Latonia Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11

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LATONIA FORM CHART. COVINGTON, KY., July 10, 1906. Fifth day. Latonia Jockey Club. Summer Meeting 33 days. Weather clear; track fast. 18 hooks on. Presiding Judge, M. N. Macfarlan. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Secretary, John B. Dillon. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. W Indicates whip, S spurs, B blinker. Figures in parenthesis following the distance of each race indicate track record, age of horse and weight carried. X Q PC A A FIKST RACE 5-8 Mile. 1:0052110. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidenc. OOOtfcfc Allowances. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C PS 634G22ZIPANGO w 105 10 5 2l lh 11 1 Treubel L Jones 2 16-53 3-5 out 631912WEBBER W 107 3 2 31 21 2l 25 D Riley W A Smith 10 13 12 3 3-2 63162 SPIDER WEB WB 108 S3 4 41 31 3b D Hall W E Walsh 12 20 17 5 S-5 03146 YELLOW TOP w 102 2 6 82 51 5k 4k Zurborg G W Morgan 100 200 100 40 20 63491 HANDSPIKE WS 104 5 7 , 72 7s 6 5 E KobinsnW C Overton 50 50 CO 15 G 629S8 JACK OMALLEY W 102 12 10 9l S1 92 62 Otis W 3 Brumfield 100 100 100 40 20 63435 TRUEPENNY w 102 9 1 11 3 4o 7 H Wilson L P Tarleton 100 100 100 40 . 20 CATHERINE II. w 102 11 4 51 Gl 72 8i D Austin E Corrigan 1 3-2 4-5 out BESSIE K1SER w 102 4 11 10 91 81 9"k Oregar A L and W Steele 50 100 100 40 20 63400 BEDRICE WB 102 7 9 12 13 13l 10 C Fisher D T Morris 40 60 40 15 G NEWT FISHER W 105 18 Gl 10 102 11 Gritllth II N McTylere 50 150 100 40 20 EMILY FRANCES W 109 13 13 131 122 122 122 Nicol AV C Fisher 10 17 15 f. 21 63372 LITTLE AVANDA w 107 15 12 11 11 1 ll1 132 Morgan" G L Macey 60 200 130-50 25 61795 VENETO W 102 14 14 14 142 14 142 C Morris AV V Reardon 100 150 100 40 20 MORALES AVB 10G C 15 15 15 13 15 Seder AV II Fizer 50 100 100 40 20 Time, 24, 47J, 1:01. AVInner 15. e, by Admonition Miss C. trained by L. Jones. AVent to post at 2:32. At lost 4 minutes. Start fair. AAon easily; second and third driving. Zipango, away forwardly and lucky throughout, wore down the leaders in the first quarter and had matters his own way thereafter, winning as his rider pleased. AVebler ran consistently and was a game contender the first live furlongs. Spider Web closed a gap from a slow beginning and was going fast at the end. Yellow Top ran a good race and was in forward contention for the first half. Handspike showed Improved form. Truepenny tired badly after going a half. Catherine II. ran green and will Improve. Scratched 03491 Tollgatherer, 105. Overweights Spider Web. 1 pound; Handspike. 2; Emily Frances, 2; Morales. 1. 3 O PC A PC SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 1 :12J 3 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olandui.ard. OQOttO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt Vj StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P 3 G3119 MINNIE JOHNSON W 5 103 15 1 l2 l2 l2 1 AV Allen Pratt Bros 100 150 100 40 20 G3524 MILL SONG w 3 91 6 S 71 51 51 2 D Riley C C McCafferty S 10 10 4 2 634G3 BLUCHER Ws 4 104 13 G 41 4l 4 3" E RobinsnJ Phillips 5 5 4 S-5 4-3 63133 DELSEBOSA W 6 100 3 2 2 2l 21 42 C Morris R K Lewis 20 50 40 15 S G349G LIBATION w 3 101 14 4 3 31 31 5 D Austin J AV Foreman S 10 9 31 3-2 G3492 SAGO WB 3 92 9 7 85 7 Si 61 Griffith F M