Brighton Beach Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, July 11, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11

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Brighton" Beach Entries ant Past Per fdrniances tor WeHiiesda July il. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 1:123111. Index Course Dist Time Tck Wt St lA StrFln Jockeys Best Company CRESSINA, b. f, 3, by Watercress Carina A. J. Joyner. . Weight today 102. 62014 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:124 good 102 4 4 2 21 451 Horner N. Hodge. DiamondFlush. B.lhlllipa 62349 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:102 fast 97 10 10 10 10 10 Horner Couslstent, Belle Strome, Flip Flap. 62510 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:16 fast, 92 1 4 4 5 1 41 Horner Daluty, CeUerstrome, Sauisoa. BRYAN, ch. g, 4, by Tho Commoner Ursula G. B. Horris. Weight today 110. G331S Coney Island 1 1:S0J fast 112 1 3 3 4 51 5"1L AVilliamsD. Spanker, 0. Faithful. R. of Cold i 60149 City Park 111 1 fast 1:411 4 3 3 1 l1! 2" Nicol Alma Dufour, Debar, Goldmate. i CS070 City Park 110 lm 70y slop l:G0g 111 1 l2 ll Nicol Delphic, Luralighter, Shawana. PRINCE HAMBURG, b. c, 4, by Hamburg Maori H. P. Whitney. Weight today 125. 034S5 Conev Island 3-4 1:13? fast 129 7 S 0 6 6 I,ync Handzarra, Nan. Hodge, E.Jnckson. 1 03213 Coney Island 1 l:37g fast 11C 2 3 3 5 Ch llJLyno Inquisitor, Von Tromp, Halifax. i 63190 Conoy Islands 1-2 f 1:1S2 fast 12C 2 1 1 l1 lh J Martin Sir Lynnewood, China. Aeronaut. 1 XIAMESHA, br. f, 4, by Esher Reflection Oneck Stable. Weight today 128. 03429 Coney Island 3-4 1:123 fast 12S 4 3 3 30 lh W Knapp Roselicn, Handzarra, M. Donohue. 63210 Coney Island 3-4 1:12 fast 113 3 2 1 1 l4 W Knapp Handzarra, Roseben, AVatergrass. I G311G Coney Island 3-4 1:125 fast 122 G 6 5 51 G5 W Knapp KgsDghter, Pr.IIamliurg.Roseben j HOORAY, ch. c, 3, by Plaudit Readina A. L. Aste. Weight today 122. 63455 Coney Island 3-1 1:141 fast 110 4 3 G Gl G! Hagan F. Premium, OldFaithful. Ballotta. C311G Coney Island 3-4 1:122 fast 113 1 3 4 4h G" Hagan KgsDghter, Pr.IIamburg.Uoseben G2S0C Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 111 7 0 10 10 10"lHagan Toots Jlook, Water Tank, Arklirta. FIRST PREMIUM, ch. e, 3, by Gorman Premium J. W. Fuller. Weight today 127. I 03155 Coney Island 3-4 1:115 fast 126 5 9 S 2 ll Bedell OldFaithful. Ballotta, Water Tank. 1 G3239 Coney Island 3-4 1:14 fast 12G 2 G G 5l 5J Scwcll Ironsides, l!en ISnn, Confederate. 02729 Belmont Pk 7-S 1:25 fast 118 7 7 7 S 7 G Bedell Aeronaut, Dolly Spanker, Flip Flap, i GERANIUM, br. m, 5, by Lazzarone Gaillard III. J. G. Lyman. Weight today 123. G29:!2 Brooklyn lm 70v 1:452 fast 102 5 7 7 7 7 6nil Cochran Logistilla, Moonsliine, Coy Maid. i 62752 Belmont Pk 7 1-2 f 1:32 fast 103 5 3 3 3 3l 23 W Miller Wclbourne, Far West, Wcs. PLEASANT DAYS. b. c, 3, by Buddha Palmy Days L. Block. Weight today 107. 63091 Coney Island 1 1-10 l:4Sg fast 10G 7 10 12 12 12 12S"1W Knapp Benevolent, Pr.Fredk, Lancastrian. 