Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday, July 11, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11

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Latoila Entries ani Past Pertdririahces for Wednesday, July 11. I Sf 3174 . sa: IAD ;23I0 weather clear. track fast. 5, 12060 FIRST RACE 1 Mile. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 1::!S tl 107J. M?J ;330S Index Course Dist Time Tck Wt St V SlrFln Jockcya Best Company JE LIMERICK GIRL, Mk. f. 4. by El Toro-Clara N. Brccdin. ,VS!sht t,1102- I333G gxfii h-uonia 3-1 l:lSi nnul 103 152 Abuchon A. Virginia, TripIcSllver, OakGrove TI CTSC I itonia 7-S 1:24 good 99 2 3 2 C 71 921C Morris Sharp Boy. The Gadfly, Arachnc. 631 ;319G 62600 Louisville 3-4 l:lSi hvy 107 5 3 4 2 31 Abuchon Julia M., RJttkln, InllaiiiinaMe. 624 12432 WAKEFUL, b. f, 4, by Russell Turtle Dovo H. McCarrcn, Jr.. Weight today 102. 12330 CTTOLatonla 7-S 1:278 fast 110 12 12 12 12 12 121D Kilcy Begonia, Alma Gardia. Insp. Girl. OU 61596 City Park 1 l:41g fast 10S 9 9 9 10 9" S2UW Allen Foxlluntlng., Alcantara tw ;355 C0S35 City rark 1 3-1C 2:01 fast 101 5 S 9 9 SJ SIB Smith Siss Lee. IScnvolio, Small Talk. 632 32S2 THE LAUREL, b. m, 9. by Tournament Lucille J. E. Richardson. Weight today 104. 1OSO 63?? 1 "it "nil 7-S 1-271 fast 101 9 G G 5 3 21 C Fisher Woe Lass, Maverick, Stilllmiit. LIl 53457 Atonia. 1 1:41 good 103 S fi fi 7 7i 7" Kinney JosiesJewel, Gladiator. Dr.MCluer 633 i330S 6340-1 Latonla 1 l:45i hvy 102 ,1 2 3 3 61 S6i Kinney Bitter Brown, Proteus nr. McCluer. li; INFLAMMABLE, ck. p. 4, b- Donald A. Mok-Ka-Hi F. Hart and Co., Weight today 104. 635 J3525 633-S Liitonia 3-4 1:143 fast 10G 14 14 9 9 GU C Harris Mayor Johnson, Larone, Oberon. AI M Hto a 3-4 1 143 good 112 8 5 G 51 31 D Roland Potter, St. Denis, Hllona. flSj 13372 63399 liitonia 1 1:462 hvy "103 3 3 3 2 2l 41 D Boiand Early Hours, Docile, Longhriglit.- w- FRIVOL, ch. m, 7, by St. Charles Jilt J. Gass and Co.. Weight today 104. fl3n -.3225 634C6 Uitonia. 1 1:42 good 101 4 2 2 2 22 2s F Jost Ida Davis. Mamie Algol, Hill Carter kji j3120 r4l6 Louisviilo 1 1:41? fast 107 4 9 7 9 10 10" B Miller Dr. McCluer. Tinker, Minnehaha. 62369 Louisville 3-4 1:154 fast 109 14 11 14 12 10" B Miller Precious Stone, Foxmead, Harding. 53 j ST DENIS, ch. s, 4, by St. Carlo Moldcne Applegate and Cotton. Weight today 104. G330S -"- 63161 Latoriia 3-4 1:143 good 112 3 4 4 3 21 E RobinsnPottor, Intlaminalile. Iliiona. 6v B2962 G"S39 Latonia 3-4 1:143 last 101 12 13 12 12 12U1E RoblnsnLizzie Mclean. Capitano. Heine. C2654 Latonia 3-1 1:141 fast 111 8 Lost rider. 13 Roblnsr.Bclltoone. Weberfields. W.Newcomh r,i721 DOESKIN, b. m. 7. by Freeman Thcckley J. C. Tucker and Co.. Weight today 104. ci tCK IS See Latonia chart in this paper. , , ., " LA rj 3112 Latonla 7-S 1:274 fast 10110 9 S 10 S1 S F .lost Wee Lass, The Laurel. Maverick. 63393 Latonla 1 1:462 hvy 1031 -I 5 10 S 9 9" F Jost Early Hours. Docile, Longhriglit. 63201 Latonia 1 1:494 hvy 100 1 2 7 7 6 6lJost Lansdown. Dr. Ilurcli. Ilatt. DOCILE, br. m. 5, by St. Blaise Docility Lockart Bros.. Weight today 104. j i35T.O See Latonia chart in this paper. , K3417-t ilnnli 11:41 fast 101 1 3 2 5 6 6-1 Seder Captain Bush, Granada, Dudley. "r,: KKOT Latonla 1 1:468 hvy 109 2 4 4 3 41 2 D Hall Early Hours, Longbright, Iutlmable l 6S510 Latonia 1 1:104 fast 106 3 9 9 9 91 9" D Vititoe Monochord, Capltano, Proteus - ARACHNE. ch. a, 8, by St. Saviour Distaff C. Hak and Sons. Weight today 104. j 63463 Latonia 3-4 1:154 good 113 11 10 10 S S2 Oregar Clyde. Labor, Zinda. g firm I iton a 1 1:412 fast 105 9 13 S S 8 Sl Obcrt Reveille. The Laurel, Lochgoil. 