Arthur 50 100 100 40 20 63103 JOHN A. SCOTT W G 110 11 5 51 G 62 7- Nicol Jones and Lusk S-5 3 13-53-2 7-10 63373 SEARCH ME WB 3 91 8 11 102 81 92 S2 Oregar L A Bonsack S 10 6 2 1 , 6322G FRANK BILL W 4 100 7 10 11 10 10 92 C Fisher C M Jaeger 40 40 40 12 G 62072 SONATA W 3 89 5 14 14 14 ll2 103 Heft-nan P Faut 40 73 75 20 10 549G2 WALTER DOUGLAS W 3 91 4 3 60 9 71 ll4 F IIbrandA Hatchett 60 200 100 40 20 63309 NICKIE w 3 90 2 9 92 ll2 12" 124 T Taylor S Hudson 25 50 50 20 10 63465 INSPECTOR GIRL wb 3 89 12 15 13 12 13 13s M Preston AV II Fizer 4 5 3 7-5 7-10 56S30 L1ZETTA S. Wii S 100 10 12 124 133 142 142 F Perrett H Dodson 20 100 100 40 20 634G3 LADY ETHEL W 3 92 1 13 1 5 15 15 15 Perkln3 B AMncent 40 60 60 25 12 Time. 24, 48, 1:15. Winner B. in, by G. W. Johnson Susan Jane trained by E. Pratt. Went to post at 3:03. At iost 7 minutes. Start bad. AVon driving; second and third the same. Minnie Johnson, away running and having much the best of the start, showed the most spe-d, but tired in the stretch and just lasted long enough. Mill Song, away poorly and badly handled, finished with a tremendous rush and was In front one stride beyond the finish. Blucher closed up ground steadily from a poor beginning and finished fast. Delsebosa had no mishaps and tired badly. Libation quit. John A. Scott ran a fairly good race only. The others were away too poorly to cut any figure in the result. Overweights Minnie Johnson, 5 pounds; Mill Song, 2; Blueher, 1; Libation, 3; Sago, 1; John A. Scott. 2; Nlckie, 1. d. O PC A i THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 1:002100. Purse 002-yearlds7Allowances. OOOdbO Net value to winner 00. , Ind Horses AWt PPSt "4 V2 ft StrFln Jockeys Owners O H C P B 6330SMILDRENE -W 110 5 1 1 ll ll l2 Nicol S K Hughes 2. 3 2 3-5 1-3 63162 FRICTION W 106 3 C 5 4 21 23 Abuchon S Louis 7" 8 . 7 S-5 3-5 63491 FRANK FLESHER W 99 4 2 7 62 3" 34 C Fisher John Marklein 7 8 S 2 7-10 63IG23JAAANESE WB 102 7 5 3nt 21 52 4l Griffith F Bruhns 10 15 15 4 G-5 G3462 SANDCATCHER W 97 2 4 4l 51 6 u F Perrett J D Xeet 60 100 100 20 10 63462 ALL ABLAZE WB 1011 6 7 G 7 7 G3 Treubel AV A Smith 50 60 DO 10 4 6333GMARGIE W 101 1 3 25 31 4 7 D Austin E Corrigan 1 7-5 1 1-2 1-4 Time, 23s, 47S, 1:01J, 1:08. AAMnner B. f. by The Pepper Mildred, by Deceiver trained by S. K. Hughes. AAent to post at 3:34. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second and third the same. Mildrene, away running, showed much the most speed and, aided by rough tactics on the part of Nicol, who interfered with all the contenders in the first half, came away in the final furlong and won well in hand. Friction, suffering from interference when going fastest in the stretch, ran a good Rice and finished gamely. Frank Flesher, almost thrown soon after the start, closed a tremendous gap and finished going fast. Javanese was badly interfered with and forced to go wide into the stretch, tired near the end and ran a good race. Margie was badly interfered witli and tired after going five furlongs. Scratched G3435Redgauntlet, 100. Overweights Mildrene, 1 pound; All Ablaze, 44; Margie, 2. ftQPIl 7 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:3S 3 1071. Purse 1906.sh00. 