6272S Belmont Pk 11:39 fast 105 S 7 7 7 71 7JWisbard Kins Cole, Aucassin, Jack McKeon. 62518 Brooklyn 1 1-4 2:072 fast 90 10 9 9 9 S 5" R. McDanllorkshirc Lad, Red Friar, Bragg. I BOB ROY, ch. g, 5. by Sir Walter Melody Oneck Stablo. Weight today 120. 1 03012 Brooklyn All 3-1 1:112 "mud 100 3 3 S 61 6"lHomer Arklirta. Brush ITji, Brookdale. 1 621S9 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 10115 1G 15 13 13 Baird Shot Gun. Emergency, Van Ness. 6221S Jamaica 3-4 1:132 fast 101 7 5 5 li 13 It Lowe. Austin Allen, Ancestor, Wyeth. I LISTLESS, ch. f, 3. by Voter In difference W. C. Daly. Weight today 102. 1 03014 Brooklyn Al 3-4 1:13 mini 90 10 11 11 11 ll"iCIare Gen. Haley, GoldSifter, BelleStrouie 1 623SG Brooklyn Al 3-1 1:13 slop 89 5 4 2 3J 31 G Burns Sir Carutbers, Progress, Sir Russell C2S32 Brooklyn Ab 3-1 1:101 fast 87 G S 9 92 1010 G Burns Halifax, Bohemia, Pr. Hamburg. Oneek Stable entry Kiameslia and Itob Roy. 1 SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Handicap. 1:22 G 142. ONTEORA. ch. c, 4, by Belmar Bay Bells H. S. Page. Weight today 131. SS170 Morris Pk Ab 2 4:14 good 112 3 5 4 4 4 L"1 Finnecan Kernel. Oleroso. Paeetti. 58020 Belmont Pk 132 All 2 Rood 3:592 S 8 S G Fell Davidson Deleanta, Fnllabeen, The Doctor. 57927 Belmont Pk 132 Ab 2 fast 4:01 11 Fell Tuckcy Deleanta, The Lad, Alfar. OLEROSO, b. c, 4, by Hastings Oricnta Hampton. Stable. Weight today 130. 63297 Conoy Island V C 5:1 lg fast 130 3 4 4 4 4 4Mr Smith Kernel, Phantom. Knight of Elway. 02730 Belmont Pk Ab 2i 5jl3 fast 112 G 6 5 3 3 3 Mr Smith GameCock, PaulJones, AVillicPricc. ORO, b. c, 4, by Hastings Donna do Oro T. Hitchcock, Jr.. Weight today 147. 03333 Coney Island FC 5:2S hvy 142 2 5 5 5 5 4" Owens Kernel, Coligny, Paul Jones. 63139 Coney Island F C 5:12 slow 145 7 4 5 6 7 7"iStonc Grandpa, Deleanta, Hylas. 03005 Brooklyn Ab 2 3:5S slow 131 2 4 3 3 3,s 13 Stono Deleanta, El Cuchillo, Phantom. JIMMY LANE, ch. pr, 6, by His Grace Anna Page Mr. Cotton. Weight today 156. 5S044 Belmont Pk 107 Ab 3i fast 6:57 6 4 5 3 3 3JJOwons Hylas. Ben Crockett, Gansevoort. 57507 Coney Island 150 Ab 2i fast 5:1G 3 3 3 1 Is Is "Owens DickRoberts, Pagan Bey, Phantom. CALLER, b. g, 7, by Tammany Caledonia J. E. Widonor. Weight today 146. 0315S Coney Island S C 4:12g fast 112 2 113 4 4lButiTcr YsimaChristy, ToinCogan. FollowOn 4S879 Coney Island Ab 2 4:09 fast 153 1 3 3 2 2s l5 Donohuo Bonlire. Foxhunter, Delivery. JS73S Saratoga Ab 21 5:14? slop 15G 3 2 1 3 35 3" Donohuo St. Jude, Foxhunter, Adjidaumo. THE LEXINGTON LEADER, br. g. 4, by G. W. Johnson Brooklet J. W. Colt. Weight today 138. C.::r..",N See Coney Island chart in this paper. GS015 Latonia 9S 3-4 slow 1:16? 7 5 5 Ch 7,0JW Allen Pclagoa. Roscoe, Marco. 57S9S Louisville. 107 3-4 hvy 1:1SS11 10 10 10 10 Trcubcl EchoDale, FrankKill, Maj.Carpenter 67824 Louisville 97 3-4 fast l:15g 5 8 5 4h 4JR Fisher Azelina. Echo Dale, Frank Bill. GLENGATE, br, m, 6, by Walmsgate ,dam by Glenvannon Brownleigh Park Stable. Weight today 140. 