6J 63246 Latonia 1 1:424 Sod 106 3 7 8 5 5 3J Obert The Only Way, Dalesman, Stillliunt. MOGREGOR b. r. 4, by Mt. McGregor II. Model II. C. C. McCaffcrty. Weight today 104, llfiltonia 7-S 1:274 fast 10111 10 9 11 9 9"1D Riley i.Carollne. B. Brown, T. Onlj- Way. rerro I itonia 1 1-2 2-352 f:ist 99 8 6 6 9 9 9 D Riley Hubbard, Little Elkin, Handy Bill. , 63304 Latonia 3-4 l:14g fast 101 S 8 5 01 55 D Riley S. Rocainora. Oranada, Toppy Girl. A LAYSON br. c. 4, by Charade Lash W. P. Reed. -. Weight today 104. WTCitv Pirk 90 1 1-2 slow 2:374 1 4 6 6 G G Powers Harry Stephens, Altila. Miss Itillle. 59345 City Park 107 lm 70y slow 1:52;10 S 7 7 6s 51 R Powers Grosgrain, Big Bow, Covina. WAVERICK ch. tc. 6. by Tom Paxton Redina W. P. Copping. Weight today 106. i Ttonia 7-S 1:274 fast 103 1 10 7 6 Gl 31 D Roland Wee Lass. The Laurel, Stillliunt. BY" I iton a 7-S l:30g siow 103 4 2 2 3 U- S" Vanbout T.Crowe, Proteus, Happy Jack II. r 63070 Latonia 1 1:511 hvy 109 4 1 2 4 61 9" D Hall Two renny, Inflammable, Reveille. MfmPTIDO ch. K. 6. by Crescendo or Brioso Berna D. Conloy. Weight today 106. r 7-! P,tn, if 1 1- -35? fast 103 9 5 r, 5 4 0" D Roland Hubbard, Little Elkin, Handy Bill, ft sw nnh 11:41? fast 107 1 10 13 10 9 97 U Roland Reveille, The Laurel, Lochgoil. G32S3 Latonla 1 1:111 fast 105 13 14 13 11 9 71! Obert Whippoorwill, Huzzah, W.Newcomh 6: nw wart b . 7. by Hart Wallace Florence Ehanks F. E. Ryan Weight today 106. n Smiitonla 1 1:424 slow 101 5 9 9 G 7 G Obert Doctor Dan, Bitter Brown, Obcroii. g ra4 I -Ltonii 1 1:42?, fast 107 9 S 6 3 21 21 Obert W. Newcomb, Augur, J.P.Mayberry G327S Latonia 1 1:428 fast 109 10 G 5 4 2h 21 D Hall Dalesman, Reveille. Teddy. OLASSFULL b B. 6, by Mirthful Bello Hoyt L. Jones. Weight today 106. p FV I itonia 3-4 1:14 fast 109112 12 11 9 10lThomcr Elastic, Ida Davis. Heine. , ntnni-i 1 l:4Sg mud 10S 2 4 1 5 6 6 Nicol Hap.JaiklL. B.Pr.Charlie.Mainspg S 57S41 Louisyiilo 111 3-4 fast 1:16? 1 3 4 31 4l Nicol Sid Silver, Joe Goss, Love Note. fij nnfTOR RILEY, b. E, 8, by Kosc iusko Bcttic Barry J. B. Riley. Weight today 10G. t ran i ntnnfi 3-4 1:14? Rood 114 10 S 7 7 P E Rice Potter. St. Denis, Inflammable. C fii Louisville. 7-S 1:294 fast 112 2 10 11 11 11 11" Seder Krla U-e, Foreigner, GIKain. S 62409 Louisville 1 1-16 1:514 fast 103 3 5 4 5 S1 8"lBoadwco Tlie Englishman, Iole, Reveille. 6; SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Allowances. 1:00s i! 110. k mart ORR ch f. 2. by Orimar Nelly Titus J. Hergenrether. Weight today 96. e: " GSlLatonia 5-S 1:072 hvy 97 10 11 11 9l 9" Pottring Bonaventurc, Poster Girl. Mildrene. Q WFREAFTER b. c, 2, by Poter McCuc Tcrn B. Vincent. Weight tcday 100. c ra?" I itonia 4 1-2 55?. mud 102 4 3 5 5" Berry Yowrie, Marmorean. CliocolateDrop. 6: r7r, Memnliis 4 1-2 f fast 113 7 Ran out. J Conlcy Salnrida, Ben Strong, Montgomery, 6 62239 Memphis 4 1-2 56i Good 110 2 2 3"t 4 J Conioy Horace E., Judge Davey, Ritleman. g RATNRIDA b. f. 2, by Sain Merida D. Henry. Weight today 100, 6 Mpmnhis 4 1-2 f 55i fast 115 4 3 3 H W Dugan Ben Strong. Montgomery. Tres Joli. g k- Mem n Ms 4 1-2 f 561 good 112 G 4 2k 1 W IJugan Rifleman, Lady Allece, Dc Oro. 6 62015 Memphis 1-2 50J fast 115 5 3 , 2 3J Abuchon Wing Ting, Miss Stromc. Theodocia. K TiTTTA THORPE, b. f. 2. by Woolsthorpe Extra W. A. Smith. Weight today 100. 6 u latonia 5-S 1:014 fast 102 5 2 3 2 3s D Austin Old Honesty, Lens. Royal Bond. fl aLrftonia B-Sl:0hvy 102 3 2 4 31 31 I Austin Dainty Dame, Friction. Jay Swift. 6 63250 Latonla 5-S 1:014 good 102 5 5 4 5l 584 Trcubcl Dainty Dame, BitterMiss, Javanese c RED GAUNTLET, b c, 2. by Sir Walter Orangeade T. P. Hayes. Weight today 107. 6 C3MC. See Latonia chart in this paper, 6 ru, I itonia 5-S 1:014 slow 105 5 4 i 21 ll D Austin Ch.Mitchell, Pr. Ahmed, Harold D. I rvZn Tntnnii. 