Finds No Betting at Rockingham Park,: County Attorney, However, is Not in a Pleasant Frame of Mind-Oxford is Ailing, Daily Racing Form, 1906-07-11


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nNDS NO BETTING AT ROCKINGHAM PARK. County Attorney, However, Is Not In a Pleasant Frame of Hind Oxford Is Ailing:. Salem, N. II., July 10. County Attorney Ratch-?ldor paid another visit to Rockingham Park this :irternMn. He said he had received information that betting was being conducted at the track. He was told that he was welcome to seek evidence of it. He went over the spacious grounds and admitted that there was no apparent violation of the law. He was not in a good humor alxwt it, however, ami ileclared that he felt confident from stories told him that In some way such a thing was going on and that if it was not stopped, lie would arrest every liersou on the grounds. After issuing this proclamation the county attorney passed out of the front Kale, while the band struck up that popular ballad entitled "Why Dont You Try." As a matter of fact the Pinkertons have suppressed betting at the track and should the county attorney attempt lo put his threat Into execution an exciting time may Je looked for. Thirteen may be an unlucky number, but 1. L. Richards, of Boston, is not one who believes in the superstition. His chestnut filly Nellie Bum, winner of the National Guard Handicap of ,500 for three-vear-olds at one mile and a furlong, the days "feature, was named for a thirteen-year-old girl, and the illly won her first race today after finishing necond just exactly thirteen times. Nobody conceded her a chance with Zicnap and Penrhyn. The latter gave it up after half the distance had been traversed, whereupon Zlenap took command and, coming fast into the stretch, looked like the winner. Then Wiley went to work on Nellie Burn and lauded her winner by a neck. In the first race Cherry Blossoms became fractious at the post and unseating Mclntyre, bolted for the Iilnev woods. The start was made without her. After his "race last Saturday Jimmy McLaughlins liread winner. Oxford, contracted a bad cold, and now has a high fever. 1

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