3-year-olds and up-vard. OOtlT: I Handicap. Net value to winner 50. Ind Horses AWt PPSt 4 Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C PS C3493ALMA DUFOUR w 5 119 4 4 3S 31 33 22 1 Nicol E Corrigan 6-5 7-5 C-5 1-2 1-4 63434 COTTONTOAAN WB 3 110 3 3 1 l2 l3 l2 2 D Austin P J Millett 5 G 51 7-5 1-2 63493-HARRY SCOTT W 3 105 5 C 4and 52 41 42 32 D Riley Lockart Bros S 13 12 3. 6-5 634342THE MINKS ws 3 101 2 7 7 7 7 62 4" Treubel D N Prewitt 10 13 12 4 6-5 G3493 TOM ROBERTS WB 3 104 1 1 62 62 Gl 5 5 E RobinsnApplegateandCofn 15 40 40 8 3J 63493 MAJ. T. J. CARSON W 5 102 7 2 23 22 2 3l 6 Abuchon Mrs E M Ross 10 13 12 4 7-3 C34932SHAAArANA w 5 104 G 5 54 A 5 7 7 Griffith Talbot Bros 5 51 31 1 1-2 Time, 24i. 48:, 1:13, 1:3!J. AVinner B. m, by Artillery Swanhilda trained by AA. AVhalen. AVent to post at 4:02. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Alma Dufour, skillfully ridden, was restrained In the early stages and moved up gamely after rounding the stretch turn and, rcsiMHidlng to hard urging, gradually wore down Cottontown and got up in the final stride. Cotton-town, clear of interference, dashed Into a long lead soon after the start and led under restraint for the first three-quarters, tired slightly in the stretch, but was kept hard at it and ran a good race. Harry Scott moved up gradually and finished well. Is in good form at present and will make uood soon. The Minks was badly outrun for the first half and finished fast. Tom Roberts also came fast after a slow beginning. Major T. J. Carson tired badly after going three-quarters. Shawana was interfered with by Major T. J. Carson on the first turn and was badly handled, but ran a poor race. Corrected weights Toni Roberts, 103. Overweights Tom Roberts. 1 pound. Q FIFTH RACE 7-8 Mile. 1:25 3 104. Purse 00. 3-year-olds nndupTvard. J OOrdbO Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt and ft StrFln Jockeya Owners OHO pg 62S13OUTAVAI W 5 110 10 3 11 2i ll l2 l3 Nicol J C Ferriss Jr 1-2 1-2 2-5 1-5 out 63492 DOESKIN W 7 104 11 G 4" 31 33 2 24 F Jost J C Tucker 30 40 30 S 3 634G3 VERANDAH W 4 102 9 5 22 lS 2 33. 3i M Preston C AV AVhlte 15 17 15 4 3-2 C3431 YACHTING GIRL WB 4 97 1 11 7s C2 52 4l 4y F Perrett H McCarren Jr 40 60 60 20" S 63399 PILLER WSB 4 104 5 4 82 S 7 7 51 E KobinsnJ AA Briggs 20 30 30 S 4 63405 MR. FARNUM w 6 106 7 7 9 92 S3 6" G3 D Riley C C McCafferty 30 50 50 12 4 634G1 HARLEQUIN WB 4 101 G 8 52 5" 6 5" 72 Otis AV Shobrook 100 200 150 40 20 63463 EXALTED W 4 104 4 1 31 41 42 S4 S3 Treubel J B Respess 3 I 5 3-2 7-10 61435 APRIL BIRD w 4 97 S 9 61 71 9s 10 91 AA"strand F Drawe 100 200 200 60 23 63405 SAM CRAIG WB 7 109 3 10 11 11 102 9" 10" Gullett AV A Conran 50 75 75 20 8 63121 MARASCHINO WB 7 106 2 2 102 10 11 11 11 D Austin Bruntz and HopkinslO 50 40 10 4 Time, 24. 48j. 1:13s, l:2Si. AVinner 15. m, by Omus Leonell trained by R. Cassady. AVent to post at 4:2!. At post 3 minutes. Start good. AVon easily; second the same; third driving. Outwai ran as if lie outclassed the others and won all thl way with plenty In reserve. Doeskin ran a -good race for her and steadily wore down A"erandah for second place. Aerandah was tiring fast after going a half. Yachting Jirl, away poorly, came fast near the end and is showing improvement. Piller ran a fairly good race. Mr. Farnum closed a gap, but tired in the filial furlong. Exalted quit badly in the last quarter. Scratched 03490 Whoa Bill, 109. Overweights Outwai, 1 pound. f Q PC A O SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 1:1233103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward" Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt StrFln Jockeya Owners O H C P B 63373 MARSH REDON W 4 103 7 4 3 21 1 1" D Austin E Corrigan 2 11-59-5 7-101-3 G3251 KOHNOFLAAA WS 3 92 5 1 11 11 2 2and Griffith E Alvey 3 4 3 7-5 3-5 63340 DOD ANDERSON W 5 103 3 3 4" 4 3- 33 Treubel AV Gabriel 2 4 3S 6-5 1-2 633242FIELD LARK w 3 89 2 2 2d 3i 41 43 M Preston J AV Pugh 3 6 51 2 4-5 627632BANPOSAL W 3 91 6 G 6s G4 5" 52 D Riley 15 Schreibor 30 30 30 7 3 6X529 IlEOLT w 6 111 4 5 5 5 6 62 E RobinsnV Gilbert 7 10 10 4 G-5 63197 REVEILLE wit 5 10S 8 S 75 7 7s 7s L Peters L Peters 60 200 150 40 20 61S52 ED EARLY wb 4 100 1 7 S S S S Perkins L T AVatcrs 60 100 100 40 20 Time. 24?. 4SS. 1:14. AVinner B. c, by Sam Lucas Afrique trained by W. Wlialen. Went to iHist at 4:58. At post 3 minutes. Start fair. AVon driving; second and third the ""ame. Marsh Redon, hard ridden all the way, followed the leaders close up hi the early running and. standing a hard drive gamely, got up in the final stride. Kohnotlaw, away running, showed the most speed ami, better handled at the end, would have won. Dod Anderson, away poorly and going wide for the entire trip, was gaining at the end and was probably best. Field Lark appeared to lie in tight quarters for the first half and was badly ridden for the entire trip. Banposal ran a fairly good race. Revolt had no mishaps. Scratched C3403Clyde, 113; 034303Alma Gardia, S9. Overweights Kohnotlaw. 1 pound; Banposal. 2. CO RT tT A SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. 1:3S 3 107J. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. OQOOU Selling. Net value to winner 00. Ind Horses AWt PPSt ft ft StrFln Jockeya Owners O H C P S 631G5TOPSY ROBINSON w 3 101 4 2 ll H l2 l2 l1 D Austin Oots Bros 1 1 1-2 1-3 out C37GRANADA 3 104 8 4 4"k 2" 31 2 21 F Perrett J H Shouldice G S 7 7-5 3-5 C3437 J. K. F. AV 3 100 9 9 S 71 5 41 33 D Riley C C McCafferty 20 23 20 6 2 634372ADESSO ws 3 99 6 3 62 G2 4h 54 41 Jost J Gass 12 17 13 5 2 634962BITTER BROWN w 3 93 2 1 21 3 2" 3H 54 Perkins J C Calm 20 20 20 6 3-2 62130 ORLINE w 3 103 3 6 5 5 6 62 G Treubel S K Hughes 4 8 S 3 1 G3497 PROTEUS wb 3 102 1 7 7" S2 S3 72 72 E Rice J AV ONeall 20 50 40 12 4 63529 MINNEHAHA WSB 3 92 7 5 3 4h 71 S2 81 M Preston W II Robinson 20 25 20 7 3 63467 TRIPLE SILVER W 5 102 5 S 9 9 9 9 9 C Fisher C E Burnett 40 100 75 15 6 Time, 245, ISj, 1:145, 1:41. AVinner Br. f, by Sempronius Spider trained by H. Oots. Went to post at 5:27. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won handily; second and third driving. Topsy Robinson, away fully in motion and clear of interference, .showed the most speed and won with plenty in reserve. Granada followed the early pace closely, but was tiring at the end. J. IC. F. ran to his best form, trailed far back In the early stages, but moved up resolutely on the stretch turn and, finishing fast, would have been second in a few more strides. Adesso went wide most of the way and ra a fairly good race under poor handling. Bitter Brown tired fast after going thret-quarters. The others were neyer serious contenders. Scratched 03497 Docile, 102; C3284Rublnon, 97; 03406 Arc Light, 105; 03433 Romany Rye, 9G.

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