5-8 1:01 good 8 7 8 1L 6 X Austin Dainty Dame, BitterMiss, Javanese f 6230S Louisville 4 1-2 1 56g good 110 3 S 71 8"1D Austin W. Griswell. Gromobol. K. Leopold DAINTY DAME. br. f. 2, by Handspring My Fair Kentucky A. L. Darnaby and Co.. Weight today 112. . GSlLdtoriisi 5-S 1:014 hvy 113 2 3 2 U ll Treubel Friction, Delia Thorpe, Jay Swift, j SSfrS 5-S 1:014 Rood 109 3 1 1 1 1 Nicol Bitter Miss, Javanese. Bud Hill. J 62937 Latonia 4 1-2 f 5Si hvy 106 2 1 l1! Is C Morris Mattie Mack, Lady Arion, Quiddity j THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 1:12J C 10;.. I t LAD7 ESTHER, b. f, 3, by Lord Estherling Mist Alice P. H. Jones. Weight today 88. , I itnnia 3-4 1:13 fast 90 4 2 2 lh 2 Al Preston Braden, JolmCarroII, .MeadQwbrceze. , 1C Louisville B 1-2 f l:06i! fast 92 G G 6 r,?.C Morris Lady Anne, Hyperion II., Veribest. 6241S Louisville 5 1-2 1:0S4 fast 09 6 3 5 6 2 F Jost Lady Anne, J. Ed Grillo, Airship. KEADOWBREEZE, b. ci 3. by Meadowthorpe HI Wind J. Arthur. Weight today 96. 63494 I itonia 3-4 1:134 fast 92 6 1 1 3nk 41 C Morris Rraden, Iidy Esther, John Carroll. eW Latonia 3-4 l:13ji fast 89 1 G 7 7 7" HefCnan J.Carroll, Funiculalrc, M.T.J.Carson j 6324S Latonia 3-4 1:144 good 101 2 2 3 4l 581 Heft nan Bedford, Hazelthorpe, Orly. J NONIE LUCILLE, ch. f, 3, byBradwardino Duchess of Kilwarlin Mc B. Moore. Weight today 98. , G3433 Latonla 3-4 1:142 slow 100 2 1 1 Is 1 HefCnan Cygnet. Whoa Bill, Delsebosa. 63310 latonia 3-4 1:14 fast ICG 6 2 2 21 21 HefCnan Rtliel Day. Hllona, Wee Lass. 63149 Latonia 3-4 1:17 hvy 9S 2 1 1 11 li HefCnan Roscoe, Ida Davis. Oasis. HAZELTHORPE, b. f, 3, by Woolsthorpe Hazeldean E. Alvcy. Weight tcday 98. 6324S Latonia 3-4 1:114 good 101 5 4 2 21 2J D Austin Bedford, Orly, John J. Inglis. . 62913 Latonia 3-4 1:18 slop 1001 4 4 G 51 5" D Austin Joe Coyne, Tocolaw, John L. Inglis. , 62S37 Liitonia 3-4 1:131 fast 100 2 1 1 Is 1 D Austin D.Barbara, TheClansman, AVhipwill MILTIADES. b. c, 3. by Meado-wth orpc La Joya S. Hudson. Weight today 103. . 63402 Latonia 1 1-8 1:572 hvv 103 3 1 1 1 U 3 Treubel Brancas, Alma Dufour, Prin. Orua. , 63371 latonia 7-S l:29g mud 103 3 3 1 1 1! Is Treubel Cottontown. Fortunate, Concert. 6319S Latonia 1 l:4Sg hvy tt5 I 2 4 41 T Taylor Harry Scott, Bedford, Brancas. I TOCOLAW. ch. h. 5, by Bassetlaw La Toquera J. Madison. Weight today 114. G3191 Latonia 3-4 1:131 fast 105 5 6 G GJ 5 W Allen Rraden. Lady Esther. John Carroll. liitonia 7-8 l:26g fast 109 2 7 S 8 7l 71S M Preston Col.J.Douglas. Devout, Cottontown. 62939 Latonia 3-4 1:19 hvy 109 3 5 5 41,4s Otis Devout. G us Hcidorn, Concert. FUNICULAlitE, b. c, 4, by Him yar Frogmore E. S. Gardner. Weight today 109. G3.VG Latonla 7-S 1:26? fast 102 5 1 1 1 Is l5 D Austin Mcllvain, Uncle Henry, Martins. G3307 Latonia 3-4 1:132 fast 115 3 2 2 21 25 D Austin .T.Carroll. M.T.J.Carson, Fortunate. 62214 Xouisvillo 5 1-2 1:0SJ good 114 4 6 6 5 51 D Austin Robin Hood, Convolo, Lady Esther. COLONEL JIM DOUGLAS, br. c, 3, by Henry Young Rainy Day A. Oldham. Weight today 117. 63371 liitonia 7-S 1:29? mud 121 4 4 2 3 3nk 51 B Austin Miltiadcs, Cottontown, Fortunate. 63221 Latonia 1 1:434 slow 122 2 1 2 2 21 3 Nicol Concert. The -Minks, Belllndian. 63122 Latonia 1 1:404 mud 115 4 2 2 1 ll ll E RobinsnAlcor, The Englishman. Kercheval. FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. . 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1:12J 3 103. LIZZIE MLEAN, b, f. 3, by Ornus Victoria S. H. Kunz. Weight today 89. 63521 Latonia 3-4 1:144 fast 1031 2 7 7 6i 31 W Allen Ag.Virgina, Field Lark, Belltoone. 63463 Latonia 7-S 1:27S good 90 1 7 7 8 81 9 "IT Taylor TopsyRoblnson, Revolt, Tom Crowe 63310 Latonia 1 1:404 fast 89 7 1 1 1 11 8l"iOrcKar Monochord, Capltano, Proteus CHAMP CLARK, b. c. 2. by Nimrod Wilmah G. W. A. Wright. Weight today 91. 