Latonia Entries and Form, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-06

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LATONIA ENTRIES AND FORM. The handicap figures on these races were made in expectation of a fast track. Probabilities: Weather clear; track muddy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. First Race 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. A. Wt. Hdcp. 03401 Hilona 4. .110. . X . .725 03279 My Gem 5. .112. . X. .715 0330S.... Presentation 0. .112. . X . .710 03.39; Inflammable 4. .112. . X . .705 02839 Sr. Denis 4. .112. . X . .700 03119 Clover Hampton 4. .110. . X . .095 G33GS Potter 5. .117. .. .0S5 02442 Dr. Riley S. .114. . X . .005 033GS Dr. Stephens S. .117. . X . .000 5K2G5 Sister Lillian 0. .112. . X . .000 5S320 Gilded Ladv 4.. 110 050 03220 Harleiptin 4.. 112 050 G32SO Scotch Dance . 5. .117. . X . .050 02037 Bill Walters 5.. 114 040 03201 Kittle Clyde 9.. 110 025 02901 Miss Layman 4. .110. . X . .025 Second Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. G:!33S. .. .Javanese 99 .725 a-K!0S... Lightning Conductor 90 715 03099... Pink Star .112. . x . .700 03123 Spider Web 93 095 03300.... All Ablaze 90.. X.. 093 03305 Bud Hill 105.. X.. 095 03400 . . . Frict ion 112. . X . . 395 0333S....SamlcatcIier 90.. X.. 090 03400 Bonaventure 99.. X.. 090 r.::3US The Mouser 99 075 VXiO.5 Zipango 90 000 03330 Vesme 93 050 K!372 Yando 93 050 03372 Chase 93 000 Ladv Saylor, ch. f, by Loyalist Salaire 99 Zenana, b. f, by Kismet Cimeter 93 Third Race 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 03373 Precious Stone 5. .121. . x . .725 03401 Zinda 4. .117. ...720 03308... Blucher 4. .115. . x . .715 03304 Laura Hunter 0. .112. .. .710 01807 John A. Scott 0. .117. . X . .705 01378 Labor S. .114. . X . .700 02017 Light Opera 0. .115. . X . .700 53009 Exalted 4.. 112 700 G3:!37 Vraehne S. .112. . X . .090 g:!3G8....Lucu11us 4. .112. . X . .090 03401 Mohave 5. .121. . X . .0!K 01755... Verandah 4. .110. . X . .090 033GS Kodolfo 5. .112. . X . .085 03340 Clyde 5. .121. . X . .0S5 03370 Mogregor 4 . . 112. . X . .075 01530 Ayr 5. .114. . X . .075 Fourth Race About 1 3-4 Miles. Steeplechase. 3-ycar-oMs and upward. Maidens. Handicap. 02914 Harefodt 4.. 147 700 03098 Signal Light 4. .130. . X . .09. i--Uo::;,...Fred Priesmeyer 4. .i:;5. . X. .08.; 02904... Modredlaw 4. .128. . . .075 03300 Outshine 4.. 130 050 03403 .Tolo 9.. 142 050 02702. .-. .Signiuud 0. .125. .. .000 C29G4 Woodlyn 5 . 132 . . X . . 000 01313.... Dell Leath 5.. 142 00O Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 3- year-olds and upward. Selling. !--!??; "S8!?1 C. 100.. X.. 725 UUi84 . . .Rubmon 95 720 13310 Lizzie McLean ;j !K!!x"7l.5 03374. .. .Minnehaha 3"" 05"xii710 02500... Belden " ; " 98. ."710 03373.... Inspector Girl KX."l710 01819 Lady Ethel 3.. 9;s..x..705 02993 Fresnola :;."lbl.". .700 03240 Leo Bright ;$. . !5..X..700 03279. Santa Lucia 3.. :s..x..005 1280 .Tom Crowe 3. .100. . X . .095 G2SS7 Topsy Robinson 3.. j. . X . .0S0 G33iS.... Mendocino 3.. 101 075 0330S Moccasin Maid 3.. 0 .050 03021 Sibylla 3.. 93 025 03374 King Abyssinia 3.. 92.. X.. 000 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 4 - year-olds and upward. Selling. 03025 Gilpin 4. .110. . X . .725 03405 Mamie Algol 4. .109. .. .715 53.340 Ida Davis 5. .101. . X . .710 G247G Drexel 4. .107. . X . .705 i3309 Royal Legend 4. .105. . X . .705 03241! Arc Light 4. .101. . X . .700 03370... Handy Bill 4. .104. . . .090 03405. . . Bill Carter 4. .112. . X . .0S5 01852 Ethel Mark 4.. 94. .X.. 005 G241C Frivol 7. .101. . X . .000 Seventh Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 03310. .. .Josies Jewel 3.. 88.. X.. 725 03247 Joe Shields 3.. 99.. X.. 710 03399 .. .Early Hours 3.. 91. .X.. 700 03342 For Hunting 4. .103. .. .095 63404 Gladiator 4. .103. . X . .090 03404. ..Dr. McCluer 3.. 90.. X.. COO 03251 Oak Grove 3.. 83. . X . .090 03399 Pirates Dance 3.. SS..X..CS5 C3433 Lady Charade 3.. 91..X..0S5 03279 Triple Silver 5. .103. . X . .075 029S7 Colonial Lady 3.. 94.. X.. 005 03404 The Laurel ". 9. .103. . X . .000 03340 Sago 3.. !. .X..050 02558.. .Margery Gaffncy 4. .101. . X . .050

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