030S9 Coney Island S C 4:07? fast 13S 3 3 4 4 5 54,1J OBrien Coligny. Paul Jones, Kernel. 62900 Brooklyn Ab 2 3:55g fast 141 5 5 2 2 25 25 J OBrien K.of Elway, Tom Cogan, Long Run. SALTINE, b. g. 5, by Onondaga Rose Lady Bonniebrook Stable. Weight today 130. 02593 Belmont Pk All 21 0:03 slop 133 5 6 5 5 41 4" Geo Palm Room, Mamie II., Phantom. 6202G Aqueduct Ab2 5:10 hvy 139 3 2 2 2 2" 21 Holman R.W.andRlue, T.Cogan, Belligerent G1S97 Aqueduct Ab 2 4:331 fast 111 4 5 4 4 4 3s Sobcll B.Crockctt, Phantom, MissIIolihouse P ATAG ONI AN, ch. h, 5, by Del Paso II. Patagonia II. J. E. Widener. Weight today 140. 54SG9 Belmont Pk Ab 21 5:15 fast 152 5 4 4 2 2 1 OBrien Snuff, Red, White and Blue, Pious. 54701 Belmont Pk Ab 2 4:06 mud 13S 3 3 4 4 4s 45JRobcrts Hylas, Sandhurst, Russell Sage. J. E. Widener entry Caller and Patagonian. THIRD RACE 5-8 Mile. Distaff Stakes. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 59s 01. BULCINEA, blk. f, 2, by Knight of tho Thistle Castana R. H. McC. Potter. Weight today 105. 631S7 Coney Island 5-S 59 fast 107 S S 8 10 10s T Burns Misgivings, Soprano, Altuda. 63113 Coney Island 5-S 1:015 fast 106 5 1 1 l1 2 T Burns Toddles, Miss Strome, Fav-. C3040 Brooklyn 5-8 1:03 mud 109 6 3 2 3h G10IJ Jones Loring, Umbrella, Magna Stella. ALTUDA, ch. f, 2. by Alvescot Ignite G. J. Long. Weight today 105. G31S7 Coney Island 5-S 59 fast 107 3 3 2 31 3l Troxler Misgivings, Soprano, Baringo. 02735 Latonia 5-S l:05g mud 117 7 S 6 S"t 9" Troxler La Veita. Caiier, Victoria B. C23S0 Louisville 4 1-2 55 fast 10S 5 2 2i 21 D Austin Jack Atkln, Victoria B., C. Gilbert. MENTHA, b. f, 2, by Commando Mintcako J. R. Keene. Weight today 105. 634S7 Conoy Island 5-S 59 fast 107 2 2 4 6 7 Itadtko Misgivings, Soprano, Altuda. SAGHALIEN. b. f. 2, by Watercress Inquisitive II. J. C. Cooley. Weight today 100. 031S7 Conoy Island 5-S 59 fast 110 7 7 7 51 5s Horner Misgivings, Soprano. Altuda. 02709 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 525 fast 115 3 3 41 4 Lyne CourtDress, BarbaryBclle. Adoration 62487. Brooklyn 5-S 1:02 fast 110 2 2 3 3s 23 J Jones C. Russell, G. George, Kllllecrankle MANILA, br. f. 2. by Gerolstein Chimera Albemarle Stable. Weight today 105. 03302 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 slop 109 7 5 3 4 S11 Finn J. C. Core, Smiling Tom, Yorkist. 03016 Brooklyn 5-S 1:03J mud 114 4 3 4 45 48J J Jones Hyperbole, Golden West, Adoration. 63SS4 Brooklyn G-S 1:02? fast 109 3 2 1 11 W Miller Misgivings, Garters, Xankee Girl. CLARE RUSSELL, ch. f, 2, by Russell Clare Duncan Oneck Stable. Weight today 119. 03395 Coney Island 3-4 ldlj hvy 119 2 2 2 3s 3 L WilllamsEthoii, Red River, Philander. 6310G Coney Island 5-S l:00g fast 115 2 11 l2 1 L WilliamsAdoration, Baringo, Woodwitch. 02957 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:08 fast 91 2 4 2 2l 1 Horner Botanist, Master Lester, Pierrot. GLAMOR, ch. f, 2, by Hastings Glory A. Belmont. Weight today 105. 031G8 Coney Island 5-S 1:00? fast 105 1 2 2 31 5H W Miller ClarcRusseli, Adoration, Baringo. REMISS, b. f, 2, by Kings Counsel Night Gown G. C. Bennett. Weight today 105. 