62S90 Latonia 3-4 1U5 fast 99 1 3 7 13 lE Rico Minnehaha, Oasis, Lizzie McLean. 60fiS5 Oaklawn 3-4 1:152 fast 92 3 6 5 7 7" C II SbillgWater Mirror, Sneer, Tomochichi. 60124 City Park 112 5 1-2 f fast 1:094 5 2 3 3 2J Wishard Verdant, Kara, Burnolettc. TOPPY GIRL, br. f, 3, bv Top Gallant Eltrovia W. M. Fields, Jr.. Weight today 93. 635"8 Latonia 3-1 1:142 fast G 4 3 3 4 ll15 C Morris Mayor Johnson, Larone, Oberon. G3301 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 100 7 3 2 31 33 D Austin S. Rocamora, Granada. L. Hunter. 63217 Latonia 3-1 1:142 good 90 4 3 3 41 51 T Taylor M. Redon, L. McLean. Bensonhurst. WEE LASS, ch. f, 3, by Albert Scotch Lassie Hall and Marshall. Weight today 94. 63524 liitonia 3-4 1:145 fast 95 S 5 5 7l 7si M Preston A.Virginia. Field Lark, L. Mclean. 63192 liitonia 7-S 1:274 fast 90 8 2 1 1 li ll M Preston The Laurel. Maverick, Stillliunt. 63401 Latonla 3-4 1:18 hvy 90 7 5 2 3s 3l M Preston Priucipia, Mayor Johnson, Zinda. MILL SONG, b. f. 3, by Kismet Juanita C. C. McCafferty. Weight today 95. K!r4.ri See Latonia chart in this paper. 63524 Latonia 3-4 1:144 fast 93 G G 4 51 61 D Riley A.Virginia, Field Lark. L. McLean. 63197 Latonia 3-4 1:205 livy 99 3 6 5 Sza 8 M Preston Matador, Principla, Roscoe. 62SG2 Latonia 2-4 1:142 fast 94 2 2 2 31 7 M Preston Lady Carol, Concert, Ethel Day. ROMANY RYE. br. c, 3, by Ingolnsby Sister Anno C. Heifers and Co.. Weight tcday 100. i.!."0 See Latonia chart in this paper. . I 63133 Liitonia 3-4 1:144 slow 101 7 G 7 7 7:S1D Roland Nonie Lucille, Cygnet, Whoa Bill. G3124 Latonia 1 1-16 1:5G mud 101 7 3 G 7 7 7"1C Fisher Adesso, J. K. F Captain Bush. 549S3 Louisville 5-8 1:03? hvy 100 2 7 6 G 3 Vanbout Wrenne, Two Bills, Antillian. LARONE, br. c, 3, by Tithonus Valeriana T. P. Hayes. Weight today 100. 1 63328 Iatonia 3-1 1:113 fast 102 6 7 G 5i 2 D Austin Mayor Johnson, Oberon, Hector. 63373 liitonia 3-4 l:18g mud 110 5 9 9 9 S" D Austin Malleable, The Mate, Alma Gardia. C3309 Latonia 3-1 1:132 fast 100 9 S fi 71 G"1D Austin Oasis, Harding, Garrett Wilson. MUM, ch. f, 4, by Free Mason Mrs. Boaz W. A. Smith. Weight today 112. G"G17 Louisville 3-1 1:144 fast 102 1 113 6J1 I Austin Col. J. Douglas. Daring. Don Doino. 62575 Louisville C 1-2 1:07? fast 111 3 11 ll ll K RobinsnVo San, ClittoiiForge, S. Rocamora. L ZINDA, br. f, 4, by Woolsthorpe Ella F. J. McClcrnand and Co.. Weight today 103. G332I Latonia 3-4 1:114 fast 109 7 4 G 41 51 Donegan A.Virginia. Field Lark. L. McLean. 63163 Iatonia 3-4 1:154 good 117 1 6 7 .r 351 Donegan Clyde. Labor. Laura Hunter. G3101 Latonia 3-4 1:18 livy 101 G 1 4 45 41 D Austin Principia, .Mayor Johnson, WecLass. BENSONHURST, ch. K. 6. by Ben Strome Irvana J. W. Briee- Weight today 104. 63o"8 Latonia 3-1 1:11.? fast 105 2 1 1 V 71 W Allen Mayor Johnson, Laroue. Oberon. 63301 Latonia 3-1 1:142 fast 10G 10 1 3 V 7B1 D Roland S. Rocamora, Granada, Toppy Girl. I. 03217 liitonia 3-4 1:145 good 103 1 1 1 in 31 D Roland. M. Redon, L. McLean, Joe Shields. . AGNES VIRGINIA, br. f. 4. by Sir Dixon Fair Penitent S. M. Henderson. Weight today 107. ffBl Latonia 3-4 1:144 fast 109 1 3 3 2 1 D Austin Field Lark. Liz.McLean, Belltoone. 63074 Latonia 3-4 1:19 hvy 110 4 2 4 31 31 Nicol Oasis, Nonie Lucille, Lady Carol. ELASTIC, b. h. 9. by Golden Garter Miss Modred L. Lemp and Co.. Weight tcday 120. 63529 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 120 1 1 1 1 1 Nicol Ida Davis, Heine, Intense. 63101 Latonla 3-4 1:18 hvy 112 S S 9 S S5lNicol Principia. Mayor Johnson, WeeLass. G2357 Memphis 5 1-2 1:091 fast 119 4 2 2 2J 2 J Conley Many Thanks, Lythelist, Itodolfo. FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling. 1:00? 2 110. FIRST LTKA, ch. f, 2. by First Mate Fleika Banks and Bradford. Weight today 97. CG35 Latonia 4 1-2 53. fast 99 5 7 8 S" Griffith Boserrlan, Friction, King Leopold. 