJ Arthur 13 23 20 S 4 C3342DR. HART WS 7 104 8 5 9h 9 Gl 7J Gh Obert F E Ryan 21 3 3 1 1-2 63246 YACHTIXG GIRL wb 4 93 3 10 8 Sh 71 61 7 F Perrett H McCarren Jr 30 30 50 20 S C2221 CASPERDIXE ws 3 97 11 4 7 71 93 SI 8 C Fisher F Kuhn 40 100 CO 13 S 63374 LEE LAND wb 3 91 9 3 3 4 S 9 9h T Taylor S Hudson 10 10 10 4 3-2 63171 GOLD BELL WB 6 107 G 2 10 101010 10l D Boland C Cooper 50 CO 50 20 10 632S4 INArICTUS WS 99 111 11 11 11 11 11 ArchlbId AV Gabriel 50 100 CO 20 10 Time. 24-. 401, l:li. 1:421. AVlnnev 15. g, by hidlo Allanette trained by G. F. Jenkins. AVent lo post at 2:30. At post 2 minutes. .Start good. AVon driving; second mid third tlie same. Doctor Dan, well handled, was reserved In the early running and, saving much ground, came with a rush through the stretch and wore down Bitter Brown in the closing strides. Bitter Brown, clear of interference, raced Stillhuut into subjection and seemed a certain winner on the stretch turn but. going wide, los: much ground and she tired near the end. Oberon ran a good race and finished going gamely from a poor beginning. Stillliunt tired fast sifter going three-quarters. Marco kept close up and ran a fairly good race. Dr. Hart ran a bad race aud can do much better. Lee Land quit after going a quarter. Scratched 03221 Slierrill, S9; 03404 The Laurel, 102. Overweights Oberoii, 3 pounds; Casperdlne, 5; Lee Land, 2. O Q I QO SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. l:00j 2 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Selling. O O db O j Xet value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS 6333GCAMP w 93 15 4- 11 l5 Is 1 T Taylor S Hudson 6 9 7 31 3-2 C3223 BOTTLES w 105 13 9 6h 6 21 2s C Morris C V Muller 15 25 20 S 4 6S223 EDITH M. W 106 2 6 S 51 3 3s E RobinsnE Horton 10 13 12 I 2 65336 DEMO w 99 12 S 9 2h 4h 41 Obert P J Millett 30 40 30 10 G 63369 ANNA RUSKIX w 97 7 11 71 3h 51 51 F Perrett II McCarren Jr 15 17 15 6 3 C333G STILL ALARM W 102 5 16 131 101 Gl 6 Treubel J B Respess 10 12 6 2 1 TULIP w 93 1 1 2b 9 8 7 M Preston AV E AValsh 40 60 20 S 4 63372 BITTER MISS w 99 4 10 4b S3 71 Si Perkins J C Calm S 10 10 4 2 63336.LADY ATIMONT W 103 10 12 10 121 10 9 D Boland J Huffman 20 40 30 12 fi 631741AVEXDOAV w 102 1G 14 14 11 9aV10b E Rice J R Taylor 20 25 20 S 1 63369 HELMUTH Wit 102 3 5 3b 4tll 11 D Riley 15 Schreiber 12 25 20 S 4 G3369FRAXK FLESHER W 109 S 2 Cl 7h 12 12 Xicol John Marklein S-5 9-5 9-5 4-5 1-2 66369E LECTED wb 102 11 15 121 13l 13 13 D Austin J B Lewman 7 8 7 3 6-5 OCELOT w 1031 6 7 15 14 14 14s W Allen S II Kunz 60 100 1 00 40 20 6330S FIRALTO w 107 14 13 11 135 la5 155 Seder E E Ertel 60 150 100 40 20 CS83G GOLD BARS W 991 9 3 1G 16 16 16 C Booker A Baker 00 130 100 40 20 Time. 243, 4S, 1:01.. AVinner IS. g, by Meadowthorpe Little Belle trained by S. Hudson. AVent to iost at 2:58. At post 3 minutes. . Start good. AVon easily; second and third tlie same. Camp, away forwardly, was sent into a long lead from the start and Increased his advantage1 with every stride, winning eased to a canter in the last furlong. Bottles came with a rush in the stretch and was going fast at the end. Edith M. worked through a rough trip and was gaining in tlie last quarter. Demo ran a good race and had to overcome some interference in the early running. Anna Ituskin was going wide all the way, but came fast at the end. Still Alarm, away poorly, had a rough trip and closed u big gap. Tulip, favored at the start, ran a fairly good race and will Improve. Frank Flesher tired badly anil is showing effects of recent races. Elected, away in a tangle, had scant chance. p Overweights Frank Flesher. 1 iioinid; Ocelot, 41; Gold Bars, lj. CqTqQ THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:002100. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. OOotOO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 633402NONIE LUCILLE w 3 100 1 2 1 1 1 Is Heffnan McB Moore 4-3 9-104-5 1-1 ou 63337 CYGNET w 6 1031 7 6 3 3 21 2 W Allen S H Kunz 40 CO 60 10 3 63340 AVHOA BILL Ws 5 111 6 4 41 41 4 3 D Austin A" Gilbert 6 S 4 1 2-3 6US2 DELSEBOSA W 6 104 5 5 5 5 5 4"k E RobinsnR K Lewis 40 SO 75 15 3 62961 LADY CHARADE W 3 931 4 3 7 6 6" 5 C Morris J Arthur 40 SO 80 15 3 63309OASIS W 3 102 2 1 2 2 31 6 M Preston K Spence 2 21 21 9-20out C3121 ROMANY RYE w 3 101 3 7 Cl 7 7 7 D Boland C Heifers 75 300 200 100 23 Time, 24, 48. 1:14. AVinner Ch. f, by Bradwardinc Duchess of Kilwarlin trained by II. M. Davis. AVent to post at 3:20. At iKst 4 minutes. Start good. AVon easily; second and third the same. Nonie Lucille ran as if she outclassed the others and won all the way with plenty In reserve. Cygnet ran a surprisingly good race for her, closed a big gap and finished going fast. AVhoa Bill came fast in the stretch under punishment, but tired badly in the final drive. Delsebosa ran a fairly good race. Oasis bled after going a quarter and was a strong contender at the time of the mishap." Iidy Charads rati poorly. Scratched C3371 Ralbert. Ill; G3304 AVlndshleld. 04; 0330! Roval Legend, 1ft".; 0.5304sToppv Girl, 03; C3373MalJeable, 101; 03300 NIckle, S!; 03.308 Sea Mate, 01; 03251 Kohnotlaw, 101; 153221 Lane Allen, 102. Overweights Cygnet. Sj pounds; Delsebosa, 2; Lady Charade, 2; Romany Rye. 4. d Q A i FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:SS 3 107. Turse 1906.sh00. 3-year-olds and upward. OOfcOtfc Handicap. Net value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt M- StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS C3371COTTONTOAVN wn 3 106 3 3 ll 11 Is 1 1J D Austin I J Millett S-5 9-5 G-5 2-5 out 632S1STHE MINKS ws 3 107 1 2 41 3" 2nk 2 25 Treubel D N Prewitt 31 23-31 4-5 1-3 6263S EXAOY WB 4 104 5 4 3 4 3 3 3 E RobinsnP Dunne 2 11-32 3-5 out 63221 THE EXGLISHMAX W 4 101 2 1 21 21 4 45 4 Obert AV A Smith 10 15 15 3 4-3 63073 GUS HEIDORX w 5 102 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 C Morris J Arthur 20 50 30 S 3 Time, 25, 405, 1:15, 1:40. AVinner Br. c, by Captain Sigsbeo Lauretta Burke trained by J. Ross. AVent to post at 3:53. At post 1 minute. Start good. AVon handily; second driving; third easily. Cottontown ran to his best form under a good ride, set a terrific pace in the going and. although hustled sharply near the end, won well in hand. The Minks put up a good performance and kept gaining- steadily after going a half. Envoy tired badly after going three-quarters, but was best of tlie others and was easing up near tlie end. The Englishman tired badly after going a half and is not in good form at present. Gus lleidorn kept close up iu the early running and was cased up through the stretch when he was hopelessly beaten. Overweights Envoy, 2 pounds. FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 1:00s 2 110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Allowances. OOtjbOQ Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 63250 REDGAUXTLET w 105 5 5 4l 45 21 1 D Austin T P Hayes 3 16-32 3-3 1-3 6333SCHARLEY MITCHELLw 110 2 1 2- 2 l"" 2h E .RobinsnP J Millett 3 6 5 3-2 1-2 C2S61 PRINCE AHMED Wit 9S 4 7 6 6 5 G5 E Rice H Franklin 40 100 73 20 10 G330o5HAROLD D. ws 110 S 2 3 31 4"t 4 Nicol J E Clay 7-3 7-313-102-5 out 63303 RIDER HAGGARD AV 102 1 3 51 5- 6 5 Obert AAr Gerst S 20 20 7 3 63372MARMOREAX WB 102 3 4 ll 1 31 G" Treubel AV A Smith 10 33 12 4 0-5 TRUEPENNY W 95 7 6 7l" 7 7 1- D Riley L P Tarleton 100 100 100 20 10 63372 TETANUS W 95 9 S S S2 S S M Preston B Schreiber 40 100 73 20 10 SEBA w 95 6 9 9 9 9 9 C Morris P Dunne 50 100 73 20 0 Time, 24, 4S, 1:01. AVinner B. c, bv Sir AValler Orangeade trained by T. P. Hayes. AVent lo iost at 4:22. At post 3 minutes. Start fair. AVon driving; second aud third the same. Ked-gaimtlet, away slowly, had to be hard ridden for the entire trip and, saving ground when turning into the stretch, linitlied with a great rush and, wearing down Charley Mitchell in the last sixteenth, won drawing away. Charley Mitchell ran forwardly from tlie start and appeared a certain winner in tlie stretch, but was unprepared for the winners rush. Prince Ahmed ran green and bore out on the stretch turn, hut finished with an amazing burst of speed, was going faster than the leaders at the end and would have won at a longer distance. Harold 1. ran a poor race, quit badly and lxro out when hard pressed in the stretch. Marmorean showed a good Ilight of speed, but tired fast after going a half. Scratched 4J2SKS3 Eric Bello, 05. Overweights Marmorean. 