02740 Buffalo 4 1-2 f 554 fast 109 S 7 7s 6" W McGec Lord Boanerges, Flip, Llvius. G2G23 Toronto 4 1-2 f 55 fast 107 1 5 3 2 W McGee Bathmaria, Relna Swift, Partiality. 025S3 Toronto 5-S 1:03 mud 105 5 1 1 11 31 W McGee Josie S., Manana, Bathmaria. BARINGO, b. f. 2, by Orlando Lake Broeze E. R. Bradley. Weight today 105. 031S7 Coney Island 5-S 59 fast 107 6 . 6 G 4" 41 AV Knapp Misgivings. Soprano, Altuda. 03331 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 fast 110 4 2 2 31 3i AV Knapp Jaunty, Miss Strome, Economy. 03274 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 slow 111 2 GOG3 4s AV Knapp Jersey Lady, Toddles, Fantastic. SOPRANO, b. f, 2, by Sempronius Sweet Singer A. L. Aste. Weight today 105. 631S7 Coney Island 5-S 59 fast 107 1 1 1 lh 21 Hagan Misgivings, Altuda. Baringo. 02779 Brooklyn 5-S 1:01 fast 114 1 1 1 1 2" AV Knapp Court Dress, Adoration, Jersey Lady 62119 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 54 fast 114 7 5 68 6nlHagan Court Dress, Clare Russell, J. Lady. FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Brighton Mile. 3-year-o!ds and upward. Weight for Age. 1:38 0122. HAMBURG BELLE, ch. m, 5, by Hamburg Isiac J. B. Haggin. AVeight today 121. 03333 Coney Island 1 1:395 fast 100 1 2 2 2 1 1 AV Miller Halifax, Fancy Bird. 67532 Coney Island 122 7-8 fast 1:25 3 4 4 2 2 1 W Davis Burleigh, LadyAmella, RapidWator 67441 Coney Island 119 1 fast 1:3S 2 3 2 1 1JJ lJ W Davi3 Molly Brant, Oiseau, Sidney F. TOKALON, b. f, 4, by Tammany Enid J. W. Fuller. Weight today 121. 63 ISS Coney Island 1 1-4 2:05 J fast 117 7 9 9 9 S SU Martin Sir Huoii, Glorifier. Cederstrome. 63092 Coney Island 1 1-4 2:055 fast 119 12 10 7 5 4h 5 Bedell Go Between. Dandelion. CoIoninlGirl 623S4 Brooklyn 1 1-1G l:49jJ slop 118 5 5 a 5 5 5" Bedell Coy Maid, Flip Flap, Consistent. GALLAVANT, ch. c, 3. by Ornament Spanker R. T. Wilson, Jr. Weight today 114. G3521 Coney Islands 1-2 f l:lSg fast 109 3 3 2 41 l" AV Miller Comedienne, Monet, Ironsides. 57514 Coney Island 11S 3-4 fast 1:148 G 5 3 4 4 Hbrand Vendor, Voorhees, Accountant. 57299 Saratoga 118 3-4 fast 1:131 7 7 7 C GlBcdfcrn Tangle, Juggler, Ravena. TRADITION, b. f. 4, by Goldfinch Reclare S. Paget. Weight today 121. 63303 Coney Island 1 1-10 l:47g fast 10G 1 2 1 1 21 21 Horner Hun. Water. Piratelolly, Snow-King. G3090 Coney Island 3-4 1:12 fast 113 2 2 2 2" 2s AV Miller Brookdale Nymph. 62984 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:491 slop 120 3 4 4 4 4l 4,JU Jones Coy Maid, Flip Flap, Consistent. WHIMSICAL, ch. f, 3, by Orlando Kismet T. J. Gaynor. Weight today 109. 63300 Coney Island 1 3-S 2:17?. fast 100 6 1 1 1 u 2 L WilliamsKlip Flap, The Quail. Cairngorm. C2S-S2 Brooklyn 1 1-4 2:05? fast 106 2 2 2 2 lh 11 L AVilliamsCairngorm, Onnondale. C2S31 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:451 fast B5 4 3 3 3 2i 21 Hotter Ormoiidale. Flip Flap, Holscher. FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1:002109. EL DORADO, ch. c. 2, by Etholbort Dorothoo P. Bolmont. Weight today 07. G31S9 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:053. fast 97 2 4 5 51 5 S Pope Fiowavvay, Black Mate. Jaclnta. 