62596 Louisville 4 1-2 564 hvy 102 5 6 6 1T Grillith Clamor, Marmorean, Reside. 62330 Louisviilo 1-2 49j! "good 103 7 10 13 13"iGrlUitn Cauiille, Edith M., Sulii. Sf 3174 sa: IAD ;23I0 5, 12060 M?J ;330S JE I333G TI 631 ;319G 624 12432 12330 OU tw ;355 632 32S2 1OSO LIl 633 i330S li; 635 J3525 AI flSj 13372 w- fl3n -.3225 kji j3120 53 j G330S -"- 6v B2962 r,i721 ci " LA rj j , "r,: l - j g 6J A , r ft r 6: n g p S fij t C S 6; k e: Q c 6: 6 g 6 g 6 K 6 fl 6 c 6 6 I f . j J j I t , , j J , . , . , I I 1 L I. . tfAOMA MGEE, b. f, 2, by Maceo Luluflight Mrs. R. Varwig. Weight today 97, Latonla 4 lr2 574 hvy 109 10 10 10l 91 T Carter FrankFlesher, Edith M., StlllAIarm IE GAY. ch. f, 2, by Handsome Roberta V. C. L. Railey. Weight today 97. Louisville 1-2 49j? good 110 12 12 1212"iMunro Lillle Turner. Wing Ting, Alanie. Lexington 1-2 492 fast 110 5 2 11 2n Nicol Lady Arion, S. Peggy, Palatini!. 3EAUTIFUL MAYO, b. f, 2. by Daniel Kilt S. Hudson. Weight today 97. Latonia 5-8 1:014 fast 100 6 2 5 81 S1 T Taylor Mildrene, L. Conductor, A. Ruskih. FEAN BAXTER, ch. f. 2, by Farandole Calamity Jano E. Martin. Weight today 97. Latonia 6-8 1:014 fast 10S 13 13 13 13 13 OMney .Margie, Camp, John. Kaufman. THE GOLDEN BIRD, ch. f, 2, by First Mate Amy Robsart J. McDonald. Weight today 97. Latonla 5-S l:07g hvy 97 5 5 6 Sl S" Smart Bonaventurc. Poster Girl, Mildrene. Louisville 4 1-2 f 56 fast 1061 6 9 S2 9" Munro Al. Cuminlngs, SpIderWcb, Ingcnu louisviilo 1-2 492 good 103 5 7 101 H" T Taylor Camillc. Edith M.. Sulu. 1UTCRY, ch. c, 2, by Handsel Salute T. H. Stevens and Son. Weight today 97. Latonia 3-S 1:02 fast 97 8 8 S 9 8s" F Perrett Judith Louise, Avendow. Demo. liitonia 5-S 1:02 J fast 97 5 3 3 8 10"iC Fisher Ilelmitth, Elected. Jay Swift. Lexington 4 1-2 f 55 fast 102 10 11 10s 9" T Taylor Camillc. Beau Brummel, Alyth. LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR, ch. c, 2, by Tho Commoner Morna T. P. Hayes. Weight today 100. liitonia 5-S 1:014 fast 103 3 1 1 l2 22 D Austin Mildrene. AnnaRuskln, F. Fleslier. LIPHARDT, br. c, 2, by Ruskin Brussels W. A. Smith. Weight today 100. Latonia 5-S 1:02 fast 101 7 4 6 G1 6" E RobinsnJudith Louise. Avendow. Demo, SXTA MDONALD, b. c, by Sanders Golden Hopes J. R. Taylor. Weight today 100. Latonia 4 1-2 f 552 nuid 105 7 8 10"1011 M Preston Yowrie, Marmorean, ChbcoIateDrpp. WESTERN, ch. c, 2, by Handsome Independence Day J. D. Ncot and Co.. Weight today 100. Latonia 5 1-2 f 1:12 slow 100 1 5 7 Sa 8!H Wilson Frank Fleshpr, La Thorpe. Webber. latonia 5-S 1:052 mud 100 5 4 41-41 IL Wilson Mildrene. Avendow. Webber. FIRALTO, b. f, 2, by First Mate--Alto June E. E. Ertel and Co.. Weight today 106. 132 Latonia 5-S 1:014 slow 107 13 11 15 155 153lSeder Camp, Bottles. Edith M. Uitonia 5-S 1:014 fast 9S 12 13 13 13s 13"iPcrkIns. Mildrene, L. Conductor. A. Ruskin. Iatonia 4 1-2 67 mud 97 8 8 51 9"F IIbrandMarmorean, Bonart, Miss Bertha. JARDINIERE, br. f, 2, by Filigrano Tabouret W. Rose. Weight today 106. Oaklawn 3 1-2 f 43 fast 101 7 B 41 4 J DennlsonMissCcsarion, Capt.Jarrell, Wilcox. G163-I Oaklawn 1--2 504 mud 101 4 2 21 35i J DennisonGlksino, Madonna, Dr. Root. THORPE, ch. f, S, by Woolsthorpe La Furnier T. Kiley. Weight today 106. G3523 liitonia 5-8 1:02 fast 101 4 7 4 5 41 D Boiand Judith Louise, Avendow. Demo. 63369 Latonia 5 1-2 f 1:0S2 fast 95 12 12 12 121 llsiOregar FrankFlesher, Poster Girl, Elected. 63225 Latonia 5 1-2 1:12 slow 97 7 7 6 5 21 Oregar Frank FIcsher, Webber, Demo. MOSELLE, ch. f, 2, by Wadsworth Turtle Dovo Oots Bros.. Weight today 109. 6963 Latonia 5-S 1:03 mud 10S 8 S S 21 3J E Rice Boserrlan, Billy Vertress, Bottles. 6-911 liitonia 4 1-2 57 slop 105- 5 1 1 l5 K Rice Froward, Gabble. Quintilla. 