Condensed History of the Lawrence Realization Stakes, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11

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CONDENSED HISTORY OF THE LAWRENCE REALIZATION STAKES. When Mr. J. G. IC. Lawrence, the accomplished turf and keenly coveted by all men wjio own and Secretary ot the Coney Island Jockey Club devised race thoroughbreds. the ingenious conditions of the Futurity, he hoped As In the case of all big stakes the entries to it would lie the most valuable race of the world for which are of foals or yearlings, it frequently oc- two-vear-ohls and counted on its becoming worth CI,r that some one or more line three-year-olds crow "I tllat ire not eligible as in the case of 00 tinnonit 000 ,.r of gross .n annual mmnl vilne value. As As Its II Kennnl hiqiiel be be s,r n,lon Ul,s yparlnlt , tue maln tne ItoaUza. worked out the conditions of the Realization btakes,. ton lllls annually been contested by recognized called the Lawrence Realization iu his memory cracks, such stars as Salvator and Tenny finishing since his death. It was his hope that this event first and second in its first year of running. Since would be as distinctly first in point of value among then it has fallen to such great three-year-olds as stakes for three-year-olds as the Futurity was, to be Tournament, Potomac, Tammany, Dobbins, Requital, among fixtures for two-year-olds. His aspirations The Friar, Hamburg, Ethelbert, Africander, Ort were not fully realized in the case of either, but Wells and Sysonby. Its condensed history is as both are of the very foremost events of the American follows: - Year. First. Jockeys. Wt. Second. Wt. Third. Wt. Val. Time. 188! Salvator J. McLaughlin. .122 Tenny 1011 Long Dance 112 $.14,100 2:51 1890 Tournament Ilayward. .112 Her Highness ...IK! Banquet 110 25,300 2:51 1891 Potomac ; Hamilton. .11! Montana lot Strathmeath ...110 :!0,S50 2:51 1S!2 Tammany Garrison. .11! The Pepper 115 Patron 11! 28.470 2:518 1893 Daily America Simms..l07 St. Leonards 117 Sir Walter 122 24,150 2:50J IS! 1 Dobbins Siinnis. .122 Hornpipe 122 It. el Sta Anita 11! 33,40t 2:55 1S!5 Bright Phoebus KeilT.,.115 Keeiian 122 King Arthur 11.112 20,700 2:54s lSJti Requital A. Clayton. .110 Peep oDay 107 Merry Prince... 110 17,305 2:40s 1S!7 The Friar Littlelleld. .115 Rensselaer 112 Buddha lis 18,125 2:48s 1S9S Hamburg T. Sloan.. 122 Plaudit 122 George Boyd ...112 13,875 2:51e 18!!Ethelhert Spencer. .118 Lothario 122 Filon dOr 119 12.S90 2:51s 1900 Pr. of Melbourne Spencer. .120 Ildrlm 12i Kilogram 119 14,325 2:49? 1901 The Parader MeCue..l20 Commando ;i21 Mortallo 11C i:t,555 2:49 1902 Maj. Daingerlield Odom..l23 The Rival Ill Goldsmith 12:; 12.S75 2:47 1903 Africander Bulhnan..l20 Golden Maxim 120 Savable 125 18,035 2:45e 1904 Ort Wells F. ONeill.. 120 Mercury 113 Graziallo 122 20,945 2:47? 1905 Sysonby Nieol..l25 Tanya .. 121 Migraine 110 17,935 2:47 1900 Accountant J. Martin.. 120 Entree 119 Bulls Eye 110 15,310 2:48

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