6.397 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09A hvy 107 5 4 4 61 95 Pope Al Powell. Jaunty, Judge Davey. 619j5 Aqueduct 1-2 4Sg fast 105 8 S 71 S10 J Jones Conville. Philander, Campaigner. COMMUNIPAW. b. c, 2, by Phoenix Glen Waltz J. Wood. Weight today 102. 03244 Coney Island 5-8 1. "01 fast 106 11 12 12 12 14". II Cochran Capt.Einerich, Umbrella, J. O. Core 62910 Brooklyn 5 1-2 f 1:07?. fast 10S S 5 7 8s 8T Burns Yankee Gun, Elfall, Moyea. 62833 Brooklyn 5-S l:01g fast 102 2 2 2 2J 2s Baird SirTodington, Baytwig.K.oflvanhoe PUNGENT, b. f. 2. by Intrusive Miss Frances G. C. Bennett. Weight today 90. 034S9 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:03? fast 103 7 9 10 9h 9l AV McGee Flowaway, Black Mate, Jncinta. 63425 Coney Island 5-S 59J fast 102 9 8 8 71 7" AV McGee J. C Core. Frank Lord. Somnus. 62936 Buffalo 4 1-2 f 541 fast 103 4 4 41 4 AV McGco Ellicott, AVing Ting. Groinoboi. COLONEL JACK, b. c, 2, by Pc3S ara Middy Morgan W. H. Holland. AVeight tcday 108. 03302 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:07?. fast 107 5 7 7 7h 7IslIerrinc M. Stella, K. of Ivaniioe. JI. Banns. C31G1 Coney Islands 1-2 f l:07g fast 115 14 13 18 18 18lPcrrine Peter Pan, Paunionok,. Yankee Girl VILLAGE KING, b. c, 2, by Handsome Village Pride C. Woodford. Weight today 102- C3I25 Coney Island 5-S 531 fast 97 11 16 1G 15 15:llHagan J. C Core, Frank Lord, Somnus. 62335 Brooklyn 5-S 1:01 fast 102 7 12 10 10h 10,iIIorner Bat Mastersou, Oran, Paunionok. JUDGE DAVEY, ch. c, 2, by Giganteum Cuirass C. Do Witt. Weight today 107. KLkl? See Coney Island chart in this paper. 63337 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:091 hvy 112 3 5 3 3s 31 Lyne Al Powell, Jaunty, Lally. 63277 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09 slow 105 5 5 5 5l 41 AV Knapp Solly M., Frank Lord, Ben Strong. 63215 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:07 fast 102 9 7 6 5h C Baird Monfort, Frank Lord, Black Mate. GENERAL SHERMAN, blk. c, 2, by Sir Dixon Duchess of Montrose Delaware Stable. Weight today 102. 63305 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09 slop 112 4 4 4 4 4",SIIorner Dnshawny, DonEiirhpie, Mgomery. 63192 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:001 fast 10S 9 9 8 8 S" L AVilliamsKed River. Sewell, Bat Masterson. 6301S Brooklyn 5 1-2 1 1:032 mud 112 13 13 13 13 13 L, AVilliamsAllowinalse, Malacca, Alpenmarchen CLEMENTS, br. o. 2. by Albert Zetotie H. Gardner. Weight today 102. KS537 See Coney Island cluirt in this paper. 63189 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:052 fast 102 9 0 6 7h 8" Horner Flowaway. Black Mate, Jiicinta. 3277 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:09 slow 102 1 7 7 71 71 Badtkc Solly M.. Frank Lord, Ben Strong. 