62717 Latonia 4 1-2 614 fast 111 12 10 13 9" W Watson Friction, KingLcopoId, MoncyMaker. HELMUTH, b. K, 8. by Foul Shot Instar B. Schreiber. Weight today 109. 3191 Latonia 5 1-2 f l:07g fast 1031 1 1 2 3 31 D Austin Fr. Flesher. Webber, Poster Girl. 63432 Latonia 5-S 1:014 slow 102 5 3 4 11 11,41D Riley Camp, Bottles, Edith M. 63369 Latonia 5 1-2 l:0Si fast 103 4 4 4 71 68i Treubel FrankFlesher, Poster Girl. Elected. SIXTH RACE-1 Mile. 3-ycar-olds. Selling. 1:U8 a 107j. ALMA GARDIA. ch. f, 3, by Rancocas Faithless J. F. Newman and Son. Weight today 87. Kir.l! Set Latonia chart in tills paper. 63436 Latonla 1 1:41R slow 87 5 1 1 2 3s 331 M Preston Capltano. Granada, W1L Newcomb. 63373 Latonia 3-4 1:182 mud 10S 6 6 5 3 31 M Preston Malleable, TheMate. PreciousStone. G3279 liitonia 7-S l:27g fast 99 4 2 2 1 1 2 M Preston Begonia, InspectorGirl, LadyMarch. FOLLOW THE FLAG. br. f, 3, by Handspring Louise Lee W. A; Kirwan. Weight today 90. 63018 Latonia 1 1-4 2:134 mud 109 3 4 4 4 4 4" D Hall Content, Sister Frances, Concert. 63021 Latonia 1 1:41 fast 103 6 6 6 7 Sh Sl Seder Josies Jewel. Bedford, Pinaud. G2961 Latonia 3-4 1:184 mud 92 10" Oregar A. Virginia, TilpleSIIver, OakGrove LADY CHARADE, br. f, 3, by Charade Antoinette J. Arthur. Weight; today 90. C3433 Latonia 3-4 1:144 sow 931 3 7 6 6" 51C Morris Nonie Lucille. Cygnet, Whoa Bill. 62961 Latonia 3-4 1:184 mud 92 11" C Morris A. Virginia, STrlpleSIlver. OakGrove 62597 Louisviilo; 1 1:45 livy 93 2 5 6 5 6 5 C Morris Adesso, Swlftwlng, Wee. Lass. DR. MCLUER, b. g, 3, by Gerolstein Misfortune P. M. CivillJ. Weight today 92. 63167 Latonia 1 1:414 good 90 fi 11 11 S 6 3 Oregar Josies Jewel, Gladiator. J.Shields. 63104 Latonia 1 1:434 hvy S9 5 5 5 4 5 3s M Preston Bitter Brown, Proteus. Oberon. 632S4 Latonla 1 1:114 fast 89 3 3 3 3 3 2? Oregar .Rublnon, The Mate, Oberon. PRINCE OF PLESS, b. c, 3, by Donald A. Sallie Woodford J. S. Brat ton. Weight today 92. 63192 liitonia 7-S 1:274 fast 93 5 1 2 3 5nt 7 C Morris Wee Lass, The Laurel, Maverick. 62784 Latonia 3-4 1:152 good 111 S 5 G 71 91E RoblnsnLady Carol, Comment. Ncodesha." 62713 Latonia 3-4 1:114 fast 112 5 G 5 51 71 Abuchon Tom Crowe, Malleable, Comment. DUDLEY, b. o, 3, by Bassetlaw Sham S. Hudson. Weight today 92. 62497 Latonia 11:41 fast 91 7 G 5 4 42 331 T Taylor Captain Bush. Granada. Capltano. 63310 Latonia 1 1:40 J fast 96 10 8 5 G 41 5i T Taylor Monochord, Capltano; Proteus 63251 Latonia 3-4 1:14 good 96 6 .8 8 5 5 T Taylor Harding, Revolt, Ida. Davis. QUEEN CAROLINE, b. f, 2. by Montana Kruda W. F. Cisco. Weight today 95. G3I96 liitonia 7-S 1:274 fast 90 2 1 1 1 l2 Is T Taylor Bitter Brown, T. O, Way. Cygnet. 62621 Louisviilo 1 1:412 fast S7 S 5 C 6 5 6" Harrigan Minnehaha. Joe Coyne, Bon Mot. 62600 Louisviilo 3-4 1:1S4 hvy 95 1 5 6 S. 9" Harrigan Julia M., Plttkin. Limerick Girl. OBERON, ch. c, 3, by King Gold The Wraith J. McClernand and Co.. Weight today 95. 6352S Latonia 3-4 1:142 fast 91 11 8 7 81 33 D Riley Mayor Johnson.- Larone, Hector. 63131 Latonia 1 1:424 slow 92 9 5 G 4 4s 31 D Riley Doctor Dan. Bit. Brown,- Stillliunt. 63101 Latonla 1 1:434 hvy 93 8 9 9 8 7 4J D Riley Bitter Brown, Proteus Dr. McCluer. SELF RELIANT, ch, c, 3, by Sanders Independence F. Birtel and Co. Weigbi today 98. G3196 Latonia 7-8 1:274 fast 9S 12 12 12 9 12 125!Herfnan Q.Caroline, B.Brown. T. Only- Wav. 62890 liitonia 3-4 1:15 fast 102 8 7 6 7 9" Obert Minnehaha, Oasis, Lizzie McLean. 6273S Latonia 1 1:482 mud 101 10 Fell. D Boiand Adesso. Daniel C, Daring. BELDEN, br. c, 3, by Handspring Allie Belle J. Gass tc Co.. Weight today 101. 63163 Latonia 7-S 1:272 good 100 9 10 10 7 6 6 F Jost TopsyRoblnson, Revolt, Tom . Crowe 62060 Louisville 1 1:422 fast 102 2 5 4 4 32 32 B Miller JolinL. Inglis, Dr.McClner, Matabon. 