3 pounds. -tQl Q X SIXTHRACE 1 Mile. 1:3831071. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. vJOttOO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt A Mi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 63310CATITANO wslt 4 109 11 7 5 51 31 2 1 Nicol K D Orr 41 6 G 2 1 63368K1 It ANA DA w 3 97 13 4 4 2 11 1 2"k C Fisher T J Nicol 21 31 31 3-2 7-10 G3373ALMA GABDIA w 3 S7 8 5 1 J! 21 3s 3 M Preston J F Newman 7 S" fi" 2 1 fi3342AVlLLlE XEWCOMB w 5 10S 10 3 31 4s 4 4- -ll D Austin J S AVard 4 6 5 2 1 G3342AUGUR w 4 102 2 1 9 7h 5 6 5 E Rice S AV Streett 10 20 13 6 3 63310 PINAUD W 3 96 3 12 11 101 10 7 6 D Riley H R Schaffcr S 12 6 21 6-3 i33,4MA.TABON wit 3 99 4 11 S 6 7s 5 7 Obert AV Gerst 10 15 12 5" 21 63342 STROUD wsu 4 109 7 9 10 11 11 S S Treubel AV Dennis 13 40 40 13 6 3070TWO PENNY w 5 111 1 2 6 12 12 10 91 Seder M M Hamilton 30 50 40 13 S 03202KNOAVLEDGE w 5 108 12 71 9 SI 11 10"k F Perrett J If Shouidico 30 75 50 20 10 113337 REVEILLE Wit 5 111 6 10 12 S 9 11 D Boland L Peters 12 10 25 S I 03312 DALESMAN w C 108 5 S 2 3" d" 12 12 E RobinsnJ S Bratton 12 15 15 G 3 032S3 THE ONLY AVAY WB 4 106 9 13 1:5 13 13 13 13 C Morris B Schreiber 30 30 25 8 4 Time, 25, 40j. 1:17, 1:41. AVinner Br. c, by- Gallantry Jetty trained by K. D. Orr. Went to post at 4:50. At post 3 minutes. Start good. AVon easily; second and third driving. Capi-tano, reserved In the early running, moved up fast after going three-quarters and, dashing Into a long lead, won with plenty In reserve. Granada forced a stiff pace and raced Alma Gardia into subjection but tired in the stretch run. Alma Gardia was speedy and ran to her best recent form. AVIIlie Neweonb ran forwardly from the start but, meeting Interference on the stretch turn, tired. Augur ran a good race and pulled up lame. Dalesman quit badly after going a half. Scratched 03405 Bugler. 108; 03201Lansdown, 108; 03373 Inspector Girl, S7. Overweights Granada, 1 pound. AQ1 QT SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles, 1:4554104. Purse 00. 3-vear-olds and uo- JO"0 ward. Selling. Net value to winner 00. . Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P S G3341CAPTAIN BUSH WB 3 109 3 2 3h 3 2 3i 11 Nicol C Heifers 1 eTl 1-2 1-4 p222 ADESSO ws 3 99 2 6 51 5 3 1 2J Obert J Gass 10 10 G 2 1 C32o2 GOLDEN MINERAL W 5 104 5 1 1 lh l iu 31J d Austin P Dunne 12 16 15 G 3 03252 THE GADFLY" wit 4 107 8 7 41 4 4h 41 4h A AV Bkerll Booker 4 5 5 S-54-5 03311S.J. K. F. W 3 100 6 S 7 61 6"k 5 55 D Riley C C McCaffcrty 10 12 10 3 6-5 033.0LITTLE ELK1N wu 8 104 7 5 S 8 S 0 6 C Morris J Arthur 15 23 20 0 3 C3374 ST. VOLMA ws 3 101 1 4 6 7 7 7i 7 E Robins nAppleagteandCof 11 15 25 20 8 -1 Coo74 FLOR1ZEL AV 5 101 4 3 21 2 51 8 8 F Perrett H McCarren Jr S 10 9 21 1 Time, 241, 40, 1:10, 1:41s, 1:48$. AVinner 15. e. by Jim Core Sue II. trained by V. AV. Doss. Went to post at 5:10. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second driving; third the same. Captain Bush, going wll for the entire trip, was called on strongly on the stretch turn and moved iip fast and Avon drawing away. Adesso, wall meant, showed surprisingly Improved form and was a fast going contender until nearlng the finish, Avhere he tired. Golden Mineral dWplaved the most earlv spoe. but tired after going a mile. Tie Gadfly ran a fairly good race and had 110 mishaps.- J. K. F. came wlt.i a belated rush after a slow beginning. Scratched 03404Dr McCluer, SO. , r

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