63215 Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:07 fast 106 8 9 9 91 13 Itadtko Monfort. Frank Lord. Black Mate. GRAY DAY, gr. c, 2, by Faraday Crimea E. Burke. Weight today 102. 62320 Jamaica G-S 1:03 slop 107 8 S 8 8 713!Pcrrino RoyalBreeze, G.S.Davis, Dumround. FLOWAWAY. b. c. 2, by Alloway Florio W. H. Brown. Weight today 105. OSlS Coney Islands 1-2 f 1:052 fast 99 3 2 2 11 11 Finn Black Mate. Jaclnta, Molesey. 63125 Conoy Island 5-8 552 fast 97 0 4 4 41 4 Finn J. c Core, Frank Lord, Somnus. 62727 Belmont Pk 5-S 592 fast 10W 7 7 7 61 G5 Brussel Jaunty, Loyal, Gold Lady. ESTIMATE, br. f. 2, by Sir Dixon Reckon W. H. Brown. Weight today 100. 63334 Coney Island 5-S 1:02 fast 110 7 6 6 5 5i J Martin Jaunty, Miss Strome. Baringo. 63113 Coney Island 5-S 1:015 fast 10S 18 14 14 151 1G"JJ Martin Toddles, Dulcinea, Miss Strome. 62399 Belmont Pk 4 1-2 f 53g fast 107 5 6 3l 31 J Martin Toddles, Mirza, LIda Jones. ANNA LORETTA DALY, br. f, 2, by Ben Brush Climax AV. C. Daly. Weight today 94. C3425 Coney Island 5-S 591 fast 91 14 15 15 1G 1C1G Burns .1. C Core, Frank Lord. Somnus. 62547 Brooklyn G-S 1:032 fast 103 9 S 11 ll1 HlDoyle Mirza, Garters. Alia Farola. 62177 Jamaica 5-S 1:04 mud 109 7 6 S 9 9UIII Cochran Ainsworth, Solly M., Aeloclty. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Special Weights. 1:112 i 101. DAVE LEWIS, b. c, 3, by Montana Marsala G. W. Belknap. Weight today 110. 63470 Buffalo lm 40y 1:45 fast 102 9 9 9 10 5 6 Koerncr Racine II., Clara Dee, Dargln. C3;82 Buffalo I J.-1S 1;4C fast 100 2 i i 4 4 4Ti h Smith MissUUJJEurl Rogers, MissUuwlcy i i 1 i 1 I j I 1 i i I 1 1 I 1 1 1 OCEAN SPRAY, b. f, 3, by Oddfellow Ethel Thomai L. R. Worth. Weight today 105. 03114 Coney Island 1 1:405 fast 107 6 9 6 6 5h 4"! Cmmins Bat. McKIttredge, King Henry. 62S5S Brooklyn 1 1-1G 1:481 fast SO 4 1 7 7 10 10iBrussel Janeta, Palette. IMitli James. 62553 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:111 fast 107 8 8 5 5h 5 T Burns Brookdale, Nemesis, Chandos. BLUESTONE, br. c, 3, by Sir Dixon Bonnie Bluo II. P. J. Dwyer. Weight today 110. 63114 Coney Island 1 1:405 fast 112 11 10 7 5 31 01 Sewell Bat, McKIttredge, King Henry. 63069 Brooklyn 1 1-16 1:52 slow 112 6 5 3 3 4l 45i AV Miller Single Shot, Nathan Hale, Saylor. 629C0 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:161 fast 112 10 S 7 7 71 G F ONeill Stimulant. RoyalSceptre, Conquest. LA DANZADOR, b. m, 5, by Rapallo Court Dance Piedmont Stable. Weight today 105. 62S35 Brooklyn Ab 21 4:332 fast 139 1 Fell. Finncgan Knight of Elway. Dromedary, Oro. 61552 AVashington Ab 2 4:25 fast 149 2 1 3 3 3 3st5Mr Carle Pr. of Pilscn. Saltine. Harry Patton ARTERY, blk. o 3, by Ogden British Blue Blood W. A. Chanler. Weight today 110. G3331 Coney Island 1 1-S 1:31J fast 105 3 3 2 2 31 C5 Badtke O. Cromwell, ORourke, AVoodsman. 63216 Coney Island 1 1:391 fast 105 9 5 4 4 7U 9 L AVilliamsGlorilier, Heaslip, Single Shot. LICHTMESS, b. h, 6, by Candlemas LIndienne W. S. Houso. Weight today 110. 