62319 Louisville 1 1:434 fast 100 1 3 4 3 21 21 B Miller Ferroniere, Sallie B. B., Mogregor. CAMBRIDGE, ch. c, 3, by Star Shoot Cambria T. J. Nicol. Weight today. 101. 63404 Latonia 1 1:154 hvy 10G 9 7 8 9 9 SJD Boiand Bitter Brown, Proteus Dr. McCluer. 63278 Latonla 1 1:422 fast 9S1 S 9 8 8 72 6 Obert Dalesman, Dr. Hart. Reveille. PINAUD, b. c, 3, by Jean Bereaud Tringle H. R. Schaffcr. Weight today 103. 63136 Latonia 1 1:412 slow 96 12 11 10 10 72 6"! D Riley Capltano, Granada, Alma Gardia. 63310 Latonia 1 1:404 fast 9S 9 10 7 5 71 6 Grlflith Monochord, Capltano, Proteus, THE MATE, b. 0, t, by First Mate The Chough W. A. Smith. Weight today 98. 63528 Latonia 3-1 1:142 fast 97 15 11 11 10 104lOregar Mayor Johnson, Larone, Oberon. 63373 Latonia 3-4 1:182 mud 113 8 7 7 21 21 IS Robins nMalleable, A. Gardia, PreciousStone 632S4 Latonia 1 1:414 fast 102 5 2 2 2 2 3 Treubel Rubinon, Dr. McCluer, Ober,cra. ST. VOLMA, b. c, 3. by St. Florian Volraa Applegate and Cotton. Weight today 104. 63437 Latonia 1 1-16 1:183 slow 104 4 6 7 7 71 7" E RobinsnCapt. Rush. Adesso. Gold. Mineral. 63374 Latonia 1 1:46 mud 101 7 7 5 6 7 7"1E RobinsnHnppyJackll., B. Carter, Matabou. 6273S Latonia 1 1:482 mud 104 9 9 S 6 5 G" E RobinsnAdesso, Daniel C, Daring. TERNUS, br. c, 3, by Blazes Miss Bishop N. C. Nuckolls. Weight today 104. 63197 Latonia 11:41 fast 100 6 9 9 8 S1 7"1M Preston Captain Bush, Granada, Dudley. 63371 Latonia 1 l:4Cg mud 102 9 9 7 8 62 5 D Austin HappyJackll.. B. Carter. Matabon. 6S310 Latonia 1 1:404 fast 9S 2 7 10 10 6 41 HefCnan Monochord, Capltano, Proteus BEGONIA, b. f, S. br Brantome Ethel IV. E. Corrigan. Weight, today 104. 63311 Latonla 1 1-1G l:47g fast 91 5 6 6 5 5 6"1M Preston Capt. Bush, J. K. F.. Bitter Brown 63279 liitonia 7-8 1:272 fast 101 9 9 G 4 2 1 D Austin AlmaGardla. Insp. Girl. LadyMarch 629S7 Latonia 1 1:454 slow 103 1 9 9 6 41 31 Abuchon J. K. F., Neodesna, Colonial Gild. SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. 4-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. 1:81071. CASHIER, ch. c, 4, by Longflight Trusty Mrs. M. C. Lyles. Weigbt today 99. 62223 Memphis 1 1-4 2:12 mud 99 9 9 9 9 9 931 Johansn The Gadfly, Dolinda, TUamie Algol. 62113 Memphis 1 1-2 2:40 fast 102 4 4 3 3 32 3 W Fischer L.Angeleno. Dolinda, GeorgeVivian. 61914 Memphis 1 1-4 2:11 fast 102 4 5 5 7 72 7" Moreland Los Angeleno, Lemon Girl. Gladiator COTILLION, ch. f, 4. by Kingston Merry Danes L. A. Bonsack. Weight today 102. 63530 Latonia 1 3-S 2:21g fast 9S 1 2 1 3. 31 3 M Preston Hubbard. Stroud, Drexel. 63337 Latonia 1 1:412 fast 103 7 6 7 6 4 4 D Riley Reveille, The Lanrel, Lochgoil. 63310 Latonia 1 1:404 fast 102 8 G 8 8 8 71 F HbrandMonochord, Capitano, Proteus FOX HUNTING, b. g, 4, by Long street American Lady P. Foto. Weight today 104. C31G7 Latoriia 1 l:i good 1011 1 7 8 9 9 91W Allen JosIesJewel, Gladiator, Dr.MCluer 63342 liitonia 1 1:122 fast 105 3 7 8 11 11 10"1M Preston W. Newcomb. Drl Hart, Augur. 63216 Latonia 1.-1:424 good 104 11 16 15 12 81 8"iC Murphy The Only Way, Dalesman. Araehne. LABOR, ch. g, 8, by Montana The Task D. W. Rogers. Weight today 106. 63163 Latonla s-l 1:154 good 114 8 7 G 4 2s E RoblnsnCIyde, Zinda, Laura Hunter. 1378 City Park 1 1-1C 1:474 fast 112 3 1 1 2 St 72 .1 Dealy Elliott. Thorn Lee. Brushton. 612S9 City Park 1 1:414 fast 108 1 3 5 4 4 32 Oregar lolc, Elliott, Brushton. POSTMAN, ch. g, 5, by Fonelon Elora J. T. Stewart and Co.. Weight today 106. 61961 Nashville 1 1-4 2:10 fast 106 8 6 G S 6 41 D Austin Bell-the-Cat. Loughright. Rlan. 61SS2 Nashville 1 1-10 1:174 fast 103 10 9 7 6 5 5"! Oregar Lieutenant Rice, Keynote. Iole. 59575 City Park 105 1 1-16 slow 1:53414 13 13 9 S 2 102 Oregar Fly .Charcoal, Helgerson. Woodshade J. P. MAYBERRY, ch. h. 5, by A lbert Amabel J. W. ONeall. Weight today 106. 