029G0 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:401 fast 112 3 4 6 0 0 7" II Cochran Stimulant, RovalSceptre, Conquest. C2S0S "Brooklyn lm 70y 1:40?. fast 10S 1 2 2 2 41 10" II Cochran Moonshine, K. Henry, Royal Sceptre. 02533 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:111 fast 112 1 3 9 91 11 II Cochran Brookdale, Nemesis, Chandos. BERACHA, br. c, 4. by Esher The Jewess W. Huston. AVeight today 107. 0224S Jamaica 3-4 1:132 fast 95 10 10 10 10 lOnilorner Rob Roy, Austin Allen, Ancestor. E6727 Brighton Bch SS 1 1-16 slow 1:48 5 2 2 5 61 Sls Gcrdes King Cole, Gold Braid, Jetsam. 56410 Brighton Bch 107 1 1-16 fast 1:48511 11 11 9 71 7" W Knapp Ismallian, Chrysolitc,BIack Prince KING HENRY, ch. c, 3, by Sir Dixon Sallie of Navarre W. H. Brown. AVeight today 107. 63114 Coney Island 1 1:405 List 109 2 2 2 2 2J 31 J Martin But, McKIttredge. Ocean Spray. 629S3 Brooklyn 1 1-2 2:37 slop 115 2 3 3 3 3 S5" J Martin Belmere, The Quail. 62S0S Brooklyn lm 70y 1:461 fast 103 9 4 4 3 2- J Martin Moonshine, Royal Sceptre, Bayonet. OROURKE, ch. c, 3. by Ogden Rorka T. Hitchcock, Jr.. Weight today 107. 63331 Coney Island 1 1-S 1:5 ig fast 104 7 1 4 6 4h 2 Sewell O. Cromwell. Woodsman, U. Scot. 03219 Coney Island 3-4 1:14 fast 104 12 12 12 12 12"1T Burns Ironsides. Ben Ban, Confederate. 63114 Coney Island 1 1:405 fast 109 10 6 5 4 4h 51 Baird Bat, McKIttredge, King Henry. CONQUEST, ch. c. 4. by Victory Dorothy III. R. G. Tower. Weight today 107. 02360 Brooklyn lm 70y 1:401 fast 109 2 3 4 4 31 3s AV Knapp Stimulant, Royal Sceptre, Bsiyonet. 62553 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:111 fast 109 2 7 S S" S1! J Martin Brookdale, Nemesis, Chandos. GS137 Jamaica 110 1 1-16 fast 1:50 2 2 2 3 4 51 T Burns lvnnhoe. Copper, Legatee. GOLD BACK, ch. c, 3, by Goldfinch Philistia J. Offcrman. Weight today 110. G321G Coney Island 1 1:331 fast 105 S 9 11 11 11 11" Baird " Glorifier, Heaslip, Single Shot. NEW ENGLAND, b. c, 3, by Golden Garter Britannia T. Newton. Weight today 107. 62493 Brooklyn Ab 3-4 1:115 fast 107 S 6 9 13 lllVilcy Bridgentan, Single Shot, .Moonshine. G23S6 Belmont Pk 3-4 1:15? slop 95 0 3 4 G1 8"iWiley Sahara. Chandos. Givonni Balerio. 622S7 Jamaica 3-4 1:16 mud 109 6 9 7 9 9"lNottcr L. L. Hayman, Chandos, Greenland. SINGLELIFE, ch. f, 3, by Ogden Blissful E. Alvey. Weight today 105. 0351S Coney Island 1 1:39?. fast 103 0 7 6 6 6 G" Sewell I. Spanker, O. Faithful. R. of Gold 5559G Coney Island 110 G-S fast 1:01 11 9 6 6 6T Shaw B. Nymph, Fatinitza, Society Bud. PALMDALE, ch, c, 4, by George Kesslcr La Palma R. A. Smith. Weight today 110, G1020 City Park 7-S 1:291 ram 110 14 14 14 15 13 13" II Larsen Oratorian. B. Carter. The Only AVav 60837 City Park 5 1-2 f 1:0S5 fast 109 9 6 5 9J 101S!H Larsen Pr. Brutus, Rob. Hood, Astarlta." BOB EDGREN, b. c, 3, by Longflight Felicitie B. Flynn. Weight today 107. 62331 Brooklyn 1 1-10 1:49 fast 102 6 3 S 10 10 10 Cmmins Benevolent. Klingsbr, Lancastrian. 62S03 Brooklyn Ab 3-1 1:102 fast S7 S 9 11 111 H3lMcCIcy Varietes, HotToddy, Mel. Nominee;

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