63403 Latonia 1 1:112 hvy 101 5 3 3 2 31 33i E Rico St. George, Jr., B.Carter. H-lack II. 63312 liitonia 1 l:12g fast 107 5 6 4 4 Gl 41 E Rico W. Newcomb. Dr. Hart. Augur. 63145 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 108 1 3 4 21 21 E Rice Principia, BitterBrown, ToppyGirl LIDDON, b. c, 4, by Wadsworth Torn II. T. F. Morris. Weight today 107. 62409 Louisvillo 1 1-16 1:514 fast 103 7 9 8 6 G 6 W Allen The Englishman, Iole. Reveille. 62332 Louisviilo 1 1-16 1:484 good 110 3 5 4 3 6 6" Nicol Keynote, Bradleys Pet, Padre. 62274 Louisville 1 1-16 1:492 slow 109 7 7 8 10 11 11 Nicol Elliott, The Englishman. Reticent, DR. DAN, b. c, 4, by Indio Allanotto J. H. Jenkins. Weight today 109. 63131 Latonia 1 1:424 slow 102 S 4 3 3 3U lb J Austin Bitter Brown, Oberon. Stllluunt. 63337 Latonia 1 1:412 fast 103 5 5 5 5 oh 51 D Austin Reveille, The Laurel, Lochgoil. 627S1 Latonia 3-4 1:132 good 119 12 10 1 6 Gl Jenkins Lady Carol, Comment. Neodesha. HUZZAH, br. h, 7, by Hormence Complete J. Arthur. Weight today 109. 632S3 Latonia 1 1:412 fast 111 1 4 4 3 3l 2 Nicol Wliipprwill. W.Newcmb.Inflmable f22 liitonia 7-S 1:262 fast 101 G 8 7 7 8 S-C Morris Col.J.Douglas, Devout, Cottontown. 629S9 Latonia 3-4 1:162 slow 110 .2 2 2 41 5"1C Morris -Devout, Maj. T. J. Carson, Ralbert. THE ONLY WAY, b. c. 4. by Sain Miss Howard B. Schreiber. Weight today 109. " 63136 Latonla 7-8 1:274 fast 104 4 2 3 4 3h 31 D Austin Qeen Caroline, Bit. Brown, Cygnet. G313G liitonia 1 l:41g slow 106 13 13 13 13 13 . 13!C Morris Capltano, Granada, Alma Gardia. 63283 Latonia 1 l:4lg fast 101 8 7 7 G G 6s! Treubel Whippoorwill, Huzzah. W.Newcomb ASCLEPIAS, ch. h, 6, by Captain Hancock Alice Wagoner H. Thomason and Co.. Weight today 109. 62601 Louisville 1 1:462 hvy 112 9 9 8 8 75 781 OMney Fonsoluca, Tinker, Gauze. 62499 Louisville 3-1 1:174 good 111 8 S 9 8 791 OMney Happy Jack II.. Xo San, Lidwlna. 61-107 City Park 1 1-16 1:504 mud 116 . 2 7 7 7 5s 63 Landry Gamara, Algonquin, Bell-the-Cat. WILLIE NEWCOMB, b. g, 5, by Pirate of Penzance Belle Swift J. S. Ward. Weight today 111. 63136 Latonia 1 1:412 slow 10S 3 3 4 4 42 41 D Austin Capitano. Granada. Alma Gardia. 63312 liitonia 1 1:422 fast 10S 6 4 3 2 1 11 E RobinsnDr. Hart, Augur, J. P. Mayberry. 3283 Latonia 1 1:412 fast 103 2 1 1 1 21 31 D Austin WhiporwllI, Huzzah, Inflammable. GOLDEN MINERAL, ch. g. 5, by Golden Garter Tourmaline P. Dunne. Weight today 111. 63137 Latonia 1 1-16 1:18? slow 1"1 111 1 2and 3 D Austin Capt. Bush, Adesso, The Gadfly. 63232 Latonia 1 1-16 1:484 good 103 5 7 7 7 61 6s E RobinsnlJncIellenry, ShiningStar. Florizal. 63050 Latonia 7-S 1:322 mud 107 5 6 7 6 51 5 E RobinsnKnowledgc. Mr.Farnum.Hap.Jackll. BUGLER, b. b, B. by Ornament Barbara Gray J. F. Nichols. Weight today 111. 63105 Latonla 1 1:113 hvy 101 3 5 S 7 7 6 D Boiand St.Gcorge.Jr., B.Carter.J.P.Mybry. 63171 Latonia 1 1:174 hvy 108 4 3 5 3 2 1 Troxler Kular, Longbright. Teddy. HANDY BILL, ch. c, 4, by Hand spring Billetta J. R. Taylori. Weight today 112. C3166 Latonia 1 1:42 good 104 7 6 G 7 72 5" T Taylor Ida Davis. Frivol. Mamie Algol. 63370 liitonia 1 1-2 2:332 fast 102 1 1 2 3 3 3" T Taylor Hubbard. Little Elkin, Gleemari. 632S3 Latonia 1 1-412 fast 107 9 12 10 12 11 8 T Taylor Whippoorwill, Huazah. W.Newcomb REVEILLE, ch. b. 6. by Golden Dawn Harmony II. L. Peters Weight today 114. n!T1!i See Latonia chart in this paper. 63197 Latonia 1 1:11 fast 107 9 8 8 7 73 S3lTreubel Captain Bush. Granada, Dudley. 63I3G Latonia 1 1:412 slow 111 10 12 8 9 9and llUD Boiand Capitano, Granada. Alma Gardia. 63337 Latonla 1 1:412 fast 110 3 3 4 3 1 l3 Nicol The Laurel Lochgoil, Cotillion.

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